Chapter 60 The Real Purpose of the Female Boss

"Ah? Physical and mental pleasure?"

Rulan's breath from the female boss's mouth hit her ears, making Yushu's whole body soft unconsciously, and his ears turned red like crayfish.

"Just to make my mind and body comfortable, don't you understand? You really are a worthless piece of trash."

Yu Shu stood there at a loss, the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus that pierced his nose from time to time, and the warmth emanating from the delicate body of the female boss made his head dizzy.

Make mind and body comfortable?How should I do this... Could it be that I let myself massage her?

"Hua, senior Huacai, I don't quite understand what you mean, but if you mean shoulder massage, then I think I can try it."

However, after Yu Shu finished speaking, the female boss had a warm and angry expression on her face again, and a sense of oppression that made her heart tremble wrapped around her body again.

"Are you kidding me? Don't dare! Don't dare! How dare I disrespect you!"

In order to prevent being misunderstood, Yu Shu quickly waved his hands to explain, and kept thinking about how to make her physically and mentally happy.

Because this sentence is too cloudy, it is almost as difficult as guessing lantern riddles.

"Then do you really not understand, or are you pretending to be stupid, huh?"

The palm of the female boss stroked Yushu's chest back and forth. After touching the tie, she grabbed it, pulled Yushu's body in front of her, and then looked at Yushu playfully. The distance between the two As close as you can breathe, you can touch the tip of the other person's nose.

It was so close!

"Flower, flower, flower...Senior Cai, you this, this, this, yes."

Hiroki immediately backed away, turned his face to the side, and his heartbeat began to accelerate violently, just like the snare drum in the school drum team, being beaten non-stop with "bang bang bang".

Seeing Yushu's flushed face, the female boss didn't feel like she was pretending, she was indeed a useless newcomer, and she couldn't even understand such obvious hints of unspoken workplace rules.



"I asked your age."

"Oh, I'm 22 years old."

"Just graduated from college?"

"Yes, this is my first job, and I haven't received an offer during the previous interview..."

Yu Shu said with some embarrassment, after all, he interviewed many companies and only succeeded in this one, but now he is about to face the risk of being fired.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Ah? Well, I have a girlfriend who I met during college. She is pregnant now, so I want to earn money early to give her a happy little family."

Thinking of this warm scene, Yu Shu smiled shyly.

The female boss showed a more excited smile after hearing that Yushu had a girlfriend.

"Ever kissed?"


Yu Shu didn't understand why the female boss asked such privacy questions. His girlfriend was pregnant, so he must have done kissing or something.

"Ever kissed?"

The female boss asked again with an emphatic tone.

"Take it, take it..."

"Does it feel good to kiss?"

" quite comfortable."

Yu Shu had no idea what the female boss wanted to do, so he could only act like a puppet, answering whatever she asked.

"Have you ever kissed a woman other than your girlfriend?"

"Ah? Huh!!"

Just as Yu Shu was about to answer no, his lips were blocked by a soft lip, and a scent unique to the female boss also penetrated into the tip of his nose instantly.

The soul had already flown out of the body at that moment, and the whole person was fixed in place like a sculpture, and his eyes were even more out of focus, gradually becoming blurred, and he had long forgotten to push away the woman in front of him.

Have you ever drank honey osmanthus tea?

After one bite, the taste is mellow and sweet. Through the taste buds on the tip of the tongue, it is directly transmitted to the gustatory cortex of the brain, causing it to secrete dopamine transmitters that can make people happy.

Although Yu Shu didn't drink honey osmanthus tea directly now, the feeling and liquid in his mouth were exactly the same as the taste in his memory.

It's just that on the basis of mellow and sweet, there is a touch of softness and slipperiness, and the temperature is just right, neither too hot nor too cold.

Ah, it turns out that this is the temperature of the human body, no wonder it is so comfortable...

and many more!

Body temperature! ?

Why can I feel other people's body temperature in my mouth! !

Yushu's wide and dull eyes shook slightly, and finally his consciousness slowly recovered, and he also understood what happened at this moment.


Hiroki Kamishima.

Kissed by the female boss in the company.

Obviously his girlfriend was waiting for him at home, but he kissed another strange woman, and it lasted for nearly 3 minutes.


For a long time, the lips are divided.

There was a separation sound that made Hiroki ashamed, and it was accompanied by a slender translucent crystal silk thread.

"How are you, are you comfortable?"


Yu Shu's mind went blank, and he opened his mouth subconsciously and replied.


What the hell am I doing! !

It's shameless to kiss a woman other than a girlfriend and still feel comfortable or something! !

"Senior Huacai, why are you doing this..."

Yu Shu couldn't believe it, looking at the smug woman in front of her, judging from her state and expression, she seemed to enjoy the intimate contact just now, and even scratched her lips with her sweet tongue, looking unsatisfied.


The female boss asked Hiroki with a reasonable face.

"Of course it's because doing so will make me happy physically and mentally, why? Aren't you also happy?"

"I, I, I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

Touched by the words of the female boss, Hiroki hastily defended himself feebly.

