"Come and help me set up a stall." Croissant said, "Anyway, you really want to help me, right?"


Recently, sometimes manuscripts have not passed the review, please forgive me... the author is also very sad... skirt~

Volume 45: Chapter 43 [-]. It's Got It, It's Got It!

"I don't know if I can ask for leave." Su Yun called Chen.

Chen on the other end of the phone said in an unnatural voice, "Su Yun, what are you calling for?"

"It's like this, I have something to do tomorrow, I want to ask for a day off..."



Su Yun was stunned, this, this is right?

"But I haven't given a reason yet..."

"No, you have a good rest, pay attention to safety, that's it, I'm busy, so hang up first."

As far as Chen is concerned, it is better for Su Yun to keep a distance from himself recently, otherwise they will not even have to be friends if they really investigate the stalking incident.

Su Yun didn't think too much... It's hard to think too much about this kind of thing. How can anyone hope that when he asks for leave, the leader will procrastinate?

Of course, the simpler the better!

the next morning.

Wearing a mask and sunglasses, Su Yun came to the agreed place.

In a relatively prosperous commercial street, there are many pedestrians coming and going. Whenever Su Yun sees so many people on the street, he will always have some doubts in his heart——

It's work time, right?

"Hey~~~ Su Yun, this way!"

Not far away, the Sakota girl waved her right hand and shouted excitedly. Beside her was a girl with plump hoofs, obviously a croissant.

"Kisong, right? I'm Su Yun, the sober Su, Yunduo's Yun, this is a belated self-introduction and meeting ceremony."

Su Yun handed Croissant a gift he carefully selected.

According to the files he had read, Croissant had a soft spot for doing business, so he gave him a tablet computer with an ink screen, which can be connected to external buttons, which is convenient for bookkeeping and protects his eyes.

In case of power failure, the last recorded interface can be saved like paper.

Not very expensive, but very thoughtful.

"I didn't expect you to be good at picking gifts. Can an angel help you choose?" Croissant smiled, "Tell me, where have you guys come to now? Have you kissed?"

Su Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You misunderstood, Neng Angel and I are just ordinary friends, not the kind of relationship you think."

"Oh, that's right." Croissant glanced at Neng Angel, hating that iron can't become steel.

She grabbed the energy angel and asked, "What about hers? You didn't prepare a gift for me alone, did you?"

Su Yun said: "I have thought about preparing it, but with my relationship with Angel Angel, giving gifts or something is a little bit different."


Croissant understands, this is the inner one, right?

Seemingly without gifts, the capable angel who was neglected by Su Yun actually has a unique and irreplaceable position in his heart!

Is that what you mean?

It's here!so sweet!

Croissant smiled on her aunt's face, and said: "Okay, let's set up a stall, today we sell—croissants!"

The small trolley was quickly opened by the croissant, revealing a variety of croissants with a strong smell of wheat ears.

"It smells so good." Su Yun couldn't help but said.

Croissant said triumphantly, "Hey, of course!"

"The rich aroma of wheat is mixed with the richness of milk. Did you get up this morning and make it fresh with fermented dough? Otherwise, the aroma would not be so strong, um... There is also a little low-gluten flour, which will make the bread taste Much softer."

Su Yun stretched out his hand to touch through the packaging bag, sure enough, it was warm.

Ke Song asked unexpectedly, "Did the angel tell you this?"

"No, I deduced this by myself. In fact, I quite like cooking food myself."

Su Yun's face under the mask showed a wry smile after being beaten by the house price.

"It smells so good! How much is a bag of your bread?"

As soon as the stall was set up, someone was attracted by the smell. The customer swallowed, wondering why it smelled so good, it was just a croissant?

When Neng Angel saw a guest coming, he put on a professional smile and said, "Croissants, fifteen Longmen coins per bag, how much do you need?"

"Fifteen? Why is it so cheap? Are you Hextech?" After hearing the price, the guest hesitated.

"Miss, why did we sell Hextech to you? Or do you suspect that I will frame you?" Su Yun took off his mask and sunglasses, showing an aggrieved expression.

The female guest obviously didn't expect that there was such a peerless handsome man standing next to her, and she couldn't even understand her words for a while.

"I, I'm not, I didn't...you...so handsome..."

"Then do you want to buy it?"

"Buy, I buy!"

"Thank you for your patronage~"

On impulse, the female customer bought ten bags of bread in one go, five bags in one hand, ending today's shopping ahead of schedule.

After seeing off the guests, Su Yun heaved a sigh of relief and turned around, just in time to see the stiff smile on Angel Neng's face.

"are you OK?"

Neng Angel said: "It's, it's okay, I just didn't expect that she would say that. Those breads were obviously cooked by Croissant in the morning..."

Su Yun comforted: "It's good to get used to it. What's more weird than this is, for example, my former leader, I worked overtime until nine o'clock at night, and he asked me to go to the toilet. I refused at that time, and he even threatened me. Get me fired."

