Although Xiao Ke didn't know the answer from Sakura, but after getting along for so long, Xiao Ke can still guess that this kind of information can only be known from that sister who is full of secrets.

Noticing the terrifying look in Xiao Sakura's eyes, Xiao Ke didn't dare to be sloppy, and quickly commanded.

"First prepare all the Kulo cards..."

Before Xiao Ke finished speaking, Xiao Sakura took the Clow card she had prepared and handed it to Xiao Ke.

Xiao Ke felt overwhelmed by Sakura's urgency, but she didn't stop saying, "Then you sit at the desk and do as I say next."

Sakura sat down and looked at Xiaoke again.

"First shuffle the Clow cards with your left hand~"

"After washing, put them into one stack, and then divide them into three stacks with your left hand."

"Then proceed to restore the original with the left hand..."

"Do you want to follow the original order?"

Sakura asked very cautiously.

"No, you can do whatever order you want." Xiao Ke said it doesn't matter.

After hearing Xiao Ke's explanation, Sakura silently put the cards into a pile, waiting for Xiao Ke's next instruction.

"Then just randomly draw cards according to your own ideas, and arrange them in the order I said..."

Sakura faithfully carried out Xiao Ke's instructions, and finished visiting the cards in a short while.

"Then, it's a very crucial step!"

When she got here, Xiao Ke became serious again, and looked at Sakura: "You have to keep thinking about the content you want to divination in your heart, and then follow me to silently recite the next spell."

"The clearer the content of the divination, the better, otherwise it is likely to be a mess, and you will not be able to interpret it. Then there is skill in asking questions. Using the divination method of Clow cards, if you ask properly, you can also get Lots of extra info!"

Seeing that Xiao Ke was so concerned about this step, Xiao Ying quickly asked, "Then what question should I ask?"

Sakura knew very well that she was only in contact with this kind of thing for the first time, so even if Kyoko said that she was very talented, she didn't dare to be careless in this situation, and asked Xiaoke, an experienced sealed beast, honestly.


Xiao Ke floated in mid-air, thought hard for a while, and finally said his suggestion.

"According to the information you told me before, it is very likely that this time it is also because of the Clow card. I believe Kyoko thinks the same way. She must also be thinking about which Clow card this time... ..”

"So from this point of view, it is better to directly divination the Clow card behind this incident, so that a lot of additional information can be obtained through this divination."

Xiao Ke gave the final concluding comments.

"it is good!"

Sakura naturally chose to believe in Xiao Ke, and began to meditate in her heart what she wanted to divination.

Seeing that Sakura was sitting ready, Xiao Ke followed suit and said, "Next, close your eyes and read with me..."

"The card created by Clowrido, please answer my question and show the true face of the thing that appeared in front of me..."

"Culolido created..."

As Sakura recited the divination spell, there was a surge of magic power in the room.

Chapter 170 IX Fog and Ice Field

After Xiao Ke waited for the surge of magic power to end, she would immediately start the next step with Sakura.

"Okay, then turn over all the cards, let's interpret the content of the divination bit by bit!"

Xiao Sakura turned over all the cards in front of her as she said, waiting for Xiao Ke's guidance.

Xiao Ke first looked at the card on the top floor. After seeing the card that symbolized "wind", his face became ugly.

"Sure enough, this time it's about the Clow card."

"Are you sure!" Sakura also asked hastily.

"It's not wrong. The wind represents the transmission of information, that is to say, now, except for the cards that have not yet awakened, all the Clow cards should know that you are sealing them one by one, Sakura."

"Is that so..." Sakura looked down at the card and muttered.

But in fact, knowing this information now, there is no big surprise for Sakura.

Because with the advancement of the sealing process, every time she encounters a Clow card, it seems to know her existence, either hostile or fleeing, and the knowledge of this information has not changed much.

"What about my sister, is my sister's disappearance related to this Clow card!"

Sakura thought of the main purpose of this divination again, and quickly looked at Xiao Ke who was aside.

And Xiao Ke pointed to the bottom card: "Look at the bottom card."

Xiao Sakura frowned when she heard the sound and saw the Clow card that symbolized "flower".


"That's right, it's the flower. And the meaning of the card in this position is what the next target of the Clow card is."

Xiao Ke looked at Sakura very seriously: "The card that appeared this time is a flower, which means that Kyoko should have been taken away by the Clow card."

"elder sister......"

Xiao Sakura listened to Xiao Ke's words, her eyes were a little dazed, as if she couldn't accept such news.

And when Xiao Ke looked at Xiao Ying's expression, and couldn't help but worry in her heart whether Xiao Ying could cheer up, Xiao Ying shook her head again and looked at Xiao Ke firmly.

"Is there anything else? Can divination reveal other information?"

Anxiety was unavoidable in Sakura's tone: "For example, do you know if my sister was taken there by the Clow card, or how can I find the Clow card?"

"Then keep watching!"

Seeing that Sakura didn't lose her mind, Xiao Ke was very happy, and then took Xiao Sakura to continue interpreting the information.

"The two Clow cards in the second row should reveal where the Clow cards are now..."

