
Yushu thought about it. In the previous chat with Yui Ogawa, she mentioned that her parents were gone since she was a child, so she was brought up by her grandma.

But judging by her current state, could it be that something happened to grandma?

"Xiao Wei don't cry yet, can you tell me about the specific situation? I'll help you find a solution together."

Hiroki stroked the curve of her back lightly, and comforted her softly, even through the clothes, he could feel the girl's unique slippery feeling.

After crying for a while, Xiao Chuanwei told the whole story with red eyes.

It turned out that her grandma had a disease a long time ago. In the past two years, Xiao Chuan had to work and buy medicine to maintain it, but it could only be maintained and could not be cured.

In addition, grandma is very old, so her condition suddenly deteriorated yesterday, and the doctor said that she might die without hospital treatment.

But the cost of treatment is beyond the reach of Xiaochuan Wei. You must know that she is only a 15-year-old child, one year younger than Zoezi who is in the first year of high school.

【ding dong——】

[Please help Ogawa Yui to solve the difficulties, otherwise he will be severely punished. 】

Yu Shu rolled his eyes at the system, and when he almost forgot about it, it suddenly appeared and released a task.

And Yuki thinks that even if the system doesn't make a sound, he will unconditionally help Yui Ogawa. After all, she has no relatives and reasons in this city, so she can't let her go.

"How much is the treatment cost? I have saved a lot of money by working part-time for the past two years, so I can give it to grandma for treatment first."

"Thank you, senior Yushu. It is enough to have your kindness. This is my own business. Senior should not be involved, and this is not a small sum."

Xiao Chuan Yui Lihua squeezed out a gratified smile on her rainy face, she matured earlier than her peers and did not want to cause trouble to Yu Shu.

"Believe me Xiaowei, we can find a way to raise money together, and grandma will definitely be cured."

"But...but the doctor said that at least 20 yuan should be prepared."

"20 million!?"

Yu Shu was startled when he heard this number, he thought it was 7-8 at most.

I have accumulated more than 3 deposits in the past two years. If I ask others to borrow it, I can basically make up a rough idea.

But 20 is a lot of money for any individual or family.

"Then Xiaowei, how many do you have now?"

"Me? I only have more than 1 left now... I spent a lot of money buying medicine for grandma."

Ogawa Yui's expression was full of frustration, because she knew that more than 1 yuan was just a drop in the bucket in the face of the huge medical expenses.

Is it more than 1...Then plus your own savings, you can probably make up 5, which means there is still a shortfall of 15.

But where should I collect the 15 yuan...

Yushu was thinking in his mind, but he didn't show it on his face, because it would bring a psychological burden to Yui Ogawa.

"It's okay Xiaowei, you go back to rest after get off work first, and I'll figure out the rest."

"But senior..."

Ogawa Yui wanted to say something else, but seeing Yuki's resolute eyes, he could only hold back his words.

"Senior, I will go to the hospital to take care of grandma first. No matter what the final result is, I will remember the kindness of Senior Hiroki, and I will definitely repay Senior with my body in the future—"

Ogawa Yui seems to have returned to the state of a black-skinned hot girl, teasing Yuki in words.

But Yushu could see from her forced smile that she was just forcing herself to smile, and she didn't pin her hopes on herself at all.

After all, in Ogawa Yui's view, although Senior Yuki is usually very reliable, he is just an ordinary sophomore in high school. The astronomical figure of 20 is hopeless at all.

"The senior, I'm leaving—"

After changing his clothes, Ogawa Yui greeted Yuki.

"Well, goodbye Xiaowei."

After Yui Ogawa left, Yuki fell into deep thought again. Judging from her grandmother's condition, basically time was running out.

If the money is not collected in time, Xiao Chuanwei's only relative in this world will probably leave her.

The 667 convenience store is crowded with people at night, and there is an endless stream of pedestrians and vehicles at the door.

After several hours of intense work, Hiroki finally got off work.

What I want to mention is that Tianchuan Huayi did not come to the store tonight.

Think about it, no matter how much you like to read books, you don’t think you can go to the store to buy new ones every day, what kind of family!

And the ones she bought are enough for her to watch for several days.

Yu Shu walked on the way to get off work, thinking about the solution in his mind.

He thought about it just now, and it seems that the only ways to get money quickly in the short term are those written in the criminal law.

Hey...it's so hard.

"Hey, system, the mission you released, you should give some mission hints! I read that other people's systems in the novel are taught by hand. Why are you doing nothing except punishing the host!"

However, the system did not respond.

"Forget it, I can't count on you."

Yu Shu lowered his head and pinched his chin, thinking of a way, while walking towards the subway station.

Then when he passed an alley, a figure suddenly emerged from it and stopped in front of him.

