"Suck... breathe—"

Standing outside the gate of the police station, Yu Shu took a breath of fresh air that he had not seen for a long time, and felt relaxed all over his body and mind.

In that dark and oppressive interrogation room, I don't want to go into it for the second time in my life.

"Benefactor, benefactor, wait a minute and don't leave!"

Just when Yu Shu was about to walk towards the subway station, he was suddenly blocked by two figures, one big and one small.

Hiroki followed the sound and took a closer look.

It turned out that the two figures blocking the way were the mother and daughter Hua that they met in the bank.

At that time, they were almost shot in the head by the robbers.

"Um, what's the matter?" Yuki asked puzzledly standing there.

Judging by the appearance of the two of them, it seems that they are here specially waiting for me to come out?

And call yourself a benefactor or something...

"Benefactor, our mother and daughter came here specially to thank you. If you hadn't rescued us at that time, our mother and daughter might have turned into two cold corpses."

The little girl's mother was very emotional.

A pair of water-like beautiful eyes overflowed with gratitude to Hiroki.

She can't wait to step forward and hug Yu Shu, and kiss him hard on the face.

"Xiaoya talk."

The intellectual woman lightly touched her daughter next to her with her palm.

And the little loli, who was wearing blue and white striped stockings on her legs, said something timidly to Yu Shu in a sweet voice.

"Thank you big brother for saving your life—"

Then the little loli, who looked like 6 or 7 years old, blushed again and hid behind her mother's big butt again.

Only a cute little head was revealed, quietly staring at Yu Shu's face.

"No, no, you are too polite, I actually didn't do anything."

Yuki waved his hand a little embarrassedly.

After all, the reason why I took the initiative to stand up was purely because of the order issued by the system.

Faced with the gratitude of the good-looking mother and daughter, Yu Shu felt guilty for no reason.

"Benefactor, you don't need to be too humble. There are not many people as brave and pure as you now, so let me have a banquet to thank you once."

"No, no, really no, and I have to go back at this time..."

[Ding Dong, please accept the host's invitation, otherwise you will understand. 】

Yuki: "..."

Face everyday threats to your system.

Yu Shu really wanted to say that I didn't understand, but he was afraid of being punished by the system, so he could only yell at his father in his heart while agreeing to the other party's invitation.

"Um, where are we going then?"

"If your benefactor doesn't mind, you can go to my house. My house is in a community not far ahead. I will cook for you in a while. The taste is guaranteed to be no worse than the restaurants outside."

Seeing that Yu Shu was not trying to evade, the intellectual woman was ecstatic for an instant, and immediately grabbed Yu Shu's palm and pointed in the direction of her home.

But after she got excited, she felt that her behavior was a little disrespectful, so she hastily withdrew her slippery hand like an electric shock.

"Sorry, I was a little rude just now, I hope my benefactor will not take offense—"

Obviously she is already a mother of a child, but Yushu still sees a shyness on her cheek, like a [-]-year-old girl who has just sprouted a spring heart.

"Ahem, it's okay, let's go..."


4 minutes later.

Yu Shu followed the mother and daughter into a seemingly expensive neighborhood.

Except for a circle of high-rise buildings facing the street.

The rest of the buildings are actually all small two-story bungalows.

Although Yushu doesn't know real estate knowledge, this kind of bungalow is much more expensive than the high-rise outside.

Basically, outside every household, there is a garden where vegetation can be planted, and a small open-air swimming pool.

And the place where the mother and daughter live is exactly one of the two-story bungalows in a good location.

Judging from the intellectual beauty exuded from the little girl's mother and her dress.

Yu Shu had already vaguely guessed that the other party might be that kind of high-income and highly educated crowd.

as predicted.

It was really guessed by Yu Shu.

【Drip—Fingerprint authentication is successful, welcome home-】

"Benefactor, please come in."

The door of the bungalow is a double door with a fingerprint combination lock.

So even if the three of Hiroki went in side by side, they wouldn't feel crowded at all.

"Okay, excuse me."

Yuki felt a little uneasy.

Because every time the system issues such an order, it basically indicates that there will be new sluts appearing.

I don't know who is the main target this time, the intellectual woman or the poor-breasted little loli...

If it was this elderly mother with an S-shaped figure, then Hiroki might feel relatively less guilty.

After all, she is already pregnant with a daughter, so she must not have too little experience in that area, right?

