Su Yun carefully looked at the bank card in his hand.

Look at the scratches and dirt that can't be washed off the card.

Put it under your nose and take a sniff.

There is also a cement smell that is integrated with the bank card itself... Is this hidden in the load-bearing wall?

"Cough cough!" Chen Qiao blushed slightly and coughed twice, "Su Yun, I didn't expect you to be an odor controler, you're quite perverted."

Under the table, Shi Huaiya kicked him hard with her little black silk feet, her face was full of resentment.

It was only then that Su Yun came to his senses.

The bank card was taken out of Chen's trouser pocket, but he sniffed it up to his nose.

Isn't this a pervert?

"No...the bank card smells..."

Su Yun tried to explain.

Chen Qiao blushed even more, and scolded: "How could there be a smell?!"

Only you have the taste, and your whole family has the taste!

I obviously clean it very clean every day!

And I haven't used that function, how could it have a smell!

Volume 130: Chapter 125 [-]. The Old Carp Forced to Work Overtime

Under the table, Shi Huaiya kicked harder, but she still held back a little force, otherwise Su Yun's leg would be broken with one kick.

After some explanations, Chen realized that Su Yun was just smelling the cement on the bank card.

"Let me smell it."

Shi Huaiya took the bank card, sniffed it, frowned, and said, "It seems to have a bad smell."

Chen rushed forward and punched, Shi Huaiya put down his bank card to block with his backhand.

The sound of fist-to-flesh air waves made Su Yun shrink his head, silently picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and sent them to the kitchen for cleaning.

The two supreme beings fought to the edge of the universe, and even the Dao was wiped out.

"I'm leaving first, remember to close the door before you leave."

Su Yun took the bank card, changed his shoes, and said hello before leaving.

"Where are you going?"*2

Chen Tiandi and Shi Tiandi stopped their hands suddenly and asked in unison.

"Go and inquire about information." Su Yun raised the bank card in his hand and said.

"I'm going too."*2



Chen and Shi Huaiya looked at each other, and said in unison: "Don't talk like me!"



Li's Detective Agency.

The dragon-faced old carp was wearing the simple and comfortable clothes of the Yan Kingdom, and lay down on the recliner, enjoying the afterglow of the setting sun that was not warm.

Holding a pocket teapot in his hand, he hummed an unknown song in his nostrils.

"Show bad" and "I'm off work" are written all over his body.

ding dong~


ding dong~ ding dong~

"get off work!"


"Who? What a nuisance!"

Old Li reluctantly stood up from the recliner and went to open the door.

"why is it you again?"

With a stern face, Lao Li opened the door of the office.

After seeing Su Yun's face, his blood pressure instantly rose.

It was as if Su Yun stole 200 yuan from him.

If you don't pick it up when you go out, you just throw it away.

Not to mention that last time this kid came here, he didn't earn a penny, and even stuffed several catties of dog food into his mouth.

This time too, what's the matter?You have to bring two beauties over here, as if you already have a girlfriend, who doesn't...

Oh, I didn't.

Pointing at the sign at the door, Lao Li closed the door and said, "I'm off work, please come back tomorrow if you have anything to do."

"I'm going to work tomorrow, let's take a measurement." Su Yun stretched out his foot and hooked the door.

"That's your business..."

Huai Hu, who was cleaning up, walked behind Lao Li, pushed him aside, opened the door, and invited them in.

"Please come in."

"Thank you."

Su Yun thanked him, and smiled gently, his smile was like spring breeze.

Huai Hu couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, a little dazed, and the action that was originally intended to make a way could not help but stop.

Su Yun:?

"This kid is a bit dazed, please sit down first."

It was Old Li who reacted and pulled her aside.

This is not something that can be explained by being a bit dumb...

Chen Heshihuaiya silently took out the mask and sunglasses from the bag, and put them on for Su Yun, lest he harm other people's big girl with yellow flowers.

They made up their minds that when Su Yun went out in the future, he must wear a mask.

Not just for his safety, but also for the "safety" of other little girls.

