Shi Huaiya seamlessly switched from the alert state to the combat state, and showed the pictures taken by the drone to everyone.

Fiameta and Canangel, who have excellent eyesight, have already seen a dozen or so Sarkaz charging towards them.

"Rush forward, don't fight near the off-road vehicle." Hoshiguma held the shield, ready to charge, keeping the battlefield away from the vehicles.

Fiameta said: "Fight against the Three Thousand Emperors with one hand, what other plan do you have? Bring it out."

"For a frontal charge, I have nothing to do." Su Yun smiled wryly.

Volume 139: Chapter 134 [-]. Sarkaz Moved to Tears

"Hmph, then sit in the car and wait for us."

"Hey wait, take it."

Su Yun stopped Fiametta, and then took out a dozen tear gas bombs and six protective masks from the trunk.

Fiametta: ...

These Sarkaz met you, it was really bad luck for eight lifetimes!

"I originally kept one for myself. Now that you're here, I'll give it to you."

This trip, what they have to face is the terrifying Sarkaz, it is so scary, it is understandable to make more preparations.

It's a pity that he is still planning to solve the problem peacefully.

Now it seems that is a luxury.

Su Yun sent down the tear gas bombs and protective masks, and explained how to use them in a very thoughtful manner:

"Chen, Xingxiong, and Dexus are in the close combat group, each with three bullets. Shi Huaiya, Neng Angel, and Reaper are in the sniper group, and each has one."

"As soon as the melee team gets close to Sarkaz, they each release a tear gas bomb, and then pull another one when they run out. The sniper team has no one to cut you, so don't use it..."

This set of short, flat and fast style of play gave full play to one's own technical advantages, and carried out the wrong people from beginning to end.

Realize the tactical innovation of winning more with less and defeating the weak with the strong, and build a new combat ecology for Terra.

At the same time, it can also shoulder social responsibilities and create jobs, so that every tear gas bomb can empty itself in its own station and move others (forced truth).

It's just that Su Yun still felt a little unsafe, so he asked them to check the headset, and when the time was right, he would personally direct it.

Shi Huaiya hung up the tear gas bomb, and before putting on the protective mask, said to Su Yun: "If someone underestimates the Guard Bureau next time, I will definitely tell them about you."

The same is true of other people's minds.

Originally, when Su Yun said that he was going to explain the instructions for using the tear gas bombs, they were still a little absent-minded.

Who wouldn't use tear gas?Pull the safety off and just throw it out.

The effect of using tear gas in the open wilderness is actually quite average, especially now that the wind and sand are heavy, and the Sarkaz escaped before the smoke gushed out.

But they never expected that tear gas bombs *longmen swear* can be output in the face!

Is this a way people can come up with? !

And they also noticed that Su Yun seemed to have prepared something in the trunk of the off-road vehicle.

"Old Chen, is Su Yun such a person?" Xingxiong asked softly.

"He usually sits in an office and seldom goes out to work. I didn't know he...would be like this."

Chen pointed to the protective mask on her face and motioned for her to put it on.

"My heart is so dirty..."

Fiametta muttered inwardly.

She thought that Su Yun, who was at the bottom of the list, was here to make up the numbers, but she didn't expect it to be an old silver coin.

"Oh, right!"

Su Yun patted his head, and took out a few flash bombs from his pocket, "Take it well. I heard that in the wilderness, flash bombs and tear gas bombs are more suitable~"




"Captain, our people have been arrested!!!"

The Sarkaz who rushed towards Su Yun and the others saw seven people standing beside the off-road vehicle from afar.

And the five Sarkaz tied firmly on the ground.

"Ready to fight!" Captain Sarkaz snorted and clenched his giant sword tightly.

"Let these guys know how powerful we are!"

"Be careful, they are obviously capable of taking down our companions."

"What are you afraid of, there are so many of us!"

Captain Sarkaz has mixed feelings.

If possible, he didn't want to go against His Highness's wishes.


They are Sarkaz, and no one knows better than them the malice of the Terrans towards Sarkaz.

Especially for the defeated Sarkaz, there is almost no way out.