Sakura looked intently, and whispered the two Clow cards in the second row: "Tree...fog?"

"What does it mean?"

Sakura looked at Xiaoke again.

"I can't help you here."

Xiao Ke spread his hands and said helplessly: "I can only tell you what it represents in the following content, but I can't read the meaning directly. You need to interpret it yourself through your own inspiration."

"Divination is a matter of talent, and inspiration is even more important, but both you and Kyoko can have prophetic dreams, so the talent should be very good..."

Xiao Sakura listened to Xiao Ke's narration, and stared solemnly at the two cards on the table.

"Trees...fog? What the hell do you mean?"

Seeing that Sakura was in trouble, Xiao Ke felt helpless, but she still continued to shoulder her responsibilities and told her everything she knew.

"Then what I want to tell you is that the three cards in the middle are likely to remind you of the identity of the Clow card this time, while the last two cards tell you what you will encounter in the process of solving the matter, and you need to do it Get ready..."

After finishing the information, Xiao Ke sighed again: "That's all I can help you with, and you can only rely on yourself~"

Although listening to Xiao Ke's words, Xiao Sakura felt that things were not optimistic, but she still remembered Kyoko's last words to teach herself before leaving, she must keep herself calm, otherwise Kyoko will really not come back!

"The one in the middle is... water, shadow, phantom?"

It was something she couldn't figure out again, which made Sakura's brows furrow deeper.

"Finally... Dou, Li?"

Staring at the entire divination result in front of her, Sakura is still at a loss except for the information that Xiao Ke told her.

"How about it, any ideas?"

Xiao Ke waited for Sakura to think for a long time, but still couldn't help asking.


Sakura shook her head, her face was also very ugly.

"I can't think of anything at all..."

"Is that so..."

Seeing Sakura's helpless look, Xiao Ke also felt a headache.But after thinking for a while, Xiao Ke suggested again: "Why don't you, Sakura, focus on considering the two Clow cards in the second row first? The most important thing now is to quickly find the position of the Clow cards, so that you can find Kyoko .”

"Find the Clow card...sister..."

Following Xiao Ke's train of thought, Sakura's head was running wildly, trying to find a possible way.


Sakura suddenly thought of a way, it is possible to find the location of the Clow card without unlocking the hints of the Clow card.

"Look for classmate Li! His compass should work!"

Xiao Ke was taken aback when she heard her exclamation, but after realizing it, she had to agree that this was a good way, and Dang even said affirmatively: "Yes, it shouldn't be too late, let's go find him!"



Deep in the forest.

Kyoko and "Sakura" walked a long way into the forest, and there were few traces of human activities around them.

At this time, the originally unchanging dense forest scenery finally changed.

They came to the bottom of a cliff, where there was a relatively flat rocky land, and at the bottom of the cliff, not far in front of Xingzi, there was a cave.

Before Kyoko could see clearly the situation at the entrance of the cave, "Sakura" next to her pulled her.

"Come on, let's go in and talk."

Xingzi was slightly taken aback, but she also knew that she had finally reached her destination.

After a while, the two arrived at the entrance of the cave. Xingzi carefully looked around the entrance of the cave, her eyebrows furrowed slightly, as if she had discovered something.

"This cave doesn't seem to be formed naturally, did you dig it?"

Kyoko couldn't help turning her head to ask "Sakura" beside her.

The reason why Kyoko asked this was because she found that the walls of the cave were full of unnatural traces, as if the cave was carved out by some powerful external force.

And "Sakura" didn't answer her, but stared straight into the depths of the cave.

"You'll know when you go in."

As he said that, he walked towards the cave again.

This time, she didn't pull Kyoko again.

But Kyoko didn't say anything, and silently followed behind her, waiting for the moment when the answer would be revealed.

Slowly going deeper into the cave, Kyoko suddenly felt that the temperature in the cave was a bit strange, it seemed... dropped a lot?

Although the temperature in relatively deep caves is generally lower than that of the outside world, the degree of this temperature drop... is already very abnormal.

Due to her relatively weak body constitution, Kyoko was quite confident in her own judgment, and couldn't help but look at "Sakura" who was leading the way.

And after walking a certain distance, just when Kyoko couldn't hold back and wanted to ask aloud, a light suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

"This is......"

After walking a few steps, the originally faint light suddenly illuminated the entire cave, and Kyoko looked at the scene in front of her in surprise.

The originally not very spacious cave has expanded to the extent of an underground square in front of Kyoko, and the entire cave is filled with solid ice exuding a bitter cold air.

In addition to the unusually low temperature brought by the cold and smooth ice, by reflecting the sunlight from several holes on the top of the cave, the entire cave is illuminated like daytime, and even has a crystal clear beauty.

But Kyoko noticed that besides the solid ice covering the entire cave, there are also various long mirrors piled up everywhere, arranged like a maze, showing a strange beauty, and the lights in the cave also have part of their power.

"This is where I live with it temporarily~"

"Sakura" did not know when she walked between the long mirrors, and her figure appeared in the mirrors and ice around her.


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