"That's it, please classmate Li!!"

After finishing speaking, Sakura ignored Li Xiaolang's reply, and rushed to Shipai directly.


Li Xiaolang stood up in a bit of embarrassment, reaching out his hand to stop him, but he could only watch Sakura approaching Shi Pai quickly.


There is no way, things have become like this, Li Xiaolang can only be forced to accept Sakura's plan, concentrate on watching Shipai's action trajectory, and quietly wait for Shipai to be forced into his arrangement by Sakura.

And when Shi Pai saw that Sakura was approaching him quickly and desperately, he seemed to be very scared. The hourglass in his hand was already flickering like an oil lamp, and the deadly light was continuously shooting out, as if to kill him. Sakura shot into a sieve.

But Sakura is naturally not completely unprepared, she herself has extremely exaggerated physical fitness, and this time she even used jumping cards to enhance her mobility.

Under intentional dodging, the somewhat slow attack speed of Time Card was completely unable to cause effective damage to Sakura, and the only result was that the surrounding environment became a little tattered.

Seeing that he couldn't attack Sakura like this, Shi Pai immediately changed his strategy, dodged and disappeared in place.


Not far away, Li Xiaolang saw the time card disappear, and immediately understood that it accelerated his time again, and quickly reminded Sakura.

Even without Li Xiaolang's reminder, Sakura still understood Shipai's actions.She carefully observed her surroundings, calmed her heart, and followed the guidance from the depths of her heart.

Rear top!

In the somewhat silent environment around, an inexplicable feeling rose in Sakura's mind.She didn't think much about it, and left the spot with a vertical leap, and then immediately looked behind her.

I saw the familiar old man in robes hovering in the air above and behind Xiao Sakura's original position, holding the shimmering hourglass, while Xiao Sakura's position was now shrouded in a hazy golden sand.

The magic power in the body was mobilized in a hurry, and the electric light quickly surged in his hand, and in an instant, it crossed the distance in front of him and hit the old man with a slightly surprised expression.


After being attacked by Sakura, the old man flew upside down and hit the wall behind him, making a muffled sound.

But it quickly stood up again, ignoring the faint electric arcs on its body, tightly grasped the hourglass in its hand, looked at Sakura who was standing up from the ground not far away, and disappeared in place again.

With two successful experiences in a row, Sakura will naturally no longer be afraid of attacks like Shipai.

Sure enough, following the inexplicable intuition in her heart, Sakura, like a prophet, can always find the position where the time card appears in advance, and then give it a powerful counterattack.

It seemed that Shika was afraid of Sakura's extraordinary ability, Shika did not dare to approach Sakura anymore, so Sakura's subsequent counterattacks were regrettably unsuccessful, and Shika only used that dark golden light to attack Sakura again. to attack.

However, Sakura's experience of saving Li Xiaolang for the first time shows that this kind of light is not unstoppable, and she naturally continues to fight back with the lightning magic she learned from the Thunder Card.

As a result, Shi Pai even lost its effect as a last resort.

Under such circumstances, the situation on the scene also reversed. Sakura began to chase and attack the time cards, but the time cards could only flicker and evade, not knowing how to fight back.


In the not-so-large space, there was a burning smell and decaying smell everywhere, and Sakura and Shipai also looked at each other from a distance, and they froze in place for a while.

Sakura held the sealing rod in one hand, and the continuously flickering electric arc in the other, her breathing became heavy unconsciously.

It is not a small burden for her to continue to use magic at such a high intensity for such a long time, but fortunately, the results are gratifying, and the time card has been gradually pushed into the planned position by her.

At this moment, Shipai is also restless in his heart. Things that should have been easily resolved are getting worse and worse. It already has a plan to leave here first and find another way later.

Thinking in this way, Shi Pai stepped on the edge of that "trap" again without knowing it, but to Li Xiaolang's disappointment, Shi Pai accelerated again and rushed to the edge of the window, It seems to be planning to break the window and escape.

Li Xiaolang, who was a little disappointed at first, suddenly felt happy again, because he had already prepared talismans near the window, in order to prevent Shi Pai from escaping.

Therefore, after seeing Shi Pai's movements, Li Xiaolang immediately mobilized the magic power in his body, and ordered: "Thunder Emperor summoned!"

