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?Chapter 186 Girl Candidate

In the video, those tiny tadpoles escaped from the powerful immune cells.

While cheering for the little tadpoles in their hearts, everyone also sighed "this is no better than Bo Ran".

"Everyone has grown up to the present, in the past ten years, they may have faced many choices, and they have also made many choices.

But what really changed everyone's destiny was the most critical fork in the road this time. "

Teacher Mingmei pointed to the two heating pipes on the video, one to the left and one to the right.

"And Nuanzi will randomly appear in one of the directions. In other words, once you choose the wrong direction,...

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?Chapter 187 Three Generations of Akane Chuan

The girl who made the sound was none other than the three generations of Kawakane who was full of curiosity and had nothing on her chest.

Emerald green hair, small facial features, and slender figure, can be said to be the perfect embodiment of the petite and lovely type.

Although it is not as powerful as Teacher Mingmei's turbulent and undulating figure.

But it has its own beauty.

Many female students in the class, including Yu Shu, all set their sights on this brave girl.

The three generations of Chuan Qian's face turned red with embarrassment, and the two soft white hands subconsciously stirred together.

But compared to being shy and unbearable, she actually...

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?Chapter 188 Disarm

Is this what it's like to cuddle with a boy?

Also, quite comfortable...

And Yuki-san smells good and feels warm.

Especially the big hand that rests on his hair.

Every time I touch it, there will be a numb feeling on the back of my head.

It's no wonder that in love-themed TV dramas, there will always be scenes where the male lead and the female lead kill each other.

It turns out to be really addictive.


It is different from the rich inner drama of the three generations of Akane Chuan.

Hiroki didn't think about it that much at this time.

Because the three generations of Akane Chuan are relatively short,...

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?Chapter 189 Reciprocity

The content of this chapter is being revised by the author, please check it later

?Chapter 190 Demonstration in person

The content of this chapter is being revised by the author, please check it later

setting change

Because it is very important, I specially opened a single chapter.

Considering that the Internet is seriously clean now, this book may not know when it will be sent.

If you write according to the outline set before, it is estimated that you will not be able to finish writing the ending in a while.

So the author thought again and again, and decided to change the overall setting from the complicated to the simple, and optimize the follow-up plot by the way.

[Modification 1]: Except for Hashimoto Nana who has been sealed, and Zoeko whose body has been occupied by succubus, all other succubus are in a deep sleep state.

[Modification 2]: Delete the plot of the follow-up battle with the succubus, mainly follow the daily flow of the plot, simplify the sealing method, after being irrigated with the holy water of Yushu, if the opponent is a succubus, then the power and personality of the succubus will be activated and become a succubus Demon form.

After the sealing ceremony, the succubus personality disappears, but the succubus power will remain in the host body, and these powers can also be used at ordinary times, or transformed into a succubus form.

Due to the hidden effect of the holy water, all women marked by Yuki, including the succubus, will become Yuki's private property, so these sealed succubi will not harm Yuki, and even become his right-hand assistant.

[Modification 3]: The follow-up plot will become a unit drama similar to Conan. A few chapters are a short story. Go to school if you want to go to school, work part-time if you want to work, and go wherever you want, regardless of time and region.

Conan is a case for several episodes, and this book is a new girl in a few chapters.

[Modification 4]: The succubus breath is like a virus, it can be transmitted to each other. Normal women have a chance of being infected when they come into contact with infected sluts.

[Modification 5]: Delete the memory loss setting. Girls who have been with Yuki before will not forget that process (will think it was Yuki who seduced them actively), although they will not pester Yuki afterwards, But some courageous people will still seduce Yushu in order to have a relationship with Yuki again.

[Change 6]: In Chapter 21, some adjustments have been made to the swimming department, just click to refresh the full text.


In fact, the following plot is very simple. Yuki only needs to find the remaining 9 succubi, and the way to find out is to have sex with each other.

Due to the slut's physique, Yuki only needs to wait for the slut to come to his door.

Then draw prizes from these sluts.

But these women who took the initiative to deliver to their door actually included not only succubus, but also sluts who were affected by the aura of succubus.

