Neither of them noticed that at this moment, Tao Hua's face was already stained with a flush of excitement.

Chapter 65 Female Prison Guard

The third scene also went very smoothly. The only NG time was because Spade Blossom was so immersed in it that her mind went blank and she forgot to say her lines.

Yu Shu washed his body in the simple shower room, and couldn't help feeling the plot of the third scene.

Although the plots in the first and second scenes are also outrageous, at least they all happened with strangers. As a result, the third scene directly came between a family member.

It is impossible for sisters to fall in love with the hero at the same time in real life, right?

And the wife in the play, after being raped by her sister, not only did not turn on the runaway mode, but she still watched quietly from the sidelines.

In the end, because he couldn't bear it, he took the initiative to join the battlefield, and it became a carnival for three people.

It's off the charts!

Although this is the script that Yuki just starred in, he still thinks it is too illusory, and it subverts his own three views.

I can only pray for the next two scenes, the script will be normal......

"Prisoner 13, come get the food."

In the dark and damp underground prison, a sexy and pleasant female voice came out.

Through the rusty iron fence, one could see a figure crouching in the corner of the cell, with a thin face and a sluggish state, without any vitality that a living person should have.

His name is Hiroki Kamishima, and he was imprisoned half a year ago because of a well-planned frame-up by his opponent.

When he heard that food was being delivered, his empty and numb eyes suddenly flickered with longing, because he was so hungry that he lost 20 catties due to only one prison meal a day.

At this moment, like a hungry beast, he jumped from the corner of the wall to the rusty fence, squeezed his head in the gap, stared straight at the food in the hands of the prison guard, and dripped saliva from the corner of his mouth .

The food on the iron plate is very simple, two rice rolls, a plate of pickles, and a glass of water.

But it was these rough foods that made the hungry Yushu swallow his saliva, wishing to tear down the fence and rush over.

"Want it?"

The red lips of the female prison guard were slightly raised, and instead of handing the plate to Yushu directly, she stood one meter away from the fence and looked at Yushu who was like a hungry wolf playfully. Almost within reach.

"If you want it, give it to me!"

Because of being dazzled by hunger just now, Yu Shu discovered that the male prison guard had been replaced by a woman with a hot figure today.

Could it be the new prison guard?

Yu Shu looked her up and down, a prison guard hat symbolizing status, a majestic uniform leather jacket, a pair of matte leather boots, except for the cheeks and thighs, the rest are deep jet black, even the hands He also brought a pair of black leather gloves.

Although the new female prison guard looks amazing and her figure is so good that it explodes, Yu Shu has no time to appreciate it at all. He just wants to eat today's ration as soon as possible.

"Hehehe...don't be in such a hurry."

A bang.

The female prison guard suddenly threw the dinner plate to the corner of the wall, and the food was scattered all over the floor, and then she stood aside with her arms crossed and watched Yu Shu's reaction.

"You! What are you doing!?"

Yu Shu couldn't understand the woman's operation, so he could only shake the hard iron fence vigorously, staring at the food one meter away, which was eaten by the same hungry mice.

He slammed on the railing frantically, wishing he could tear this female prison guard into pieces. He didn't understand why this woman targeted him everywhere on the first day she took office.

"Hehe... I said don't worry, how can this kind of food for mice be worthy of you? Look, you are starving and skinny."

"Ah?" Yu Shu was confused by her words all of a sudden, and even stopped knocking on the iron fence.

I saw the female prison guard walking to the shadow of the entrance, and then walking back in boots, but this time she was carrying a delicate lunch box in her hand.

After opening the lunch box, there are various attractive dishes inside, including chicken legs, pork chops, octopus sausages, and salads.


From the moment the lunch box was opened, Hiroki's sight seemed to be attracted by a magnet, and the alluring aroma could be smelled clearly even one meter away.

"Want to eat? Hiroki..."


Yushu's eyes were already blackened by starvation, and he didn't realize that the female prison guard called him, and he had changed from Prisoner No. 13 to Yushu.


The sexy female prison guard took out a chicken leg from the lunch box, then stepped forward and handed it to Hiroki.

Yu Shu was stunned for a moment, then grabbed the chicken leg like lightning, and retreated several steps in a row, until he retreated to the bottom of the innermost wall before stopping.

Because only in this way can he guarantee that the food will not be taken away again.

He glanced at the female prison guard behind the fence, and then at the unreal fried chicken leg in his hand, as if he was dreaming.

He didn't care whether the food was poisoned or not, because it was worth it if he could enjoy a delicious meal before he died.


Two bites...

Three bites...

The fried chicken leg, which was originally full of meat, was left with only a skeleton in an instant, and Yu Shu put it in his mouth and sucked it back and forth.

It's really... so delicious! !

Yu Shu felt as if he had ascended to heaven in happiness. To him, the rice rolls with pickled mustard are the ultimate delicacy. When he suddenly ate this oily chicken drumstick, the taste was like heaven and earth.

After sucking the bone until it tasted completely tasteless, Yuki stared at the remaining dishes in the hands of the female prison guard again.

"How is it, is it delicious?"

"good to eat......"

Yu Shu didn't quite understand what this hot female prison guard was going to do, so he could only answer in accordance with his heart.

"Do you want to continue eating? These are all for you—"

"Really, really?"

