(After all, it will grow up slowly~)

Kyoko sighed inwardly.

However, when Kyoko was happy, she suddenly thought of what happened today, her emotions paused again, and then became complicated.

"Well, Sakura, I'm not by your side during this time, there are some things you need to pay attention to."

Although she promised not to intervene in some future affairs, Kyoko still wants to remind Sakura, hoping that she can avoid some detours.

"Eh? Sister, if you have something to say, just say it."

When Sakura heard Kyoko's tone suddenly become a little more serious, she also realized that Kyoko had something important to say to herself, and her expression became a lot more serious.

"Uh... how should I put it, do you still remember the thing about the Clow card?"

"Hey, Clow Card? Isn't it all over, is there anything else to do?"

"To be precise, it's half done. Sakura, you will be their master next, and you have to be responsible for them."

After clarifying her thoughts a bit, Kyoko explained the secret of the Clow card.

"Crow cards are cards created by Crow Lido. They are actually wonderful existences between life and non-life. If they want to maintain their life as a part of life, you, the master, must do it for them. Provide magic."

"Provide.. magic power?"

It was obviously the first time for Sakura to come into contact with such a concept, and she couldn't help showing a bewildered expression on her face.

"That's right, you have to provide the magic power. And it's not just the Clow card, your Guardian Moon also needs you to provide the magic power, otherwise its existence will slowly disappear."

"why is it like this!!"

Hearing such serious consequences, Sakura also became excited.

"What about the Clow cards, will they do the same?!"

"Well, if you haven't been able to supply them with magic power, it will become like this..."

"No, it can't be like this!"

"They are all so cute, how can they disappear..."

There was a crying tone in Sakura's voice, then she rubbed herself in front of Kyoko and asked excitedly.

"Sister, tell me quickly, how can I avoid such a thing."


Seeing that Sakura was so excited, Tomoyo hurriedly pulled her to stop her from being so aggressive.

Fortunately, Sakura also realized that something was wrong with her behavior just now, so she immediately controlled her emotions, then sat down and whispered.

"Sister, can you tell me..."

"Okay, okay, I'm going to tell you."

Seeing Sakura's excited look, Kyoko felt quite relieved.

"You can cherish them so much, I believe you will definitely get through those difficulties in the future."

Thinking of the guy who was about to cause trouble to them, Kyoko wished Sakura sincerely.

After finishing speaking, Kyoko also sat up straight and said to Sakura seriously.

"Listen well, Sakura, your magic power has been transformed into the magic power of the star, and your magic staff is also the staff of the star. At this time, you have to sign a new contract with the Clow cards, and use your own magic power to reconstruct their life forms, so that you can Use your magic to keep them alive."

"Use my magic power to change their life forms?"

When Sakura heard this, she couldn't help but hesitated.

"Then what should I do, I won't..."

"That's something you have to ask yourself."

Kyoko said with a smile.

"How to change the life of the Clow card, you have to do it yourself. This is something I don't know how to do. However, you have to know one thing, that is, as long as you believe in yourself, you can do it all .”

"trust yourself?"

Sakura was confused, wondering if this was some kind of magic.

"Your believing heart is the strongest magic."

Kyoko remembered a certain sentence settled in her mind, and said it subconsciously.

"Then I will..."

"Just like you usually use the basic magic I taught you, as long as you believe, you can do it."

Kyoko said these last words to Sakura very seriously.

After these words, the room fell into silence, Kyoko and Sakura stopped talking, and Tomoyo sat quietly aside, waiting for the final result.

Chapter 250 Three visits in succession

At night, in a private villa.

A square table was temporarily set up in the spacious living room, and Xingzi was sitting by the side eating the dinner prepared by Dr. Fu Cheng.

"Have they gone back yet?"

While eating, Kyoko looked at the doctor sitting in front of her and asked in a low voice.

"Well, Sakura said she still has important things to do, so she won't stay for dinner."

Dr. Fucheng recalled Sakura's expression at that time, and couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"Actually, I saw their expressions at the time, it seemed that they really wanted to stay, but Sakura looked very anxious, probably there is really something important to do..."

Listening to the doctor's words, Xingzi also swallowed the food in her mouth and exhaled lightly.

"Well, it's really important, we'd better not bother her."

Kyoko knew that after she told Sakura about these things, she would definitely not sit back and watch those Clow cards disappear, so it was reasonable to have such a reaction.

