Sakura and Kyoko quickly sensed the direction of the movement, and at the same time turned around to look behind them, and saw a strange ball of light floating in the air.

Seeing the movements of the two sisters, Zhishi and Xiaoke couldn't help but be attracted to them.

After seeing the ball of light, Tomoyo couldn't help shouting: "Sakura, what is that?"

"It's a phantom card!" Kyoko yelled directly, "Sakura, get ready!"

"Yeah!" Before Kyoko reminded, Sakura had already taken out the sealing key and unsealed it into a magic scepter.

When the light ball saw that everyone had discovered its existence, it also turned around and flew towards the depths of the forest beside the path.

Sakura naturally didn't want to let go of the phantom card, so she directly used the [Fly] card to follow up.But just as Sakura was about to leave, Kyoko sat directly on the staff.

"Eh! Sister?" Sakura couldn't help but be a little surprised when she saw Kyoko come up.

"Don't be dazed, follow up!" Kyoko just said to her.

Seeing that Kyoko had done this, Sakura naturally chose to trust Kyoko, and directly took Kyoko to follow the ball of light flying in front of her.

The speed of the ball of light is neither fast nor slow, and it always keeps a certain distance from Sakura and Kyoko, as if it is deliberately waiting for them.

And this situation was also noticed by Kyoko, she felt that this seemed to be deliberately luring the two of them to catch up, which was extremely suspicious.

And on the way of chasing the light ball, Kyoko didn't do nothing, she carefully left a magic on Sakura's wrist.

As for Sakura, feeling her wrist was hot, she couldn't help turning her head to look at Kyoko with doubts on her face: "Sister?"

"Concentrate, don't care about my affairs, you have to be careful to follow the front."

"Besides, from now on, get rid of distracting thoughts in your mind, and be fully prepared to face the phantom card." Kyoko urged.


Sakura looked ahead and responded seriously.

Seeing that Sakura withdrew her attention, Kyoko looked at the cherry blossom pattern on Sakura's wrist and fell into deep thought.

This is the way back that Kyoko left for Sakura. In case Sakura cannot wake up in the illusion of the phantom card, she will use this backhand to help Sakura out of the predicament, so as to prevent her from being immersed in the illusion forever .

Of course, this matter cannot be told to Sakura now, otherwise it will leave a hole in her heart, so Kyoko can only make this preparation by herself.

After traveling for a while, the scenery in front of the two of them suddenly opened up, and they came to the edge of a cliff.

At this time, the ball of light stayed on the edge of the cliff, as if waiting for the arrival of Sakura and Kyoko.

It was really, really wrong.Kyoko couldn't help squinting her eyes when she saw the situation in front of her, and looked at the ball of light in front of her with a serious expression.

And Sakura put away her divine scepter, exchanged a glance with Kyoko, then mustered up her courage, and walked slowly towards the ball of light.

As Sakura approached, the ball of light flashed, and suddenly a strange brilliance burst out, quickly enveloping Sakura, and couldn't help it, the circle of light formed by the miraculous light shrouded Kyoko.

And Xingzi naturally backed away, out of the range of the magic card light.

Sakura, who was caught in the aperture, naturally continued to move towards the direction where the light sphere was.

But as the distance approached, Sakura's speed slowed down unknowingly, and finally stopped in place.

Seeing this scene, Kyoko also understood that Sakura had started to enter the illusion.

At this time, there was another rush of footsteps behind him.

"Xingzi!" Zhishi and Xiaoke's eager voices came.

When Tomoyo came to Kyoko's side, he saw Sakura standing on the cliff, and couldn't help but change his expression: "Kyoko, Sakura is..."

"It's started." Kyoko said softly, looking at Sakura in front of her solemnly, watching the change of expression on her face, "She has entered the illusion."

After hearing Kyoko's explanation, Tomoyo couldn't help raising his heart, and silently prayed for Sakura in his heart.

"Sakura, you must come back~"

So, everyone began to wait for a long time and anxiously, expecting Sakura's reaction anxiously.

However, things turned out to be contrary to expectations, as time passed, the expression on Sakura's face became more and more indifferent as time passed, and she seemed to see something strange.

"Mom...Mom~" whispering these words in her mouth, Sakura started to walk towards the edge of the cliff again, following this rhythm, she might fall off the cliff in a short time.

"It's over!" Xiao Ke couldn't help exclaiming when she saw this scene, "Sakura seems to have fallen into it."

