Sitting by the car window and looking at the scenery outside, Kyoko just felt that there was a lot to say, but she couldn't say it.

Tomoedachi, who has lived for so long, is about to leave suddenly, and it is impossible to say that he is reluctant.

And Dr. Fu Cheng also seemed to see her mood, so he spoke up.

"Why, don't you want to?"

"It must be a lie to say that you are willing."

"Then you are still so determined to leave."

"...Temporary departure is good for me and her. It can also make her calm down and think about it, so as not to be disturbed by me again."

There was infinite melancholy in her chest, Kyoko propped her chin, looking at the passing street scene, as if pointing something.

"I can no longer restrain her in the name of love. It's time to let her be free. This is the best ending."

When Dr. Fu Cheng said this, he seemed to want to say something more, but Kyoko turned around and said with a smile.

"Besides, I'm leaving with you. Isn't that what you want most? You should have been looking forward to this day for a long time, right?"

Facing Xingzi's words, Dr. Fu Cheng shut up all of a sudden, as if acquiescing to Xingzi's words.

The atmosphere in the car was quiet again for a while, and Dr. Fu Cheng spoke again.

"Your father over there..."

"Isn't it already ready? I told him in advance when I was preparing, and took me abroad on the grounds of solving my illness, and told him not to tell Sakura in advance."


Seemingly realizing that it was useless to persuade her, the doctor drove the car to a shopping center and turned to Xingzi.

"Then I'll go buy some necessities, and you will wait here."


The exchanges are short, but also to the point.

Soon, Xingzi was the only one left in the car.

She was looking at the scenery on the street boredly again, as if she wanted to find someone.

But at this moment, another voice appeared next to her ear.

"Is it really okay to leave without saying goodbye?"

Elliot didn't know when he sat beside Kyoko, watching her quietly.

And Kyoko also regained her composure after being surprised at the beginning, and replied very flatly.

"I need a while to reflect on what I've done..."

"So you chose to leave?"

Elio directly interrupted her, and then sighed.

"As expected of you, none of you let me worry."


Kyoko was a little puzzled, not knowing what he meant this time.

But soon, Kyoko understood the purpose of his visit this time.

Elio stretched out his hand and gently put it on Kyoko's forehead.

"Let's get started~"

Before Kyoko could react, a strange feeling emerged in her soul.

Enriched, comfortable, relieved...

A strange sense of comfort reverberated in her soul, and she couldn't move.

"Do you know what Culolido's greatest wish was before his death?"

And Elio said while maintaining the magic that Kyoko was very familiar with.

"He was once the most powerful magician in the world, and almost no one could be his opponent."

"I don't know when, he is tired of this situation, and he hopes that he is no longer the strongest."

Elio stared at Kyoko beside him and said in a deep voice.

"So he made a decision to make his wish come true."

"He chose to reincarnate and cultivate an heir who can replace him, so that he can no longer be the strongest."

"And his reincarnation is also very special. In order to weaken himself, he separated his soul and memory from his body and reincarnated separately, resulting in two reincarnations."

Elio stared at Kyoko beside him and smiled.

"One is me, Hiiragisawa Elio, and the other is Kinomoto Tenglong."

While saying these words, Elio also smiled.

"Although the final ending is quite different from what I predicted, it seems that the ending is very good. Everyone can usher in the best ending for themselves, can't they?"

The eyes of the two meet here.

"my daughter..."


Sakura and Tomoyo raced through the air, and finally found Dr. Tommari's car near the supermarket on the edge of Tomoeda Town.

They hurried down and saw Kyoko standing beside the car.

"elder sister!!!"

Hearing Sakura's shout, Kyoko was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Sakura who brought her in surprise.

"Sakura? How did you find me?"

However, what responded to Kyoko was Sakura's embrace, she hugged Kyoko tightly, not daring to let go.

"Sister, I've made it clear, I want to be with you and Zhishi forever, and never be separated again!"

After quickly saying these words beside Kyoko, Sakura no longer dared to hesitate.

And Kyoko looked at Sakura in her arms and Tomoyo who was watching them not far away, not knowing what expression to make.

Finally, after hesitating for a long time, Kyoko's hands that didn't know where to put them also gently hugged Sakura.


His tone was very light, as if he still couldn't believe the facts in front of him.

"Really, absolutely absolutely true!!!"

Sakura raised her head and looked at Kyoko in front of her.

The eyes of the two sisters are looking at each other at an ambiguous distance, and both of them can see the brilliance in each other's eyes to confirm each other's feelings.


As if about to cry, but also as if cheering, Kyoko uttered this long-awaited sentence.

Tomoyo looked at the two sisters who had completed the final confirmation not far away, not to mention how happily they laughed.

And arriving late from the nearby supermarket, seeing the scene in front of him, the doctor also helplessly put down the things he just bought with joy, and shook his head with a complicated face.

Everything has finally come to an end, and everyone has ushered in the future they are most looking forward to.

Closing remarks

It's finally finished.

I can also breathe a sigh of relief, I finally finished writing what I wanted to write.

This book started from an inspiration, a blessing for those who have been silently watching over others' happiness.

Every time there is such a character in the drama, she has always sacrificed a lot for the one she likes, but in the end she can't usher in her own happiness, which is really regrettable.

It is also for this purpose that I wrote this book, and I also found a protagonist that I think is qualified——Sakura, as this loved one.

But although it started from an inspiration, and then wrote it out, it soon ran into trouble.

The grades are really bad, I really don't know how I wrote it down in the first place.

The first order is [-], according to the people in the author group, send a message for love, or cut it.

I really wrote it down, and then I wrote it to the end.

The main reason is that I really want to write a book for Sakura, for the person in my heart, so I wrote it.

There are many plots in this book that pay tribute to that work, and those who have read it should be easy to see.

I had just cut off the first book I wrote because I couldn't stand it, and then read the source of inspiration for this book, and then I was depressed.

I slept for three hours every day, couldn't sleep, and was depressed.

Later, when I came to school, I got a sand sculpture roommate and got better, and then I was unwilling to finish the first book, so I wrote this book.

I thought to myself, I must finish writing, just finish writing.

I also designed a lot of key plots before slowly completing other plots, and then wrote this book.

You may feel that the ending is a bit rushed, but in fact, that is the original design.

I have written all the content that should be written. When it comes to the part of Sakura card, there is only this to write, so it is over when it is finished.

It’s too many words to write after buying. It’s not necessary. Readers have their own imaginations, so it’s more suitable.

Now that it's finally finished, I can let it go.

Thanks to the readers who read here for being able to read such a bad book like mine, goodbye by chance.

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