As for Zhishi, it is completely different.She is the same as Kyoko, she is a kindred spirit.What's more, Zhishi is also a member of the [Safety Committee], and has helped Kyoko a lot, and it is reasonable for Kyoko to send her this painting.

Besides, Kyoko believes that this painting will definitely play a greater "effect" in the hands of Tomoyo, isn't this a happy thing?

In this way, the two blatantly reached an agreement in front of Sakura and completed some kind of indescribable transaction.

Sakura, on the other hand, could only watch helplessly as the two completed such a "dark" deal, and sighed silently.

But the only thing that makes Sakura feel lucky is that she feels that Kyoko and Tomoyo are unlikely to take out her too shameful picture and publicize it everywhere, making her "social death" more thorough.

After completing the "deal", Kyoko turned around and asked Sakura: "Have you finished drawing, Sakura? Shall we go to the atrium to have a look?"

"Hey, um... I've finished the painting, and it happens that Li Jia and the others are over there, let's go and have a look."

Sakura was also taken aback when she heard Kyoko's question, but she quickly expressed her thoughts.

"You guys go first, I'm still a little short of the last here, I'll go find you when I finish painting."

At this time, Zhishi looked at the picture book in his hand and said a little discouraged.

"Then... let's go first."

Sakura said with a smile.

"Well, see you later."

Tomoyo said goodbye to Sakura naturally.

"see you later."

Sakura took Kyoko's hand and whispered goodbye to Tomoyo.


Sakura and Kyoko stroll through the quiet museum, enjoying the unique atmosphere of the place.

"Everyone is really fascinated~" Sakura looked around and saw many people who were immersed in and appreciating the works of art.

"Well, it's really not easy to find a work you like."

Kyoko also responded casually.

"Then sister, do you have any works that you like very much?" Sakura asked curiously when she heard Kyoko's reply.

"Favorite works...there are indeed some~" Kyoko thought carefully about the works she particularly liked in her mind.

"Hey, my sister said..."

And Sakura just wanted to ask something, but was interrupted by Kyoko directly: "But those things I like may not be suitable for you, Sakura, and you probably won't like them."

"Eh? Why is that?"

Sakura was very puzzled.

"Well... works of art, I think, are very similar to things like literary works, and it largely depends on one's own subjective cognition."

"???" Sakura didn't quite understand, but she chose to listen patiently.

Kyoko also continued to speak slowly and softly: "If you want to experience the emotions expressed in the works created by the writer, to a large extent you need to have the same experiences and emotions, so that you can resonate with the audience and make the audience feel ' 'good' feeling."

After a pause, Xingzi added.

"Of course, it's not entirely like this. People with high levels of expression skills are also extremely top-notch. People like that, the works they create are very likely to be felt by people who have never experienced it. Some kind of shock, and that's what being a writer is all about."


Hearing what Kyoko said for a long time, Sakura still seemed to half understand.

Although she subconsciously felt that what Kyoko said seemed to make sense, but in fact she didn't understand the meaning.

And Kyoko naturally knew that Sakura didn't understand what she said, so she reached out and touched Sakura's head, and said with a smile.

"It's okay, it's okay if Sakura doesn't understand, this kind of thing is not very important to Sakura."

"Well, I always feel that my sister's words show that although my sister and I grew up together, we have completely different experiences."


Hearing what Xiaoying said, Kyoko was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Xiaoying to find such a thing from her words.

This time, Sakura's inspiration exploded, and she found a trace of the truth directly through the surface.

"Is my sister hiding a lot of things from me?"

Although Sakura had felt it a long time ago, she found out from Kyoko's words today that things were not as simple as she imagined, so she couldn't help asking Kyoko at this time.

Kyoko didn't speak, she didn't know what to say for a while, and now she can only be silent.

But fortunately, something unexpected happened to Kyoko.

"Let go of me, let me go!!"

"Why are you destroying the painting, it's not right..."

Sakura and Kyoko, who were originally in silence, were suddenly attracted by an unexpected incident at the side.

The two saw a security guard suddenly grabbing a boy with a knife in his hand, as if to stop the child's prank.

"This painting was drawn by my father. Someone maliciously tampered with his painting. I want to restore it to its original state!"

"How is it possible, this painting has always been like this, you kid, stop messing around!"

Seeing this strange scene, Sakura couldn't help being a little puzzled, and even temporarily forgot that she was asking Kyoko a question just now.

"What's the matter?" Sakura subconsciously asked Kyoko at the side this time.

But Kyoko looked at the scene in front of her and still didn't speak, but fell into her own memories.

Yes, this familiar scene should be...

Kyoko recalled the meaning of this scene again in her mind.

"Sister?" Seeing that Kyoko hadn't moved for a long time, Sakura couldn't help looking at Kyoko strangely.

"Shh~" Kyoko told Sakura not to speak, then pointed to the painting over there, "Now take a closer look at the situation over there to see if there is anything wrong."

"Hey!" Sakura was very confused, but subconsciously followed Kyoko's hand and carefully looked at the direction Kyoko pointed.

After looking carefully for a while, Sakura subconsciously said: "Obviously nothing..."

Just when Sakura was about to speak out what was in her heart, something happened.

I saw a strange phenomenon suddenly appeared in the painting that had attracted the attention of many people.The woman in the painting suddenly moved, and made a silent gesture to the people in front of the painting.

