Hungry, tired, weak, a strong sense of dizziness hit the brain, and the eyelids seemed to be filled with lead. Finally, he was overwhelmed and fell asleep on the wreckage of the plane.

If you fall asleep, you may never wake up again.

Goodbye, world.

I hope to have a good pregnancy in my next life.


Hiroki was awakened by the constant moisture on his face.

The eyelids slowly opened a slit, and what caught the eyes was a glare of sunlight.

"Is this the world after death?"

Yu Shu exhausted all his strength to support his weak and sore body, and then sat on the ground, looking at the surrounding environment curiously.

And as he got up, a palm-sized lizard-like animal also fell from Yu Shu's body and fled away in a panic.

This is a lizard?Was it just licking itself?

Hiroki shook his head vigorously, and then looked around again.

Lush and tall vegetation, strange and exotic animals, the scorching sun in the sky, the sea not far away, and the ground under the buttocks.

They are all telling Yushu that this is not the world after death, but a remote island in the sea.

I really don't know if I am lucky or unlucky.

Fortunately, he survived with his last breath.

Unfortunately, this uninhabited and strange island is full of unknowns, and there may be some large carnivores living there.

And my mobile phone has already fallen into the sea, and trying to contact the outside world is tantamount to nonsense.

Yu Shu stood up staggeringly, and based on the principle that it would be better to live than to die, he went to the island with difficulty to see if he could find something to eat.

As a result, he didn't take a few steps, and he really ran into him.

A dark blue fruit is lying not far away, constantly exuding temptation to Yu Shu, as if to say "Handsome guy, come and eat me——"

Although Yushu knew that it might be a poisonous fruit, after all, the color was very strange, and it was a variety he had never seen before, but anyway, he would die if he ate it or not, so why not take a gamble!

Yu Shu picked up the fruit and bit into it, instantly the juice flowed and the fruity aroma overflowed, making every taste bud feel a sense of happiness.

The taste is a bit like pear, and a bit like apple, in short, it is very sweet.

In less than five seconds, Hiroki wiped them all out, and licked his chapped lips unsatisfactorily, and his physical strength recovered a little.

Yu Shu, who had tasted the sweetness, continued to search, and sure enough, not far ahead, he found another yellow fruit.

"Haha, good luck—"

Yu Shu swallowed it three times, five times and two times, but this one tasted a bit like pineapple.

Great, if there are a lot of this kind of fruit, then I will definitely not starve to death for a while, maybe I can really survive on this desert island.

However, imagination is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

Not long after Yu Shu ate the yellow fruit, his stomach began to experience tearing pain, accompanied by obvious weakness of limbs.

Yu Shu clutched his stomach and knelt on the ground, the exaggerated sweat had already soaked his whole body, and the scene in front of him began to blur.

Oops!That fruit is poisonous!

Thinking about it, if the fruit was not poisonous, it might have been eaten by other animals on the island, and it would be my turn.

It's really ironic, it's obvious that hope for life has been ignited, but in the next second, I have to say goodbye to this world again.

Yu Shu fell to the ground weakly, and his eyelids were glued together again, but at the moment of closing, it seemed that several figures were approaching him?

It must be a hallucination......

who is talking?

When Yu Shu opened his eyelids again, the surrounding environment had completely changed. It was no longer the lush forest, but a simple house made of wood and turf, and he was lying on a I don't know what animal's fur it is on.

"Uh..." The voice came again, it was a language that Yuki had never heard before.

Hiroki followed the voice, turned his head, and then saw three female figures.

Unlike the women Yu Shu had seen before, although they were all pretty, their skin was uniformly dark brown, and there were some strange patterns painted on their faces.

And the clothes are very simple, basically a circle of leaves is tied around the waist, some parts are covered with two shells, and even the animal skin is not worn, it is full of benefits.

This is......

The natives of the island?

Yu Shu looked at them curiously, not knowing what they were talking about, and the group of women seemed to have noticed Yu Shu who had woken up, and all of them approached with excitement in their eyes.

"Um... May I ask where is this place? Did you guys rescue me?" Yu Shu subconsciously asked.


"..." Sure enough, there was no language at all.

Hiroki did not give up, and began to describe his problem with body language, but what he got in exchange was the unified head tilting movements of the three women.

It seems that there is a big question mark on everyone's head.

"Uh..." Well, it doesn't seem to help either.

After Yushu calmed down, the three women got closer to Yushu, and one of them was bold enough to poke Yushu's cheek with his finger.

Yuki was left speechless by their actions, what are they doing?Why poke me?

Seeing that Yushu did not resist, the courageous woman stretched out her small hand to touch Yuki's chest, and then touched her own 36D.

The little mind seems to be thinking about why everyone is bulging here, but Yushu is flat there.

"Uh..." By the way, these indigenous women have never seen a creature like a man, have they?Why are they all like curious babies?

I saw those aboriginal women gathered together and talking, and then one of them ran out of the house, and brought back an elderly old woman after a while.

The old woman hunched over, leaned on a cane, and walked tremblingly to Yu Shu's side with the support of a female native.

Her face was full of fine wrinkles, but her eyes were unexpectedly clear, standing there, she kept scanning Yu Shu's whole body.

Then she turned around and talked to the three women. The three women kept nodding, and then surrounded them together, stripping off all of Yushu's clothes and pants.

Yes, it's all stripped off!The weak Yuki couldn't stop their rough behavior, and soon turned into a white sheep.

"What are you doing? Give me back the clothes!!"

Yu Shu tightly covered the sensitive parts with both hands, and shrank in the corner like a helpless girl.

And these brown-skinned indigenous women couldn't understand what Yu Shu was saying. After taking off their clothes, their eyes were shining brightly, and they stared at Yu Shu directly.

