Angel Neng let out a long sigh of relief in his heart, secretly rejoicing.

Fortunately, Su Yun didn't hear it clearly, otherwise she would have planned to erect a monument in the cemetery in the central area of ​​Longmen, with the words "The Tomb of Leimule's First Love" written on it.

Seems weird?

"Uh...why do you keep your head down? To be honest, from just now, the fluorescent light on your head has been shining so hard that I can't keep my eyes open."

Su Yun was afraid of the sun, so he shaded it with one hand.

"Actually, it's nothing, just a little makeup..."

Angel Neng summoned up the last ounce of courage in his body, raised his head in front of Su Yun, and revealed his appearance after makeup.

On the way to the Guard Bureau, she got the affirmation of Mary, the envy of her daughter and the astonishing eyes of many people.

She also knows that the current self is much better than the previous self.

However, women are for those who please themselves.

If Su Yun doesn't like it, all this will be meaningless.

Seeing the beautiful face in front of him, Su Yun was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help asking: "Are you really an angel?"

"Yes, is it that exaggerated?" Angel Neng shyly grabbed a strand of hair beside her ear, rubbed her legs uneasily, and the black silk made a slippery rustling sound.

"No exaggeration, this makeup is really pretty."

Even though Su Yun has countless qualifications in reading women, he must not admit that the makeup on Neng Angel's face is definitely from the hands of an expert.

He is familiar with makeup, and the upper and lower limits of this craft are extremely outrageous.

Playing well is called strength and beauty;

If you don't play well, it's called returning to the big group.

Makeup looks good... he said makeup...

Angel Neng's eyes were gradually dimming, and there was a bit of bitter grievance in his heart.

It's just that Su Yun, who was a little excited, didn't notice, but said to himself:

"The amazing thing about this makeup is that it raises you from a nine-point beauty to a 9.5 point. Don't underestimate this 0.5 point. You know, when your god created you, he gave you too much preference." , if the make-up artist is not skilled enough, it will easily be self-defeating and reduce you from nine points to eight points, or even seven points."

The invisible flirt is the deadliest.

At this moment, the angel's brain can run at full capacity, analyzing what Su Yun said.

He praised his "makeup" because he thought he was too good-looking, and he was already close to the ceiling of human beauty, and there was not much room for improvement.

On the basis of this, the painter can still forcefully increase by 0.5 points, that's why he praised the "makeup" as good-looking.

In other words, this makeup is actually a bench, and she can make an angel stand on the bench.

The higher the bench, the taller the person.

"Hey hey hey..."

After sorting out the logic of the front and back, the angel could not help but let out a smirk.

Texas held his forehead speechlessly, isn't it too innocent to be an angel?

Just a compliment?Don't even ask, what if it is a percentage system?

Still have to watch her.

"It's a percentage system."

Su Yun said: "Oh, ten points, but there is no such thing as a ten-point girl, because everyone will meet the one he (she) in his or her mind, and he (she) must not marry unless she, he or she must marry."

This set of words was heard by Su Yun when he was wandering in nightclubs and bars. He thought it made sense, so he wrote it down.

The 9.5-point scale is "If she doesn't want to marry", then I have a score of [-]... the smile on the corner of the angel's mouth is getting more and more rampant, and it's not like squatting on my knees because "Su Yun doesn't answer my phone, does he not want to see me?" Decadence and autism on the ground.

Texas, who paid silently behind the scenes and witnessed the whole process, just wants to say:

Oh, woman.

It's just a little compliment, but you actually laughed like this, don't say I know you when you go out in the future!

"But why did you put on makeup all of a sudden?" Su Yun asked.

If the angel asks him out to play on Saturday and Sunday, he will raise a little bit of vigilance to show respect for the pelvis and waist.

But now it's a working day, and he's working hours, and they didn't say hello in advance when they came... No matter how you think about it, it's impossible to come to the conclusion that the angels are wearing makeup for themselves.

"This... that..." The energy angel cast a look of help at Texas.

She can only speak hard, she really can't lie.

"The infected mother made it for her. We're here to tell you some good news."

Texas was too lazy to lie, she chose to change the subject directly.

Although it is very strong, but because it is a business, no one will find it strange.

Su Yun asked: "What good news?"

"The good news is..." Texas half-spoken and elbowed Angel.

It was only then that the energy angel realized that they were here to do business.

"Ahem! The good news is that Texas agrees to the contract... Whoops!"

With a black line on his face, Texas withdrew his fist and said flatly: "All the front-line employees of Penguin Logistics agreed."

Don't make it sound like she deliberately stuck with Su Yun's contract.

"Thank you, Texas."

Facing Su Yun's warm and sunny smile and sincere thanks, Texas just said: "It's just work."

