And Yu Shu's conjecture was quickly verified.

Because the pair of bright black small round-toed leather shoes had already stood in front of Yu Shu's partition.

There was a thin layer of wood between the two.

Yu Shu held his breath, not daring to make the slightest sound.

By the way, she also used one hand to cover Tianchuan Huayi's moist lips.

I regret this!

Before entering the women's restroom just now, you should have looked up to see the logo of the brand.

Or even lock the partition door.

Now as long as the girl in front of her opens the door, the state of herself and Tianchuan Huayi will be seen by the other party at a glance.

Think for a second.

If you are that girl.

When I opened the partition door of the women's toilet, I suddenly saw a comatose woman inside and a man covering the woman's mouth and nose.

What would you do?

It is estimated that he will run out of the toilet screaming loudly, and then inform the security guards in the school...

After all, in the eyes of outsiders, this scene is simply a male pervert who ran into the women's bathroom and was about to do something utterly unconscionable to the girl.

This is no longer a difficult question.

Instead, it is easy to be expelled directly from the school, or even arrested and squatted for a few years.

What I promised my English teacher was to send Huayi Tianchuan to the health room.

In the end, you were sent to the women's restroom, what's the matter?


Hiroki Kamishima's high school career.

Maybe he will be sent to the funeral in the next second.

Yu Shu's eyes trembled, his heart felt uneasy, he was ready to be scolded by girls as a pervert, and then screamed loudly.

But I still instinctively recite silently in my heart: "I can't see me, I can't see me..."


A small white hand gently opened the partition door a thin crack.

Then she poked half of her small face in.

Until I saw a snow-blue female figure sitting quietly on the toilet.

"Ah! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't know there was anyone in there, I'm so sorry!"

The girl in the round-toed leather shoes apologized again and again, and even closed the partition door again.

Then he panicked and ran to the partition at the end of the women's toilet.

It seems that she didn't notice the abnormality of Tianchuan Hanai, and Yuki who was squatting on the ground.


"??" What's the matter?

Why didn't she scream?

Yu Shu clearly saw her eyes sweep over through the crack of the door, and even met his own eyes.

Since she can see Tianchuan Huayi, why can't she not see such a living person like herself?

Is it because I was too flustered, so I didn't look carefully?


Hiroki looked down at his translucent body.

Or...she couldn't see herself at all! !

Chapter 143 Visiting Again


The girl with the round-toed leather shoes seems to have begun to let go.

Even if there were three intervals in the middle, Hiroki could hear clearly.

But his attention now is not on the sound of running water at all.

But on his translucent body.

what's the situation?

How did I become translucent? ?

The reason why the girl couldn't see her just now has something to do with it?

Hiroki touched his face, and then touched his whole body indiscriminately.


It is indeed solid, and it feels exactly the same as usual, and there is no such thing as passing through the body.

Yushu touched Tianchuan Huai's clean thigh again, and found that he could still touch it normally.

Could it be that......

Yu Shu seemed to have guessed something, and then took out a 5.7-inch smartphone from his trouser pocket.

On the lock screen interface, swipe left with your finger, and then switch to the selfie mode of the camera.

I rely on!

Hiroki almost couldn't control it and blurted out loudly.

Because the camera's selfie perspective inside...

It was empty! !

He completely disappeared from the camera.

Yu Shu adjusted several angles and found that the result was exactly the same every time.

There are only images of toilet partitions and Tianchuan Huayi inside.

"Uh..." If this is ruled out as a supernatural event, then there is only one possible explanation.

Yu Shu clicked on the system panel, and then found the column of talent skills.

[Unlock talent: reduced sense of presence (useable times per day: 3)]

Unpretentious profile.

One more word is not much, one less word is not much.

When I first unlocked it, I tried many times.

But not once.

Because triggering talent skills requires a password.

For example, now, Yushu put his eyes on Tian Chuan Huai's body, and then silently said a sentence in his heart.

"Let me be healthy inside Tianchuan Huayi's clothes!"

In the next second, in Yu Shu's field of vision.

The cover on Tianchuan Huayi's body gradually became transparent until it disappeared completely.

Those patches of snow-white scenery squeezed into Yu Shu's eyes unreservedly, and even the three little clips that had no electricity could be seen clearly.

This is another talent of Hiroki.


The triggered keyword is: "Let me be healthy."

And the translucent state of his body now should have triggered a decrease in his sense of existence.

As for the formula, Hiroki also has some clues.

"Can't see me."

This is a sentence that has been silently recited in my heart just now.

Unexpectedly, the blind cat ran into a dead mouse, which allowed him to escape successfully.


In the partition not far away, there was a sound of flushing water.

It seems that the girl in the round-toed leather shoes should be leaving soon.


After the sound of flushing water, there was another sound of clothes rubbing against the partition in the distance.

It can be roughly divided into three stages.

The first friction should be that the girl reattached the fat times to the pubic mound.

The second rubbing was to pull the black silk pantyhose that had faded to the knees, and pull it up until the thighs, lower abdomen, and buttocks were completely wrapped in it.

For the third friction, she stood up straight, and then lifted the outermost pleated skirt to her waist.

Just zip up the right side and she can come out of the bathroom partition.

In order to better verify the ability of "reducing the sense of presence".

With an idea, Yu Shu suddenly stood up and pushed the partition door open before her.

Then stood at the exit, waiting for her arrival.


A girl in a school uniform with a pleated skirt and small black silk round-toed leather shoes slowly walked out of the partition.

Then when passing Tianchuan Huayi's partition, he unconsciously quickened his pace.

He seemed to be apologetic for what happened just now.



The girl seemed to have bumped into something suddenly, and subconsciously took a step back.

Then he blinked his big innocent eyes twice, staring at the space in front of him in some surprise.

This feeling......

I must have hit something just now, right?

But the wall and the toilet door are at least two meters away from him.

Impossible to hit.

And the feeling just now is not as cold and hard as the wall.

On the contrary, it feels a bit like the human body...

The girl in the round-toed leather shoes covered her flustered chest with one hand, while staring straight at the things in front of her.

After a long time, no abnormality was found.

It must be my own delusion...

After all, when I first entered the women's restroom, everything went smoothly.

If there was something like an air wall, I wouldn't have discovered it until now.

Really, I would have known that I would not have read so many supernatural novels in the past two days, and now I am always paranoid and thinking wildly, and I feel that everything I read is abnormal.

After calming down my emotions.

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