"Then, my sister must dry it well, don't catch a cold."

Hearing this, Xingzi laughed and said, "Don't worry, I will never make fun of my body, don't worry about that."

Seeing Kyoko's promise in this way, Sakura nodded and reluctantly agreed.

Then, the room fell into silence again, except for a rustling sound.

Not long after, Kyoko turned around and handed the soft towel in her hand to Sakura and said, "Here, it's ready."

Xiao Ying stared at Kyoko, then nodded and said: "Okay, then sister, change your clothes quickly."

Saying that, she handed the pajamas she had prepared to Xingzi, then took the soft towel and put it in the basin beside her to wash it.

Xingzi looked at the prepared pajamas in her hand, smiled helplessly, and then started to put them on.

When Kyoko was dressed, Sakura just put the water basin away and returned to the room.

When Kyoko saw Sakura at the door, a smile appeared on her face again, and she waved her hand: "Okay, Xiao Sakura, don't be busy, let's rest quickly, and I have to go to duty early tomorrow morning."

Sakura looked at the smile on Kyoko's face, her expression was a little complicated, but she nodded and said, "Okay, then sister, let's rest together."

Kyoko was not surprised by Sakura's words: "Of course, let's rest together~"

Saying that, Kyoko pulled Sakura up and lay down together, ready to sleep.

The lonely Xiao Ke silently watched the interaction between the two, unable to intervene, and felt that it would be better not to bother them now, so she honestly found a place to lie down and sleep.

The room fell into silence for a while, only the faint sound of breathing could be clearly heard.

Chapter 13 Inside the room (2)

But this atmosphere didn't last long. Kyoko's voice suddenly broke the silence in the room: "What's wrong? Can't sleep?"


Sakura responded softly.

When Kyoko heard Sakura's response, she turned over suddenly, embraced Sakura's head, buried it in her chest, and said softly, "Then sister will sing for you."

Xiao Ying, who was caught in Kyoko's chest, opened her eyes slightly, and said, "But, my sister also wants to..."

"Sakura did so much for my sister just now, can't my sister do it?"

Kyoko blocked Sakura's words directly, and then said: "The days ahead are likely to be as hard as today. If you can't adapt sooner, it may be even harder in the future."

Hearing what Kyoko said, Sakura nodded slightly in Kyoko's arms, agreeing with Kyoko's words.

Seeing that Sakura no longer objected, Kyoko opened her lips slightly, and a melodious voice came out of her mouth.

"モノクロのdaily todayまで (unremarkable daily life so far)......"

The singing is not loud, but it is clear and moving, and it reverberates endlessly in the room, making people feel comfortable and relaxed.

"今この手にある兴せせにつながってる (all are closely related to the happiness in the present hand)..."

Listening to this ethereal voice, Sakura's restless mind gradually emptied out.

Gradually, gradually, Sakura's eyelids drooped little by little, falling asleep to Kyoko's low-pitched lullaby.

"Two people come out った今日の日につながってる (both are closely connected with the day when you and I met)..."

After an unknown amount of time, the singing stopped, and only Sakura's steady and long breathing continued to sound.

Kyoko looked at Sakura who was sleeping soundly in her arms, and the corners of her mouth could not help but curl up slightly, showing a happy smile. Now she felt sincerely satisfied as if she had seen the most precious thing in the world.

Turning over, Xingzi lay flat, looked at the ceiling in front of her, slowly closed her eyes, and then suddenly opened them again.

However, the original look of happiness in Kyoko's eyes has disappeared, leaving only a strange calm.

Kyoko silently removed the magic power covering her soul, and in an instant, severe pain flooded her mind like a landslide and tsunami.

The tearing pain seemed to spread all over her body, and Kyoko felt that every inch of her body was split open.

Like dozens of sharp blades wantonly cutting every inch of muscle and every inch of skin in the whole body, the body wailed in pain.

She clenched her teeth as hard as she could to prevent herself from making a sound, and she tightly clutched the bed sheet beside her. Her originally delicate and pretty face had become extremely ferocious in the darkness.

After an unknown amount of time, the severe pain from the soul subsided like a tide. Kyoko took a short breath and let go of the bed sheet that had been pinched into a ball.

Kyoko looked to her side nervously, observed Sakura's condition, and after confirming that she was still asleep, her body relaxed.

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Not long after relaxing, Xingzi suddenly found that the body that had been wiped dry before going to bed was once again soaked in sweat. Not only that, even the pajamas on her body, the sheets and quilts under her body were not spared, and all became wet .

Kyoko who discovered this situation couldn't help but smiled wryly, feeling that the magic power in her body had almost recovered, looked at Sakura who was sleeping beside her, and could only mobilize the magic power to iron the towel soaked by her.

The familiar feeling of tearing came from the soul again, but this time, Kyoko continued to move numbly as if nothing had happened.

Even survived the big explosion after the forced suppression, Kyoko suddenly felt that this was the case...

Just as Kyoko was thinking this way, Sakura suddenly whispered, "Sister~"

Kyoko was startled when she heard the voice, and quickly closed her eyes, pretending to be in a deep sleep.

However, after a while, Kyoko didn't feel any other movements from Sakura, she quietly opened a slit, observing the situation of Sakura beside her.

I saw that the face of Sakura who was sleeping soundly had frown at some point, as if she had dreamed of something bad.

"elder sister......"

Dreaming sounds kept coming out of Xiao Ying's mouth, it seemed to be a dream related to Kyoko.

Sensing Sakura's emotional fluctuations at this time, Kyoko understood the cause and effect of the matter.