"Also~ The boss is going to lend you 100 million yuan with an interest of only 2%." Neng Angel said, "Also, the boss asked us to tell you that the Northwest Snowfield is too big. You need to determine the exact location of the target, otherwise it will be very difficult for you." It might be a waste of time."


Before Su Yun had time to be happy, he started to worry about new problems.

It's not new either, mainly because this issue has been put on hold by him.

At the moment, Talula is still fighting guerrillas with Daddy (Bozhuo Kasti)'s guerrillas in the Northwest Snowfield.

They themselves don't necessarily know where they are, so how can Su Yun find them?

there's always a solution to any problem.

Fortunately, Su Yun was not unprepared.

"I'm leaving first, I have to repair the phone." Su Yun patted the "brick" on his hand.

I have a headache. When I woke up this morning, the phone was still fine. When I was fishing, the screen suddenly went black, and then I couldn’t turn it on again. I don’t know what’s wrong.

He also came down from upstairs to fix his cell phone.

——Don't ask why you don't go to the colleagues in the technical department, because he usually looks at rustling things when he fishes.

If he was discovered, his career as a member of the Guards Bureau would be over.

It turned out to be like this... Can Angel dispel the last grievance in his heart.

When she looked at Su Yun, her winking eyes were like silk, her eyes were like water, and her eyes became more and more infatuated.


The screenshots are uploaded, there is a little more in the east and a little more in the west, and the fourth chapter is ready.

I will ask for a little less and a little more for the reward next month.

Hello everyone is really good.Group 6&'2⑧7716一[-]

Volume 74: Chapter 70 [-]. Sir Chen's Desire to Control Gradually Increases

The energy angel came back to his senses and pushed Texas forward to block his delicate blood-red cheeks.

At the same time, he asked: "How much do you think Texas can score?"

"Of course it's nine points, what do I need to say?" Su Yun looked at Texas and smiled.


Texas was noncommittal about Suyun's rating.

She is nine points, and I am nine points?

Just nonsense.

Why don't you just say that Angel Neng and I are both your wives?

Anyway, as soon as he touched his lips, he said it.

She doesn't care about this kind of thing at all.

Before Angel and Dexas left, they helped Su Yun get an unsecured and unsecured low-interest loan, and then Su Yun handed over the 80 in his pocket and waited for Penguin Logistics to notify when it was ready Go to the Northwest Snowfield.

Anyone who knows a little about finance and law will be so angry when they see their operations, their blood pressure will soar.

On the one hand, the million-dollar loan will come down on the same day, the efficiency of usury, the interest of charity, and no mortgage or guarantee.

On the other side, the money was directly transferred to a bad company without an invoice or receipt.

Back in the car, the satisfied Neng Angel regained his former vitality: "Texas, what do you have for lunch? Sweet flower stuffed chicken or Origin Stone worm rice bowl? Hey, why are you blushing?"

"I'm mad at you."

Texas started the car and drove away.

Hurry up, can angel, hurry up, if you don't hurry up, she can't guarantee what will happen after that.



"Why did you ask for leave to go out again? Your injuries are not healed yet."

Chen looked at Su Yun's leave note, his eyebrows frowned into a Sichuan character, and his delicate face was full of displeasure.

Her appearance is actually quite delicate and gentle, full of affinity.

Anyone who has seen her smile knows this, but few people have seen her smile.

In most people's memories, Superintendent Chen of the Guards Bureau has always been a hasty, unsmiling, stern, but extremely efficient strong woman.

Because only in this way can she restrain the people under her command, enforce orders and prohibit them, and better maintain the law and order of Longmen.

Otherwise, it will only be a mess of scattered sand.

But fierceness is not useful to everyone, such as Su Yun, he does not accept this trick.

He is well versed in fishing in the workplace, he was submissive before he joined the job, and he was idle after joining the job.

Recently, I almost asked the dog group friends for pictures in front of Chen.

"No, I don't approve, you have to stay in the Guard Bureau for me today!"

After the incident in the underground garage, Chen's control over Su Yun has been significantly strengthened, and he is no longer willing to let him out of his sight.

But Su Yun is a free person, a noble person, a person who will do anything to achieve his goals, and is more dog than a dog.

"It's okay, I can find Shi Huaiya, I believe that the kind and generous Shi Huaiya will give her poor subordinates a full half-day vacation."

The witty Su Yun had already discovered that although he has two leaders and has two jobs, he only needs one leader's approval to ask for leave!

It may be difficult to take a day off, but it is easy to take a half day off.

Because Chen was willing to approve the leave in the afternoon, Shi Huaiya would also be happy to let Su Yun take a nap in the morning.

If Su Yun was a little bit more stupid and put together two leave slips, wouldn't that be a day off?

"and many more!"

Hearing that Su Yun was going to find Shi Huaiya, Chen suddenly became anxious.

What is a kind and generous poem Huaiya?

Bah, she deserves it too? !

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