After thinking of all this, Kyoko looked at the mirror plate in front of her, which had the appearance of Sakura, and gently stroked the icicle containing the main body of the frozen plate, and said again.

"So in the end, do you not believe that Sakura can grow to the point where she can resupply your magic power?"

As Kyoko spoke again, Jing Pai also frowned slightly, and replied after hesitating for a while.

"It's not that I don't believe it,'s really difficult."

Jingpai looked at Kyoko and said seriously: "It's really difficult to grow up to the point where we can reshape our life form at the level of the current Kuro magician, and it's all up to us whether we can survive to that point." one question."

"Huh?" Xingzi raised her eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

As if to make Kyoko understand better, "Sakura" walked out of the maze of mirrors, and then raised her hand.

Immediately afterwards, several icicles sprang out from the originally smooth ice field, standing in front of several long mirrors. After a while, as the mirrors shone with strange brilliance, several icicles that were exactly the same as those in front of the mirrors came out out of the mirror.

After such an action, Jing Pai spoke again.

"Being able to use your own magic power to play its own role like this is consuming the limited magic power left to us by the Clow card every time."

Kyoko didn't make a sound, she stared at "Sakura" silently, waiting for her to continue talking.

"And this kind of magic power is used a little bit less. When we have not been sealed by the Kuro magician, we can still obtain a little magic power to maintain our existence, and there is even hope that it can gradually increase."

"And once it is sealed by the Kuro magician, we are equivalent to signing a contract..."

"Sakura" in the mirror said very solemnly.

"A not incomplete contract."

When Kyoko heard this, a guess emerged in her heart.

"You mean..." Kyoko had a bad guess in her heart, "Magic power?"

"That's right~"

"Sakura" nodded and continued to explain.

"If it is possible for us to replenish a little magic power through a specific method before being sealed, then after being sealed, we will lose this opportunity, and we can only count on the new master to replenish it."

"But Sakura, she..."

Kyoko also showed a worried look in her eyes.

"Yes, the new master has not yet reached that level. He cannot change our life form and sign a new and complete contract with us. Every time we use us, we are urging us to consume the upper body with a little bit of our own magic power. The magic power left by the previous owner."

Jingpai slowly explained this cruel reality in front of Kyoko.

Kyoko was silent.

Facing the truth revealed by the mirror card, she didn't have much doubt, but believed it after a little thought.

After all, she also knew that after the final trial, Sakura awakened her own star magic power, and while her magic power soared, she couldn't activate the Clow card again, and finally realized the reality of remodeling the Clow card.

And later, Sakura also discovered the reality that Clow cards were about to become ordinary cards during the slow transformation process.

So when Sakura let the Clow cards reincarnate one by one, she was indeed saving the Clow cards, just like what the mirror said: "Sign a new and complete contract", that is, become the real master of the Clow cards.

After all, before that, Sakura couldn't even provide magic power to the Clow card, and had been consuming the magic power left by Clow Lido, so how normal is the contract with the Clow card.

After understanding all this, Kyoko also gradually understood the consideration of Jingpai.

"So, do you not believe that Sakura can reach that level?"

Kyoko looked at the mirror plate in front of her with some headaches.

"No, on the contrary, I very much believe that she can reach that level. After all, she can reach such a level in such a short period of time from a novice who has never been in contact with the magic field. Been to a few."

Jingpai fully affirmed Sakura's talent, but his words also revealed his worries.

"But I can't rest assured that we can complete the changes to us before the magic power left by the previous master is exhausted, and I don't dare to bet."

The mirror card in the mirror showed the facts in front of Kyoko more accurately.

After listening to Jingpai's consideration and analysis, Xingzi had to be sure that what it said was very reasonable.

Don't look at Sakura's progress so fast now, even Kyoko keeps praising Sakura's talent.

But even Kyoko herself doesn't really believe that she can transform and reincarnate the Clow card in no more than two years.

Because that gap is really too big.

And this is also the question that Kyoko has been wondering all along: How did Sakura achieve such rapid development in the near future?

Xingzi's heart could not be calm for a long time, and even gradually cooled down in the cold wind blowing from the ice field.

She is a little desperate...

Seeing that Xingzi hadn't spoken for a long time, Jing Pai said again: "So, after knowing all this, can you reconsider my previous request."


Kyoko wanted to say something, but was blocked by the information she just learned, and slowly lowered her head.

She was a little speechless.

Does she want the Clow cards to accompany her to gamble with Sakura?

Wait, Clows...

Xingzi suddenly thought of a key point, and looked up at the frozen card in front of her again.

"I'd like to know what Frozen and the other Clows think about this."

Kyoko looked at the icicle in front of her and "Sakura" in the mirror very solemnly.


As if knowing what Kyoko was asking, Dong Pai, who had been silent at the side, also made a strange sound, which echoed in the cave.

And the mirror card also translated for Kyoko in a timely manner after the sound of the frozen card dissipated.