After speaking, Xiao Ke couldn't help looking at Xingzi and asked anxiously: "Xingzi, what should we do?"

"Tch!" Kyoko stared at Sakura's movements, gritted her teeth, and suppressed the surging emotions in her heart, "Wait a little longer!"

"Wait a minute?!" Xiao Ke looked at Kyoko in disbelief, "But if you wait any longer, Sakura will fall!"

Kyoko didn't say anything about this, but her eyes were fixed on Sakura in front of her, expecting the appearance of the person watching them from the sky.

"Why haven't you come yet, Sakura is about to fall!" Kyoko couldn't help shouting in her heart.

However, everyone waited for a while, but nothing changed, but Sakura was getting closer to the cliff.

"I can't wait anymore, I'm going to bring her back!" After Xiao Ke said this, she rushed towards Xiao Ying non-stop.

"Wait a minute!" Before Xingzi could say anything, Xiao Ke rushed out.


But obviously, with a strange noise, the aperture of the magic card seemed to turn into a solid wall, directly bouncing Xiao Ke back.

What is it~ Xiao Ke, who fell on the ground, directly popped out the mosquito coil eyes, and said in a daze.

And Zhishi quickly hugged Xiao Ke up, worried: "Xiao Ke, are you okay?"

"It's fine." Kyoko said immediately, "Leave it alone for now, we have to save Sakura."

"But...we seem to be stuck." Zhishi couldn't help asking.

However, as soon as Tomoyo finished speaking, Kyoko stretched out her hand to point at Sakura, and with a firm grip, the cherry blossom pattern on Sakura's wrist suddenly lit up, turning into a rope and extending into Kyoko's hand.

"This is!" Zhishi became excited when he saw the appearance of the rope.

"I left something on Sakura before, just to prevent this from happening." Kyoko explained, and then immediately said, "Tomoyo, come and help me, I don't have enough strength alone."

"Hi!" Zhishi also immediately left Xiao Ke in his arms aside, and went to Kyoko's side to grab the rope.

"3, 2, 1! Work hard!" As Kyoko shouted, a fantastic fluorescent light lit up on Kyoko and Tomoyo, and it was Kyoko who strengthened them.

As the two started exerting their strength, Sakura, who was walking towards the edge of the cliff, suddenly stopped.

However, soon the two felt a huge resistance from the rope.

The two couldn't help looking up, only to see that Xiao Ying was wrestling with the two of them, trying to walk towards the edge of the cliff.

"Mom! Mom! Don't leave me..."

Hearing the voice from Sakura, how could Kyoko not know that she had been delirious by the phantom card fan, so she gritted her teeth and shouted to Tomoyo: "Tomoyo, let's keep working hard!"

The two blushed, and were tugging on Sakura vigorously, and finally began to slowly drag the delirious Sakura towards them.

However, Huanka seemed very dissatisfied with the two disturbing its hunting, so the light flashed, and the strange circle of light surrounding Sakura suddenly began to expand, and it rushed towards the place where Tomoyo and Kyoko were at.

The expansion speed of the aperture was too fast, and the two of them had just reacted, and the aperture was already close in front of them.

At this critical moment, Kyoko pushed decisively and pushed Tomoyo away, while she was shrouded in a halo of light.


"Find my brother quickly and let him come over!" Kyoko just said those words, and then her heart broke, and she "ran" towards the place where Sakura was.

She wanted to give it a try, to see if she could bring Xiao Sakura out of the magical range of the phantom card before she got lost.

However, with Kyoko's physical condition, even under the strengthening of magic, she can only barely reach the level of running, and this is the result of continuous training during this period.

At this time, the distance between Sakura and Kyoko is like a natural barrier to Kyoko.

Kyoko began to vaguely see the figure of a long-haired woman, and the familiar voice deep in her memory rang in her ears.

Kyoko tried hard to ignore those false illusions, but her attention was still looking there unconsciously.

"Kyoko~...why don't you come with me? You let me leave Sakura, why don't you come with me?"

That familiar voice seemed to be expressing resentment towards her and his own dissatisfaction.

"No, no, there's no way Mom would say that to me!"

Facing these illusions, Kyoko kept talking to herself, trying to remind herself not to be deceived.But even so, the corners of her eyes still shed tears involuntarily, the pace of her feet slowed down, and the somewhat illusory figure in front of her eyes gradually solidified.

Chapter 71 Questions

The figure in front of her seemed to be right in front of her, everything was as beautiful as she remembered, Kyoko couldn't help but look forward.

