"But now, that sister can no longer feel happy through singing."

Looking at Sakura who was still surprised in front of him, Tomoyo said so from the bottom of his heart.

(Because that younger sister can no longer understand her singing voice, how can her sister be happy...)

"Because of me?"

Sakura realized that the source of everything was herself, so she couldn't help lowering her head.

"So it's all my fault..."

Seeing that Sakura seemed to be getting lost, Tomoyo quickly comforted him: "You don't have to blame yourself, Sakura, it's not your fault."

"Why is my sister's reason like this, why can't she sing for others..."

The disappointed Sakura muttered in a low voice.

Listening to Sakura's words, Tomoyo reached out to stroke her hair.

"Perhaps, Kyoko has her own reasons..."

"We can only hope that she can figure it out on her own."

Hearing Tomoyo's words, Sakura seemed to think of something, and looked up at Tomoyo again.

"What about you, Tomoyo, why are you singing?"

Tomoyo was stunned for a moment, but reacted randomly, but didn't speak, but looked at Sakura in front of him tenderly, and showed her his own smile.

Although Tomoyo didn't say anything, Sakura at this moment clearly understood what Tomoyo wanted to express.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I have...never noticed your intentions."

With tears in the corners of Sakura's eyes, she choked up and said.

And Tomoyo still faced Sakura with a gentle smile.

"It doesn't matter, no matter how long, we will stay by your side, and we also believe that you will notice us one day, Sakura."

Gently hugging Sakura in front of him, Tomoyo spoke softly about his inner feelings.


On the day of the performance, behind the stage.

At this moment, the students of the choir were wearing uniforms and waiting behind the stage, and the familiar people were still chatting with each other, venting their inner excitement.

At this time, Kyoko was staying in the corner with Tomoyo, looking at everyone's faces full of joy, staring with facial expressions.

"Kyoko, are you alright?"

Seeing Kyoko like this, Tomoyo couldn't help but feel worried.

Sensing the worry of the girl beside her, Kyoko also smiled at her.

"Don't worry, I haven't participated in it anymore, don't worry about me anymore."

"It's you, don't be too nervous, lest you make mistakes when you lead the singing~"

Looking at Kyoko's "relaxed" look, Tomoyo didn't know what to say.

While the two were chatting, an unexpected voice came from the side.


Kyoko and Tomoyo who heard the voice subconsciously looked back and saw the girl standing at the door.


The two couldn't help being surprised.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?"

Seeing that Sakura seemed to have something on her mind, Kyoko hurriedly asked with a smile.

After hearing Kyoko's words, Sakura opened her mouth, hesitated for a moment, and finally said.

"Sister, can you come out for a while, I...I have something to tell you."

Kyoko couldn't help being surprised when she heard this, but soon smiled again.


After saying that, Kyoko greeted Tomoyo beside her, and went outside with Sakura.

And Zhishi looked at Kyoko who left, and couldn't help feeling worried.

In the dark corridor, Kyoko and Sakura looked at each other.

Seeing Sakura still hesitated, Kyoko first asked softly.

"What's wrong? Is there any trouble suddenly? Just tell my sister~"

Hearing that Kyoko spoke, Sakura also slowly expressed her thoughts.

"I... I actually have a request."

"A request?" Kyoko was taken aback for a moment, then smiled again, "Although Xiao Ying said, what my sister can do, I will try my best to do it!"

Hearing what Kyoko said, Sakura also took a deep breath, and then said slowly.

"Well, actually...I hope my sister can continue to sing..."

The smile on Kyoko's face froze after hearing what Sakura said.


Kyoko's deep voice echoed in the long and narrow corridor.

Seemingly aware of the change in Kyoko's mood, Sakura hastily raised her voice.

"I know, I was wrong before. I didn't understand the reason why my sister has been singing all the time, and my sister's feelings for me."


Kyoko called softly, looking at the girl in front of her who bowed her head and apologized to herself.

"But, I don't think it's okay, sister!"

Sakura stubbornly raised her head to look at Kyoko, her eyes were full of determination.

"I can feel that my sister obviously likes to sing very much. I can clearly feel the happiness when you sing."

