
Texas counted silently, and sighed heavily in his heart. It seemed that the clothes really couldn't protect him.

In the dimly lit underground garage, you can hear the sound of needles falling quietly. Everyone is breathing heavily for oxygen, tensing their muscles, and getting ready for a fierce battle.

Although on the surface it seems that more than 20 people are against one person, the advantage lies in them, but the other party is Texas, and she took the opportunity by mistake...

"Selling beer, drinks, peanuts, and melon seeds~ Please take it away... I told you to take it away, why are you so unqualified?"

The original tense atmosphere disappeared in this call, and it was impossible for everyone to deal with it.

Gang fights!

Can you be more serious? !

How about a little respect for their work?

After hearing the man's voice, Texas' body froze suddenly, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

No way?

"Boss, what should I do with this person?"

A handsome young man was grabbed by the strong Lupus and pushed to the side of the man.

The hot man took a look, isn't this Su Yun?

I thought it was a man he couldn't get, but I didn't expect it...

"Him? Let's take it as a prize. If we win today, then he will be mine." The man said as he reached out to touch Su Yun's face.

"Don't touch him!"

Texas shouted at Su Yun, "What are you doing here?! Shouldn't you be watching a movie?"

Texas was embarrassed, as if he had been stripped naked in front of Su Yun.

The things you most want to hide are seen by the people who should least be seeing them.



Go and can angels walk in the sun.

In a dark and cold corner, she is enough alone.

The man was surprised by Texas' violent reaction, and then...he was even more excited!

"Texas, so this is your little Bailan? Hahahaha!"

The man in Texas fell into his hands, and he couldn't help but be enjoyed by him, and he could humiliate her man in front of her. Is there anything more exciting than this?

To be honest, he's already bokied!

The man stretched out his hand and wanted to lift Su Yun's clothes: "Come on, let me know how you look."

Su Yun shyly said: "No..."

"Don't worry, I will take good care of you~"

"I said no!"

Just when his dirty hands were about to touch him, Su Yun broke free from the shackles of the person behind him, put his hands on the shoulders of Boss Nantong, and smashed two eggs with his knees.

Commonly known as: Depressed Ecstasy Broken Egg Knee Strike.

Does it sound good?What sounds good is good balls.

Unfortunately, it is broken.

The sudden sound of broken eggs in the silent underground garage made almost everyone's legs tighten and their faces hurt.

It was like Su Yun's kick, attacking with group spirit.

"Why don't you hold on to him?!" The man fell to the ground, clutching his hands.

Don't dare to speak loudly, for fear of pain in the balls.

He couldn't figure out why his subordinates let go all of a sudden! !

"He, he shocked me!" The subordinate explained, but it didn't help.

What should be kicked has already been kicked, Su Yun is already happy.

Dead Nantong, dare to miss my chrysanthemum?deserve it!

Just when he was about to make amends, Su Yun was grabbed by Texas and protected him behind him.

Gray Wolf's expression was solemn, and he secretly thought that something was wrong.

Besieged by more than 20 people, she couldn't even protect herself from the new clothes Neng Angel bought for herself, let alone Su Yun, who was alive.

"What are you doing here?!" Texas couldn't help but said, "If you get hurt somewhere, how can I explain to Angel?"

Are you sent by God to bully me? !

The relationship with Neng Angel, which was finally eased, seems to be completely broken...

Su Yun said: "Let me help you, it's not good if the newly bought clothes get dirty."


"Yes, it's me."

Putting palms together and forming seals, terrifying thunder gathered in his palms, and there was a faint sound of thunder.

Volume 57: Chapter [-] Successfully entered the rankings and offered a reward.

At one o'clock in the morning, after confirming that all the chapters have been sent out, the author of the dog exited the APP and wanted to sleep, but because of nervousness, he couldn't sleep, so he swiped for a while.

Before the alarm clock rang this morning, the word "championship" flashed in his mind, and he got up from the bed like a fish struggling.

Entering the APP, everything is the same, but when touching the "click" list, the fingers paused, and then pressed down cruelly.

Fortunately, you are kind to me.

The third place on the click list, this is where I was when I got up at six o'clock, but after I had breakfast, it became the second place on the click list.

I know that the big brother below is stronger than me, and I also know that I can't overtake the big brother in front, and I will definitely be overtaken severely in the end, it's just a difference in the number.