After hearing what the policewoman said, Yushu's vigilance dropped slightly, and he returned to the fence step by step.

"Of course, but...if you want to be full, you have to feed me first, you understand?"

"Ah?" Yu Shu didn't understand, so he could only look at her with a puzzled expression.

"Oh, I didn't expect that after so many years, you are still so innocent."

"What's the meaning......"

Yuki became more and more confused.

"Keep your eyes open and take a good look at my face."

"Uh..." Look at her face?Her face is indeed very beautiful, but...

and many more!

This face...why is it so familiar?as if...

"Are you Ai? Shimohara Ai??"

Yushu finally remembered that although her appearance and figure had changed, this new hot female prison guard was exactly the innocent girl who had pursued her in school before.

It's just that I didn't agree to her at that time, and I stopped contacting her after graduation. I didn't expect that the two of them would meet again in this dark and humid prison.

Moreover, the identity has become a prison guard and a prisoner, which is really a trick of luck.

"Why, remember?"

"Are you really Ai? How did you become a prison guard? And your appearance has changed a lot, it's completely different from before."

"Hehehe... It's not because of you that I became what I am now!"

"because I?"

Although meeting acquaintances made Hiroki very excited, but what she said was very cloudy, making herself completely confused.

"I think back in school, I pursued you like a licking dog, greeted you every day, good morning and good night, and bought clothes and shoes.

I even learned how to cook for you. You must have never thought that the fried chicken leg you ate just now was something I begged you to eat in front of you before, and you didn't even know how to eat it. "


"But even so, you didn't want to look at me at that time. You were cold, you were ruthless, and you trampled on my dignity."


"But it doesn't matter, I have investigated you secretly, you like Yujie type of woman, so I hired the best plastic surgeon to make me look like you like, look at this seductive face, this one is pretty upright The figure is tailored according to your preferences."

"Ai, you don't have to do this..."

Yu Shu didn't expect that his rejection at the beginning would turn that innocent girl into the current sick and delicate state, and she even went for plastic surgery for herself. In a sense, she is terrifying!

"What do you know!"

The female prison guard suddenly lost control of her emotions and yelled at Hiroki loudly.

"I love you so much, but you are indifferent, how can you, a cruel man, understand my feelings!!"

"I... sorry, I really had no intention of falling in love at the time, and I didn't know that I would cause you so much harm. I don't ask for your forgiveness, I just hope that you will stop doing things that hurt yourself. "

Yushu tried his best to comfort the female prison guard, in case she was doing something out of the ordinary, after all, only the two of them existed at this moment in the third floor of this huge underground prison.


From the angry roar just now, the female prison guard suddenly turned into a maniacal laughing state, and the huge contrast between before and after directly confused Yu Shu.

"My dear Yuki, haven't you ever wondered why you were imprisoned for an inexplicable thing?

Why are you the only one in the third basement of this prison?Why do I happen to be here? "

"You! What do you mean!? Could it be that this has something to do with you!!"

After hearing what she said, many conjectures appeared in Yu Shu's mind for a moment, and the more he thought about it, the more afraid he became, could it be...

"That's right, from being framed to being imprisoned, I planned it all by myself, because only in this prison, you will not disappear casually, and will always appear in my field of vision, only in this prison.

You will be obedient and obedient, even humbled for a bite, you are helpless here, and everything about you will be controlled by me! "

Yuki was dumbfounded in place.

With such a large amount of information, his brain, which was already down, was hit again.

"How is this did all of this? You, you are a lunatic! Pervert! Let me out of here!!"

Knowing the truth, Yu Shu frantically knocked on the iron fence, but he didn't expect that the woman in front of him was actually the one who framed him.

" dear Yuki, do you think I will let you go easily after putting you in the cage with so much effort? Huh?"

"Stay here and spend the rest of your life with me, in this closed world with only the two of us."

"Crazy! Crazy! It's unreasonable! Have you ever thought that the more you do this, the more I will hate you, and you will never get my approval!"

The female prison guard seemed to have heard the biggest joke in the world. Standing there laughing, the flower branches trembled, and the artificial giant breast also trembled and swayed non-stop.

"It seems that you haven't figured out the current situation. In this underground prison, I am your master, and everything about you will be under my control. Just like now, you can't do anything except beat the fence. The food you depend on for survival is also controlled by me. To put it more simply, you are just a dog I raise in prison now.

If you want to survive, you have to work hard to please the master, otherwise, you should be able to guess what will happen, right? "


"Hehehe... So now I'll ask you again, do you want to eat?"

The female prison guard pointed at the bento lunch box in her hand again.

"If you want to eat, you have to find a way to make me happy, such as lying in front of me like a dog, and licking my master with your tongue, understand?"

The female prison guard approached the fence step by step, and then put the pair of leather boots in front of Yu Shu.

But she seemed to think of something again, she rolled her eyes, and then the morbid face showed a state of madness again, as if her whole body was glowing pink.

"You, what are you doing!!"

Seeing her in front of him, Yu Shu took off the leather shorts on her body, and then took off the contents of the shorts. From the waist down, only a pair of leather boots were left, which were still placed on her slender thighs .

"Come on, lick here, if it satisfies me, the food in the future will be so rich every day."

"Stop joking! You crazy woman, even if I starve to death here, I won't eat a bite of you!"

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