Most of the infected people accidentally contracted ore disease because they worked in places where they were in close contact with Originium products for a long time. As long as Longmen is willing to restore their civil rights, I believe they will still be willing to come back.

As for the criminals, needless to say, they are the least in number and stubborn.

Fortunately, they are not like infected people, and they are not worthy of sympathy. When the time is right, Chen can just lead someone to take them away.

This tactic is called pulling wages from the bottom of the pot. I am afraid that the big and small gangsters who ruled the slums did not expect that Su Yun and Chen's thoughts were so vicious, and they actually wanted to improve the treatment of the infected and restore their civil rights.

However, this aboveboard conspiracy is like a rolling stone on a high mountain. Once it starts, no one can stop it.

Su Yun paused, and then said: "But before that, you have to create a soil suitable for the survival of the infected. Their requirements are really not high, as long as you convince them, you can let them live with dignity Live, and they will follow you like dead men."

In the main storyline, Tallulah is like this, forcibly born in the Northwest snowfield with nothing, ignited a prairie fire, carried the flag, and pulled up a team composed of infected people.

A drowning person, even if it's just a straw, he will hold on tightly!

Chen Dao: "Thank you for your explanation. I should be glad that I didn't see your weak face and drove you back to Yan Kingdom, otherwise I would regret it to death."

A dude who was hollowed out by wine and sex. (×)

Having a tutor, self-restraint, good looks, and good looks and wisdom can not only make the suspect speak the truth, but also help sharpen the sword's heart. He has an eye-catching insight into the situation of Longmen and even Taila. (√)

Whenever she felt something was wrong and wanted to refute, Su Yun could always produce a bunch of investigation reports, citing scriptures, and convincing people with reasoning.

"It's all over, let's have a good chat. How is Superintendent Shi Huaiya doing today? She told you to wait and see." Su Yun asked.

This is their repertoire: the persecution of the little tiger Shi Huaiya.

"I was slapped in the face, and my tail was so angry that it exploded."

Chen breathed out a turbid breath, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and the discouragement caused by the frustration at Jiu's place disappeared.

She wanted to tie Su Yun to her chariot: "Su Yun, are you interested in doing it with me?"

"Sorry, I have no idea about this."

——referring to relying on one's own efforts like Chen's to make Longmen better little by little.

As a traverser, he is more inclined to be lazy and play around with big fish, and let the right person do the right thing, such as a certain dragon girl on the snowy field, a certain princess of Kazdel, and, in the Tower of Babel. The Crone and the Swordsman Tower.

"That's it..." Chen was a little disappointed, but she didn't blame Su Yun, everyone has his own ambitions, not to mention that he is still from Dali Temple, and he will return to Dayan in the future.

What's more, there will be a long time in the future, and people will always change.

"By the way, here are some invitation letters and love letters, they asked me to pass them on to you."

Chen hesitated for a moment, and took out a thick stack of envelopes from the drawer.

Su Yun opened it and saw that it was either a candlelight dinner invitation or a pink love letter.

The composition is quite mixed, there is a female police officer from the Guard Bureau, a rich woman who has met once, and a letter from a noble lady of the Ursus Empire. Unfortunately, her father's title is only a baron, so Su Yunlian took advantage of it No idea.

——It's not because your father didn't work hard!

Su Yun was no stranger to this kind of scene, but Chen was a little uneasy.

She could feel that Su Yun was attractive, but she didn't expect that he was so attractive that even noble daughters fell in love with him.

To be honest, she was really worried that Su Yun would just fall into the arms of the noble lady.

However, Su Yun's actions exceeded her expectations.

In front of her, Su Yun casually flipped through the pile of papers, and after confirming that there were no foreign objects in the pile of papers, he threw them all into the shredder.

Chen unexpectedly said: "You, you just lost it like this?"

Su Yundao: "Otherwise? Burned? I don't care, it will be bad if you get smoked. Or do you want me to accept it?"

"I... I just think that the courage that the girls have worked up so hard has been ruined by you just like this."

Su Yun unscrewed the thermos cup, and the inside was red and full of goji berries.

Silence speaks louder than words here, and everything is said without words.

Only with a shattered pelvis can one hear the screams of the waist!

I'm sorry, he, Su Yun, keeps in good health and is not close to women.

"Come on?"

"No, make me a cup of coffee."

Chen Ke is different from Su Yun, she has always been a good woman who guards her body like jade and keeps herself clean.

There is no need to mend the kidney, because she has no chance to use it.

Rarely, she didn't bow her head to work immediately, but looked at Su Yun's back who was busy for herself, quietly waiting for a cup of misty, fragrant and pure coffee.

The morning sun poured down the office from the window, the dust fluttered in the beam of light, and the busy figure of the man was reflected in her pupils.

Chen couldn't help feeling that this moment was really good.

dong dong!

The door of the office was knocked suddenly, someone walked into the office and said, "Excuse me, is Su Yun free? Superintendent Shi Huaiya has something to do with him."

"Can you wait for a while? I'm making coffee for Chief Chen." Su Yun asked.

"For such a small matter, I'll do it." The man took the job from Su Yun, "You go, Superintendent Shi Huaiya is waiting for you."

Su Yun cast a questioning look at Chen.

Chen Dao: "Go, come back early."

what can she doIs it still possible to refuse?

Su Yun is her assistant, but it's just an assistant, who has the right to restrict his freedom...

It's just, what's the matter with this unhappiness in the bottom of my heart?