But so what?I've been here, took screenshots, and won't be fooled.

There is no treasure chest, no PY, clean and tidy, relying on your support, editor's recommendation and the five shifts in the early morning, I went up, and that's enough.

Without further ado, the unlimited rewards will start right away!

200 monthly tickets plus one chapter;

200 blades plus a chapter;

5000 recommendation tickets plus one chapter;

5000 reward plus a chapter.

↑There is no upper limit for all!

The deadline is NO.16 at ten o'clock in the evening.

Some people may say, oh, dog author, good morning, have you eaten yet?I've eaten it, well, I rnm (words are correct), why is the reward quadrupled this time compared to the last time?

Dog Author: Hee Hee, Cowardly (●—●)

There are still six chapters to be finished, what if the sixty chapters come, I have to die on the keyboard?

But to give you a chance, let me set up a special rule.

Anyone who can post a full stop in the inter-book post or book review area before midnight tomorrow will be rewarded with a hundred more!

Well, it's over, I'm moving bricks.

Come on everyone, I wish you a bright future.

Volume 58: Chapter 55 [-]. Human Traffickers

Su Yun's hair and sleeves were windless, smiling at the gangsters surrounding them.

Machetes, steel rods, daggers, swinging sticks... Tsk tsk tsk.

Still densely standing together.

Strangers don't use the hand of God to beat you.

"Heart and Thunder God are one and the same, I am Thunder God, and Thunder God is me—Chu Lei!"

Su Yun tapped the void with two fingers, a thunder dragon roared in the alley, and the sound of the dragon's chant echoed in his ears, deafening.

The dragon's body was divided into two parts, two parts into three parts, bouncing back and forth on people except Su Yun and Texas, like a living thing.

If you react faster and throw away the metal weapon in your hand, you will be shocked to the point of being incapacitated at most.

As for the others who obviously didn't learn well in the nine-year compulsory education, they all saw Su Yun using the thunder method and holding the steel rod tightly, and they deserved to be stunned by the electric shock.

The electric light gradually faded, and more than half of the more than 20 people lost their combat effectiveness, and the remaining few were more or less damaged.

Originally, they were very reluctant to defeat Texas, but now they can declare failure.

"I just said, how can the person Texas is looking for be a vase? You are worthy of her!" The man barely stood up from the ground, expressing his affirmation to Su Yun.

Because of being knocked to the ground just now, he dodged the thunder dragon instead.

"Eh... Actually, she and I are not even friends." Su Yun said.

"Then do you want to join us? I can take the position of the boss..."

"Stop, stop, stop...!"

Not to mention that Su Yun himself doesn't like gangsters.

Taking a step back, even if you do it yourself, it is impossible to choose an organization that once thought about chrysanthemum olives.

"How do they deal with it?" Su Yun, who didn't know the rules, asked Texas.

"Throw it here," Texas said.

I believe that after they have endured a severe beating, they will not come to harass me again.

It was Su Yun's performance that surprised her.

Lei Fa, there is no doubt that it is the Great Flame Thunder Fa.

When she was still in Syracuse, she had heard of the Great Flame Thunder method.

Different from ordinary lightning power stone skills, the pure Great Flame Lightning Technique has the special effect of exorcising evil and destroying demons, and has many different ways of using it.

It can even be used without origin stones!

If the origin stone skills of this land are divided into three, six or nine grades, the Great Flame Thunder Technique is undoubtedly the first grade.

Apart from its infinite power, what is even more enviable and coveted is the identity and status represented by the Great Flame Thunder Law!

If it wasn't for the lack of dragon horns on Su Yun's head, Texas would have suspected that he was Prince Dayan, or the heir of a certain prince.

But even if there is no dragon horn, his status in Dayan must be very extraordinary!

But with such an identity and status, why do you say that you have no car, no house, no money?

Is it because you have to wait decades to inherit?

For a while, Texas was full of thoughts.

Until a voice interrupted her train of thought.

"Twenty thousand for one person, I don't want more."


Texas took a closer look, and Su Yun took out a plastic bag from his pocket, shook his head, and opened his mouth so that it was convenient to collect money.

"I blocked my friend's friend, and you still want to get out? Just cut your fingers, it's too bloody, and it's not too much to pay 2 yuan for your life, right?"

"Not too much, not too much..."

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