Yu Shu couldn't help feeling in his heart, there wouldn't be anything unclean inside, right?

You must know that this is the lively and fearless Rintaro, what happened in the past ten seconds to make him look like this?

"Next, Hiroki Kamishima."

Yu Shu's heart skipped a beat for a moment, the young female assistant finally called her name, and sure enough, the one who should come will still come, it seems that this time there is no escape.

Yushu took a deep breath, and then followed the female assistant into the health care room. After the door was closed, it also indicated that he had completely entered another world.

bring it on!I, Hiroki Kamishima, have to take a good look at what is waiting for me in front of me, what kind of strange power and chaos will it be!

"Senior Weijiu, the next classmate is here."

Then, after the female assistant led Yushu inside, she said to a female figure behind the curtain.

"Well, let him in."

A lazy female voice came from behind the curtain, giving people a feeling as if they were about to fall asleep.

Not a monster?

The sound is quite normal. It is made by an ordinary human woman. Is it because of her that the person in front became like that?

Yu Shu's heart kept pounding, and he walked inside with small steps. It wasn't until he got closer to the curtain that he saw the culprit inside.

It was a woman, a mature woman.

A sacred white gown is worn on the body, and a pair of bewitching crimson stockings are wrapped around the legs. The two elements full of opposition and disharmony collide together, forming Yushu's first impression of her.

And Yu Shu narrowed his eyes again, using his 5.0 eyesight to carefully observe the badge on the white coat.

Kaesong private high school, health teacher.

Bridge Weijiu.

Just two lines of words let Yushu understand her identity at once.

Yushu breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously, it turned out to be a health care teacher... I thought it was some dangerous role, which made me nervous for a long time.

But the following words from the health care teacher made Yushu breathe a sigh of relief, and he was sucked back all of a sudden.

"Take it off..."

Chapter 39 Rintaro's Invitation

"Take it off..."

Those three simple words cast a weird atmosphere in the quiet health room.

Take it off?

take off what?

What take off?

Those three words just said to me?

Yu Shu unconsciously picked out his ears, thinking that he might have had auditory hallucinations just now, so he looked at the health care teacher Mijiu Ohashi with a questioning look.

And the sleepy female health care teacher turned her face with big dark circles around her eyes after seeing that Yushu just stood there in a daze and did not make any movements.

"Good guy!"

After seeing the face of the health care teacher clearly, Yu Shu couldn't help complaining secretly in his heart.

As for the dark circles on the face, without the experience of staying up late for more than three years in a row, this effect cannot be achieved at all. I feel that compared to us, teacher, you need a full-body physical examination...

"Student Yushu, you can take it off, let's check XX."

"XX aspect!!"

This time, Yushu finally understood why the male students who came in before went out with unnatural expressions. It turned out that the last item of the physical examination was actually to check the health there...

"But teacher, this..."

Yushu was caught in an extremely entangled situation. It would be okay if this was a male health care teacher, but in front of him was a sexy female teacher wearing bright red stockings.

Moreover, at the top of the stockings, which is where the thighs are, there is a circle of translucent rose petal-shaped lace.

Although she looked like she was about to fall asleep at any time on her face at the moment, and she had two heavy dark circles under her eyes, it did not hinder her soft and charming temperament at all, but instead she had a lazy and tired beauty.

"Hurry up, Yuki-san, there are still many people waiting behind you, or do you need the teacher to help you?"

The health care teacher yawned deeply, then stood up from the chair with long legs in red stockings, and made a gesture to walk towards Yushu.

"You don't need a teacher, I can do it myself!"

Yu Shu hurriedly followed her instructions, thinking in his heart that since it was a physical examination, there was nothing he could do, and the students in front of him also came here like this.

"Is this okay, teacher?"

"No, keep taking it off."

"Still taking off?"

Now Hiroki is in trouble, if this is really a physical examination, will his current appearance be regarded as abnormal?

You must know that if a student fails multiple physical examinations, he will be dismissed by the school.

While worrying, Hiroki removed the last defense on his body.


The moment after Yu Shu released the defense, the health care teacher who was breathing heavily suddenly seemed to wake up, staring at Yu Shu with beautiful eyes with dark circles, even the female assistant not far away was full of excitement. A look of surprise.

The air in the health care room seemed to freeze, only two sounds of rapid breathing and one nervous breathing sound remained.

It just solidified for nearly 1 minute.

"Keiko, it's time to start checking..."

After a short shock, the health care teacher took out a data form from the table next to him, and turned to speak to the female assistant not far away.

"Good senior."

