
Li Yelan frowned, as if worrying about how to meet Xingzi's needs.

After coming over for a while, Li Yelan raised her head and asked.

"So what book do you need?"

Seeing that Li Yelan actually wanted to satisfy her own needs, Xingzi couldn't help but find it hard to understand.

But there was no other way, the words had already been asked, so Kyoko had no choice but to answer.

"Are there any books on the soul?"


Li Yelan was also taken aback when she heard Xingzi's request, and after looking at Xingzi several times, she still said.

"plz follow me."

After finishing speaking, Li Yelan went to the study room for a few more books, and picked up a book from a very remote bookshelf.

After using magic to unlock the protection above, Li Yelan handed the book to Xingzi.

"There are too few books on the soul, this should be the most comprehensive book in this library."

Xingzi was curious, so she took Li Yelan's book and immediately started to read it.

Seeing this, Kyoko became surprised.

The content of the book turned out to be in English, and it didn't seem to be as old as other books.

What surprised her even more was that there were...

Kyoko was concentrating on flipping through the contents of the book, and the only sound left in the vast study room was the sound of her flipping the pages.

Li Yelan and Li Xiaolang stood aside and watched her read the contents of the book without making a sound.

Soon, Kyoko read all the contents of the book.

After reading the book, Kyoko looked melancholy and seemed to be even more melancholy.

Handing the book back to Li Yelan, Xingzi asked unwillingly.

"Excuse me, is there anything else?"


Li Yelan shook her head and explained.

"It is rumored that our ancestors got this book from Clowrido. Except for him, there are very, very few magicians who can have such a deep insight into the field of souls."

Li Yelan used two extremes in a row to show Clow Rido's level of magic back then.

Kyoko was at a loss when she heard this.

"That's weird..."

After muttering a few words, Xingzi shook her head, then raised her head to respond again.

"Thank you, I have seen what I want, can I go back?"

Seeing that Xingzi was about to leave, Li Yelan was also puzzled.

"Why are you so interested in the content of the soul? Do you have any needs?"

Li Yelan looked at Xingzi worriedly.

In her perception, most people who like to delve into this field are very dangerous.

The magic of the soul is related to the legend of extending life and resurrecting the dead. It is very dangerous, which makes her have to worry about Kyoko.

Kyoko shook her head and said.

"I'm just interested. In the past, it could be said that there was a need, but now..."

Kyoko smiled.

"Probably no more."

Li Yelan was silent, and finally said.

"Okay, then you can leave first."

Xingzi bowed slightly, and after thanking her again, she quickly walked back to the original road alone.


Watching Xingzi leave, Li Xiaolang seemed to want to say something, but seeing Li Yelan's expression, he still didn't say anything in the end.

Li Yelan watched Xingzi's figure gradually go away, and shook her head.

"May she not go astray."

Li Yelan was still worried about Xingzi's future, she had a hunch that it was definitely not accidental that Xingzi would be interested in this kind of magic, it must be because of a certain need.

"Both of their sisters are too talented. They are the ones you need to catch up with. You have to work hard."

Li Yelan turned around, put the book in her hand back on the shelf, and said calmly to Li Xiaolang behind her.


Li Xiaolang responded softly, and the study room returned to silence.


At night, in the guest room where the three sisters were.

"Phew~ I'm so tired!!"

Xiao Sakura lay on the big bed, looked at the unfamiliar ceiling and complained aimlessly.

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On the other hand, Tomoyo looked at Sakura lying lazily on the bed and smiled.

"It's not that Sakura is too cute, classmate Li's sisters like you too much."

That's right, during the whole day, Sakura was entangled by Li Xiaolang's four older sisters to take various pictures, which made Sakura feel distressed.

And Tomoyo is a feast for the eyes. For her, the daytime situation is exactly what she wants, and naturally she is incomparably cooperating with the four sisters to persecute Sakura.

As for Xingzi, since she was called out by Li Yelan at the beginning, she was saved from being persecuted, so she secretly watched Sakura pose in various poses, very unhappy.

At this moment, Xingzi was sitting on the edge of the bed looking at the night sky outside the window, in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking.

And Sakura also noticed that something was wrong with Kyoko. She had noticed since Kyoko came back during the day that Kyoko was always in a daze from time to time today, as if she was thinking about something.

"Sister, did classmate Li's mother say something to you? I feel that you are not in a good mood?"

Sakura, who was concerned about Kyoko, naturally asked about the situation.

Kyoko was stunned, but also came back to her senses after hearing Sakura's voice, turned around and said with a smile.

"It's nothing, it's just that some bad things from the past rang out, and I forgot at first, but I remembered it again"

"Bad things?"

Sakura was puzzled, and continued to ask.

"What's the matter?"

"Emmm..." Kyoko hesitated for a moment, then said with a smile, "I thought I couldn't be with Sakura, so I was a little unhappy."

"how come!"

After listening to Kyoko's words, Xiao Sakura grabbed Kyoko's hand and said seriously.

"How could we be separated!"

But after saying this, Sakura thought of something again, and added weakly.

"Unless sister, you have someone you like and want to marry, then there is no way..."


Hearing what Sakura said, Kyoko couldn't help laughing.

She pinched Sakura's face and teased.

"Okay, now I hope that my sister will get married soon, do you not like my sister?"

"Chai is not to blame~"

Sakura vaguely responded to Kyoko's words, then took Kyoko's hand away and said angrily.

"In short, unless you leave me, sister, I will definitely take care of you for the rest of my life!"


Hearing Sakura's words, Kyoko was also very happy.

"No, that day will not come."

Kyoko murmured, feeling the full power in her soul.

"Hopefully it can go on like this..."

And Zhishi at the side couldn't help but interject when seeing the two sisters talking about this matter.

"What nonsense, the three of us will definitely be together forever."


Kyoko also nodded, convinced by Tomoyo's words.

Chapter 220 Enmity and Divination

Late at night is the time when everything is silent.

At this moment, Kyoko, Sakura, and Tomoyo are also lying on the same bed, deeply asleep.

If someone observes the three people's sleeping appearance at this moment, they can easily find that among the three, Kyoko and Sakura are obviously different.

Xingzi was deeply asleep at this moment, but uncharacteristically, she didn't dream of anything. Instead, she found herself in the dark and gradually woke up.

Kyoko, who was sleeping soundly, struggled and swayed, as if she wanted to hear the voice of the person in her dream and grasp the hard-won revelation.

"She met me before and formed a relationship. I hope you can help me get in touch with her current hardship..."

"She, who is she?"

Kyoko muttered in her mouth, as if she was asking someone.

"Shui Bu, this is what she is best at..."

Just when the voice in the dream reminded Kyoko, there was a sudden scream in the originally silent room.

A scream came from beside Kyoko, which made her wake up suddenly.

"what happened?!"

After waking up, she heard the screams from around her, and suddenly became nervous.

And Zhishi also woke up from a dream, and hurriedly turned on the bed light to check the situation.

At this moment, Sakura was holding her wrist tightly, curled up in fear, as if she had dreamed of some horrible scene.

After Xiao Ke woke up, she found out what happened to Sakura, and hurriedly slapped her on the face, trying to wake her up.

"Sakura, Sakura, wake up!"

After a while, under Xiao Ke's call, Xiao Ying suddenly sat up and looked around in fear.

"What's the matter?"

Kyoko looked at Sakura like this, and had a bad premonition in her heart.

And Sakura sat on the bed in a daze, with lingering fear in her heart.



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