Chapter 51 Director's Invitation

Slut! !

When Yu Shu saw the figure suddenly appearing in front of him, he quickly and subconsciously connected with the slut, after all, he was robbed halfway by the woman in low-waisted jeans last time.

The body has already formed muscle memory for this situation, and the moment the figure appeared, Hiroki was ready to escape.

"Alas, little brother, don't run away!"

The black figure who appeared suddenly called Hiroki to a halt.

Huh?It seems to be a man's voice, isn't it a slut?

Just as Yu Shu ran two steps away, he slammed on the brakes, then turned around slightly, and looked at the figure not far away.

It was a man, and a very fat man at that.

With a chubby body, a black shirt, a pair of round black sunglasses, and a wide top hat, he is not tall, only about 165. The whole person looks like a person with a height Same as equal meatballs.

Moreover, the shirt buttons on his belly were obviously stretched to the limit, and he felt that fat, oily general's belly might burst out of his clothes at any time.

Why didn't I meet a slut, but instead met a man with a weird look all over his body.

"Did you call me just now?"

Standing three meters away from him, Yuki asked uncertainly.

"That's right, little brother, I'm looking for you! Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person, I just want to talk to you about cooperation."

The fat spherical man ran up to Yu Shu again out of breath, and explained to him why he came. He only ran three meters, but he was already sweating profusely.

This is more false than himself... Yu Shu couldn't help complaining secretly in his heart.

"Cooperation means? Have we met before?"

Yu Shu didn't need to think about it, he was sure that he didn't know the fat man in front of him, because he had a typical round figure, he would definitely have an impression if he saw it, even if the two passed each other on the street, Yu Shu I can recall some.

"Let me make sure first, your name is Kamishima Hiroki, Kaesong Private High School, Class [-] and [-], right?"

"How did you know?"

Yu Shu still did not let go of his guard, and his muscles were tense all the time, in case he could turn around and run away at any time.

"Hehe, it's like this. I happen to have a niece who is studying in your school, and she recommended you to me."

"Your niece? Recommend me??"

Yu Shu became more and more confused, feeling that his brain could not turn around.

"What's your niece's name? Why did she choose me? What did she choose me for?"

Yu Shu directly asked three consecutive questions, with big question marks hanging on his head.

"I can't say my niece's name for the time being, but I can tell you about the cooperation."

"How to cooperate?? I'm just a high school student."

"Hehe, little brother, don't be modest. Although you are not very old, some places are surprisingly big."

The fat man smiled wretchedly, and glanced at a certain part of Hiroki with his eyes.

"Uh..." I'm super!Could it be that he met a male pervert? !

Yu Shu instantly got goosebumps all over his body, he turned his head and was about to run away with a [-]-meter sprint.

It's fine with a perverted pervert, but fencing with a man, fighting with a bayonet or something is absolutely out of the question!

This is the bottom line of my own morality, if it happens to me, I might as well tell myself to die! !

"Hey, little brother, don't run away, I haven't finished talking yet!"

The fat man hurriedly followed up panting and panting, with his hands resting on his knees and breathing heavily, as if walking these few steps had already killed him.

"Little brother, don't run away, I really can't keep up, don't get me wrong, I'm not a male bronze, but a director of artistic action movies."

As he spoke, the fat man took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Yushu, then took off his hat and kept wiping the sweat from his forehead.

It turned out to be a bald head... no wonder wearing a hat.

After Yu Shu took the business card from his greasy hand, he carefully looked at the information on it.

【Tokyo Not Hot Film Production Company】

【Director: Hiroto Inoue】

The name matches the figure very well...

"Are you from a film production company?"

Yu Shu didn't expect that the chubby looking fat man in front of him was actually a director?

But what did the film production company ask for themselves?I am not an actor myself, and I have never been exposed to acting.

"Ahem, of course, you have seen my name, you should know who I am."

The fat man named Inoue Kanto raised his head proudly, as if he was very famous.

Yu Shu looked at the business card in his hand, and then at the fat man in front of him.

"do not know......"

"Uh..." Fatty Yuanqiu was slightly frustrated, thinking to himself: I never thought that there are men in this world who don't know me?

I saw him take off the round black sunglasses again, revealing the small soybean eyes underneath, and then made a proud gesture of raising his head again.

"How is it? Did you recognize it this time?"


"do not know......"

The fat man froze in place as if struck by lightning, and then looked at Yu Shu with incredulous eyes.

"You, you really don't know me?"

"I really don't know you, which movie director are you?"

"Haven't you read SSIS-385?"

"Is it the name of the movie? I've never heard of this."

"What about PPPE-046?"

"have not seen......"

"What about IPX-950, IPX-951?"


"Uh..." The fat man looked at Yu Shu in horror, as if he was looking at an alien creature.

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