When the two sisters heard Zhishi's words, they also had an indescribable feeling in their hearts.

Although Tomoyo was comforting them, Kyoko could only feel more sadness from Tomoyo's expression and words.

Kyoko seems to have felt the loneliness that Tomoyo has endured for these years. I am afraid that deep down in her heart, she also hopes that someone can accompany her.

And as the three of them fell silent at the same time, the atmosphere in the room also became strange.

The hustle and bustle that had just entered the room had dissipated at some point, instead it was filled with an indescribable sadness.

But this atmosphere hadn't started for a long time, a voice that had been forgotten for a long time suddenly sounded from Sakura's bag, breaking the atmosphere.

"Woo~ woo~ woo!!"

The dull voice was so fierce and irritable, full of resentment from the speaker.

With the insertion of this voice, the sad atmosphere in the room was also swept away, and everyone's eyes were focused on Sakura's bag.

And after Kyoko noticed the movement of Bao, a terrible thought flashed through her mind.

"It's over, I've been forgetting about this guy." Xingzi couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Naturally, Sakura quickly opened the bag and released Xiao Ke who was trapped inside.

"Ah! Finally let me out!!"

Finally coming out of the "darkness" bag, Xiao Ke's tone was full of resentment.

Chapter 110 The Purpose of the Clow Card

As soon as Xiao Ke came out, she was full of resentment: "Really, I just fell asleep in the bag, you really forgot about me!!!"

While talking, Xiao Ke also made a look of gnashing his teeth, as if he really wanted to come up.

"Hold...Sorry, Xiao Ke, we didn't mean to..."

Facing this situation, Sakura could only respond with an apologetic smile.

Xiao Ying also realized that she was indeed wrong this time, and quickly bowed her head to admit her mistake, carefully calming Xiao Ke's emotions.

But Xingzi thought of something, and turned around quickly, not knowing what she was messing with.

Now, Sakura is the only one left to face Xiao Ke's anger, and this time it is obviously not so easy to pass the test.

"It's useless to say what you said this time, but I'm very! Angry! Angry!!!"

Obviously, Sakura's comfort this time didn't have much effect, and Xiao Ke's anger was still rising.

And when Xiao Ke was venting her grievances to Xiao Ying, Kyoko suddenly turned around, stretched out her hand and handed something to Xiao Ke: "Hey, please use~"

Xiao Ke looked at Xingzi's palm upon hearing the sound, and immediately widened her eyes.


When Xiao Ke saw the cake appearing in front of her eyes, all the resentment that had arisen before disappeared instantly.

It jumped onto one of the cakes, and rubbed its face intimately with the cream on the cake.

"Cake~ is my favorite cake!!"

After seeing Xiao Ke's reaction, Kyoko also secretly relaxed.

When Kyoko and Sakura left before, she vaguely wanted to bring a few pieces of cake. At that time, she thought it was because she wanted to eat it, but now it seems that she prepared it for this guy.

Then, Kyoko smiled again and said, "We haven't forgotten Xiao Ke, this cake is specially reserved for you by Xiao Sakura and me~"


Hearing Kyoko's words, Xiao Ying was naturally stunned, why didn't she remember that she had specially prepared for Xiao Ke?


Hearing Xingzi's explanation, Xiao Ke also said excitedly.

"Of course it's true!"

At this time, Tomoyo, who had been watching for a long time, also understood the situation, and hurried over to help Kyoko and Sakura out of the siege: "When we left, it was Sakura who specifically asked to bring more cakes."

Saying that, Tomoyo also smiled and looked at Sakura over there.

And Xiao Ke also had a cake stuffed in her mouth, blinking her eyes at Sakura.

Seeing that everyone was looking at her, Xiao Ying quickly squeezed out a forced smile, and said intermittently: "Yes... yes, I... we haven't forgotten Xiao Ke..."

While explaining, Sakura maintained a smile on her face, trying to make her words sound convincing.

Under the joint efforts of the three of them, Xiao Ke also believed what everyone said, and chose to accept the cake in front of him.

I saw it devouring the cake on the plate, and said vaguely: "If this is the case... for the sake of your sincerity, I will forgive you this time~"

"But!!" After swallowing the cake in her mouth, Xiao Ke said with a "serious" face, "Absolutely, absolutely, there will be no next time, otherwise, I will be even angrier than this time!! !"

Seeing Xiao Ke say these words, Xingzi was a little dumbfounded.She thought, if Xiao Ke could wipe off the cream from the corner of her mouth, maybe it would be more deterrent...

However, even if you think so in your heart, you still have to give face on the surface: "Okay, we will never do it again next time!"

"Yes, yes, yes!!" Sakura quickly assured, "There will definitely be no next time!"

"It's almost there~"

After getting the result she wanted, Xiao Ke seemed very satisfied, and enjoyed her cake happily.

However, before it took a few sips, it suddenly jumped up again, and said in a panic: "No, that's not the important thing!"

"What... what's the matter?" Seeing Xiao Ke's expression changed drastically again, Xiao Ying was also a little scared, for fear that it would get angry again.

