

"Jie Jie Jie-"

Just when Hiroki was about to count to 3, there was a sudden burst of ugly laughter from the shadows, as if the villain in a certain novel would make a sound.

Then, in the shadow behind the street lamp, an old man in a black robe came slowly.


Just played again.

Then, in the shadow behind the street lamp, a middle-aged man with a big waist, a round waist and a fleshy face came slowly.

And there is a deep scar under the eye, no matter how you look at it, it highly coincides with the criminal image in Yushu's mind.

Sure enough, it was not an illusion, it seemed that someone was really following him, and judging from the appearance of the other party, he shouldn't be a good person who can leave after taking the money.

"Excuse me, are you..." Yu Shu immediately pulled himself together, tensed his muscles and Achilles tendons, and was ready to escape at any time.

"Jie Jie Jie, handsome guy, you'd better take this money back and wait for the best anorectal department, after all, I will be very rough later, Jie Jie Jie."

Speaking of this ferocious man, he even licked his lips with his tongue.

"Ah!!" Yu Shu instantly got goosebumps all over the ground, the feeling is neither for money nor for life, but...

It's okay for me to be followed by sluts, but I didn't expect to be followed by a man with special hobbies.

Yu Shu didn't think much, but turned around and ran in the opposite direction. If he caught up with him, it would be better to kill himself directly.

"Help me!!"

While running, Yu Shu yelled for help from the surrounding residents, hoping that someone could hear him and come to help him.

However, contrary to expectations, none of the families responded along the way, as if Hiroki's voice was completely cut off.

I am dizzy, every household of yours is equipped with glass made in Huaguo, the sound insulation effect is so good! !

"Jie Jie Jie, handsome boy, stop screaming, even if you scream your throat out, no one will come to save you."

The burly man behind him smiled strangely triumphantly, while chasing him with disgusting footsteps.

But the speed is extremely fast, and it seems that there are only two bodies and he is about to catch up with Yu Shu, and it is a coincidence that there is still a dead end in front of him.

"Xiao Xianrou, here I come!! Trojan horse——"

Just when Yu Shu had no way to escape, and was about to be pounced on by the pouting scarred man.


It was as if a high-voltage electric current sounded, and then the body of the hunky man in front of him twitched strangely, and his eyeballs and tongue were still turned outward.

Five seconds later, a man's body reeking of scorching fell to the ground, with black smoke constantly emitting from his body.

What... what's the situation? ?

Was it struck by lightning?

Yu Shu's brain went into a downtime in an instant, because all this happened so fast, he was still chasing and avoiding in the first second, and the next second the big man was lying unconscious on the ground with his body on his body. There are still electric currents flashing non-stop, which is too weird!

And just as Yu Shu was gasping for breath, he focused all his attention on the big man lying on the ground.

A soft, waxy and sweet female voice came softly.

"Senior Hiroki, are you okay—"

Girl's voice?

After hearing the sound, Yu Shu came back to his senses slightly from the state of crash, and his eyes shifted from the twitching man on the ground to the face of the woman in front of him.

"You are......"

Yuki rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

Why is she here?

Because this girl with peach cheeks and apricot face, two light pink double ponytails, and wearing an expensive Lolita outfit, confessed to herself in the school playground during the day.

"Saya Dongchuan?"

"Yes, senior, I didn't expect you to remember me hehe—"

When Dongchuan Saya heard Yushu call her name, her eyes suddenly turned into crescent moons, as if she had encountered a great happy event.

"But why are you here? And..."

Yushu pointed to the electric shocker in Saya Dongchuan's hand, which was still flashing high-voltage current, and asked.

"This? This is the ultra-high-voltage electric shocker specially prepared for me by my father, who is afraid that I will be in danger when I walk alone at night as a girl. How powerful is it!"

Yu Shu glanced at the scorched black man on the ground, and then at the electric shock device that was still shining.

It's really super high volts, you can't buy this model on the market...

"Then do you live near here? I don't seem to have seen you before."

"Yeah, I live near here."

"Are you in the south area?"


"Or the northern area?"


"Uh..." It seemed that he didn't intend to tell the truth, but no matter what the reason for her to appear here, he was indeed saved by the Lolita girl in front of him.

"Anyway, thank you, Junior Sister Dongchuan."

"Just call someone Saya."


"Anyway, thank you Sister Saya, you really helped me tonight."

"It's okay, Senior Yuki, I'm just passing by. By the way, where is your home? I'll take you home."

"No, no, I can go back by myself, but you, if you don't go back at this time, your family should be worried."

"I'm fine, I have this." Saya Dongchuan shook the electric shock device in his hand, "Senior Yuki is so handsome, it would be bad if he encounters some bad guys on the road, boys should protect themselves outside."


Yu Shu was speechless, after all, the reality is really what Dong Chuan Saya said.

"Well, my house is not far ahead, let's call the police and deal with this person first."

"No, I have already notified the police officer just now, they will send someone over in a while, we don't need to worry about it, this disgusting man will not wake up for a while."

"Uh..." She is really an efficient school girl.

