Unfortunately, the direction in which the Akasaka Sword was lifted happened to be in a straight line with Su Yun's station.




Su Yun sneezed.

Seeing this, Shi Huaiya took off her coat and put it on him: "The temperature has dropped recently, you don't know how to wear more."

"I'm wearing it!" Su Yun exclaimed that he was wronged, and even tugged the woolen sweater under the collar to show Shi Huaiya.

"I'm healthy."

Shi Huaiya started directly and pulled Su Yun's collar away.

Because what she was pulling was a woolen sweater, Su Yun thought she was touching the fabric, and didn't notice that the little tiger's evil eyes followed his neck, all the way down, until he saw a darkness before retracting his eyes.

Volume 121: Chapter 116 [-]. Su Yun: Shi Huaiya is so kind to me!

All of this is a long time to say, but in fact it only took two or three seconds. Before Su Yun could react, the little tiger who feasted his eyes had already let go of his paws.

When loosening his claws, he did not forget to rub his fingers against Su Yun's warm skin.

Again, all this happened so fast that Su Yun didn't even have time to react.

The skin on the chest felt Shi Huaiya's soft and smooth fingers, but... that's it?

With this level of contact, a virgin can be calm and composed, let alone Su Yun, who is the former King of the Sea?

"What are you doing here?" Shi Huaiya asked, "Shangfenlong knew that he was inferior to me in talent and beauty, so in order not to delay your future, he gave you up to me?"

Su Yun really wanted to say that if he wanted to have a future in the Guard Bureau, he should hug Chen's beautiful legs tightly.

Although the relationship between Chen and Wei's second child is not good, they are uncles and nephews after all, and blood is thicker than water.

Of course, if Shi Huaiya is talking about "Qiantu", then she is right, there is no one in Longmen who has more "Qiantu" than her.

Su Yun replied: "Can I be transferred? I was so cold, I didn't expect the superintendent of the Guards Bureau to objectify men. Is this a loss of morality or a distortion of human nature... My heart hurts so much, I need a 648 to do it." Soothe my aching heart!"

"Speak up quickly."

"I have something to do this afternoon and I want to ask for leave."

"What exactly?"

Shi Huaiya was a little unhappy in her heart, but she still took out the seal from the drawer and was ready for approval.

Su Yun is usually a little lazy, a little laid back, and a little fond of fishing, but so far, he is still very serious and caring about his work.

In his words, it means that you have to work hard and pay to shit, so that you can be called healthy.

"It's nothing, I just do something with Sister Chen in the afternoon." Su Yun said.


"This is my leave note."

"Double salary."


Shi Huaiya said: "I said, if you don't ask for leave today, I will give you double salary, which is 800 Yuan Longmen coins."

It's fine if Chen takes her away secretly, but let her go to ask for leave openly, isn't it too contemptuous of her? !

If Su Yun can go to your place today, I will have the same surname as Su Yun!

You can earn 800 yuan in half a day. A serving of duck leg rice is calculated at 12 yuan, and you can eat 150 meals!

It has been a long time since Su Yun met a girl who moved his heart so much.

However, the heartbeat is the heartbeat, there are always some things in the world that are more important than money.

Like a spicy candy;

Like a broken crossbow;

For example, on the snow field, a girl with antlers who is unwilling to reveal the murderer;

For example, Wendigo who could have killed Carters in front of him, but chose "no"...

They have flesh and blood, they live in a certain corner of the snow field, they were born in darkness, but their hearts are toward the light.

Their heads are always covered with thick dark clouds, and the warm sun never shines on them.

But Su Yun wanted to tell them.

Tell them that in the South, and further afield, there are also groups of people fighting for the infected, and they are never alone.

Talula, Frost Star, Patriot, Alina...the names of each of them are the reasons for Su Yun to go to the Northwest Snowfield.

Each of them wants to save themselves.

But when asked how to save him, Su Yun could only pronounce the name——Talulah.

If Tallula's problem is not resolved, even if the person is fished out, it will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

Patriots regard Frost Star as their own, Frost Star and Tallulah are close friends, they picked up Faust and Mephisto, and Alina is Tallulah's spiritual pillar...

It is troublesome and impractical to solve one by one. It is better to go straight and solve most of Tallulah's problems.

