"No problem? Suddenly something went wrong, do you want me to help?"

"Okay, Tomoyo, don't worry, I'll leave this matter to Sakura, she has missed several sleep-ins for this performance, don't underestimate her determination."

Hearing Kyoko say such words suddenly, and seeing the smile on her face, Zhishi was taken aback, and also smiled.

"Okay, I look forward to your performance~"

After saying this, Tomoyo greeted the two of them, then turned and walked towards the studio.

She also served as the host of this broadcast.

And watching Tomoyo leave, Kyoko gently patted Sakura next to her.

"How is it, is there any pressure?"

"Er.. a bit?"

Sakura scratched her face, a little embarrassed.

"However, Mr. Guanyue seems to say that it won't harm everyone, which means that I can do it with confidence?"



"Nothing nothing~"

Seeing that Sakura was worried about this, Kyoko was completely relieved.

Containing her smile, seeing the puzzled look on Sakura's face, Kyoko also felt emotional again.

"It seems that the increase in strength has given her confidence. Now she is not afraid of these things at all."

Shaking her head, Kyoko temporarily put these thoughts out of her mind, and then pulled up Sakura next to her.

"Okay, the time is almost up, it's time for us to play~"



"Next, I invite students from Class Two, Fifth Year, to bring us a stage play—"Sleeping Beauty"."


As Zhishi's performance sounded, the audience in the audience also applauded generously, offering encouragement to the students on the stage.

"Once upon a time there was an ancient country, the king and queen of the country led the subjects to live a happy life..."

As Tomoyo's narration sounded, the performance on the stage also started slowly.

At the beginning, there is a certain pair of brothers and sisters playing the role of the royal couple seriously, and beside them are the squinting-eyed guards who are responsible for gags.

With the help of this pair of brother and sister performances and classmates who fit their identities in a certain sense, the audience in the audience was also quite novel about the opening of the performance.

And not long after, it was Kyoko's turn to make her debut.

The moment Kyoko appeared on the stage, the audience cheered.

The already cute and moving appearance, coupled with Tomoyo's elaborate princess dress, immediately won the love of the audience below.

In particular, a certain brother who came to see his sister's performance even picked up the camera and took a lot of special shots below, and even called it for Tenglong to appreciate.

Immediately afterwards, Kyoko's superb performance also amazed everyone, and some small fans outside the school were born immediately.

The atmosphere of the stage play became hot, and the performance was progressing smoothly, and soon reached the first climax of the story.

The beautiful princess fell down due to the curse of the vicious witch, and the appearance of the prince with the same face as the princess caused a heated discussion among everyone.

"The princess and the prince look alike~"

"Yeah, and, both of them are so cute!!"

A certain star-chasing fan atmosphere permeated below the stage, and people were already inquiring about the rumors about Sakura and Kyoko in Tomoeda Elementary School.

And this point was naturally seen by Tomoyo in the studio, but she always had a smile on her face, which made Xiao Ke, who sneaked over to watch the performance, a little puzzled.

"Isn't Tomoyo afraid?"

"Huh? What are you afraid of?"

"With so many people falling in love with Sakura, isn't Tomoyo afraid of being snatched away?"

"Haha~ How could that be? I'd be happier if more people discovered the charm of Sakura and Kyoko!"

"Uh...sometimes it's really hard to understand Tomoyo's thoughts."


During the chat, the plot on the stage has advanced to the end.

Sakura, who plays the role of the prince, is coming to the place where the princess is sleeping, and is about to wake up the princess in front of her with her affectionate kiss, bringing the story to a new climax.

At this moment when all eyes were on her, Kyoko also secretly opened her eyes, watching Sakura approaching her like a rehearsal, and the beating in her chest unbelievably accelerated.

"Relax, relax~ It's not really like that, calm down..."

While implying herself in her heart, Kyoko tried to close her eyes and control her movements, trying not to let herself go wrong at this last moment.

And at this last moment, the lights in the venue dimmed unknowingly, and the familiar magic power quietly appeared everywhere.

"Wait, this is!"

Kyoko and Sakura in the center of the stage naturally felt the changes around them, and even their expressions changed, which broke the state of being immersed in the performance.

But at this time, darkness had quietly enveloped the entire stage, and the surrounding scenery was engulfed in deep darkness in an instant.

"Sakura, this is dark..."

Even though Kyoko recognized what Clow card it was, she just wanted to remind Sakura, but disappeared in the darkness instantly.

And Xiaoying watched Kyoko disappear in front of her in the blink of an eye, even trying to grab her hand was in vain, and she was stunned.

"Sister?! Where are you, sister!!"

Sakura, who was separated from Kyoko, became flustered, shouting and looking for Kyoko's trace.

However, in this vast and boundless darkness, even though Xiao Sakura ran quickly for a long time, she still couldn't touch any boundary feeling. She only felt that she had gradually lost her direction and perception, and was about to fall into the surrounding darkness.

"No, don't be in a hurry, you must be calm, and you must not let my sister down..."

Sakura also reacted quickly, forced herself to calm down, kept her mind calm, and tried her best to find a way to break the situation.

"My sister seemed to want to remind me of something before, but she seemed to be blocked again. She must have recognized the Clow card, but..."

Sakura quickly reacted, knowing that Kyoko must have wanted to remind her, but she had no choice but to rely on herself in the current situation.

