After finally calming down a little bit, Kyoko recalled Sakura's question, her eyes became distracted, as if she was recalling something: "Well, I will feel very happy and happy when I am with her."

Speaking of this, the corner of Kyoko's mouth could not help but twitch a smile.

"When she didn't come to me, I just felt that my life had no color, and the whole world was gray and white."

"Since having her by my side, I suddenly found that my life has become full of vitality, no longer so lifeless, but full of expectations for the future, and I don't want to miss any time with her."

Sakura carefully perceived the extremely rare strong emotion coming from Kyoko in her mind.

"Since then, I have been looking forward to being with her all the time, all the time, and I hope this will last forever."

Feeling this, Sakura also had an answer in her heart.

"Yo Gada!" Xiao Ying got up from Kyoko's arms, took Kyoko's hand, looked into Kyoko's eyes, and blessed: "Congratulations, sister, you have found someone you like!"

"My sister's mood and feelings are exactly the same as mine!" Sakura had a warm smile on her face, "I believe that my sister will be able to be with the person I like!"

The hand was tightly held by Sakura, feeling the constant warmth, seeing her sincere smile, Kyoko couldn't help staring at her green eyes, and nodded vigorously.

"Well! I will definitely be with her."

These words were not just a response, but more like an oath, Kyoko looked at Sakura's smile at this moment, and seemed to be filled with boundless happiness in her heart, how she hoped that this moment could last forever.

However, the reality is often not as people wish.

"Well! Then let's work hard together. I feel that there is still a long way to go between me and Snow Rabbit."

Sakura said so.

When Kyoko heard what Sakura said, she couldn't help showing a little disappointed expression on her face.

Sakura, who had been watching Kyoko, naturally quickly noticed the change on Kyoko's face, and couldn't help asking, "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Kyoko looked at Sakura again, seeing the worried look on her face, and unconsciously clenched Sakura's hand.

Sensing Kyoko's movements, Sakura was even more puzzled: "Sister??"

Sakura couldn't help thinking: "Is my sister so unconfident?"

Just when Sakura was about to speak, Kyoko finally responded.

I saw Kyoko raised her head, with a "smile" on her face again: "Mmm~ It's okay, let's work hard together!"

Seeing that Kyoko finally smiled again, Sakura also happily responded, "Yeah!"

Chapter 42 Difficulty

Just like that, Sakura took Kyoko's hand, and the two faced each other with a "smile", and the scene looked warm and harmonious.

However, the slightly stiff smile on Kyoko's face and the indelible trace of sadness in her eyes are a discordant stain in this beautiful scene.

However, Sakura, who was immersed in joy at this time, failed to realize this.

Fortunately, this scene did not last long.

"Hey, have you finished talking?" Xiao Ke was lying on his side in the air at this time, propped his head on his hands and floated from the side to between the two, with some resentment, "Everyone at such an age spends all day talking about love Yes, nothing serious."

Hearing this, Sakura immediately became unhappy: "What are you talking about, can't you say these things?!"

"Well, it's okay for you to say these things." Xiao Ke looked helpless, "But are you sure you don't think about your cute penguins at this time?"

"Penguin!!" Hearing this word, Sakura's attention was immediately attracted.

"What happened to the penguin?" Sakura asked hastily.

Seeing that Sakura's attention was finally on this matter, Xiao Ke coughed twice and said seriously.

"Didn't you say before that the [Water] card is likely to be the cause of this incident? And it is hidden in the aquarium now, and it is very likely to cause trouble again and hurt the penguins."

After a pause, Xiao Ke added another sentence.

"Not only that, [Water] brand has a very violent temper, and the possibility that it will attack other ordinary people cannot be ruled out."

Hearing that [Water] was likely to attack other innocent people again, Sakura became anxious and said hastily.

"Then let's go and seal it tonight!"

"I'm afraid it won't work." Just after Xiao Sakura finished speaking, Xiao Ke directly denied Xiao Sakura's idea.

"Didn't you say it before? The [Water] card is one of the four elemental cards, and it is a relatively high-level Clow card. It is very difficult for Sakura to deal with it with her current strength."

