Why are you so nice to me?

Say, do you mean that to me? !

Chen explained: "Although the Guard Bureau has a canteen, it can't meet everyone's needs. Therefore, when Chief Wei built the dormitory, he specially divided some dormitories with their own kitchens for some police officers with special needs."

"So that's the case, Chief Wei really has a vision."

Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, thinking whether he was too sensitive.

It is also a good thing to have a kitchen. Just now, while everyone was working, he sneaked out to cook a meal by himself. The taste was acceptable, but because of the big pot of dishes, the taste and heat were a bit off. In the future, he can cook for himself when he has a chance. Open a small stove.

"Also, your position and work position have also been confirmed." Chen looked down at the file, "Just be an assistant in my office."


Su Yun blinked, suspecting that he heard it wrong: "Mr. Chen, what did you say? I didn't hear clearly just now."

"Oh, your position and work position have been confirmed. The position is my assistant, and the work position is over there."

Chen pointed to the desk, chair, and computer that had already been moved in on the left.

"I have to say that you came just in time. I always felt that the office was too empty and wasted a lot of space. It's much better now."

"No, no, no... No, assistants or something, shouldn't they be sitting outside?"

Su Yun tried to save himself.

It's not that he hasn't watched "Stones;Gate". At first, Okamoto and his assistant Makise Kurisu hated each other, but later they fell in love with each other and wanted to die or live.

If it was really like Shitoumen, he would reluctantly accept it.

But Su Yun is a zero.

Because zero multiplied by any number is zero, any script falling into his hands will become a basement pelvic fracture script.

Especially Chen's race is dragon.

No one understands the physical differences of the Terra race better than Su Yun. He has felt their bodies hundreds of times with a negative distance, and the conclusions he draws are absolutely reliable.

Generally speaking, the physique of almost every race is stronger than that of a pure-blooded human, but the differences between different races are quite large.

For example, Film and Li Boli are so strong that they are relatively limited.

Luper, Pello and Fengtu will be difficult to compete.

Like Vajvans, ghosts, dragons...

Su Yun didn't want to spend his lower body in the wheelchair yet.

Not to mention, the dragon's name was Chen Huijie, and it was just a comatose humanoid monster after being hit by a shell in the front.

Children only have one wife at a time, and adults only worry about whether they can get out of bed and go to work the next day.

Or, is there a bed?

Chen wondered, "How can you help me while you're sitting outside?"

She is not as complicated as Su Yun thought. In order to improve work efficiency, it is unrealistic to do everything by herself.

Combined with Su Yun's actual situation, such as staying away from women, Ye Luzi's background, and not having much work experience.

It's not good to go out to perform tasks, it's just good to start with yourself.

"But...I...you..." Su Yun pointed to himself and then to Chen, the meaning was obvious.

Charm is a passive skill, he can't turn it off.

"Heh, do you think I will fall in love with you?" Chen laughed.

Of course, she also considered this question.

Su Yun, who is fully fired, can indeed shake her mind to a certain extent, but it is only a shake. Let alone Su Yun in a normal state, Su Yun can make her fall in love with him, and the Chixiao Sword will be given to him as a dowry !

Moreover, when she was catching the prisoner just now, she was keenly aware that her sword was sharp and sharp, and her strength had improved slightly compared to her previous self.

If she guessed correctly, it was because she forcibly got rid of Su Yun's influence, and Jianxin was tempered.

The Akasaka Sword, which is a little more unsheathed than before, also testifies to this conjecture.

A powerful swordsman needs more than a sword that cuts iron like mud and shocking swordsmanship.

There must also be an indestructible sword heart.

An enemy's sword has already been pointed between his eyebrows, so he must hold the hilt firmly and show the heart of the sword to him!

For the sword, she has Chi Xiao, and she is not afraid of all famous swords in the world.

She was taught swordsmanship by Wei Yanwu, and she has been practicing day and night for more than ten years, and she has already perfected it.

Only the last and most important sword heart still needs to be honed.

Although I don't know why, Su Yun can help her hone Jianxin, but I'm sorry, since she found out, don't try to escape.

Chen is a very greedy woman. She wants to change the situation of infected people in slums and promote the implementation of the new living law for infected people;

She wanted Tallulah back;

There are so many things she wants to do.

But her strength is far from being able to bear this greed, so...

Sorry, Su Yun, I want you to help me practice.

Chen looked at Su Yun's busy figure at the work station, and apologized from the bottom of his heart.

As compensation, she gave Su Yun the large dormitory that was originally only available to the leadership of the Guard Bureau, and she also lied that it was Wei Yanwu's foresight.

——He has a fart foresight. At the beginning, Mrs. Wenyue just mentioned it casually, and someone changed the drawing overnight.

Chen remembers that night, she was hiding under the covers and reading the latest martial arts novel, but she was caught, not to mention a reprimand, and the novel was confiscated.


Volume 8: Chapter 8 [-]. If you don't fish at work, it means you don't go to work

As for being attracted to Su Yun like that female suspect, falling in love with him...