That's why he was talking about looking for Tallulah, looking for Tallulah.

He is not a tarua chef, hum!

In the afternoon, there are important witnesses, which are related to whether the necklace can be recovered, so that Wei Yanwu can help him locate the guerrillas.

Therefore, Su Yun must be present in the afternoon.

Sorry little money, you're fine, you've done nothing wrong, but...

You can earn money if you lose money, but if you lose people, you really lose money, and you can’t even get into the pond.

Shi Huaiya was shocked.

Su Yun actually rejected my... Longmen coins.

Is it because of Chen Huijie, or because it is a very important matter?

She cares.

So, Shi Huaiya took the leave note and said, "It's fine if you want me to agree, but I want to go too."


Su Yun agreed without hesitation.

One more experienced police superintendent means more power, more people are more powerful.

Seeing that the little tiger was about to be stamped, Su Yun took off the lady's coat on his shoulders.

"Don't take it off, put it back on!"

Shi Huaiya said suddenly.


"Put it back on."

"oh oh."

Su Yun, who didn't know what to say, subconsciously put on the clothes that Shi Huaiya threw to him, took a light breath, and the quiet body fragrance that belonged to Shi Huaiya wrapped him in 360 degrees without any dead ends.

It seems... a bit perverted.

Shi Huaiya said: "You will wear this in the afternoon, is it okay?"

"Um...it should be fine." Su Yun said.

Although this is women's clothing, it is a women's coat after all, not a fluffy skirt.

He just felt a little weird and wasn't ashamed.

And not to mention, the warmth is really warm!

Shi Huaiya is so kind to herself!



Two fifty in the afternoon.

Su Yun came to the living room on time.

"It's too slow, what if the witnesses come early?" Chen Man, who was sitting here half an hour ago, said.

Just when she saw the very familiar lady's coat on Su Yun, she frowned slightly and wanted to say something.

A figure that raised Chen's blood pressure came out from behind Su Yun.

"I asked him to come here now, what's the matter?" Shi Huaiya wrapped her furry tiger tail around Su Yun's waist and challenged Chen.

Chen naturally did not allow her to act recklessly and tarnish the image of the Guard Bureau in front of her eyes.

She pulled Su Yun to her side, and asked in a harsher voice than before:

"Why are you wearing Shi Huaiya's clothes?!"

"How can you let a girl's tail wrap around your waist?!"

"Don't you have any sense of shame?!"

To be honest, when she saw Shi Huaiya's tail climbing up Su Yun's body like a snake just now, she almost pulled out the Akasaka Sword and chopped off the cat.

If Su Yun wasn't here, Chen would like to ask:

Shi Huaiya, have you pole-vaulted in the toilet lately - have you passed feces!

Chen's heart was sour... Obviously, I have never been so close to him.

This feeling is as if there is a martial arts novel that I have been looking forward to for a long time in the bookstore, but someone else bought it.

Su Yun explained: "These are the conditions for Shi Huaiya to criticize fakes, but I don't think there are any."


The third watch is over, only one chapter is owed~

Reminder in the front row, there are still two days left for the end of the bounty. qun ① dun bar two one 7 ⑦ one 6

Volume 122: Chapter 117 [-]. Touch Me

Su Yun didn't understand why Chen had such a big reaction, just like the heroine of a bloody TV series who found out that her boyfriend was having an affair with her best friend.

Hmm...it looks more and more like it.

But there is one thing that Su Yun is more concerned about.

That is - the tail.

Among the three questions Chen asked himself, clothes didn't matter, and he didn't feel ashamed, but the tail... Su Yun didn't understand it very well, after all, he didn't have such a thing.

Could it be that, in Terra, does the tail have any special meaning?

If so, wouldn't Shi Huaiya's act of hooking her tail with her...

Su Yun asked the question in his heart: "Hooking the opposite sex with a tail, is it a show of love?"

When he was the king of the sea, he also touched the tails of many women when he played songs every night.

However, what he was doing at that time, he knew everything, and had no reference value.

Shi Huaiya's pretty face blushed, she thumped him, and replied: "Of course not, it's the tail."

It's not Jiba.

After finishing speaking, she rolled up the water glass on the table with her tail and handed it to Su Yun.

"Thank you." Su Yun took the water glass.

Seeing their intimacy, Chen felt very complicated.

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