"Senior, you forced me to do all of this—"

Chapter 267 Imprisonment


so thirsty...

Throat is so thirsty.

Yu Shu woke up slowly, feeling that his throat was extremely dry, as uncomfortable as being stabbed or burned.

"where is this place......"

Yu Shu's vision became clearer, and then what came into his eyes was an ordinary room with acceptable decoration.

The size of the room is very standard, basically as big as the master bedroom of an ordinary family.

The layout inside is also very simple, a single bed, a table and chairs, a TV hanging on the wall, an air conditioner, and a vent, but there are no curtains and windows that every room should have.

Could this be some kind of basement?

Or a converted warehouse?

And besides the lack of windows, the scenes on the walls around the room also looked very strange.


Lots and lots of photos.

Or it should be said that the surrounding walls are covered with densely packed photos at this moment, like a thick layer of wallpaper.

Yu Shu narrowed his eyes slightly, and after seeing the images on the photo wall clearly, Yu Shu's pupils trembled violently in an instant.

This is......

These are actually...

There was a violent storm in Yu Shu's heart.

Because of these photos on the wall, or should I say the characters in each photo.

Home!Of course!Complete!department!All!yes!since!Has!

That's right...

The contents of these photos, although there are distant shots, middle shots, and close shots, are almost all taken with myself as the center of the picture, and most of them are taken from a candid angle.

In these photos, some of themselves are studying hard at their desks, some are running around on the playground, some are chatting and laughing with their friends, and some are rushing to the subway station anxiously.

If there are other passers-by or students besides himself in the picture, the photographer will directly use a marker to blacken all these people, leaving only himself clearly visible.

I rely on!

This is too perverted!

This is simply terrifying! !

Yu Shu felt goosebumps all over his body, and a chill subconsciously rose in his heart.

Based on the number of photos on the wall and the various scenes in the photos, Yu Shu can deduce that the photographers of these photos must have followed him a lot.

But what Yu Shu couldn't figure out was, what was the purpose of the other party taking these photos?

It can't just be spread on the wall, and then enjoy the photos quietly every day...

Yuki: "..."

It was not the first time Yu Shu was kidnapped and imprisoned, so after a short shock, Yu Shu calmed down and slowly analyzed his situation.

Airtight room.

Photos on the wall.


stun gun...

Dong Chuan Saya.

Groups of keywords instantly appeared in Yu Shu's mind.

After all, the second before I lost consciousness, I clearly experienced the pain of being hit by a stun gun.

This means that there is no mirror in the room, otherwise Yu Shu feels that his face and skin may be burnt black, and his hair may also become an afro style.

Could it be that Dongchuan Saya transferred herself to this place after stunning herself with a stun gun?

But even if he lost consciousness, he still weighed more than 120 catties.

The three female artists who belonged to the same brokerage company as Hashimoto Nana before, also needed three people to work together when they kidnapped themselves.

How did Dongchuan Saya, a little girl weighing more than 80 kilograms, do it?

And even if she really kidnapped herself, even if she really carried herself here alone.

But what is her purpose in doing this?

It couldn't be because she rejected her confession, so she became angry and planned to take revenge on herself and abuse her body and spirit, right?


Yu Shu subconsciously moved his hands, feet and neck, and then a crisp sound of iron chains colliding came into his ears.






A total of five thick and large iron chains were tied around Yushu's neck, wrists and ankles.

The other ends of the five iron chains extended to the four legs of the bed and the head of the bed above the head, as if they were about to be quartered by five horses.

Yu Shu tugged hard twice, and found that the material of these iron chains was extremely strong, and it was almost 100% impossible to break free with human strength alone.

Moreover, Yu Shu, who had been focusing his eyes and attention on the environment just now, only now realized that his whole body was completely naked, and his whole body was stripped naked, not even a piece of rag was left for himself .

I'm dizzy...

This is a bit too much!

At least leave your clothes behind!