Chen can only say that her sword heart just needs to be tempered, it is not as brittle as paper.

Su Yun looks really good, but it doesn't mean that he will definitely like him!

As the next prospective Akasaka Sword Master and the quasi-senior Superintendent of the Guards Bureau, Chen has this confidence.

What Chen didn't know was that Su Yun was naturally charming.

Aphrodisiacs still take a certain amount of time to take effect, let alone sensuality.

Seeing Chen's confident appearance, Su Yun couldn't say anything, he could only comfort himself.

Just in case, she cared about herself, and wanted to start the plot of the basement and the broken pelvis, it would take a long time!

Such a long time is enough to discover and study it by yourself, and then run it.

Don't be so sensitive.

Being sensitive in bed is fun, being sensitive at work is neurotic.

Don't keep imagining that beautiful girls will like you, no one will like you!

After hypnotizing himself, Su Yun began to integrate into the Guard Bureau and worked diligently.


During lunch break, Chen called her team members over:

"Let me introduce to everyone, this is Su Yun."

Su Yun took a step forward and bowed slightly: "Hi everyone, I'm Su Yun, the sober Su, Yun Duo's Yun, from Yan Country, and like singing, dancing, rap, and basketball."

"It's a bit frightening to say, I'm going to be Chief Chen's assistant starting today. This is my first time working, so I'm bound to be a little nervous and lacking. Please bear with me..."

"By the way, I've brought some specialties from Yan Country, I hope everyone likes them."

After speaking, Su Yun delivered boxes of beautifully packaged gift boxes to his colleagues.

"Do you have mine?"

Hoshiguma, who was tall, with long green hair and a single horn on his forehead, came over and joked.

She stopped by to see Lao Chen's new team members. Unexpectedly, Su Yun nodded: "Yes."

A box of gifts was stuffed into Xingxiong's palm, it was heavy.


The exquisite gift box in her hand made her a little bit at a loss.

I was just joking, why did it really happen?

"Ahaha... I was just joking."

Hoshiguma wanted to put the things back. As an old man in the bureau, she was really embarrassed to accept things from people when they met for the first time.

But Su Yun said: "Sir, you can just accept it, it's just some Yan country specialties, and besides, as a sir, you don't want me to be unable to send out a meeting gift, do you?"

Now, the pressure came to Hoshiguma.

"Xingxiong, just accept it." Chen Ye said, she found Su Yun more and more pleasing to the eye, who doesn't like a good-looking, thoughtful, and sociable assistant?

Of course, the liking here refers to the way the boss views his subordinates, regardless of gender.

"Su Yun, let me introduce you. This is Hoshiguma, an elite operator of the Special Operations Team. Hoshiguma, this is my assistant, Su Yun."

"Hi Su Yun." Xingxiong accepted the gift and stretched out his right hand.

Su Yun shook hands with her and smiled shyly, "Hello, Mr. Hoshiguma."

Xingxiong joked: "Old Chen, where did you find that assistant? It's really good, it's a waste to give it to you, why don't you transfer it to the special operations team."

"Whenever I am the team leader, I will take him there."

"Stingy. Back to work."

Xingxiong patted Su Yun's shoulder and encouraged him, "Come on."

"I promise to live up to Chief Hoshiguma's expectations!"

——This is just a saying, if you don't fish when you go to work, it means you don't go to work.

Su Yun was suddenly embarrassed and said: "That... Chief Xingxiong, can you tell me your mobile phone number? It's private."

"It's okay, but what do you want me to call?"

"I'm just a newcomer, and there are many things I need to learn from my predecessors."

Su Yun flattered a little: "I heard that you were in the Guard Bureau when Chief Chen first joined the job, so I want to learn something from you. After all, Chief Chen is usually very busy, and I don't want to be a her burden."

What a sensible newcomer!

Xingxiong was a little moved. These days, there are not many outstanding young people like Su Yun who are polite, calm, thoughtful, well-spoken, have gifts when they meet, and who are dedicated to sharing their worries.

If he falls into Missy's hands, he may be able to show off to Lao Chen three times a day.

Tsk tsk tsk, Lao Chen really found a treasure.

"Just call me Ghost Sister, just ask me if you don't understand anything."

"Thank you ghost sister!"

If Su Yun knew what Xingxiong was thinking, he would definitely say that the misunderstanding is all misunderstanding.

The reason why he behaved so well and sent gifts to people was purely because he hoped that one day, if he had another seat in the basement, everyone present would be able to fish him out.

——Just take it as a psychological comfort.

I asked for Xingxiong's mobile phone number, of course, to enable parental monitoring and set it as an emergency contact.

Chen came to him abruptly and asked, "What did you talk to Xingxiong just now?"

"I asked for her mobile phone number, and I can ask her if there is anything I don't understand in the future."

"You can ask me."

"But I heard from them that you are usually very busy at work."

"I'm talking about the phone number!"

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