"How?" Su Yun asked nervously.

Although he matched it according to the skin "will" that Eagle Horn painted for Texas, but this store is not called Eagle Horn, and almost does not have the same clothes and accessories.

So most of them were temporary DIYs from this store, and the leg rings were even bought from a store next door that specializes in cosplay clothes.

——I don’t know whose character the shop owner sells, there are so many kinds of leg rings.

"not bad."

Texas said sincerely, "The style of the Syracuse gang is obvious. Have you been to Syracuse?"

"No, I just met a few Rupers from Syracuse in Yan Kingdom."

"Then they must like you very much."

"Indeed... how do you know?"

Angel Neng hugged Texas, rubbed wildly, and praised: "So handsome, so handsome! Texas, you are so handsome! You can wear this suit from now on, don't wear the old one again. work clothes."

"Ahahaha..." Su Yun looked at the scene in front of him, and for a moment didn't know who was Ruper.

After being pushed away with disgust by Dexus, Nengtian said excitedly, "Is there any way for me to wear the hat?"

"..." You have to ask the gods in the basement of your church.

Texas said: "Don't embarrass him."

"I'm just asking... Forget it, I want to be similar to her."

Angels can also be like Texas, wearing a black windbreaker and walking in the dark.

Thinking about it, I'm in the second grade... Cough, he's so handsome!

What's more, she sees that Texas has it, and she wants to have it too...

Su Yun was a little embarrassed.

With the vitality of an angel, wearing cool colors will only make her look like a child stealing an adult's clothes.

Simply put, the temperament cannot be suppressed and it is not suitable.

Of course, Su Yun's EQ is not low enough to take the initiative to say "inappropriate".

Instead, it's a high emotional intelligence statement.

"You have better ones."

As soon as these five words were said, Neng Angel immediately gave up the cold style of Texas gangsters.

She is not a fool, if there is a better one, of course she should choose the better one.

Texas wears her skin - "Will".

Naturally, Angel also wears her skin - "urban rider".

I remember that this was the fashion linked by KFC and Tomorrow's Ark, and many doctors couldn't play it, including Su Yun.

But it's okay, now he has real people to play with.

——Why is this sentence so strange?

Over-ear headphones, black long sleeves, but the sleeves are rolled up, making her look like a free and unrestrained urban girl.

The white design sense of short-sleeved raincoat was used by Su Yun as a jacket, which faded the black of the black long sleeves. The hem of the raincoat was transparent, revealing Neng Angel's slender and straight legs.

"Why, why is it all like this style?" When Angel Neng came out of the dressing room, he was a little shy.

His legs were chilly, and they were still exposed to Su Yun's sight.

"It's beautiful." Su Yun said.

The Neng angel said: "Okay, does it look good?"

"Of course it looks good. If it doesn't look good, what am I going to do with all my effort?"

Although the practicality is a little worse than that of Texas, but her body is praised by Su Yun as beautiful!

Energy Angel's mood suddenly improved, and the sour emotions towards Texas just now disappeared.

The shopping guide at the side originally planned to help, but it turned out that Su Yun had covered all her work by herself.

"Check out if you can, how much?"

"Let me see... This set is one thousand and one, and this one is nine hundred and nine... I'll give you a discount, let's count it as two thousand."

"Swipe your card." Su Yun took out his bank card.

"Hey wait!" Angel Neng stopped him, "I asked you to help choose the clothes, so how dare I ask you to pay for it?"

The shopping guide lady said from the side: "Your girlfriend is quite virtuous, and I have been working here for a while, and I often see women throwing up and asking their boyfriends to pay for them, and they won't leave if they don't... Sigh , It really corrupts the image of women."

"Ahaha...that's it."

The energy angel bit the bullet, and paid the bill under the watchful eyes of Texas.

Volume 54: Chapter 52 [-]. The Kindness of the House in Texas (Reward Offered and More)

"Hum hum hum~"

After shopping for clothes, Angel Neng is in a good mood, with light steps, jumping and jumping on her dazzlingly white long legs, and with the halo on her head, she looks like an angel walking in the world.

And Texas and Su Yun who followed her were like bodyguards and attendants.

"It's really energetic." Su Yun said with emotion.

He is not very old, but his life now is just like that of his grandfather, going to bed early and getting up early, eating less snacks and drinking less drinks, and basically rushing to buy green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits and vegetables.

When I saw a long list of additives on the package, all I could think about were additives, so I hesitated and walked away.

Seeing such a happy angel, Texas couldn't help but stop, feeling a little tangled in his heart.

Because of the quarrel with her last time, Texas hadn't seen such a bright smile on Angel's face for a while.

Her heart is very tangled.

Leave it alone, for fear that the angel will be harmed by bad people;

If you manage too much, there will always be conflicts between the two.

"What's the matter?" Su Yun noticed that Texas stood still suddenly, and the light of thought flashed in his eyes.

Texas sighed: "If we meet for the first time, it would be great if you could behave a little better."