"Why is this..." Sakura couldn't accept it, and asked unwillingly, "Then can't use the [Wind] card?"

"No way." Xiao Ke shook his head, directly denying Sakura's idea, "Although the [Wind] card is also one of the four elemental cards, its nature is too gentle, and it cannot be compared with the [Water] card that is an attack card. 】 Card confrontation."

Just before Sakura was about to speak, Xiao Ke continued: "Not only that. The [Shadow] and [Fly] you have now can't compete with the [Water] card, even if the three cards are used together. "

Xiao Ke's words directly blocked what Xiao Ying wanted to say.

Not only that, Xiao Ke continued to hit Dao without giving up.

"And even if we have any way to defeat the [Water] card, we must first let the [Water] card leave the pool, otherwise, it will be a huge problem for us to even catch it."

Hearing Xiao Ke's words, Sakura was very unwilling and continued to ask.

"Then there is no other way?"

Xiao Ke pondered for a while, finally shook his head and sighed.

"Based on your current strength, Sakura, you definitely don't have much chance of winning in a head-on confrontation, but..."

In the middle of speaking, Xiao Ke suddenly stopped and turned his gaze to Xingzi who had been silent since the beginning.

"But your sister seems to have a high level of magic, maybe she will have something to do."

When Sakura heard Xiao Ke's words, she couldn't help turning her eyes to Kyoko who was silent at the side.

But at this time, Kyoko lowered her head expressionlessly, not knowing what to think about.

Sakura naturally noticed Kyoko's strangeness, and couldn't help asking: "Sister? What are you thinking?"

Hearing Sakura's shout, Kyoko woke up suddenly from her own world, looked up and saw Xiao Ke and Sakura looking at her, and quickly smiled: "'s nothing, I was just thinking about how to deal with [Water 】It’s just a card.”

"Hey~" Sakura was surprised when she heard Kyoko's words, "Then sister, have you thought about what to do?"


Kyoko looked at Sakura's expectant eyes and hesitated.

Although according to her memory, Sakura will eventually find a way to deal with the [Water] card by herself, but...

Kyoko recalled the performance of the previous two Clow cards, and couldn't help but wonder if the same method could still work?

Is it really possible to control the [Water] card with only one ice bank?

Even if it succeeded, this time Sakura still got the method from herself, and didn't get any growth, so what about next time?Next time if she can't solve it, what should Sakura do?

For a moment, thousands of thoughts flashed through Xingzi's mind, and she didn't know how to choose.

"Sister?" Xiaoying couldn't help shouting when she saw Kyoko staring at her in a daze.

Hearing Sakura's shout, Kyoko was convinced and gritted her teeth: "I just have some ideas, but I don't have a complete plan."

"Thinking?" Sakura asked curiously.

And Xiao Ke at the side heard that Xingzi had an idea, and couldn't help asking curiously: "Then tell me."

"First of all, we have to draw out the [Water] card." Kyoko collected her thoughts and said slowly, "If I heard correctly, Xiao Ke, you just said that the [Water] card has a very violent temper, right? .”

At this time, Kyoko is also confirming whether this detail in the original work has changed.

"Hey, that's true." Xiao Ke's answer confirmed Kyoko's idea.

Hearing that the answer remained the same, Kyoko continued, "If that's the case, then the first step is actually easy."

"The [Water] card has a bad temper, so if you want it to leave the pool, you just need to provoke it. It may be difficult for it to not leave the pool after being constantly provoked."

As she said that, Kyoko looked at Sakura and said with a smile: "Just like Sakura, you can hardly bear Xiao Ke's teasing of you, even though Xiao Ke is just joking a lot of times, it is also difficult for you It’s like not being able to resist.”

"It's really a good idea!" Xiao Ke couldn't help clapping her hands and praised Kyoko's idea.

When Xiaoying heard Kyoko's words, she was a little sullen, puffed her cheeks and continued to ask, "Then what's next?"

It seems that her concern for other people's safety made her temporarily "ignore" some "little problems" in Kyoko's words.