Volume 11: Chapter 11

After Su Yun left, the closed door brought a little wind, which made the dust in the beam of light flutter a few times, and then the previous calm was restored.

Chen suddenly felt that the office in front of him was just an ordinary office as usual, and there was nothing special about it. The feeling of peace just now seemed to be just his own illusion.

She put her head down and started her day's work.

It's just that the tip of the pen used for writing was a little heavier without authorization, and it almost scratched the paper.

When Su Yun comes back, he must ask him to buy a new pen for him.



"Superintendent Shi Huaiya, are you looking for me?"

Walking into Miss Shi Huaiya's office, Su Yun who felt that the atmosphere was not right raised his vigilance secretly.

After coming to the Guard Bureau, he was enveloped in a sense of crisis that he had never felt before.

Perhaps it was because he was with Chen every day and rarely came into contact with Yingying Yanyan. He had to forget that he was actually a humanoid self-propelled time bomb.

——The kind that hurts oneself and comforts others.

Seeing Shi Huaiya's eyes staring at her, it was so similar to those women before, with a trace of entanglement mixed with greed and longing, as if she hadn't made up her mind yet.

If it wasn't for Shi Huaiya being one of his bosses, if it wasn't for Chen being nearby, if it wasn't for the dull pain in his pelvis and weakness in his legs, Su Yun would run away as soon as he was sure.

"I heard that you are good at interrogation?" Shi Huaiya asked.

"It's, it's okay, so-so, my qualifications are dull, and I'm not as good as my predecessors. Officer Chen has given part of the work to other people."

"You have learned the humility of Dayan well, not as good as the seniors? Chen Huijie is afraid that you will not be able to train newcomers because you have taken over all the work?"

Shi Huaiya obviously came prepared: "Actually, the day you joined the Guard Bureau, I knew about your Originium skill. I didn't pay attention to it at the time. I didn't expect it to be so powerful. How about it? Are you interested?" Come work under me?"

——The little tiger can't afford it, and is ready to use off-court methods.

But she can't be blamed either. Who told Su Yun to travel here before Veritaserum was invented in Terra.

It was Chen Xian who opened it up!

If you knew that Chen Tiantian and I were persecuting you, would you still say that?

Su Yun really wanted to ask, but he didn't want to die yet.

He was ready to say no.

There are just a few reasons for this.

The first to bear the brunt is naturally the potential threat brought by the natural obsequiousness. Su Yun is now a man of discipline.

He keeps himself clean, and he will not mix with other women casually, that will only increase his own danger.

Not to mention, he has been with Chen for half a month, the two of them can see each other almost every day, and they sit in the office five days a week to work (fishing), and he hasn't seen Chen showing any desire for monopoly or any interest in him. Thoughts on that.

Furthermore, one servant does not serve two masters.

If you treat me with a state officer, I will repay it.

And what about Shi Huaiya?

He just wanted to use himself to increase the rate of solving cases, so that Chen would be severely humiliated in the next meeting.

Su Yun, who seems stupid but actually smart, has already seen through everything.

Sorry, Shi Huaiya, let you down, I will not betray Chen.

My loyalty can be learned from the sun and the moon!

"By the way, your current salary is only 2000, right? After paying the five social insurances and one housing fund, there is only more than [-] left? This money is not enough to live on, and I will give you another [-]."

The inhuman Shi Huaiya asked for a salary increase of [-] yuan, trying to corrupt Su Yun's firm will.

Hmph, I was really underestimated!

"Excuse me, can you slap me? Otherwise, I won't be able to secure the money... It's okay to let me bark like a dog."

Shi Huaiya didn't expect that he could take down Su Yun so easily, it seems that his life in Changfenlong is not very good.

This is the face...

It's a little too real.

I don't know how Changfenlong usually treats him, it's so pitiful.

Su Yun was also too poor. During his time in Yan Country, although Dali Temple had a monthly subsidy, he understood everything during that time. Several pieces of the bed board were broken, and the covers were all bought by box.

Later, his pelvis was cracked by his good teacher, and he received free medical treatment and a sum of compensation.

But this compensation was quickly spent by him.

——I used it all to buy meeting gifts for my colleagues in the Guard Bureau.

So Su Yun is really poor now. If it wasn't for the free canteen, dormitory and uniforms provided by the Guard Bureau, he might not survive this month.

But this matter has nothing to do with Chen, she is his boss, not his girlfriend, so why care about his savings and living conditions?

As for salary, this is the system of the Guard Bureau.

Normally, it would be good for the newcomers who just came in not to cause trouble, and they would have to train the newcomers for several months no matter what.

People like Su Yun who have the physique of a sea king (Teritaserum) are very special in themselves.

Rather, if one day Chen starts to care about him, Su Yun will be afraid instead.

Su-style fear.jpg

"Otherwise, you can just move your desk to my office."

Shi Huaiya originally wanted to ask Su Yun to come over to help, but unexpectedly, his life was quite miserable.

That being the case, Miss Ben might as well just take one step at a time and let him be her own.

If you follow Chen Huijie's path, there will be no place for Chen Huijie to cry!

But in this matter, Su Yun showed strong resistance: "No, I will not betray Mr. Chen... just now does not count!"

Well, the one just now doesn’t count.

Shi Huaiya snorted softly, and stretched out two slender fingers: "Twenty thousand Longmen coins."

" has nothing to do with money."

Su Yun felt his heart was bleeding.

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