"Then let's go."

Saying that, Hiroki took Dongchuan Saya and walked in the direction of his home.

Then, not long after the two of them left, the scorched burly man slowly stood up from the ground, while rubbing the sore spot where he was shocked by the electric shock, he watched Yu Shu leave with his scarred eyes direction.

Chapter 44 Eriko Kamishima

"Here we are, this is my home, thank you Dong... Junior Sister Saya."

It didn't take long for the two of them to arrive at Yuki's house, and the surrounding lights became brighter.

"It's okay, Hiroki-senpai, after all, it's also the duty of a girlfriend to send her future boyfriend home—"

"You...cough cough, do you want to come in and sit down?"

Yushu also had a headache when faced with such a straightforward offensive from her, but thinking about it carefully, the Dongchuan Saya in front of him was at the top level among girls in terms of appearance and attire.

He is even on par with Zuo Yizi, coupled with his soft and sweet voice and pleasing personality, if he really wants to find a girlfriend in the future, this type is quite suitable.

But recalling what happened before, Yu Shu dismissed the idea as if a basin of cold water had been poured on it.

After all, women.

But they all have two faces.

"I won't be senior today, Dad will be worried when I go back later, and besides, there are still many opportunities in the future—"

Dong Chuan Saya smiled sweetly, and then waved goodbye to Yu Shu, without making too much entanglement.

"Well, then Sister Saya, be careful on the road."

After Yu Shu watched the Lolita girl go for a while, he opened the door and disappeared under the moonlight.

But at the moment when Yu Shu's figure disappeared, Dong Chuan Saya stopped slowly, turned around and looked in the direction of Yu Shu's house again.

"So you live here, Yuki-senpai, this time you can't escape from my palm—"

At this moment, the sweet and lovable expression on Dongchuan Shaye's face had long since disappeared. Instead, he hid half of his face in the dark shadows, revealing a morbid smile.

Then she took out her cell phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, good job tonight, get the money I gave you and get the hell out of town."

"Yes, thank you Miss, thank you Miss!"

There was a rough man's voice on the phone, and there was still a hint of awe in his tone. If Yuki was at the scene, then he would be able to hear this voice immediately, because this voice...

It was the scarred man who followed him just now.


"Wow! It's my brother who's back—"

The sound is so loud that you don't even have to think about who is making the sound.

Following the sound of white silk feet stepping on the floor, two petite and lovely white figures rushed over, as if this was their way of welcome.

"Nami, Ami, I'm back."

Yu Shu lovingly rubbed their silky white hair, and then came to the living room with a koala hanging on one leg.

My rosy and glamorous mother is sitting on the soft sofa watching TV at this time, listening to her laughter from time to time, it should be watching a variety show.

"Welcome home, Xiaoshu, have you had dinner yet? Mom has left some food for you."

Thinking about it, I only ate 39 grains of rice at Rintaro's house just now, and after chasing and running with the scarred man all the way, the only little reserve in my stomach has long been exhausted.

"Well, I'm really hungry."

"Then you can watch TV on the sofa, and mom will heat up some food for you."

Speaking of which, the glamorous mother lifted her plump buttocks wrapped in hip-wrapping skirts from the sofa, twisted her slender wasp waist, walked into the kitchen with long meaty legs, and prepared dinner for her beloved baby son.

After watching his mother leave, Yu Shu slowly shifted his gaze to another figure on the sofa.

She has long orange-yellow hair that is the same color as her mother, a fair and tender face that looks seventy percent like her mother’s, and a school uniform and a classic pleated skirt. No matter how you look at it, she looks like a version of her mother’s school days, full of The unique youthful feeling of a girl.

It was Hiroki's younger sister who was still in junior high school, and her mother's third child, Eriko Kamishima.

Since Hiroki usually came back late from work, it felt like he hadn't seen his sister for a week.

"Good evening Eriko..."

Just as Yuki was halfway through the greeting, Eriko on the sofa stood up and walked towards the room on the second floor as if she hadn't seen her brother, leaving Yuki with an indifferent back.

"Uh..." Yu Shu touched his nose in embarrassment, and couldn't help feeling in his heart, it seems that since his sister entered puberty, the distance from him began to gradually become estranged, until it became the current picture Hate the way I look.

Hey...Eriko used to be as clingy as the two soft pendants on her legs now, and she always yelled about marrying her brother when she grows up...

Yu Shu wanted to cry, but he looked down at the two twin sisters who were close to him, and couldn't help worrying.

It's not like Nami and Ami will become like this when they grow up, after all, brother control and so on, only appear in acg works.

In real life, brothers and sisters live together every day, some bad habits, shortcomings, even the most sloppy without makeup, will be seen by each other.

In this case, it is difficult to have vague fantasies about the other party, or to be interested.

Yuki also heard that there are many brothers and sisters who have a bad relationship, and they often quarrel with each other or even fight. After adulthood, they live their own lives and have no relatives at all.

"Brother, why are you unhappy?"

Two soft and tender childish voices came, awakening Yu Shu who was still in melancholy.

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