Just when the talisman seals pasted on the window had just lit up, the hourglass in the player's hand lighted up slightly, and the talisman seals that had just lit up went out again.

Seeing that he couldn't attack the time card like this, Li Xiaolang couldn't help feeling a little desperate.

After Shi Pai solved Li Xiaolang's trap, he was about to escape, but Li Xiaolang heard Xiaoying suddenly shouted at this moment.

"It's now!!"

In an instant, a black shadow as thick as ink suddenly sprang out from the shadow of the clock tower, directly wrapped the time card that had just flown out of the window, and pulled it back into the clock tower, firmly suppressing it in the shadow of the clock tower. The location of Li Xiaolang's talisman.

Seeing that Shadow Card successfully attacked Shi Pai, Sakura was overjoyed, mobilized the magic power in her body, and then shouted at Li Xiaolang: "Student Li, it's now!!"

Needless to say Sakura, Li Xiaolang activated all the remaining talismans at once.

For a moment, the sudden burst of magic power formed a huge lightning dragon, which quickly attacked the time card.

Naturally, Sakura was not to be outdone, and summoned the strongest lightning she could do, and shot towards the time card together.

Under the shackles of the Shadow Card, Shi Pai could only watch the attack coming, and then was instantly stunned to the ground, unable to get up again.

As if aware of the time card falling to the ground, the black shadow also faded away like a tide, leaving only the unconscious time card and the hourglass rolled aside.

"Great, Li, we succeeded!!"

Seeing the scene in front of her that symbolized victory, Sakura, who was quite excited, couldn't wait to share her inner joy with others.

She waved her hands excitedly, and gestured to Li Xiaolang who was standing on the stairs not far away.

"Uh...well, congratulations..."

Li Xiaolang looked at Sakura with a somewhat complicated expression, and said these words slowly.

This time Li Xiaolang has nothing to say. Sakura played a crucial role in this round of battle. If it wasn't for her, there would be no hope of victory in this battle against Shipai.

But the battle was won, but he was defeated...

Thinking of this, Li Xiaolang shook his head again, temporarily putting these thoughts behind him.

In the current atmosphere, he still can't say such a thing, lest it hurt the mood of the guy in front of him.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaolang raised his head again, and when he wanted to say a few words of congratulations, he did see a scene that horrified him.


Tomoyo outside the bell tower looked at the time card in the light circle and stood up tremblingly, and picked up the hourglass rolled aside, as if he was about to launch a surprise attack on Sakura who had let down his vigilance, he couldn't help but exclaimed .

In fact, there is no need for Zhishi to remind, Kyoko has already discovered this point, she has already seen the scene she most wants to see, and naturally there is no need to stand by and watch.

"Shield, protect them quickly!"

With an anxious tone, Kyoko immediately ordered to the shield in the small magic circle.

However, in the face of Kyoko's order, the shield stood still and continued to look at the scene in the light circle, a little indifferent?

After realizing something was wrong with the shield, Kyoko's heart rang out, and she looked at the aperture again.

In the circle of light, the attack from the time card had already been sent out, but it was only at this time that Sakura realized something slowly, and wanted to look back, but it seemed that it was too late.

Kyoko immediately wanted to use magic recklessly, but when she first started to move her hands, she was directly stopped by Kaori Tominari.

"You can't do that!"

Doctor Fu Cheng looked at Xingzi firmly, and firmly grasped her hand.

In the current situation, Kaori didn't even have to think about it, Kyoko definitely wanted to use magic again regardless of her burden, but this was something she absolutely couldn't accept.

But Kyoko saw that her movements were interrupted, but she felt a little desperate in her heart.

After being interrupted by Dr. Fu Cheng, she no longer had time to use any magic to save the scene, as if she could only watch what happened.

In the circle of light, Sakura turned her head belatedly, looking at the beam of light that had already started shooting towards her, she seemed to be frozen in place.

However, in the blink of an eye, a cold light flashed, and a terrifying storm of magic power exploded in front of Sakura.

After the storm subsided, everyone saw a long sword pointing at the time card.And the hourglass in Shi's hand had broken into three pieces at some point, and fell to the ground sparsely.

At this moment, the owner of the sword is Sakura.

I saw her holding a long sword transformed from a sword card in one hand, while looking at the time card in front of her with some annoyance: "Since you have already lost, you must be more honest, and you can't be honest and make small moves!"