And Xiao Ke also immediately said: "The reason why I woke up just now is actually because I felt the breath of the Clow card!"

"Huh?!" X2

Hearing the news from Xiao Ke, Sakura and Kyoko looked at each other, and immediately felt the surrounding situation.

And after such a careful feeling, Kyoko instantly sensed the familiar aura in the room.


Sakura on the other side also felt the existence of the Clow card and exclaimed.

At this time, Zhishi also said weakly.

"So it's really a problem with the Clow card?"

"Huh?" X3

Sakura, Kyoko, and Xiao Ke looked at Tomoyo suspiciously, not knowing what she was talking about.

But Zhishi didn't speak, but turned around and walked directly to a cabinet, took out a box from it, and placed it carefully on the table in front of everyone.

And as the whole picture of the box was displayed in front of everyone, everyone also confirmed their own thoughts.

"That's right, the Clow card should be attached to this box."

Kyoko said with certainty.

Because she was so focused on Sakura and Tomoyo before, she didn't realize the existence of this Clow card, and she didn't have much memory of the plot where this Clow card was in, so she actually arrived Only now can I come to a definite answer.

"Then... what card is this time?"

Sakura asked suspiciously.

"It hasn't shown any ability yet, so it's hard to be sure..."

Xiao Ke said very cautiously.

"You'll know if you try it!" Kyoko didn't have so many worries. The bracelet on Sakura's wrist had already been fully charged. He believed that there was basically nothing that could hurt Sakura.

Instead, she directed Sakura directly: "Sakura, use magic to test it."

"Yeah!" Sakura heard Kyoko's words, without any hesitation, she stretched out her hand, attached her magic power to it, and slowly reached for the box on the table.

The situation at the beginning was very normal, and there was nothing strange about it.But when Sakura's hand and the box got close enough, a blurry shadow that was invisible to ordinary people but fleeting in the eyes of Kyoko and the others suddenly appeared.

But with the flash of this blurred shadow, a huge repulsive force from unknown source suddenly pushed Xiao Sakura out.

Of course, after this power came into contact with Sakura, it was naturally blocked by the magic attached to the bracelet.And this caused the box itself to retreat several steps under this repulsive force.

"This is?!" X3

The three of Kyoko looked at each other, their eyes were full of surprise and uncertainty, and when Sakura saw this, she tried to use her magic power to probe it.


"I see!" X3

"It's a barrier!" Xiao Ke was quite sure.


This time, the three people who were prepared could directly see the flickering barrier around the box, while Tomoyo could only look at the three people beside him with a confused face because he didn't have the slightest magical aptitude.

"It's a shield!" Xiao Ke said firmly.

"Shield?" Sakura was confused.

"That is a Clow card with a strong protective ability, and it is used to protect some important things." Kyoko explained from the side.

"Protect important things?" Xiao Sakura became even more puzzled after hearing this explanation, "Since this is the case, why does Clow want to do such a thing with Tomoyo's box?"

Kyoko didn't answer Sakura's question, but instead asked Tomoyo, "Tomoyo, is there anything important in your box?"

"That's right!" Zhishi nodded vigorously, with an anxious look on his face, "This box contains things that my mother and I have treasured, but it has been unable to be opened since last week."

Sakura frowned when she heard Tomoyo's words.

"I remember Sister Hua said that the Clow cards have the same purpose in doing these things... Although I still don't know what their purpose is, why are they playing such a prank..."

"I don't know..." Xiao Ke also looked puzzled.

"According to what I know about this guy, this guy doesn't seem like a character who would do this kind of prank, but..."

Xiao Ke sighed lightly.

"This time it is clearly it."

"Is this the purpose of the Clow cards?"

Sakura couldn't help guessing like this.

"I remember Sister Hua told me before that other Clow cards will do different things because of various personalities, but they are all for the same purpose... I hope I can not blame them too much... ..."

"Is there such a thing?" Xingzi thought for a while, and couldn't help looking at Xiao Ke who was beside her.

Logically speaking, Xiao Ke, the sealed beast, should be the one who knows the existence of the Clow card best.

"I don't know at all~" Xiao Ke also looked worried when faced with this question.

When Xingzi heard that Xiao Ke didn't know the situation, he said directly: "Since we don't know, then let's stop guessing and just ask Clow if it's a card."

After finishing speaking, Kyoko looked at Sakura again.

"Sakura, let the flower card come out and explain clearly in person."


Sakura also felt that this was the best solution, so she directly took out the flower card from her pocket, and was about to input magic power into it, and when the flower card showed up to explain the situation, her movements suddenly stopped down.


Sakura stayed where she was, looking at the flower card in her hand with a look of surprise.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Sakura's expression, Kyoko couldn't help asking with a frown.

"Sister Hua...it doesn't want to come out..."

"Ah, why?" Xiao Ke suddenly couldn't understand.

"It said that it hoped that I would not ask about this matter now, and that it would be better for me not to know about these matters now..."

"Why, it must at least give us a reason!"

Hearing these words, Xingzi couldn't help frowning, and Xiao Ke couldn't accept it even more.

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