And the wrinkled old lady lost control of her emotions, as if she had discovered some rare treasure, she even knocked on Hiroki's cane with her cane.

After confirming that Hiroki is indeed the man with the handle, the old woman talked excitedly to the three people around her.

Then the three young female aborigines stepped forward and lifted Yushu up, one under the armpits, one on the legs, and one on the waist and abdomen, and followed the old woman out of the shabby house.

After coming outside, Yu Shu could see the whole picture of the surroundings clearly. He saw a bunch of simple houses made of grass and trees, located around, like a primitive tribe.

And Yushu was carried to the largest building among them by several people, it seems that it should be the place where the tribal leader lives.

After entering, Yu Shu found that there were six people standing in the left and right rows, all of them were uniform women, holding stone spears in their hands.

Strange, why is this tribe full of women?Where have all the men gone?

Is it...

A very outrageous idea took root in Yu Shu's heart.

After the three young women put Yu Shu down, they bowed their heads slightly and stood respectfully aside, while the older woman knelt on one knee and said something that Yu Shu could not understand to the throne not far away. If so, it seems to be reporting something.

"Uh..." Sitting on the throne was a woman with the same skin color as everyone else, but her eyes were dark blue, and the pattern on her face was also different from others. Her body was no longer shells and leaves, but a whole body The sexy animal skin can cover the upper and lower two important areas. On the head is the skull of a vicious animal. Beside the delicate bare feet, there is a huge tiger lying on its back. When Yuki came in, he raised his head I rolled my eyelids.

It seems that this woman should be the head of the tribe.

After listening to the old woman's report, the queen of the tribe stepped down from the throne with great interest, came to Yushu's side and looked at it carefully, and stepped on Yushu's third crutch with her cold feet.

"I'll go, I'll go, step on it lightly!!"

Feeling Yushu's protrusion, the queen stretched out her hand to touch her own depression, and then a look of excitement appeared on her face.

"Uh..." She turned her head and issued an order to the three female aborigines who brought Yushu. Dazed, then agreed with a blushing face.

"What's the situation?? What are you talking about? Can you tell me about the person involved! Hey, what are you doing!! No, I have a girl I like! We can't do this! Get your ass up!!"


However, no matter what Yu Shu said, it was useless, and he could only helplessly watch the crutch being swallowed up bit by bit.

Yu Shu now understands that the aborigines living on this deserted island are all women. Except for the old woman, it seems that other people have never had any contact with men.

After learning that she was a man, the old lady quickly dedicated herself to the queen. The purpose was also very simple, for the reproduction and inheritance of the tribe, otherwise their tribe would be eliminated naturally sooner or later.

Because a plague broke out suddenly on the island 20 years ago, and all the men in the tribe were spared, which led to the current situation where the tribe is full of women.

It must be the spirit of the god they worshiped that made Yushu fall from the sky and continued the incense of the tribe.

The old lady looked at the reproduction ceremony in front of her, clasped her hands, and thanked the totem god in her heart.

After a violent tremor, the female aborigine left Yu Shu's body, but her steps were a little weak, and something was still flowing from her thigh.

Just when Yu Shu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, No.2, a female aboriginal with a better figure, took over the position again.

This is using me, Hiroki Kamishima, as a fertility machine! !

"Go away! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-"

It wasn't until the three of them finished that the native queen nodded in satisfaction and gave orders to all the people in the room, and then Yu Shu was carried out of the room by several people.

At this time, it was already dark outside, the moonlight hung high, and the ground was full of brilliance.

Yushu was carried to a stone platform in the center of a large open space and tied to it. Dozens of tribal women had already gathered around, and each of them held a torch in their hands, illuminating the surrounding area brightly.

Surrounded by the crowd, the queen of the tribe slowly came to Yushu's side, and then said something to the crowd, and after a while there were bursts of excited cheers.

Afterwards, among the crowd, some sang, some danced, and some blew unknown musical instruments, as if a large bonfire party was being held.

In such a cheerful atmosphere, the queen slowly sat on the Yushu and began the grand reproduction ceremony.


15 minute later.

The queen got off Yushu contentedly.

Just when Hiroki thought it was finally over.

What happened next made Yu Shu really understand his current situation.

Seeing the queen raised her arms and shouted, all the women of the right age around rushed to Yu Shu one after another, and started a grand party.

Chapter 69

"Brother Yushu, are you really not thinking about it? You are a genius in the industry!"

After all the dramas were finished, Hiroto Inoue reluctantly recruited Hiroki, wanting him to join this special industry.

"Sorry, I really don't have any thoughts on this. It was forced by the situation to agree to you at the beginning. After that, I will still focus on my studies first. I'm really sorry."

"Well, I won't force you, but if you encounter financial difficulties in the future, you can contact me at any time."


After receiving the transfer, in order to prevent being too entangled by him, Yu Shu could only vaguely agree, thinking about leaving this place first.

However, Yu Shu also sighed in his heart. This kind of actor industry is not as simple as he thought. It is both mental work and physical work. Although only one day has passed, Yu Shu has experienced several different lives one after another.

Moreover, the production cost of the plots in the next few scenes can be said to be quite large. Prisons and first-class airplanes are all reproduced one-to-one.

Even the scenes of the deserted island were synthesized in real time with green screen keying, and the special effects team is top-notch.

And in order to achieve the effect in the last scene, in addition to the four leading actresses, Hiroto Inoue also temporarily invited dozens of second-tier actresses to join in as extravagant performers.

It was also in that scene that I really realized the role of the talent "Infinite Bullets" given by the system before.

It turns out that this bullet refers to that bullet.

"Uh..." Although I didn't want to say that, I guess if I didn't have this talent, I might have been squeezed out by those women long ago.

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