Shi Pai froze in place, looking at the girl in front of her and the sword in her hand.

Originally, its attack seemed to be successful, but after realizing its attack, the girl in front of her "drawn out" a long sword at an astonishing speed, and slashed at it.

The sword light brought by the long sword split its attack in an instant, and even destroyed the hourglass in its hand, and finally passed through its body.

But the strange thing is, only its magic and hourglass were completely shattered, but it itself was unscathed. This astonishing scene really made it a little dazed.

Staring blankly at Sakura, Toki seemed to have figured something out, put down his hand, left the hourglass fragment in his hand on the ground, and looked quietly at Sakura in front of him.

Seeing the actions of the old man in robes in front of her, Sakura couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, but this time she still chose to finish the last thing quickly.

With a flick of his hand, he restored the long sword in his hand to its original state, pointed the staff of sealing at the time card, and uttered the last incantation.

"Return to your original form, Crow~card!"

As the last storm that symbolized the end subsided, the Time Card returned to its appearance as a card and fell into Sakura's hands.

At the same time, the static card on Sakura's body and the shadow card that was hidden somewhere just now automatically changed back to the appearance of cards and returned to Sakura's hands.

Sakura held the time card in her hand, and stared at it for a while, puzzled.But in the end, he gave up his plan of thinking, and looked at Li Xiaolang who was not far away.

"Hold...Sorry~" Sakura rubbed the back of her head, and smiled a little embarrassedly, "I let you see a joke..."

The young girl seemed to think that this was a farce because she didn't do things well, and she didn't seem to take it to heart at all.

"No...it's okay..."

Li Xiaolang stared blankly at Xiao Ying for a while, and then responded with such a sentence.

But soon, he didn't know what to say again.

Seemingly aware of the embarrassment in the atmosphere, Sakura quickly suggested: "Let's go down quickly, my sister and the others are still waiting for us!"


And Li Xiaolang nodded slightly, besides agreeing, what else could he say.

I just feel like I'm a bit redundant...


outside the clock tower

Kyoko and Zhishi watched the shocking scene in front of them, and couldn't help but feel a little lingering fear.

"It's okay..."

Dr. Fucheng was relieved when he saw that Sakura played on the spot and solved all the problems perfectly.

When she stopped Kyoko, she naturally knew the consequences of what she did. Kyoko would definitely hate her for the rest of her life because of what she did, but she still did it.

Without him, that's all she thought, and she couldn't accept Kyoko going on like this.

"Kyoko, shield it..."

At this time, Tomoyo whispered to Kyoko, still looking at the shield beside him, as if he was worried about something.

Kyoko finally calmed down the ups and downs in her heart, and fell into a series of doubts after hearing Zhishi's voice.

Why does the shield refuse to save Sakura? Isn't she the current temporary owner of the Clow card...Although I am not Sakura, they don't have to obey when I give orders to them, but it's okay to see their master in danger and not take action It's so weird...

And Kyoko knew that not only did the shield fail to save Sakura, but even the shadow and static cards that were supposed to be near Sakura didn't make a move. They should all be able to prevent what happened just now...

Thousands of thoughts gathered in her mind, and Kyoko couldn't think of the reason for the matter for a while, but she still wanted to appease Tomoyo's worries first.

"It's okay." Kyoko managed to force a smile, "It's normal for the Kuro card not to receive orders from the master and not act. It's not a big problem..."

"Besides..." Kyoko seemed very happy, "Xiao Sakura is doing very well, isn't she?"


There was a doubtful light in Zhishi's eyes, and she felt something was wrong in her heart, but she couldn't tell because she didn't know the details.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything~"

Gently holding Tomoyo's hand, Kyoko comforted her softly.

"Okay then..." Tomoyo's trust in Kyoko is very high, she asked again, "Then should we talk to Sakura?"

Facing this question, Kyoko was silent for a while, then answered again.

"I will find a chance to talk to her when I go back later."

Yes, look for opportunities.

Kyoko decided to hide this matter for the time being, she felt that there must be some big secret behind these things, but at this moment she still hoped that Sakura would not be troubled by these things, and advance her relationship with Tomoyo properly.

Kyoko believes that after that time, she will almost find the truth...

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