"Good morning!"

Tomoyo responded to Kyoko first, and waved his hands with a smile, and even blinked a few times intentionally or unintentionally, as if implying something.

Kyoko didn't respond to Tomoyo's secret hint, but looked at Sakura who was aside, expecting her reaction.

I saw that Sakura who walked in front of Kyoko was a little timid compared to before, her eyes did not dare to meet Kyoko's gaze, and she quickly moved aside after meeting a little.

"Good morning, Tomoyo..."

Kyoko blinked innocently, as if feeling a little helpless at Sakura's reaction.

But Zhishi quickly understood the situation in front of him, and immediately ran out to smooth things over.

"Okay, didn't you just go out and have fun yesterday, why did it look like this again today?"

While talking, Tomoyo walked between Kyoko and Sakura, took the initiative to hold their hands together, and helped them complete the first step directly.

"Hey, hey!"

Sakura felt a little caught off guard by Tomoyo's radical move, and before she had time to react, Tomoyo placed her directly beside Kyoko, and they walked on the road to school together.

Kyoko quietly watched Tomoyo's series of actions, feeling a little emotional.

I always feel that Zhishihe has become a little too active after bringing into his own identity.

Although these actions are also what Kyoko would have done before, it is still unbelievable to think that the quiet and passive Tomoyo would do such a thing.

While Kyoko was still secretly sighing, Tomoyo on the side also took her hand, motioning her to look at Sakura more.

Kyoko, who was reminded by Tomoyo, looked at the situation on Sakura's side again.

I saw that Sakura, who was already a little nervous, was even more uneasy after Tomoyo's actions, she was so shy that she kept her head down, and she didn't dare to look at Kyoko beside her.

And Kyoko would not let Xiaoying be so frightened all the time, she directly took Xiaoying's hand and made her look at Kyoko as if stimulated.

But when she saw Kyoko holding her hand and smiling slightly, she put it down again and looked at her tenderly.

Seemingly sensing Kyoko's meaning, Sakura's somewhat sensitive mood gradually calmed down, and she clenched the chimeric hands of the two again, feeling the tranquility at this moment.

And Kyoko secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the frightened lure beside him finally quiet down.

You have to be more careful next time, otherwise she might not be able to accept it.

Kyoko was thinking this in her heart, and there was another touch beside her.

Kyoko turned her head to look, only to see Tomoyo smiling at her.

"Did Xingzi go to see it last night?"

The faint sound of mosquitoes and flies came to her ears.

Kyoko's expression didn't change after hearing the voice, and she nodded slightly.



There was another chuckle in the ear, and then Zhishi's voice sounded again.

"So, does Kyoko understand what I'm thinking?"

Regarding this, Kyoko didn't answer so quickly, but looked at Sakura next to her, seeing how she was already snugly attached to her arm, and said quietly.

"I understand a little bit..."

"Then what is Xingzi's opinion now?"

Tomoyo continued to ask without hesitation, as if he wanted to understand Kyoko's attitude now.

But Kyoko herself didn't think about all this clearly, so how could she answer Tomoyo's question right now.

She shook her head, and said softly, "Let's talk about this at noon, Xiao Ying is still here."

Faced with Kyoko's obviously evasive move, Tomoyo was not disappointed, on the contrary, he was a little happy.

Because Kyoko didn't deny her idea immediately, it means that Kyoko herself is also moved, but she still doesn't know how to make a decision.

After getting the answer he wanted, Tomoyo narrowed his eyes, looked at Kyoko and Sakura beside him with a smile on his face, and said nothing.

The daily time is fleeting, and the time has come to noon.

"So what do you think, Kyoko?"

In the courtyard of Tomoeda Elementary School, Tomoyo, who was sitting on the bench with Kyoko, asked for an answer with a smile.

Taking advantage of lunch time, Tomoyo and Kyoko found a reason to distract Sakura temporarily, and then started talking about the unfinished topic from last night.

"What am I thinking?"

Kyoko sighed softly, staring at the blue sky in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking about.

After a while, Kyoko looked sideways at Tomoyo, and said seriously, "I still want to know how Tomoyo thinks of me and Sakura, do you like me too?"

Facing Kyoko's question, Tomoyo tilted his head in reality, and then said seriously: "As for Sakura, I have no doubt that I love her, and I hope she can be happy."

Kyoko didn't speak, but looked at Tomoyo with her eyes, listening to her thoughts.

"But if you want to talk about Kyoko, if you say you are in love, that's still too early..."

"After all, I treated you as a friend at first, Kyoko, but after knowing your secrets, I gradually got to know you better. After knowing so many things about Kyoko, I couldn't help but admire you, Kyoko. , you really sacrificed a lot for Sakura..."

After saying this, Tomoyo suddenly laughed.

"However, after experiencing so much with you, Kyoko, I have also seen your charm, Kyoko."


Xingzi was stunned, and then asked with a puzzled look, "Where is it?"


Seeing Kyoko's puzzled face, Tomoyo also smiled.

"As expected, the two of you sisters are actually the same. Kyoko, you always say that Sakura underestimates her own charm, but in fact, why don't you yourself?"

After a pause, Tomoyo continued without waiting for Kyoko to speak.

"Look, the most well-known person in the school is probably Kyoko you. You and Sakura are almost identical twins, but they are born with serious illnesses and cannot exercise excessively. But other than that, whether you are Appearance, talent, or personality are all admirable existences, how can you say that you are not attractive?"

