"Then, let me tell you the title of the show that everyone is most concerned about."

With that said, Guanyue wrote a few words on the blackboard.

"sleeping Beauty"

After writing these words, Guan Yue also picked up a roll of newspaper and said with a smile.

"Then we will use a lottery to decide the roles everyone will play."

After listening to Guanyue's arrangement, the classroom instantly became lively, and everyone began to talk about the role they most wanted to play.

And Zhishi was also very excited.

"Great, let me make clothes for everyone in this script, and I can also design a few more clothes for Sakura and Kyoko~"

Hearing Tomoyo's excited voice, Kyoko also smiled awkwardly, not commenting on Tomoyo's interest.

Satisfying Tomoyo's fun of dressing up has basically become a habit for her and Sakura.

And Sakura also scratched her head shyly, but didn't say anything more.

Immediately afterwards, under the arrangement of Teacher Guanyue, the whole class went up to draw their own numbers, and then waited for the final result.

After the students had drawn their characters, Guanyue looked at the blackboard newspaper in front of her, and tore off the cover, revealing the final mystery.

"I remember that the most important thing in this story is the performance of the prince and princess. I don't know if it will be me and the little wolf..."

Mei Ling at the side was already fantasizing about being able to perform on stage.

But God seemed to have not heard Mei Ling's call, and the final result did not satisfy her so much.


"It's the two of them!"

The students sitting in front were the first to see the role assignment clearly, and immediately started to exclaim.

Immediately afterwards, before Kyoko and Sakura could react, the students turned around and looked at the two of them.


Seeing that everyone was looking at her, Sakura couldn't help but tilt her head and asked in doubt.

"Fa... what happened?"

"The luck of the two of you is really good. You just got the most important role."

Teacher Guanyue on the stage has already started to congratulate Sakura and Kyoko in advance.

The students also applauded one after another, expressing their encouragement to the sisters.

Until then, Kyoko also reacted and looked at the role assignment on the blackboard.

Kinomoto Sakura - Prince

Kinomoto Kyoko - Princess


Kinomoto's, Kyoko's and Sakura's bedroom.

"So, the two of you became a prince and princess?"

Xiao Ke sat on the bed, and after listening to Sakura's description of what happened in school, she couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

"I can't help it. The first time I participated in this kind of activity, I took on such a role directly..."

Xingzi was also sitting by the side of the bed, looking like she was having a headache.

"Yeah, this is also the first time I play such a role..."

Although Sakura has been participating in various activities under Kyoko's guidance, it is the first time that she has become the protagonist in activities other than sports.

After hearing the sighs of the two sisters, Tomoyo quickly encouraged them.

"Come on, everyone is looking forward to the performance of the two of you, I believe you will be able to do well!"

Saying that, Tomoyo recalled his decision again, and said excitedly.

"And I even went to the teacher to apply for the job of making costumes for this performance. I must make the most beautiful clothes for you!"

Hearing Tomoyo's decision, Kyoko smiled helplessly, not surprised at all.

"I don't mean to give up, it's just that I'm afraid that I won't do well when I act for the first time..."

Kyoko recalled her past life experience, and found that she had very little experience in this area, and it was indeed a "relatively" challenging project.

And compared to Kyoko's appearance of being distressed, but in fact she doesn't care much, Sakura is completely blinded.

"Sister is so powerful, it's definitely okay, it's me... maybe it will hold back my sister..."

Kyoko was taken aback when she heard this, turned around and saw the worry in Sakura's eyes, smiled wryly for a while, then reached out and stroked Sakura's hair.

"Okay, it's me, don't worry, we practice together, and we will definitely be able to put on a perfect performance for everyone."

Although she didn't care much about the show at first, Kyoko changed her mind after seeing Sakura like this.

Let's have a good show with her...


With Kyoko's encouragement and assurance, Sakura's spirit suddenly surged, and she looked at Kyoko in front of her with joy.

It could be seen that Kyoko's encouragement really held a lot of weight in her heart, and it instantly boosted Sakura's confidence.

And Zhishi was very happy to see that the two sisters had reached a consensus goal, because this meant that the scene she was most looking forward to could appear again.

You know, isn't the most important thing in the play "Sleeping Beauty" that the prince wakes the princess up with a kiss...  

"Okay, without further ado, let's get started!"

Under Tomoyo's call, Kyoko and Sakura started a preliminary rehearsal audition.

And after a while...

"Eh? What is this?"

With an innocent look on her face, Kyoko lightly touched the non-existent spinning machine in front of her, and fell down on the floor behind her as if she had been severely injured.

And Sakura, who was standing not far away, watched Kyoko's vivid and meticulous performance, with little stars in her eyes, her envy was beyond words.

"Hey Sakura, it's your turn~"

Tomoyo and Xiaoke, who were sitting on the bed, were waiting for their performance, and they couldn't help reminding Sakura when they saw that Sakura hadn't moved for a long time.

"Ah, right~"

After reacting, Sakura quickly flipped through the script in her hand, recalling the unfamiliar plot and lines.