There are also women who already have a crush on Yuki, and women who are born with the attributes of a slut.

(Such as Michihara Reiko, Michihara Reiko's daughters, Michihara Reiko's mother, Michihara Reiko's younger sister, etc. After all, this thing can be inherited.)

Chapter 191


So tender and tight!

This is Yuki's evaluation of the three generations of Akane Kawasaki.


So big and so soft!

This is Yuki's evaluation of Teacher Mingmei.

During the period before the end of get out of class, it was basically maintained in the cycle of several hundred demonstrations by Teacher Mingmei, and then replaced by the third generation Chuanqian.

Under the pressure of this fat and thin, one ripe and one tender.

Yu Shu finally poured his own tadpoles up to [-] milliliters into the stomachs of the two of them, turning them into chubby ball bellies.

Because I have watched the educational short documentary "The Adventures of Little Tadpoles" before.

Therefore, the third generation of Akane Chuan knows that it is not easy for tadpoles.

After Yu Shu pulled out the Holy Devil-Slaying Spear, she clamped the exit tightly and tightly covered it with her soft white hands to prevent the army of innocent little tadpoles from flowing out.

Before completely absorbing Hiroki's things, she kept this posture without moving.

[Ding dong, it is detected that the conditions have been met, and the experience value has been increased. 】


"What's the matter, Rintaro, why did you lose your face?"

After class, Hiroki asked the depressed Rintaro.

Not only Rintaro, Hiroki felt that the mood of the boys in the class seemed to be depressed.

It seems that there is a dark cloud that is raining on everyone's head.

"Hey, don't mention it, it's not because of the physiology class just now."

"What's wrong? Is the biology teacher in Class [-] not professional enough?"

Yuki thought about it carefully in his mind.

If I remember correctly, the biology teacher in Class 50 should be a bad old man in his [-]s.

I don't know what happened to Rintaro and the others after the shift change.

"It's not the teacher's problem, it's the female classmate... No, it can't be called a human anymore! It should be called a female tank, a female dinosaur, and a female fat pig!!"

It seems that as long as Rintaro recalls the scene just now, his stomach will start to churn unconsciously, and even retch symptoms.

Yuki: "..."

After Rintaro's reminder, Hiroki suddenly remembered a key question.

If we were talking about the physiology class just now, I was a male tool who stayed in the second and third classes of high school.

The second and fourth class of high school should also leave a female tool talent.

"Is that female classmate ugly?" Hiroki asked along the way.

"Ugly? That's not ugly! It's so ugly!! Not only is it ugly, but it's also as fat as an old sow, with three catties of fat scraped off its face!

That bucket waist is even thicker than that century-old locust tree on our school playground, dare you believe it! !

I guess she must not be liked by men, so she took the initiative to sign up, and wanted to take this opportunity to taste the taste of men! "

Rintaro let out a groan.

Even when he said this, there was a deep look of fear on his face.

"Then you...did you perform a live demonstration afterwards?"

"Of course not! What kind of warrior like her dares to charge! It's too late to hide!! The teacher later called out a few boys, but they were determined and unwilling.

Guess what?

That female fat pig stomped her feet, and started running to the podium to catch the man on her own initiative!

Ever played Battle Royale?Our second half will be a real-life battle royale! !If the bell hadn't rang in time for the end of get out of class, buddy, I might be late today, QAQ"

Rintaro hugged his shoulders with some fear. It can be seen that he was really scared by the girl in the second and fourth class of high school...

No wonder I always felt a slight tremor on the ground when I was doing it with Midai Chuanqian and Mingmei.

It turned out that there was such a commotion in the class next door...

Yushu was very fortunate that he was the boy who was left behind, and at the same time thanked Teacher Mingmei in his heart.


Twilight falls.

The setting sun is like blood.

After finishing the day-to-day work, Hiroki and Saiko met and walked towards the subway station together.

It's just that one is going home and the other is working.

Before that, the two had to go through an alley formed between the building and the building to reach the subway entrance.

The alley is about 20 meters long, and the width can accommodate 4 Yushu to pass side by side, which is quite spacious overall.

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