It should be that part of the painful emotions brought to her by the severe pain just now was transmitted to Sakura, causing her to see some bad pictures in her dream.

Thinking of this, Kyoko couldn't help softening her ferocious face from enduring the pain. Looking at Sakura's pretty face, she involuntarily put her hands on it and rubbed it, and began to recall that period hidden in her heart. happy hour.

I don't know whether it was Kyoko's touch that played a role or Kyoko's joy infected Sakura. Gradually, Sakura's face became calm.

Just like that, Kyoko stared affectionately at Sakura's sleeping face, and the flow of magic power in her body never stopped.

Pain and happiness are intertwined in Kyoko's heart, making her unable to tell whether she is in the abyss or the paradise on earth for a moment.

Unknowingly, the night was already deep, but Kyoko in the room stayed up all night.


early morning

The room glowed with a warm glow in the morning light.As for the girl who was sleeping soundly in the room, her eyelashes fluttered from time to time, as if she was about to wake up.


With some unknown (groans) (groans) from her mouth, Sakura slowly opened her eyes.

And when she opened her eyes, she saw a pretty face appearing in front of her eyes.

She murmured, "This is... a mirror??"

Seeing Xiao Ying opened her eyes, that face suddenly smiled and said, "Are you awake?"

Hearing this voice, Xiao Sakura was taken aback, and suddenly woke up, sitting up abruptly.

And it was this subconscious movement that caused her to directly collide with Kyoko on her face.

"Ah, it hurts..."

As a result, the noses of the two naturally came into close contact, but the taste in it was a bit sour.

Xiao Ying directly covered her nose, kneaded it a few times, then remembered Kyoko who was hit by her, and asked quickly: "Sister, are you okay?!"

"Emmm.. It's okay, it's okay, but Sakura is still full of energy today."

Kyoko also covered her nose, and laughed at Sakura in a slightly nasal tone.

"Ah~ Really, my sister is like this again early in the morning!"

Sakura is naturally very dissatisfied with Kyoko's daily teasing, but all these years of objection are useless, and she is a little helpless.

As she said that, Sakura suddenly noticed that Kyoko had already put on her school uniform and was sitting by the bed, she was a little surprised and said, "Sister, are you already ready?"

"Well, I woke up very early today, so I just got up."

Kyoko responded to Sakura's surprise with a smile.

Hearing this, Sakura suddenly said nervously: "Could it be that you couldn't fall asleep after singing last night?"

Hearing what Xiaoying said, Kyoko was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly and said, "Where are you talking, how could I not be able to sleep because of this matter."

Seeing that Kyoko denied the matter, Sakura relaxed again, and said with some gratitude: "That's good, I thought my sister didn't have a good rest."

"Okay, ok, it's almost time. Since you woke up so early, you might as well go to school early. It just so happens that you are on duty today."


Sakura looked energetic and agreed with Kyoko's words.

After speaking, he got up and began to change and wash.

And Kyoko saw that Sakura had gotten up, so she said to her: "Then you take your time to tidy up, I'll go down first."


Then, Kyoko stood up directly from the bed, then walked slowly to the door, opened it and went out.

Outside the door, as soon as the bedroom door was closed, Xingzi immediately collapsed, leaning against the wall, slowly slid to the ground, wiped the faintly visible sweat stains on her head, breathed a sigh of relief, then stood up tremblingly again, Go downstairs.

(Kyoko's soul damage degree: 9%)

Chapter 14 On the way to school (3k)

The breakfast time at home passed quickly, Kyoko took some small things, then left the house with Sakura, and embarked on the road to school.

As for the small movements of a certain puppet in the middle, Kyoko naturally pretended not to see it at all. After all, she felt that this would help the development of the relationship between Sakura and it.


On the road, the cherry blossoms were wrapped in the wind and kept passing by, and the falling petals piled up on the ground, paving a dreamlike cherry blossom avenue.

And on this road, there are two "beauties" walking slowly on it.

These two "beauties" are Sakura and Kyoko on the way to school.It's just that the two of them have two completely different expressions at this time.

Kyoko smiled and looked ahead calmly, walking on the cherry blossom avenue without rush, like a character walking out of a painting, calm and composed.

As for Sakura, she looked very preoccupied, glanced at Kyoko at the side from time to time, opened her mouth a few times to speak, but closed it in the end.

Kyoko had already noticed Sakura's abnormality, and she knew the reason, but just because of this, a little haze appeared in her heart, and even the calm expression on her face changed a little.

At this time, the two came to a crossroad, Kyoko turned to the left naturally, and Sakura walked forward with her head down for a few steps before suddenly realizing something was wrong.

"Eh? Sister, where are you going?"

Sakura asked in bewilderment.

When Kyoko heard Sakura's voice, she turned her head and said blankly, "Aren't you going to school?"

"But... But, don't you have to walk ahead when you go to school?"

"emmm.. but you can go to school by walking this way~"

Kyoko tilted her head, put her index finger to her mouth, and said after pretending to think for a while.

"But isn't there a detour to go there?"

Sakura vaguely realized something in her heart, but she still couldn't believe it, so she couldn't help asking.

Seeing her like this, Kyoko couldn't hold back in the end, and sighed: "Where is the detour? Isn't Sakura still going here for something?"

After speaking, Kyoko looked at Sakura with calm eyes.

After hearing Kyoko's words, Sakura also came to her senses, and Kyoko could see through some of her little thoughts, and two red clouds could not help but appear on her face.


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