And with the emergence of the woman in the painting.In Kyoko's senses, a huge fluctuation of magic power suddenly exploded centered on the painting, instantly swept in where Sakura and Kyoko were, and continued to spread towards the outside world.

In an instant, a silent world descended beside Sakura and Kyoko.

The many voices that originally existed in Kyoko's ears disappeared in Kyoko's ears at this moment, and Sakura seemed to realize that something was wrong. She turned her head to look at Kyoko, her lips fluttered up and down, but she couldn't hear the slightest sound coming from it. .

At this moment, everything is silent, and the sound of the whole world ceases to exist.

The weird situation came suddenly, but it also went away quickly.

I don't know when, the surrounding voices suddenly appeared in my ears again, but at this time, there were no shouts from the child and the security guard.

The child also seemed to have noticed the abnormality of the painting in front of him, stared blankly at the painting in front of him, and was pulled out directly by the security guard behind him.

Xiao Ying's voice came belatedly: "Sister, what was that just now?"

At this time, after Kyoko's careful teaching for a period of time, Sakura is no longer that magic novice who doesn't know anything, and has a preliminary and comprehensive understanding of things in the magic field.

As for the abnormal situation just now, it is impossible for Sakura, who has been able to freely perceive the fluctuation of magic power, not to notice it.

"It should be the Clow card."

Kyoko directly and affirmatively said the answer in her heart.


Sakura looked at Kyoko in shock.

"Sister, can you be sure that it's the Clow card?"

"This..." Kyoko couldn't help holding her forehead, as if thinking of something, "I forgot that Sakura just learned to sense magic power recently..."

"If you can learn it early, you will be able to discover its characteristics." Xingzi explained, "Although the magic power fluctuations of the Clow cards are different from different cards, most of them are still very similar. The difference is really Very small."

"That's right..." After hearing Kyoko's explanation, Sakura understood.

Then she asked subconsciously: "Then what should we do? Shall we seal it at night?"

Hearing Sakura's words, Kyoko couldn't help but glance at Sakura at this moment.

Now she subconsciously looks for me for everything... Kyoko is also aware of this, and she can't help but feel a little worried.

Although this situation makes her very happy, after all, it shows that her elder sister is very reliable in Sakura's mind, but fundamentally, Sakura's mentality is not suitable for Sakura's own growth.

She was thinking like this in her heart, but she didn't show it, she still said calmly: "There is no rush, we will discuss it slowly when we go back."

"Hmm..." Sakura naturally didn't object to Kyoko's suggestion, and chose to obey directly.

But after such a incident, Sakura and Kyoko were not in the mood to continue enjoying the atmosphere in the museum, but began to think about the things in their hearts in silence. The two walked forward in silence until they reached the atrium .

The atmosphere outside was obviously more lively than inside the hall. I saw Naoko and Rika gathered together, as if they were discussing something.

And as Kyoko and Sakura walked in, they also quickly discovered the existence of the two sisters.

"Kyoko, Sakura, you guys are out too~" Li Jia waved to the two excitedly.

"Well, we finished painting inside, so we came out to see what nice things you have here."

Sakura subconsciously talked about the reason why she and Kyoko came out.

But she also obviously noticed that the surrounding atmosphere was not right at this time. It seemed that everyone's attention was not on sketching, but was discussing other things.

Li Jia also noticed something wrong with Sakura's expression, and suddenly smiled mysteriously, "Is Sakura wondering what we are discussing?"

"Hmm... have you all finished drawing yet?"

Sakura couldn't help but wondered.

At this time, Kyoko quietly listened to the discussions of the students around her, and her eyes narrowed involuntarily, as if she was thinking about something.

"Actually, we are discussing the supernatural phenomenon that just appeared."

Li Jia soon began to explain to Sakura.

"Spiritual phenomenon?"

"Yes. I don't know if you, Sakura, have noticed it just now. I heard that all the sounds in the entire museum suddenly disappeared for a while, and now everyone is guessing what happened."


Sakura was shocked when she understood Li Jia's words. She didn't expect that the Clow card would have such a large range of influence this time. She couldn't help but panic for a while, and subconsciously looked at Kyoko beside her.

Naturally, Kyoko would not react violently because of such a thing, but said flatly: "Maybe everyone was quiet for a while suddenly, it should be a coincidence."

As she said that, Kyoko gave Sakura a look in return, reassuring her.

Seeing the gesture in Kyoko's eyes, Sakura immediately calmed down.Since Kyoko has said so, there will be no problem.

Sakura now has no brains to trust Kyoko's judgment.

"Is that so?" Seeing Kyoko say that, Li Jia asked in confusion.

Kyoko didn't answer Li Jia again. There is no need to explain this matter. As long as such strange things don't happen frequently, ordinary people will have no way to discover the existence of the Clow card. At that time, there will only be one more unsolved mystery That's all.


After extracurricular study, beside the sidewalk outside the museum

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"Clow card?"

Tomoyo couldn't help but speak in surprise after hearing what Kyoko and Sakura said.

"Well, my sister said it should be the Clow card."

Sakura said to Tomoyo with certainty.

"Then what should we do, are we going to seal it now?"

Tomoyo asked subconsciously.

"The seal is definitely going to be sealed, but not now."

Kyoko expressed her opinion at this time.

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