Although it was true as she said, he did react, but when he thought of betraying his girlfriend at home, he felt a monstrous sense of guilt, so he could only keep avoiding it in his heart.

"Hehe, I really have a tough mouth, but I like to pry open a tough-mouthed man."

"No! No!!"

The lips were covered again. In addition to the touch that made him uneasy before, this time there was an extra little snake, a pink little snake.

Although it is small in size, it is unexpectedly flexible. No matter where Yu Shu hides, she will find it immediately, and then wrap him around and drag him out, from Yu Shu's cave all the way to her own wet cave.

Yushu tried to escape many times when she was unaware, but every time she was able to find and capture him instantly.

She doesn't seem to be in a hurry to eat Yushu, but just enjoys the satisfaction of catching the prey, letting the prey escape again and again, and catching it back again and again, watching the prey change from hopeful to little by little. A state of loss of fighting spirit.

Yu Shu knows that the second round of the contest between the two.

he lost...

Completely defeated.

Because she got pleasure from the skillful snake kiss of the female boss, and gained a comfortable feeling that she had never experienced before.

That kind of feeling is very strange, and it is completely unexperienced when you are with your girlfriend.

Damn it, Hiroki Kamishima, you bastard!Just now you thought in your heart that this is not bad, are you worthy of your girlfriend who is pregnant in September!You are simply not human! !

Yu Shu kept scolding himself in his heart, not only are you incapable of working, but also your concentration is not good enough. You just kissed the female boss twice, and your heart began to shake.

"What? Are you intoxicated?"

The words of the female boss woke up Hiroki, he quickly stretched out his hands and patted his cheeks, and kept retreating back, intending to escape from the office first.

"Cackling... It's useless to run away, because your body has betrayed you, and you actually enjoy it, right?"

When she saw that Yu Shu was going to run away, she didn't have the slightest mood swing, and she still had a coquettish smile on her face. She walked towards Yu Shu with her long black silk legs, and the sound made by the high-heeled shoes was like Hiroki's countdown to being eaten by a predator is the same.

"I don't, you, don't talk nonsense! I already have a girlfriend, and I can't be sorry for her."

"So... that means you're going to lose your job?"


In Yushu's mind, scenes of his mother and his girlfriend flashed through involuntarily.

"Cough cough cough, Xiaoshu, this job is not easy to come by, you must not cause trouble in the company, you know? Your father left early, and my old woman who is half buried in the ground can't help you much. From now on, all the burdens of the family will fall on you, cough cough cough."

"Yu Shu, what name do you want to name the child after it is born? You promised me that you will marry me after the child is born, and I must wear the most beautiful wedding dress when the time comes.

You said that children need to be registered in order to go to school, but we don't even have a house now, so we can..."

These images are like movie clips, played repeatedly in Yushu's mind non-stop, and his heart was shaken a little bit, and even the pace of his feet stopped.

Yes, I am indeed like she said, I can't lose this job, and that ridiculous reserve is completely a thin and fragile bubble in front of the reality, which will shatter at the touch of a touch.

"Hehehe...what? Thinking about it?"

While unbuttoning her shirt, the female boss walked slowly towards Hiroki.

Because she knew that the prey had given up resistance.

Then it's time for a big meal.

"Come on, follow your instincts, let's have a feast together that will make both parties happy physically and mentally!"

Chapter 61

15 minute later.

"Okay, click!!"

The fat director Hiroto Inoue raised his loudspeaker and shouted out this long-lost text excitedly.

15 minutes of office drama, 10 minutes of foreplay, plus 5 minutes of action scenes, without any NG in the middle, what is the experience?

It's so cool!

In my professional career these years, I have never heard of it, I have never seen it, and it can be called extinct.

Obviously it was just a script designed by myself, but when the two performed it with vivid body language, it gave people an immersive sense of reality, as if they were standing in a real office and witnessed a scene. What actually happened between subordinates and subordinates.

"Mr. Huacai, little brother Yushu, your cooperation is simply perfect. Even though it is only the first time we met, you can achieve such an amazing effect. I can't help but wonder if the two of you have known each other before.

And the action scenes are like boyfriend and girlfriend who have been together for many years, natural and not blunt, it is simply a role model for other actors to learn from! "

"Um, I didn't actually do anything, it's all senior Huacai who's been moving..."

Although Yushu knew that Fatty Director's approval contained some exaggerated elements, but because of this kind of thing, he always felt strange in his heart.

But fortunately, the whole process of the second scene was relatively smooth, and there was no such situation as Nami Yui making trouble for himself.

"Ms. Huacai is indeed the best kissing skill in the industry, she has brought out the characteristics of lips and tongue to the extreme.

And this time, you seem to be more involved in the performance, not in the state of performance at all, which really amazes us all! "

Hiroto Inoue was not stingy with his praise, because Mr. Huacai not only performed in a super-normal state today, but even the action scene with Hiroki lasted for 5 minutes before he lay down on the side with his whole body limp. Only persisted for 47 seconds.

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