"I think my sister is a very strong person. She has fought the disease for so many years and has never given up. Such a strong person should not choose to give up because of such a little setback!"

Listening to the girl's words from the heart, Kyoko fell silent.

"Even if it's not for me, my sister should still sing, to find the real joy of singing, to show her own brilliance, not to rely on me to shine. Isn't this what my sister told me when I was a child?"

Looking firmly at Kyoko, Sakura shouted.

"It's not just me, everyone likes my sister's singing very much, sister, you should watch them!"

Speaking of this, Sakura paused, and bowed to Kyoko again.

"Please, sister, please keep singing!"

Before Sakura could bend down, Kyoko supported Sakura with her hand.

"It can't be helped, this is your request, Sakura...



Sakura didn't hear Kyoko's whisper to herself, and looked up at her again.

"Yeah~" Kyoko shook her head, frowned and said, "Sakura, what you said is very reasonable, sister should look away..."

Hearing Kyoko's words, Sakura couldn't help being overjoyed.

"That sister is..."

"Well, I'm going to prepare now, and I'll go on stage later..."

"Hey, I'll be on stage later? Isn't my sister unprepared? I don't mean that..."

"It's okay, I can sing a song like this casually now~"

Kyoko said with a "smile".

Sakura was stunned: "Really..."

"Yes!" Kyoko nodded confidently, and then said, "Sakura, go back and wait below, waiting for the song I sing to you..."


Sakura was a little confused, but Kyoko had already turned around and supported the wall, walking towards the back of the stage.

The slow and firm steps in the darkness seemed extraordinarily lonely.


Inside the auditorium.

"The following is the students of the choir singing for everyone—"Friends"!"

wow wow~

The students in the audience gave thunderous applause, eagerly looking forward to the start of the performance.

Sakura naturally sat in her seat and waited for the performance to begin.

At this moment, Sakura suddenly heard a voice calling for herself from behind.

"Sakura! Sakura!"


After seeing the person who called her, Sakura couldn't help being surprised.

"Tomoyo? Why are you here..."

Sakura was surprised that Tomoyo, who was supposed to perform on stage, appeared in the audience.

Zhishi said with a worried face: "Xingzi came on stage instead of me, and said that she hoped that I could watch her singing with you below."

"Eh?" Sakura heard Tomoyo's words, she was very puzzled, "Why...why?"

"Why... I don't know either."

Zhishi recalled the resolute look in Kyoko's eyes when she said this request to her, and the worry in his heart deepened a little.

Tomoyo and Sakura barely squeezed out, looking at the choir that had been prepared on the stage, the singing also slowly rose.

"Among the clouds ni dance ru light, grassland ni ふ ri so so そぐ season ~"

Kyoko led the singing, and the soft and melodious voice echoed in the silent venue. The ethereal voice seemed to bring people to a grassland with soft sunshine and lush greenery.

However, it should be a refreshing scene, but a strong sense of loneliness can be heard from Kyoko's mouth, as if she is the only one wandering alone in this empty grassland, no one is with her, no one is there. People stay with her.

"Sister, what's the matter?"

Sakura remembers that the emotional tone of this song shouldn't be like this, could it be that she remembered it wrong?

Tomoyo stared at Kyoko on the stage, meeting her gaze, no, it should be Kyoko looking at Sakura beside her.

"Today's beginning まる~"

Before everyone finished thinking about it, the students in the choir began to sing together, and all voices converged into one line, as if they thought that a distant friend was watching her and calling her from afar.

"駆け向る友の声に, ふりむけばそこに, いつも change into a わらぬ smiling face, そして阳光しは辉く~"

Hearing this voice, Kyoko seemed to hear the person she had been thinking about for a long time. The singing revealed a sense of joy and eagerness. She looked back for the familiar voice and saw the familiar smile deep in her memory.

The tune that was originally slightly sad suddenly became cheerful, and everything was so beautiful.

But soon, the cheerful tune turned down, and the singing was full of depression and sadness again.

"Winter の冷てつく道を走く时~"

It turned out that everything just now was just a fantasy, she turned out to be walking on a dark and cold dilapidated road, and she had such a fantasy because she missed the best friend who had left her long ago.

"The singing is so sad~"

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