"Calm down, there are only a few Clow cards that haven't been sealed yet. My sister told me that I must find them."

Subconsciously wanting to take out the sealing key on her chest, Sakura wanted to use the power of magic, but found that the sealing key did not respond at the moment.

"The sealing key didn't respond? A dark space? Is this... a dark card?!"

The very eye-catching feature made Sakura guess the identity of the Clow card at once.

And the surrounding dark space suddenly brightened for a while, but soon fell into darkness, Sakura was convinced that she had guessed the answer correctly.

At this moment, she is very grateful that she still remembers that Kyoko once explained the characteristics of each Clow card to herself. Although she can't remember all of them, she has the impression of all the special ones.

But before Xiao Sakura was happy for a while, she found out strangely that after she said the real name of the hidden card, the darkness around her didn't seem to be fading away, on the contrary, there were traces of getting deeper and deeper.

Originally, she could still see her physical condition clearly, but now the darkness has spread to her ankles.

"Why, why is this happening, is there something wrong?!"

Facing the increasingly serious situation, the deep darkness brought endless mental pressure to Sakura, which made her a little unbearable.

Nervous, anxious, confused, helpless...

A series of negative emotions rushed into her heart, causing Sakura's originally stable state of mind to fluctuate violently.

Especially when she clearly knew the real name of the special card, but couldn't get rid of the predicament in front of her, Sakura felt desperate in her heart.

"In the past, I always thought that I had the love of my parents, and I only needed to be liked by my parents, but in the end, I was just an existence that could be discarded and replaced at any time..."

A familiar voice suddenly sounded in the deep darkness, which made Sakura, who was originally flustered, startled.

"this is...."

Sakura quickly recognized the owner of the voice.

"Until I had a new life, but I didn't know how to cherish it at that time. I didn't understand the preciousness of this time until I lost it again..."

"elder sister?"

Chapter 230 Eight Twins of Light and Darkness

A picture suddenly appeared in front of Sakura, which was particularly conspicuous in this dark space.

But in fact, for Sakura, Kyoko's voice has always attracted her attention, even if there is no picture in front of her.

His eyes turned to the sudden picture in front of him.

The scene in the picture is very familiar to Sakura, it seems to be her childhood situation.

The reason why Sakura is so sure is because the scene in the light and shadow is the situation of their home.

And she even saw a person she had no impression of but was very familiar with.


Looking at the pretty voice with countless photos at home in the picture, Sakura called softly.

And the picture at this moment is presenting the things about her and Kyoko when they were young.

Although Kyoko was still young at that time, she had already shown an indifferent response to the concerns of her parents and family members. No matter how much Nadeshiko and Tenglong cared, she always looked indifferent.

"I thought that as long as I rejected them, the past tragedy would not happen again, but in fact, I overestimated my psychology too much, which eventually led to the reappearance of familiar scenes."

Kyoko's voice sounded again in the darkness, causing Sakura to be in a daze.

"Sister...what are you talking about?"

Asking softly, Sakura, who had a vague premonition in her heart, watched the screen nervously, hoping that the scene she did not want to appear would not appear.

But in fact it was nothing, the scene in front of her just reappeared the way she and Kyoko got along when they were young, which made her feel novel.

At that time, she was also one of the members who was rejected by Kyoko, but since then she has been stupid and ignored Kyoko's rejection, and has been sticking to Kyoko's side, saying that she must take good care of her sister.

Although Kyoko was always looking at her with cold eyes on the surface, Sakura always looked at her with a silly and innocent smile, which made the ice in Kyoko's heart melt away a lot unconsciously.

At that time, Nadeko and Tenglong seemed to have noticed this too, and instead of stopping Sakura's actions, they deliberately pushed the two to get along, and even took advantage of Sakura's presence to communicate with Kyoko more, a little Untie Kyoko's heart knot.

"Their actions made me feel that I am really their child, and their concern for me is not the kind of conspiracy, but simply looking forward to my happiness..."

The Kyoko in the picture has begun to change. Although she still maintains that indifferent appearance on the surface, Sakura can clearly notice many changes in Kyoko.

However, just as everything was getting better, Nadeko's departure once again dealt a heavy blow to Kyoko's heart.

Witnessing that Nadeko was overworked in front of her and then admitted to the hospital, and finally died of illness, Kyoko couldn't forgive her past behavior in her heart.

But at the end when she was crying in front of Nadeko about her past mistakes, Nadeko has always cared for her tenderly, wishing her a good life and taking care of Sakura...

After Nadeko left, the young Sakura also comforted the crying Kyoko at a loss, and patted her chest to reassure her.

"I will definitely take good care of my sister in the future, sister don't cry~"

Seeing herself saying such words when she was a child in the picture, Sakura couldn't help feeling her cheeks getting hot at this moment.

But Kyoko in the picture doesn't think so.

"From then on, I felt that she was the ray of light in my heart, always illuminating and warming me, allowing me to find the direction to move forward, and isn't this what my mother entrusted to me in the end? ?”

Xiao Sakura is also in a daze when listening to Kyoko's confession in the picture.

"elder sister..."

Looking down at her hand that was gradually engulfed by darkness, Sakura murmured.

"Am I your light...I want to be like this too, but now I don't even have the Clow card..."

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