After the female assistant responded, she stepped on high heels and walked to Yushu's side, then stretched out her cold little hand to hold him, and started one inspection after another.

"Well, standing normally, qualified."

A health teacher with dark circles and red stockings draws a red tick in the data table.

"It's more than 8cm after standing, it's normal..."

The health care teacher checked the box of the following item with trembling hands, because although the regulations say that it is normal if it exceeds 8cm, there has never been any item that says how to classify it when it reaches 40cm. After all, it has never been like this before. precedent.

"Then it's time to test the durability of the weapon."


"Why hasn't it come out yet? It's been almost half an hour since he went in, what's the situation?"

"That's right, didn't those people come out soon? The longest was only 10 minutes. Why did Kamishima-san go for so long?"

"If you don't come out for a while, school will be over..."

There were bursts of noisy discussions in the line outside the health room, because it has been a long time since Hiroki Kamishima entered, and he has not been seen coming out.

Because the queue was too long, some people simply sat on the ground to relieve the pain in their waists and legs.

At this time in the health care room, the female assistant was shaking her little hand with a strange and blushing face.

"Senior Weijiu, my hands are sore..."


"Then you rest for a while, let me come..."

The health care teacher with red stockings and black eyes handed the form to the female assistant, then took her place and stood beside Yushu, and began to perform physical examination with his hands.

Compared with the coldness of the female assistant, Miku Ohashi felt warm and soft.

However 20 minutes later...

"You, why don't you come out? I can't record the specific value of you..."

"I'm sorry teacher, maybe I'm too nervous."

Yu Shu scratched his head in embarrassment. After all, he was indeed delayed for too long. You must know that there are still students waiting in line behind.

"Um, teacher, why don't we just forget about it..."

"No! I have to know the exact time today, this is my duty as a health care teacher!"

Daqiao Weijiu's face was full of stubbornness, as if he had returned to his student days, and he rekindled his academic study and earnestness. Even the dark circles on his face seemed to be full of fighting spirit.

"Since hands can't do it, then I'll use my mouth!"


The sunset glow in the distant sky is layered on top of each other, and the golden light is scattered like warm sea water.

The time came to the evening without knowing it. After the other classes had completed their physical examinations, Yushu's second and third high school classes finally ushered in the end of the last item.

You must know that they waited for Yu Shu for an hour and a half before finally seeing him come out of the health room, and there was a sense of exhaustion and emptiness in his footsteps.

These two women are really...

It's just not giving up until the goal is reached, from one person using his mouth to two people using his mouth at the same time, what makes Hiroki exhausted is exhaustion.

Fortunately, I finally got a passing result, and I secretly breathed a sigh of relief in my heart.

"Yo Yuki, are you going home?"

Because today is Wednesday, Hiroki didn't have to go to work at the 667 convenience store. After finishing packing, he was just about to go home when he was stopped by his friend Rintaro.

"What's the matter, Rintaro?"

Rintaro first looked around for the wind, and after seeing that there was no one nearby, he came over with a mysterious face;

"Hey, Yushu, let me tell you, I got a good thing, do you want to visit my house tonight?

"What good stuff? It won't be those strange books and animations again..."

Because in Hiroki's mind, every time Rintaro said this mysteriously, he must have obtained some new spell-casting materials, and he had been tricked many times with this reason before.

For example, "X Beast", "X Father", "X Work", "X Demon Ninja", "X No Sky", "X on Campus", "X Dark Bible", "X Qinbing Building", etc...

Yushu who was injured would call hot eyes every time, then close his eyes tightly and cover his ears, wishing to escape from the scene.

"Hey, I promise not this time, you will know when you go."

Chapter 40 Rintaro's Mother

"Um, it's fine, but let's talk about it first, if it's still those strange things, I can turn around and leave."

"Oh, don't worry, this time I promise it's not a book or an animation."

"That is?"

"It's a game!"

"Game? Excuse me, is this game serious...it won't be some krypton game or shooting game, right?"

"Who do you think I am! This time it's a serious game, the latest 3A masterpiece released by Y Agency.

But it takes two people to operate it together. You are my friend of Rintaro, so of course I will be the first to think of you for such a good thing. "

Rintaro swears and pats his chest to assure that although he did tease Hiroki several times because of this incident before, he is very honest this time.

"A game that requires two people to play together? Rintaro..."

"what happened?"

"You don't have friends, do you..."


Rintaro seemed to have been injured by 999999999 critical blows, and kept coughing up blood on the spot.

"Ahem, cough, how come... Anyway, let's go, I can't wait!"


After Yuki told her mother to go to her classmate's house tonight, she followed Rintaro to their apartment building.

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