Hearing this, Kyoko was also a little embarrassed, she scratched her head unconsciously, and said in a timid voice: "I...you said that I have a bad personality and I am very cold, why do you say that I have a good personality?"

"Huh? It seems that Kyoko really took a good look at my records yesterday~"

Facing Tomoyo's teasing eyes and eyes, Kyoko turned her head in embarrassment.

Seeing that Kyoko was a little embarrassed, Tomoyo didn't make fun of it, and continued, "That's just my own exaggeration."

"Think about it, Kyoko, when you were in school, you helped everyone solve a lot of problems. No matter who you are, as long as you ask for help, you will basically help. Even the teacher is grateful to you."

Saying so, Tomoyo laughed again.

"Although you didn't joke around with everyone before, Kyoko, everyone has been helped by you, and they always remember your gentleness. There are many people in the school who are your support team~"

"How can it be so exaggerated!"

Kyoko couldn't hold back when she heard the words "backup group" coming out, and quickly corrected her.

"I'm not kidding!"

Tomoyo looked at Kyoko with a serious face, and emphasized his words again.

"Kyoko's charm is obvious to all, I'm not talking nonsense."

Facing Tomoyo's serious gaze, Kyoko was defeated in the end.

"This...is this..."

Kyoko turned her head to the side, looked down at her thigh, wondering what she was thinking.

For a while, Tomoyo tilted his head to see Kyoko was silent for a while, then asked again.

"So, Kyoko, do you think there's no reason why I like you?"

Hearing this question, Kyoko couldn't help but look at Tomoyo, seeing her serious face, she opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

Kyoko suddenly thought that Tomoyo's mother, Aunt Sonomi, seemed to have similar thoughts about her mother Nadeshiko. Looking at it this way, it doesn't seem strange that Tomoyo, who has won Sonomi's inheritance, would have such a tendency?

But after thinking about it, Kyoko realized that she really didn't have any ill feelings towards Tomoyo. After all, the fact that her feelings for Sakura were true was enough to make her feel at ease, not to mention that she wanted to walk on the road to happiness with them now. , what else can she say.

After all, she is already very satisfied to be by Sakura's side. If she thinks this way, even if there is one more person she likes, it is not a problem?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Unknowingly, Kyoko's heart has been greatly shaken, and the thoughts in her heart are getting closer to thinking about the feasibility of the three of them being together.

But the cautious Kyoko still didn't agree, but looked at the smiling Tomoyo next to her, and said hesitantly, "I..."

The voice was delayed for a long time, as if he was still hesitating.

Finally, Kyoko expressed her opinion.

"I don't think I should be qualified to decide this matter."

Xingzi was very disappointed.

"This kind of thing requires the consent of you and Sakura, Tomoyo. My thoughts are the least important."

Yes, Kyoko still thinks very clearly, for the three of them, Kyoko's current situation undoubtedly belongs to the "third party".

With Sakura and Tomoyo having confirmed their relationship, Kyoko needs the consent of both of them if she wants to participate.

Although Tomoyo seems to be asking for her opinion now, in fact, this is also the reason why Tomoyo recognized and accepted Kyoko. At this moment, there is another important decision-maker who has not yet expressed his opinion.

And Zhishi frowned after hearing Kyoko's words, she didn't say anything, but actually agreed with Kyoko's statement in her heart.

Indeed, as Kyoko said, the most important thing now is to make Sakura accept such things, otherwise no matter how hard she tries, it will be useless, and Sakura will even doubt her own feelings.

However, the good news is that Kyoko's saying this means that she has basically accepted her suggestion, and has the idea of ​​three people being together at the same time, which can be regarded as a huge improvement.

Thinking of this, Tomoyo smiled again, patted Kyoko beside him, and softly comforted: "Don't worry, Sakura, she will definitely accept it!"


Kyoko didn't react too much, but just responded softly.

It can be seen that Kyoko doesn't seem to have much confidence in this matter.

But Zhishi can also understand, after all, Kyoko has a failure experience, it is reasonable to have no confidence in such a thing.

But at times like this, Tomoyo needs to show confidence, otherwise, how can Kyoko believe that her vision can be realized.

Thinking of this, Zhishi got up, stretched out his hand to Kyoko, and said seriously.

"Come on, Kyoko, let's move in that direction together!!"

Kyoko stared blankly at the passionate Tomoyo in front of her, but didn't react.

After a while, Kyoko understood Tomoyo's intentions, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she stretched out her hand to hold her together.

"Thank you, know..."

"Sister, what are you doing?"

A familiar voice suddenly appeared behind Zhishi, causing the two people in front of him to suffer cardiopulmonary arrest.


Fortunately, both of them have seen the big scene, but the momentary fright can't let the two of them show their flaws.

I saw them smiling skillfully, looking at Sakura who came behind her who didn't know when.

"Sakura, when did you come back?"

Tomoyo was very calm, even very naturally pulled Sakura to sit down again, and then took from her the bento he "forgot" in the classroom.

"Just now~"

Sakura also looked puzzled.She looked at the "sister" and "Zhishi" beside her, and she was full of doubts.

"I just came back, and I heard what my sister, you, U, said to Tomoyo, moving towards the same...goal? What are you talking about?"

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