Cherish the first time, stay away from the arsonist of your heart, and be a girl who is not casual.

"Practicing boxing is not just practicing boxing, but more importantly, the heart of boxing. You still don't believe me when I say you are too hot, but now you know?"

Lao Li seized the opportunity and taught Huai Hu a few words, "You are still far behind, go back to the house quickly, don't come out, let alone contact him in private."

Seeing Lao Li's serious expression, Huai Hu nodded, and hid in the room with his head down.

Lao Li is usually a fool, and he has no shape.

But he has to be serious, Huaihu can only be honest and obedient.

Looking at Huai Hu's disappearing back, Lao Li muttered in his heart:

Why hasn't that dead martial idiot come back?Does he still want his daughter?Who is the real father of this child?

I will go to the parent meeting every year, and I guess I will also go to the graduation ceremony... In a few years, will I still have to go to the high hall?I don't even have a girlfriend.

Although Lao Li really wanted to see what expression that martial idiot would have when he came back and found out that he was a grandfather, but he just thought about it, marriage is a major event in life.

Huaihu is still a high school student, love love is too early for her.

Moreover, after raising her for so long, and having developed feelings for her, Lao Li basically regards Huaihu as his daughter.

Since they are all his daughters, the old carp can't let her fall into Su Yun's clutches.

He didn't want to make a pair with Wei Yanwu and beat the Landlords by two.

The last time Su Yun and Chen came together, Lao Li could still say it was just a coincidence.

But this time it was still the original team, and it was a blatant threesome...

Lao Li can only say, are there any performing arts companies that are short of actors?Here he has a high-quality actor Wei Yanwu, whose representative work is "The Clown of the Dragon Gate".

"Tell me, what are you looking for me this time?" Lao Li sat down politely and asked rudely.

Su Yun handed a stack of information and clues to Lao Li, and said, "This organization is called Tower of Babel. We are looking for a Sarkaz robber that may be related to it..."

Such and such, such and such.

After understanding their reason for coming, Lao Li understood immediately, "Don't do it..."

Su Yun silently took out his bank card.

The old carp changed his words at the speed of light: "It's impossible!"

No one can escape Wang Tianshi's True Fragrance Law.

It doesn't cost money to raise a child?

He doesn't have the ability to start a family, but he has raised a lot of children, and he can help him spend money.

"A" brought back a watermelon/strawberry/banana flavored "patient" from time to time to ask for compensation.

Huai Hu is going to college next year, and clothes, shoes, living expenses and tuition... are another big expense.

Just save some snacks, and don't care about him.

Su Yundao: "Then I will trouble you, this is my phone number, let me know as soon as there is any news."

"Swipe it and pay a deposit." Lao Li took out the POS machine.

He doesn't allow anyone to prostitute himself twice!


Su Yun swiped and entered the password.

After confirming the payment, Lao Li handed over the invoice to Su Yun and said, "Go back and wait. We will have news the day after tomorrow at the earliest."

After Su Yun left, Lao Li looked at the logo on the A4 paper and murmured to himself: "Tower of Babel...Tower of Babel...First it was the guerrillas, now it is the Tower of Babel again, this kid is getting more and more I can toss."

Then Lao Li threw away the materials, leaned back on the recliner, and continued to arrange them leisurely.

Huaihu who came out of the room glanced at him, said nothing, picked up the broom and dustpan, and continued cleaning


The old carp raised his feet.

After Huai Hu swept over, he put it down again.

Old Li asked, "Huaihu, why haven't your classmates come to play with you recently?"

"The last time I hit someone, they kept a distance from me."

"It's not because you punched a hole in the wall."

"When you go to college, you will make new friends."

Huai Hu didn't care.

Volume 131: Chapter 126 [-]. You know nothing about power

"You, remind me of my former classmates."

The old carp's eyes showed nostalgia.

I don't know how that kid Liang Xun is doing in Yan Country, last time I heard that he is about to be transferred to Shuo Shu as the magistrate.

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