The firm, long-haired woman turned her voice, which was originally full of resentment, into a gentle voice: "Kyoko, come and accompany me, I miss you and Sakura, come and accompany me."

"Mom~" Even though the rationality in her heart told her that everything in front of her was a trap, her will was like a fragile bubble, which could be broken with one blow.

She couldn't help raising her hand towards the figure in front of her, wanting to touch the tenderness in her memory.

But it seems that there is still a little difference. Thinking of this, she couldn't help raising her feet and walking forward: "Mom~"

"Kyoko!!" Outside the aperture, Tomoyo watched Sakura and Kyoko walking towards the cliff one after the other, and couldn't help feeling anxious.

The anxiety in her heart made Zhishi unwilling to care about Kyoko's advice just now, she ran directly in the direction of Kyoko and Sakura.

However, even though she exerted all her strength and ran towards the cliff regardless of the light wall of the phantom card, Sakura was still one step ahead of her and fell off the cliff in front of her eyes.

However, at the moment when Sakura fell, her body that started to accelerate the fall suddenly slowed down again, as if being held back by some unknown existence.

When the magic card saw this situation, the surrounding light circle also fluctuated, as if it was angry that someone disturbed its good business. However, just as it was about to dispel this disturbing existence, it suddenly saw a figure at the bottom of the cliff .

As if encountering a natural enemy, the aperture of the phantom card suddenly began to tremble violently. Then, the aperture shrank rapidly, turning into a ball of light again, and then fled towards the depths of the forest at high speed.

The rapidly shrinking aperture allowed Tomoyo to come to Kyoko's side smoothly, and supported Kyoko who was about to fall.Tomoyo quickly put it on the ground gently, and then hurried to the edge of the cliff again, looking down.


Zhishi, who was originally in despair and a little ashamed, looked down the cliff, but saw a scene that surprised her.

"Don't worry, Sakura is fine!" Snow Rabbit's figure appeared below at some point, holding Sakura in her arms, and said to Tomoyo with a smile.


Yuecheng House, in a certain bedroom

Sakura, who was lying in bed, opened her eyes in a daze, looked at the strange ceiling in front of her, and subconsciously said, "Ah, where is... where?"

At this moment, the door of the bedroom opened suddenly, Xuetu walked in from the outside, seeing Xiao Ying lying on the ground with her eyes open, she couldn't help smiling knowingly: "Great, Xiao Ying, you are already awake."

"Brother Xuetu?!" Seeing Xuetu coming, Sakura couldn't help exclaiming, then sat up all of a sudden, looked at Xuetu and asked suspiciously, "Where is this?"

"This is my house." Snow Rabbit said with a smile, and then said, "Don't you remember, Sakura, you fell off the cliff."

"Eh?!" Xiao Sakura panicked when she heard Xuetu say this, thinking that Xuetu already knew her secret, she panicked, "Then..."

"Then I happened to pass by below and saw you falling from the sky, so I caught you and brought you to my house."

Snow Rabbit explained it this way.

After hearing Xuetu's words, Sakura was temporarily relieved, but she quickly thought of one thing: "But...that..."

Seeing Sakura's appearance, Xuetu seemed to have misunderstood something, and said, "Don't worry, my grandma changed your clothes."

"No." Sakura said quickly, and then looked around, "Then sister..."

Halfway through the talk, Sakura saw the unconscious Kyoko lying beside her, and couldn't help exclaiming, "Sister?!"

"Don't worry, Kyoko just hasn't woken up yet." Snow Rabbit quickly comforted, "Kyoko didn't fall like you did. I took her from Zhishi, but when I saw her she was already It’s like this, and I haven’t woken up until now, maybe I’m too tired.”

Yukito tried to soothe Sakura's emotions like this.

Is that so... Xiao Sakura temporarily felt relieved when she heard Yukito say this, and then turned around and asked again.

"Then... where is Tomoyo?"

"Ah, she has already been picked up by a group of big sisters wearing sunglasses." Snow Rabbit said with a smile at this time.

"That's good..." Sakura said, but her eyes kept staring at Kyoko who was sleeping beside her, and her voice couldn't help but lowered.

"Come on, let's have a drink." Seeing Sakura's appearance, Snow Rabbit also handed the hot soup in her hand to Sakura, "Drink some of this, and have a good rest later."

Seeing that Xuetu brought it to her, Xiaoying didn't refuse, picked up the bowl and drank it.

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