"What's next..." Speaking of this, Kyoko paused, and glanced at Sakura, "The next thing is to freeze it."

"Frozen?" X2

When Xiao Ke and Xiao Sakura heard what Kyoko said, they couldn't help asking questions.

"Well, freeze. For Sakura, to seal the Clow cards, except for a few special cards, most of the Clow cards only need to make them lose their ability to act and resist."

"Therefore, as the [Water] card that represents the water element, it is naturally impossible to resist if it is frozen, and then it can be successfully sealed with the sealing rod."

Kyoko spoke out her thoughts.

"But... how do we freeze the [Water] card?" Sakura couldn't help asking.

At this point, Xingzi shook her head: "I don't know what to do, so I said this is just an idea, and I haven't figured out what to do."

"Can't you use magic?" Xiao Ke asked at this time.

Hearing this sentence, Kyoko couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and sighed: "Really, don't you also know how Sakura can use the magic that can freeze the [Water] card in this state? How? Now I'm being stupid again."

Xiao Ke was taken aback for a moment, then rubbed his head and smiled awkwardly: "I'm sorry, sorry, Xingzi, you said it too lightly, which made me think too simple."

"What about sister?" Sakura asked involuntarily.

Hearing Sakura's words, Kyoko couldn't help being startled, then lowered her head, and said in a low voice, "Sorry, sister doesn't have enough magic power, I'm probably won't be able to use that kind of magic."

"That's it..." Sakura was a little disappointed after hearing this, and then quickly raised her head and smiled to comfort Kyoko, "Sister, don't blame yourself, this should have been my task, but I still have to With your help, I really trouble you..."

(No.. I'm too selfish...)

Kyoko looked at the smile on Sakura's face, her eyes moved slightly, then she turned her head away and said, "Actually... Sakura, it's also possible that you can use the magic that can freeze the [Water] card." of......"

Chapter 43 Knowing the world and solving worries (1)

"Eh?!" Xiao Ying said in surprise when she heard this, "Sister, tell me quickly, what should I do?"

Kyoko looked at the expectant expression on Sakura's face, and said in a low voice, "As long as you can use the magic power in your body to pry the ether in the atmosphere, Sakura, you have a chance."

"The vast majority of magicians have limited magic power, so if they want to use more powerful magic, it is an inevitable choice to use the ether from the outside world."

Saying this, Kyoko looked at Sakura in front of her again: "Especially for a magician like you, Sakura, who uses the most primitive method of using magic, mobilizing ether is your biggest reliance."

"..." Sakura stared blankly at Kyoko, not knowing how to react.

"But... I've been practicing for so long, but I still can't do it, can I really do it?" Sakura couldn't help but start to doubt herself at this moment.

Seeing Sakura began to show unconfident expression, Kyoko quickly encouraged: "Of course, with Sakura's talent, I can definitely do it, you have to believe in yourself!"

"Then what if..." Sakura still looked worried, and then asked, "What if I still can't learn it..."

Sakura looked at Kyoko in confusion, wanting to get an answer from her again.

Kyoko looked into Sakura's eyes, struggled in her heart, her lips trembled, and finally opened her mouth and said, "If it still doesn't work..."

After a pause, Kyoko gritted her teeth and said, "Then let's defeat the [Water] card without magic."

"Eh?" Sakura couldn't understand, and asked in confusion, "No... magic?"

"Yeah." Kyoko nodded to her, and said with a smile: "However, Sakura has to figure out a way for herself."

Sakura looked at Kyoko with puzzled eyes, hoping that Kyoko could explain clearly, but Kyoko didn't continue to explain.

Then, Kyoko took Sakura's hand and said to her, "Sa, let's continue practicing now, this is not the time to think about these things."

Sakura looked up at Kyoko, who at this moment was looking at her with encouraging eyes.

Staring into Kyoko's eyes for a long time, Sakura finally nodded: "Yeah!"

Seeing Sakura nodding in agreement, Kyoko finally felt relieved, and pulled Sakura to start today's practice.

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