"Well, it seems that this is the end of the story, or let's just skip to the key plot later."

As Sakura said this, she quickly flipped through the script in her hand, and soon came to a climax of the plot.

After browsing carefully for a while, and roughly memorizing the lines in it, Sakura closed the script in her hand, rolled it up and pretended to be a long sword, and raised her hand high and shouted.

"Ah, what a beautiful princess, if my kiss can wake her up, I swear by this sword, I will treat her well..."

Kyoko, who was lying on the ground pretending to be unconscious, was shocked in her mind.

"What, did I get here so soon, I'm not ready yet!!"

But at this moment, she obviously couldn't stop Sakura from continuing to perform.

After singing the lines with great emotion, Sakura leaned down, her beautiful face slowly approaching Kyoko's position.

When Zhishi on the bed saw this scene, he raised his head excitedly, and even pressed Xiao Ke under him on the bed, unable to move, for fear of missing the critical moment, he wanted to engrave all this into his mind.

And Xingzi, who was lying on the ground, trembled involuntarily after feeling the scent of the fragrance that was close at hand, as if she was afraid, or suppressing something?

But Sakura didn't notice all this, she just followed the performance method described in the script, and kissed Kyoko "with all her heart".

And just before the two touches of pink were about to overlap, Kyoko finally couldn't help but grabbed Sakura's face with her hands, and then gasped heavily.


Kyoko turned her face sideways and panted towards the empty space beside her, while Sakura, whose face was covered by Kyoko, said in confusion.

"elder sister?"

At the same time, Tomoyo, who had moved his face to the side of the bed and was about to watch the scene he had dreamed of, also looked disappointed, and then said.

"What's wrong with Xingzi, why didn't she act all of a sudden?"

And Xingzi gasped for breath for a long time, and after she calmed down for a while, she washed up and sat up, and then explained with a sullen face.

"No...it's nothing, it's just that I can't get used to it all of a sudden, I can't continue acting..."


What Kyoko said surprised Sakura very much, she looked at Kyoko incredulously, and asked in doubt.

"No way, my sister acted very well before, why didn't she suddenly fail? Could it be that I did not act well?"

Sakura admired Kyoko's previous performance very much, and even directly suspected that it was her own problem.

But facing Sakura's words, Kyoko felt bitter and couldn't express it. After looking up at her pure eyes, she couldn't help asking.

"Well, Sakura, what do you think of me, wouldn't it be strange to kiss me directly?"

"Strange feeling?"

Sakura, who was asked about it, had an innocent look on her face.

"It doesn't feel strange, we are sisters, there is nothing wrong with this way, and... isn't it always like this, sticking so close every day, even if it's a real kiss, it's okay? "

When Sakura said these words, she was really pure, and there was no impurity in her eyes, which made Kyoko feel guilty when she saw it.

"Hold... sorry, I was thinking too much, I will get used to it..."

"Hey, don't tell me my sister doesn't like it? Then...then I'll kiss my face next time. It should be fine."

Seeing that Kyoko seemed to have a strange face, Sakura thought that Kyoko didn't like this, so she quickly explained.

And Xingzi shook her head with a wry smile, and whispered.

"No, Sakura, just go ahead, this is all my problem..."

Kyoko's tone was inexplicably full of loneliness, she didn't know if she was distressed because she couldn't face Sakura freely, or because Sakura still regarded herself as a pure older sister...

Zhishi on the side listened to the exchange between the two sisters completely, and also had a headache on his face, not knowing what to say about Kyoko.

But obviously, the current atmosphere has froze, and Zhishi knew that it was not suitable to continue rehearsing today, so he quickly opened his mouth to change the topic.

"Forget it, Kyoko might be tired today, so let's continue tomorrow."

After saying this, Tomoyo turned to look at Sakura again.

"Well, Sakura, I'll go back now, can you give me a ride?"


Sakura was surprised that Tomoyo offered to ask her to give it to her, but under Tomoyo's repeated eye gestures, she obediently followed out, not thinking too much about the mystery, and really thought that Kyoko was just simply tired.

Kyoko also sat silently by the bed after hearing the door slamming, looking at the scenery outside the window.

And just as the room fell into silence, another familiar puppet sound broke the silence.

"Ah~ Tomoyo, really, why are you so excited all of a sudden, you kept me down for so long without apologizing..."

Xiao Ke scratched his head and complained a few words, then flew to Xingzi's ear and wobbled.

And Kyoko suddenly heard Xiao Ke's voice in the silence, and suddenly thought of a question about Sakura that bothered her yesterday, so she took this opportunity to ask Xiao Ke beside her.

"Xiao Ke, do you know anything about the details of the final judgment?"

"The details of the trial?"

Xiao Ke was also puzzled by Kyoko's sudden question, but she still truthfully told what she knew.

"I remember that during the trial, there will be a wide-area magic left by Kuro. It is roughly to maintain the continuation of the trial and the final result is to implement it?"

Xiao Ke propped his chin and recalled.

After hearing these words, Kyoko frowned dissatisfied and continued to ask.

"Is there nothing else, for example, Yue's strength at that time?"

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