It was definitely not my illusion just now, the voice was very clear, as if it was transmitted to my mind from all directions.

Could it be something unclean in the house?

After all, even such outrageous things as the system exist, such as female ghosts, you can also have them...

Yu Shu instantly felt chills down his spine, and even the shadow of the branches outside the window became extremely terrifying at this moment, as if an indescribable ghost was sneaking into the room through the window glass.

"Amitabha, God bless you, hurry and wish, all the demons and ghosts will disperse, mark mile mark mile boom!"

Yu Shu closed his eyes tightly, kept changing his gestures with his hands, and kept chanting strange spells that he couldn't understand, trying to dispel the unclean things around him.

I, Hiroki Kamishima, have been upright and upright all my life, and acted aboveboard. Why on earth did I get approached by a female ghost!

"You are the female ghost! Your whole family is a female ghost! I am a goddess!!"

The ethereal female voice came again, this time it was several times clearer than last time, as if it was right next to my ear.

Then a certain part of Yu Shu's body that was too long suddenly burst out with a dazzling golden light, which was even more exaggerated than when white phosphorus was burning, dyeing the room golden yellow in an instant, covering every corner.

If someone looks at Yu Shu's window from the outside at this time, they will definitely find that Yu Shu's room is as bright as day.

And a column of golden light also spread from Yu Shu's room to the sky, and the clouds in the sky were scattered and separated by the impact of this golden light.

"Ah! My eyes!!"

Yushu's eyes, which had just opened, were suddenly closed again by the stimulation of the golden light from the cylinder. It is estimated that if it was one second at night, he might become blind directly.

It wasn't until ten seconds later that the exaggerated golden light gradually dimmed.

"Yu Shu, it seems that you don't remember anything."

The ethereal female voice who couldn't tell the age spoke again, calling out Hiroki's name accurately.

Huh?Did she call her name just now?What do you mean by saying that you don't remember anything? ?

Yu Shu opened his eyelids again, and only dared to open his eyes fully after confirming that the golden light had completely dissipated.

What catches the eye is still the familiar bedroom scene, but there is also an unfamiliar presence.

That's a person.

a woman.

No, Hiroki didn't know if he could be called a human being.

because of her......

It's floating in mid-air!

An ingenious and graceful body is not covered by any clothes, a layer of white light spreads all over the body, the whole person is like a glow stick that glows at night, with a fairy air.

The head, facial features, body, and all the parts Yu Shu can see, all present the most perfect golden ratio, no more, no less.

Had the world's greatest artist been here, his jaw would have dropped.

Such uncanny workmanship, not to mention using words to describe it, only with the lack of human brain, I dare not even think about it.

Golden waist-length hair, golden pupils, golden eyebrows, golden nails, even the hair on the xx is dazzling golden yellow.

And five centimeters above the head, there is also a luminous translucent ring floating, which can move with the movement of the head.

She is so perfect!Even Yuki, who has always been a Buddhist, can't look away at all. The most primitive impulse in her body gradually floods into her heart, wishing she could turn into a hungry wolf directly and throw her down and ravage her. .

See no evil, see no evil!

With the last ounce of will, Yu Shu suddenly closed his eyes tightly, and kept chanting the Qingxin Mantra in his heart.

I must have been hurt by the strong light just now, so I have this hallucination. It may also be that I have been too tired recently and haven't had a good rest. Otherwise, everything I saw just now can't be justified at all.

"Hehehe... What's that expression on your face? Haven't you been tired of seeing this body before?"

The flawless blond woman who radiated fluorescence all over her body spoke again, seeming to like to see Yu Shu being embarrassed now.

"You, you are a human or a ghost!!"

Yu Shu asked the question in his heart, but he never opened his eyes, because he was afraid that the three views he had cultivated for many years would collapse.

"As I said just now, I am a goddess! I am not that lowly ghost."


If judged by her appearance and figure, then she can indeed be called a veritable goddess.

But the goddess in the other party's mouth is obviously not an adjective that Yu Shu understands.