I'm sorry, I will try my best to keep your lives safe... huh?


Instead of running away, they actually charged us?

Captain Sarkaz raised his left arm, meaning that he was ready to release the Originium skill and suppress a wave remotely.

When Chen and the others were about to step into the range of the origin stone skill, when they swung their left arms vigorously...

Su Yun commanded: "Throw it away!"

Three flash bombs were thrown out.

Without hesitation, Captain Sarkaz used his Originium skills to blow him up in the air to avoid falling into the team.

It was the right choice, but... this is a flashbang.

"I'm super, Nima!"

"Eyes, my eyes..."

"Flash bombs, watch out, they have flash bombs!"

Chen, Hoshiguma, and Dexus entered the chaotic Sarkaz team from three different directions.

The rain of bullets covered them.

Several drones hovered in the sky, harassing and reconnaissance, lest the other party play tricks too.

It's useless to play though.

They believed very much that if something unexpected happened, Su Yun would take out some strange things from his almighty trunk to save them from the fire.

By the way, the style of painting becomes very strange.


After Chen knocked a Sarkaz unconscious with the scabbard, Su Yunxin's command came from the headset:


In the next second, three flash bombs that shone brighter than the sun were dropped on the ground again.

A new round of wailing sounded again.

The Sarkaz are strong, but they are far from civilization and don't know the dangers of society.

When they thought they would be fine if they carefully avoided the flash bombs, Su Yun issued a new order:

"Tear gas!"

God said, let there be light, and there will be light.

Su Yun said, if there are tear gas bombs, there will be tear gas bombs.

Therefore, God = Su Yun.

And because Sarkaz was all moved by the "miracle" created by Su Yun, tears streaming down his face, "Welcome wholeheartedly."

Therefore, it can be concluded that Su Yun>God.

"My Nima!"

In just ten seconds, Sarkaz's eyes were tortured three times ah three times!

Although their eyes could not be opened, it did not prevent them from exhaling fragrance.

"Wori, you horse! Tear gas bombs are embarrassing?!!"

"Fuck! Convex (fuck dish)"

"Is it over?!"

"Mouth area! Good, it smells..."

"Be careful! It's not a tear gas bomb, it's a poison gas bomb!"

"Damn... ahem... damn!"

Chen looked at the Sarkaz who had almost lost their ability to resist, stood in place holding a sword, and asked Su Yun:

"Isn't it tear gas bombs? Why do they say gas bombs?"

Su Yun explained: "I'm afraid that Sarkaz is too cunning. Ordinary tear gas bombs won't work on them, so I specially bought the smelly ones."

"Thinking that if it's useless, at least one of the nose and eyes must be discarded, so don't worry, I won't make fun of your health."


Chen was secretly delighted, and knocked out another Sarkaz casually.

After several rounds of offensives, most of the Sarkaz fell, and those who could still stand lost the will to fight.

so disgusting!too disgusting! ! !

"You are skilled, but your methods are despicable. Who are you?!"

Captain Sarkaz asked loudly.

Volume 140: Chapter 135 [-]. Killing and punishing...

They are Sarkaz fighters who have experienced many battles. Under normal circumstances, tear gas and flash bombs cannot be used on them.


People who can't stand the use of tear gas are too strong! ! !

How do you prevent it from appearing close to your face?

It's like a bomb, if you put W's hand, you can turn into a legendary mercenary's business card.

You can only blow up your alma mater seventeen times if you put Neng Angel in his hands.

Chen, Xingxiong, and Texas can kill them indiscriminately with their own strength, coupled with the harassment of two snipers in the distance, and the drone overhead...

Facing the questions raised by Captain Sarkaz, none of them could answer.

Because I am embarrassed to answer.

Even they themselves felt that Chick had pole-vaulted in some of the toilets—was dung.

But Su Yun had the nerve to answer.

"Since you asked the question sincerely, I will tell you mercifully..."

The six girls tacitly took off the headset.

If the thickness of the skin can be converted into defensive power, then Su Yun will definitely be able to carry the city's defense artillery.

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