But if it's this voiceless, soft-bodied, easy-to-push little lolita, then Yuki wouldn't dare to think about it any further...

After all, the opponent's slender legs didn't seem to be as thick as his own Demon Slayer Holy Spear.

Yu Shu kept using his peripheral vision to scan back and forth on the big and small figures.

At this moment, the intellectual woman was holding on to the door frame with her hands, and with her knees bent at 90 degrees, she took off her patent leather high-heeled shoes from her gray silk jade feet.

And the little loli sat directly in the entrance, peeling off the white princess shoes from her striped stockings bit by bit.

This seemingly ordinary action of taking off shoes, under the blessing of the charm of the mother and daughter, is like a beautiful world-famous painting.

"Benefactor, what do you like to drink? I'll go get you some drinks first."

After inviting Hiroki to sit on the soft sofa.

The intellectual woman entertained Hiroki very warmly.

"Well, Coca-Cola is fine, and you don't need to keep calling me benefactor. My name is Kamishima Hiroki. Ma'am, you can call me Hiroki."

Yuki said a little shyly.

After all, it always feels a little strange to be called by benefactors.

"How can that be done? A benefactor is a benefactor. Our mother and daughter will always keep this in mind. Benefactor, wait a moment, I'll go get you a Coke."

Then the other party stepped forward with sexy gray silk legs, and briefly disappeared from Yu Shu's sight.

And the little loli carved in jade was still sitting not far from Yu Shu, unconsciously shaking her pair of delicate little feet.

Hiroki sat on the sofa a little cautiously and looked around.

Until on the wall behind the sofa, a square photo frame hanging high was found.

?Chapter 178 Changing clothes

In the frame is a wedding photo.

The young woman on the left in the photo, no need to guess, must be the beautiful woman exuding an intellectual temperament just now.

It's just that compared to now, she in the photo is less mature and more peaceful.

It should be a photo taken six or seven years ago.

The man on the right side of the photo should be her husband.

He is a little short, and a little Mediterranean. He doesn't look young, and it feels like there is at least a dozen years difference between the two of them.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a rich man...

No way, no way, could it be that the person who seems to have a high degree of education...

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Chapter 179 Here She Comes!

"Benefactor, how about my suit?"

Wearing high heels, the cheongsam woman stood in front of Yu Shu and turned around in a circle, showing her protruding figure unreservedly.

The position of the chest of the cheongsam and the position of the buttocks of the cheongsam are all swollen by the soft flesh inside.

As if twelve catties of cantaloupe were stuffed inside, it was extremely large and plump.

And from the slits on both sides of the cheongsam, you can see the other party's greasy and dazzling thighs, the soft and overflowing buttocks, and the smooth skin of the slender waist.


Yuki rubbed his dazed eyes vigorously.

Because through the slit of the opponent's cheongsam, it seems that there is no triangular fabric covering the secret base.

On the curvaceous waist and hips, there was not even a trace of a rope or a belt.

That is to say...

The other party didn't ___?

"Ahem, cough, very, very nice..."

Ever since the intellectual woman appeared in a cheongsam, Yu Shu felt that the atmosphere at the scene seemed to be getting more and more subtle.

And the behavior of the other party has also changed a lot from before.

What she was doing now was like showing off her new sexy uniform in front of her husband.

Hiroki didn't know where to put his eyes.

"Is it the cheongsam that looks good, or the person that looks good?"

The cheongsam woman approached step by step, and after a while she stood in front of Yu Shu, looking down on Yu Shu from a height.

On the well-maintained and moist face, a layer of emotional peach pink has been applied at this moment.

Let this intoxicating mature flower of hers become more vivid and unbelievably beautiful.


Yu Shu felt his throat was hot, and the beating frequency of his heart soared.

The way the other party is scratching their heads and posing now is almost comparable to those women sitting on the stage in Huajie.

Every movement, every blink of an eye seemed to deliberately arouse the man's lust.

"Husband, madam, don't you say you want to prepare a big meal? You are now..."

"Actually, this sumptuous meal is myself, please ask your benefactor to taste me carefully—"

As she spoke, she took Yushu's palm and placed it on her gray silk thigh to caress it.

As expected of high-end stockings, they even feel so lubricated.

"Uh..." Yu Shu knew in his heart that this intellectual woman in a sexy cheongsam might be the target of this purification.

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