Although the clothes are not worth a lot of money, but after all, I worked hard to save money to buy them...


A sound like a mechanism being triggered suddenly came from the wall covered with photos on the right side of Yu Shu.

Yu Shu turned his head following the sound, and found that the flat wall that was originally covered with photos had opened a fan-shaped gap that could pass through people.

Ah this...

Yu Shu blinked his eyes, never expecting that this wall is actually a hidden secret door...

And when Yu Shu was in a daze, a petite figure that Yu Shu was very familiar with also slowly walked towards Yu Shu from the shadow of the secret door.

A pale pink double ponytail and a Lolita dress.

It's just that today's Lolita dress is a little different from the past, it's the dark purple style with black butterflies dotted on it.

Even her previous pale pink eyeshadow was replaced with a deep purple of the same shade as the dress.

If it is said that Saya Dongchuan gave Hiroki that kind of cute and delicate style before.

Then after changing her makeup and clothes, what she brought to Yu Shu was a sick feeling of sickness + black belly.

Combined with the behavior of the other party secretly taking photos of himself and hanging them on the wall, stripping himself naked, and then tying himself to the bed in the secret room with five iron chains.

Dongchuan Saya is more or less related to the abnormality in her heart...

"Dong... Sister Saya, where is this place? Why did you do this kind of thing? And did you take these photos on the wall?"

While pulling the iron chains on his wrists and ankles, Yuki threw three consecutive questions to Saya Higashikawa who kept walking towards him.

The fragrant wind bursts, and the fragrance of flowers hits people.

After coming to Yushu's side, Dongchuan Saya didn't rush to answer.

Instead, with a sickly smile on her face, she pressed her buttocks, which were more delicious and firm than peaches, against the bedside on Yu Shu's right side.

Then she took down a glass filled with 1/3 liquid from the table next to her, and slowly handed it to Yu Shu's mouth.

?Chapter 268 Sickness


Saya Higashikawa lightly pressed the remote control switch on his hand, and then the single bed that Yuki was lying on changed from the original flat "one" shape to the current "L" shape.

Yu Shu also changed from the original lying position to the current sitting position.

Yuki: "..."

Hiroki thought that the hidden secret door on the photo wall was outrageous enough.

It never occurred to him that the single bed under him also had a hidden mechanism, almost like the multi-function chair that he lay on when visiting the dentist.

"Senior Yuki, are you thirsty? Come on, drink something...

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Chapter 269 Watching TV

"Cough cough cough-"

Yu Shu coughed crazily, and never thought that the liquid he swallowed in his stomach just now would be the other party's Pap gland fluid.

And it was Saya Dongchuan who used herself as a spell-casting material while positioning herself with her fingers, and picked it out of her petal primary school...

Hiroki couldn't help but sigh, what kind of family environment did this woman grow up in, and how could she become so psychologically abnormal...


At this time, Yu Shu didn't know that what he experienced just now was just superficial, and at the same time he underestimated the degree of psychopathy of Dong Chuan Saya.

"Is it good, senior? Do you want to have another sip?"

Saya Dongchuan put on a flushed sickly smile, and handed the glass to Yushu's mouth again.

Seems to really want Hiroki to drink up her elementary school silver water.

Because only in this way, she will get an almost morbid sense of satisfaction.

"Cough cough cough, take it away, cough cough cough."

Hiroki dodged while continuing to cough.

But no matter how hard Yu Shu coughed, the silver water that had been swallowed into the stomach and intestines could not go back along the original path of the esophagus.



Saya Higashikawa pressed another button on the remote control, and then a mechanical arm that could place water glasses and dinner plates stretched out from under the bed and came to Yu Shu.

"Okay, then I'll put the cup here. If the senior is thirsty, use this straw to drink."

Dongchuan Saya placed the glass in the groove of the robotic arm, and at the same time inserted a straw into the glass very thoughtfully.

Yuki: "..."

Yu Shu didn't know how to complain anymore.

secret door...

Folding bed......

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