"It said that it is in a neutral position. It neither chooses to take the initiative to accept the new master, but if the new master comes to seal it, it will also fight. If it can defeat it, it will accept it."

After translating in this way, Jingpai added an explanation very thoughtfully.

"If you want to know what my other companions think, I can tell you."

Kyoko was so active in Tingjingpai, she also shifted her gaze to her, waiting for the next message.

"Most of the companions have the same idea as it."

The "mirror card" in the mouth naturally refers to the frozen card on the side, which is the so-called neutral attitude.

Kyoko's eyes lit up when she heard the news, and some thoughts gradually emerged in her heart...

But Jingpai didn't notice the change in the expression in Kyoko's eyes, and continued to talk.

"Everyone believes in the previous master's words, and believes that he will find a suitable master for us..."

"So everyone chose to be neutral, and slowly waited for the new master to find us, or we put it directly into the embrace of the new master from the very beginning~"

At the end of Jingpai's words, the tone was obviously aggravated, and the look in his eyes also flickered.

Kyoko also knew that she was talking about Feng Pai, the "model worker" who voluntarily stayed by Sakura's side from the beginning.

"But there are also a small number of people, like me, who want to choose another path..."

Listening to Jingpai's gradually lowering voice, Kyoko knew that it was also very conflicted.

Chapter 180 The Promise Between Kyoko and Clow

Kyoko can understand its inner entanglement.

Although he chose this path by himself, Jingpai himself is not very sure about whether he can successfully achieve his goal.

After all, this is an extremely long and arduous road.

But even so, Jingpai still thinks so in the end, rather than pinning its hopes on the new master who doesn't know the situation in the future, it's more reassuring to work hard by himself.

Although it seems a bit silly, I didn't fully believe the vision from the previous owner.

But Kyoko believes that this is more proof that the Clow cards are getting closer to real life.

After all, beings who truly have their own thoughts don't always behave in a completely rational way sometimes.

Thinking of this, Kyoko also made up her mind and looked at the Clow card in front of her.

"I can fully understand your feelings and thoughts~"

Kyoko first expressed her affirmation of the mirror brand, and this action made "Sakura" have a happy expression on her face, which obviously increased her affection for Kyoko a lot.

"However, I personally hope that you can trust Xiao Sakura, she will definitely be a good master for you."

Sure enough, as soon as Kyoko uttered these words, "Sakura" looked disappointed again.

"So, you still..."

Before Jingpai could finish speaking, Kyoko interrupted her again and started the agreement.

"So let's make a deal!"


"Sakura" looked at Kyoko in confusion, unable to understand the meaning of Kyoko's words.

And Kyoko didn't talk too much, and directly began to talk about her thoughts.

"I will prove to you that Xiao Sakura has the potential to become your excellent master, and accordingly, you will return to Xiao Sakura."

"Huh?" Jing Pai couldn't understand what Kyoko meant.

And Kyoko said again: "And I assure you, Sakura will definitely complete the reincarnation of you in the end, so that you can become real life."

But even if Kyoko said such words, Jingpai was still unmoved and shook his head.

"Your guarantee is meaningless. If I really return to the hands of this master, then if I fail, I can only bear the consequences by myself, and there will be no change..."

"I will compensate you."


The suspicion in Jing Pai's eyes grew even stronger.

"How can you compensate us?"

"Compensate you for the magic power consumed by Sakura, and even the extra magic power you should have gained~"

Kyoko had a confident smile on her face.


After hearing Kyoko's words, "Sakura" in the mirror suddenly became strange.

"How is it possible? Can you make up for our magic power? You must know that after we follow the new master, under the restrictions of the contract, we can only wait for her to replenish our magic power one day."

Saying this, "Sakura" showed a look of distrust on his face: "Even if we are barely free now, there is not much you can do to replenish our magic power, let alone when the new Kuro magician After being sealed again and signing the contract..."

"Then just change the contract!"

Kyoko's voice is very high, showing her full confidence.

As if intimidated by Kyoko's aura, Jingpai was stunned for a while, and then looked at her suspiciously: "Are you serious, our contract with the new master is left by Mr. Clow , can you change?"

"Try it and you will know it."

Having said that, Kyoko also took her own steps and walked towards the location where the mirror and ice cards were located.

And Jing Pai was stunned when he saw Xing Zi approaching, and just wanted to reach out to stop him, but saw the ice field in front of Xing Zi disappear like ice and snow under the leadership of Dong Pai.

In this way, the worries in Jing Pai's heart disappeared, and he could only watch her come in front of him and look at him with a smile.

"Come on, hold out your hand~"

Jingpai still doesn't believe in Kyoko, and looks at her hesitantly.

Kyoko was not angry because of this action, but smiled again.

"Try it, you won't lose anything anyway, will you?"

After Kyoko said this, "Sakura" still hesitated for a while, and finally stretched out her hand slowly.

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