It's okay if she didn't say anything, but when she said it, Su Yun thought of Texas' "mother-in-law asked repeatedly" in the car at that time.

Are you an angel mom?

I feel like Neng Angel's older sister, Lemuian, can't control her so much.

"I can't be blamed if I don't have a car, a house, or a deposit. How long have I been in Longmen?" Su Yun rubbed his nose and smiled wryly, "Give me a little time, and I will prove myself. I have a deposit now, and the RV is only a matter of time."

"It's not this, it's about you being followed, have you caught it?" Texas said.

"Not yet, both Shi Huaiya and Chief Chen have asked, and the monitoring at that time is gone, I feel that they have something to hide..."

Su Yun scratched his head, originally he thought it was a very simple case.

Adjust the monitoring and check one by one. As long as there is monitoring, he alone can lock the suspect within half an hour, organize the arrest on the same day, and find out the truth the next day at the latest.

But whenever he wants to know the progress of the case, he will always encounter resistance of one kind or another. The colleagues in the Guard Bureau have their own affairs, so it's not good to bother them all the time.

Procrastinating and procrastinating, it has not been resolved until now.

Texas said: "If even Superintendent Chen can't do anything, then it means that the person who followed you has a lot of entanglements, and someone has suppressed you."

"No way, what kind of green onion am I? I'm just an ordinary..." Su Yun recalled his master, the person who wanted to take him as an apprentice, as well as the unit he belonged to and the gold content of the pure-blooded human race.

Well, not so ordinary.

Could it be that a high-ranking rich woman has taken a fancy to her?

But if you really have that ability, didn't you lock yourself in the basement a long time ago, and smash your pelvis hard?

Could it be because he was concerned about his own identity and didn't want to offend Wei Yanwu?

After being reminded by Texas, Su Yun suddenly thought of a lot.

Just as they were chatting, an angel suddenly pierced straight and sharply between them like a sharp knife, separating them.

"What are you talking about?"

The energy angel asked with a smile, facing Texas, he blocked Su Yun with his body.

"Just remind him, don't get Penguin Logistics involved in the vortex." Texas looked a bit disgusted, and wished that he would leave as soon as possible.

Su Yun didn't blame Texas for being wary and hostile towards him.

Put yourself in your shoes.

Suppose you have a younger sister. One day, the younger sister suddenly comes home with a handsome man who has no car, no house, no money, and is of unknown origin and has been followed.

He will be upset too.

Not to mention that the stalker can't even do anything to the city's Batman (Chen Huijie), who is suspected of being involved in a high-level game, which will affect people around him anytime and anywhere.

From this point of view, Texas is kind-hearted.

Want to put Su Yun aside, and bring back a man with his sister?

Break his dog legs that day!

Dare to stop her and interrupt her. If you don't learn well at a young age, you will fall in love like a man?Don't you know that Ga Yaozi doesn't use anesthetics?

Seeing Texas's attitude towards Su Yun, which was as hostile as ever, Angel didn't know whether he was happy or unhappy.

Can't Texas agree to the contract to go to the Northwest Snowfields while remaining hostile?

Angel Neng's heart was a little confused, she wanted to change the environment, so she suggested: "Okay, come out and play, don't talk about these unhappy things, let's go to the movies, there are a lot of Colombian blockbuster movies released recently."

Texas said: "I don't care."

Su Yun followed suit and said, "Let's go then."

When I came out to play today, Neng Angel obviously did her homework. The cinema in Pacific Place did show many good movies.

Romance movies, action movies, science fiction movies, doomsday movies...

There are so many beautiful things in eyes, Su Yun's eyes are dazzled.

"Leitania, Columbia, Victoria, Yan Guo, and the directors of Longmen, there are too many."

"Which one are you looking at?"

"It all looks good..."

The three fell into a difficult choice, Su Yun and Texas resolutely gave up the right to choose, and handed over the problem to the angel.


Can Angel hesitated for a while on the romance movie, and finally chose a horror movie, and then got three consecutive tickets.

When giving the ticket, Angel Neng thought a little bit carefully and sat himself in the middle, separating Texas and Su Yun.

Seeing that Texas and Su Yun didn't say anything, Angel Neng heaved a sigh of relief. It was the first time he had done this kind of thing since he was a child, and he was really a little guilty and unskilled.

"I'm going to buy something to drink, what do you want?" Su Yun asked.

Neng Angel said: "She wants coffee, I want milk tea, my milk tea..."

Su Yun and Neng Angel suddenly pointed at each other and said in unison: "Put more sugar."

Then the two laughed because of their tacit understanding.

Texas stood in the middle, watching them pointing at each other's hands, and suddenly had an urge to leave.

Unexpectedly, an angel hugged her and led her into the arena first.

"Texas, shall we play this too?"

"Need not."

"Hey, it's obviously very interesting."

"Are you a child?"

Maybe it was because there were too many good movies in the same period, and it was really difficult to relax yourself with horror movies. When the movie started, only half of the people were seated.

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