Neng Angel asked curiously, "What happened later?"

Su Yun said helplessly: "That company was related to my graduation certificate. I was terrified at the time, so I took the initiative to protect the leader's son going to and from school, took a few photos and sent them to him, telling him that I gave in, and the leader was very supportive." Generous, take the initiative to make amends to me, and even raise my salary."

"...Is this a threat?"

"It's soft."

"Is it a threat?!"

"It must be softness." Su Yun said, "I even took the initiative to escort and lead the children to and from school. This is not softness, what is softness?"

Any angel can imagine that Su Yun is holding the child's neck with one hand, and still looks innocent.

Next to him, Croissant took the croissant and ate it with relish.

I don't know if the meal is a story of Su Yunnian, or an extremely young and talented angel in the face of love.

She felt that she was a bit redundant, so she said: "Su Yun, you and Angel Neng can help me look at the stall, I'll go to the toilet."

After all, Croissant ran away in a hurry, and then hid in a corner to observe them secretly.

——It's interesting to watch other people fall in love!

The mouth can lie, but the body can't. If the angel didn't have feelings for Su Yun, would she agree to my invitation to set up a stall?

I even asked for leave!

Croissant feels that he has earned a lot of money today. Not only does he not need to worry about the stall, but he also has a pair of CPs to eat.

Boring, I'm going to fast forward to naming the baby!

"Oh, I'm gone, I don't even know how much another croissant should sell for." Su Yun said.

"It's okay, I'll just teach you, I've been here with Croissant before!" Angel Neng wanted to show his reliable side.

Men and women match, work is not tired.

It's just that before the angels had time to impart their experience, a large number of customers flocked to the store.

Part of them were attracted by the sweet smell of the croissants, and part of them were because of the looks of Su Yun and Neng Angel.

No company's products will use a person with not very good looks as a spokesperson.

If so, it must be an advertisement for a plastic surgery hospital, and it was before the plastic surgery.


Tomorrow is the last day of bounties!Group 7, Ba, 6, [-], wife, [-]

Volume 46: Chapter 44 [-]. The rank of being an angel is too low

A female guest asked: "Handsome guy, what should I do if I eat your bread and my stomach hurts?"

Su Yundao: "You can go to the Guard Bureau to report it, or directly go to the court to sue, remember to prepare evidence."

The female guest said: "Hey, can't we mediate in private? It's very troublesome to go to the Guard Bureau and the court... Why don't you tell me your mobile phone number, if you have any questions, I can call you directly."


Su Yun originally wanted to give out Ke Song's mobile phone number, but now he realizes that he does not have Ke Song's mobile phone number, only one who can be an angel.

The female customer approached Su Yun step by step, her eyes full of longing for the man in front of her: "You won't even tell me your mobile phone number, how can I believe that the products on your booth are all right?"

But do you want a croissant?What you want to eat is my sausage bread... Su Yun complained in his heart.

Angel Neng stepped in, stood in front of Su Yun, and helped him out: "This is my mobile phone number. If you have a bad stomach because of our bread, please call this number."

"Little sister, is your number useful?"

"Whether it's useful or not, you'll know after you fight."

The female guest didn't want to talk to Angel Neng, so she skipped her and said to Su Yun, "Are you really unwilling to give me the number? I have something very important to tell you tonight. "

Is your "saying" serious?

Su Yun shook his head directly.

But even so, the other party still refused to give up, and instead gave Su Yun his business card.

"Call me if you want, I'm always available."

Croissant, who was peeping at "Neng Su" from the corner, let out a sigh of emotion.

This Su Yun is too scary, right?

At that stop, the flow of people has more than doubled than before. Although most of them are female customers who come for Su Yun, they are willing to spend money to make a good impression.

After all, it's only 15 yuan in total.

It is estimated that it will not be long before I can close the stall by myself.

At the same time, Angel Neng has no reason to continue contacting Su Yun.

Can angel, you ah!

Don't let that show off, you're forced to move away, just give it a go!What's the point of throwing all the skills on wild monsters?

As soon as they come over, they will open up, you don't even A, be careful that one day Su Yun will be snatched away, you will have nowhere to cry.

"Su Yun, I didn't expect you to be so popular." Angel Neng's tone was sour, with a feeling that his doll was about to be snatched away.

When he was wearing the mask, he was fine. As soon as he took off the mask, the women around surrounded him like bees smelling the fragrance of flowers.

"It's not that they like me, they're just greedy for my body, it's fine if I refuse." Su Yun said.

"Hungry for your body?" Angel Neng didn't react for a while.

Su Yun picked up a croissant.

The angel hasn't reacted yet.

Su Yun put the croissant into the two croissants, and then... pushed it in.

"This... she, they gave you the contact information, is it for this kind of thing?!"

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