Seeing that Xingzi's tone seemed a little weird, Dr. Fu Cheng didn't bother with this matter anymore.

"I've already taken care of it at the school, and you can recuperate here with peace of mind."

Doctor Fu Cheng thought of this again, and reported to Xingzi with a smile.

Kyoko nodded silently and said thank you.

Dr. Fu Cheng didn't care about Kyoko's thanks, and kept a smile on his face, as if he was very happy that Kyoko could rest at ease.

But the truth is, in her heart, as long as Kyoko is fine, nothing else matters.

It would be better if no one bothers you...

Doctor Fucheng was looking forward to it.


The next afternoon

"Ding dong~"

Dr. Fu Cheng, who was still setting up the magic circle in the villa, couldn't help but be taken aback when he heard the doorbell ringing again, and frowned, wondering who else would be here at this time.

With doubts, Dr. Fu Cheng came to the door of the villa, answered the doorbell at the gate, and asked.

"This is Fu Chengjia, may I ask who you are?"

As soon as Dr. Fu Cheng finished speaking, a strange male voice came from the microphone.

"Hello, Ms. Fucheng, I'm Hiirazawa Elio, a classmate of Kyoko's classmate, I want to visit Kyoko-san, can I trouble you to tell me?"

"Hiraizawa... Elio?"

Doctor Fu Cheng repeated in a low voice, thinking about the person corresponding to this name in his mind, but failed to find the corresponding candidate.

"Sorry, Kyoko is resting now, please come visit me next time..."

After a little thought, Dr. Fucheng still chose to reject this so-called classmate. After all, she felt that it was more important for Kyoko to rest at ease than the so-called classmate's visit.

However, just as Dr. Fu Cheng's words of refusal were spoken, Elio on the microphone directly interrupted her.

"I'm sorry, I actually have something very important to talk to Kyoko, please let me know now."

Inexplicably, Dr. Fu Cheng, who originally wanted to reject him, became cautious again after hearing this sentence, and suddenly didn't want to reject his "request".

After thinking about it tangledly, Dr. Fu Cheng finally replied.

"Okay, let me ask, if Kyoko is willing to see you."

"Okay, I will wait for your news."

Even at this time, Elio still maintained his gentlemanly and polite demeanor, which made Dr. Fucheng feel guilty.

Putting down the phone temporarily, Dr. Fu Cheng gently knocked on Xingzi's room, saw Xingzi sitting at the desk writing something, and then said.

"Xingzi, a boy who claimed to be your classmate came outside and said he wanted to see you."


Hearing Doctor Fucheng's voice suddenly came from the door, Xingzi also put down the pen in her hand, and said with some doubts.

"Who is it, do you know his name?"

"Uh...it seems to be Hiiragisawa Elliot?"


After exclaiming in a low voice for a while, Kyoko hesitated a little, but still responded.

"Let him in. If he comes, there should be something important."

With Kyoko's affirmation, Dr. Fu Cheng also nodded, turned around and went out, and quickly brought Elio to Kyoko's bedroom, and stood aside.

Xingzi blinked her eyes, looked at the smiling boy in front of her, and then at Doctor Fu Cheng beside her.

"You go out first, I have something to say to him."


Dr. Fu Cheng never expected that Xingzi would talk to this boy alone, but she had no choice but to walk out of the room obediently under Xingzi's sight, and gently closed the door.

With a soft sound, the room was quiet again.

"This doctor, she cares about you very much."

Elio first broke the silence, smiling and talking about the relationship between Kyoko and the doctor.

And Kyoko looked at the smile on his face, feeling a little uncomfortable for some reason, but still patiently said helplessly.

"My relationship with her is indeed complicated. Seriously...I owe her a lot."

While talking, Kyoko tried to stand up with the help of the table beside her, and then sat down for this "distinguished guest", so as not to make him stand like this all the time, which would make her look very impolite.

But fortunately, Elio also understood Kyoko's current state very well, he helped Kyoko up, and then said very familiarly.

"Don't be so polite, I'll do it myself."

As he said that, he really found a place to sit down by himself, completely treating this place as his own home.

Xingzi rolled her eyes helplessly, then sat down again, not feeling well.

"So, is there something important for you to come here this time?"

The smile on Elio's face remained unchanged, and he said peacefully.

"Just wanted to talk to you about your sister."


Hearing what he was going to say about Sakura, Kyoko couldn't sit still.

But Kyoko still suppressed the urgency in her heart and asked slowly.

"What's wrong with her?"

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