"Yes, a goddess who lives in the God Realm, and don't you think it's impolite to close your eyes when talking to others?"

"Uh..." After hesitating for a while, Yu Shu opened his eyes again, but all he could see was a scene of welfare with white flowers, so he had to turn his head over again, using his peripheral vision Come face to face with her.

"Um... where did you come from? And what do you mean by the God Realm, Goddess? Why can you float in the air? What is the ring on your head? Why don't you wear it? clothing......"

Yu Shu's questions were thrown one after another like a cannonball. This supernatural scene made Yu Shu accumulate a lot of questions.

"It seems that after reincarnation, you really lost all your memories."

The blond goddess sighed secretly, and the perfect body floating in mid-air approached Hiroki again.

"And even your personality has changed a lot. If you were the old you, you might have rushed over and crushed me by now."

"What are you talking about... What reincarnation? What amnesia? Why can't I understand at all?"

Yu Shu's mind was in a mess, and as the blonde goddess approached, his heart beat uncontrollably, and an inexplicable sense of intimacy emerged spontaneously.

The goddess gently stroked Hiroki's cheek with her smooth and white hands, as if she was recalling the past, and the expression on her face softened.

"Your question is unclear in a few words, why don't I tell you a story—"

"Story? Okay..."

Although he was full of doubts, Yu Shu still chose to listen to her and continue.

"This matter has to start from xx years ago—"

The blond goddess seemed trapped in a distant memory.

"On the Blue Star at that time, besides your human world, there were two other interfaces. One was the God Realm where our goddess lived, and the other was the Demon Realm where the succubus lived."

"The residents of the Three Realms have maintained a relatively stable state without interfering with each other for many years."

"But the good times didn't last long. The Succubus Queen, who originally ruled the Succubus group, suddenly heard the news of a strange death one day. came out, quelled the riots, and formed a management organization to replace the Succubus Queen, with ten people discussing together to make a decision."

"And they are also called the "Ancient Ten Succubus" by later generations. "

"What's your expression like?"

The blond goddess paused at this point, as if she was dissatisfied with Hiroki's demented expression.

"Uh... That's right, let me ask weakly, isn't this a light novel with a daily campus theme? Why did it suddenly involve the God Realm and the Demon Realm... You will make readers feel confused Confused."

"Who are you complaining to =_=, don't interrupt! Listen to me continue."

The blond goddess glared at Hiroki angrily.

"After that, I thought that the devil world would calm down and return to normal life, but who would have thought that this was just the beginning of all disasters."

"After the ancient ten succubi banned the succubus queen, they changed the rules of the demon world arbitrarily, overturning most of the previous systems, and among those rules, there was one very important one, which even affected everything after that, that is, "Do not destroy the balance of the three worlds." "! "

"They, known as the ancient ten succubi, obtained a method to quickly increase their strength from nowhere.

After that, under their leadership, the entire succubus group underwent a qualitative change in a short period of time, becoming several times stronger than before! "

"It was only later that we learned that their method of improving strength was actually to nourish themselves by sucking the essence of men in the human world, and to use the essence for their own use. Without exception, all die!"

"Even if some strong men are not killed on the spot, they will gradually become weak and sick in later life, with a yellow complexion, skinny and skinny. After a while, they will lose all anger and be no different from dead people."

"The succubi who have tasted the sweetness, of course, are not satisfied with sneaking around, they need more energy to improve themselves!"

"So shortly after that, the succubus group tore apart the passage linking the human world, dispatched all the succubus to launch a big plunder against the human world!"

"At that time, the human world had just started, and it was still the Stone Age, and it was impossible to resist the powerful succubi.

For a time, most of the human males were sucked and became tools for the succubi to enhance their strength, while the human females were completely assimilated by them and became the lowest female succubus. "

"Such a big change naturally attracted the attention of the God Realm."

"At that time, I was just a new god king who had just ascended the throne, but I still resolutely led the goddesses to the human world to fight against the succubi.

Because as long as the human world is destroyed, the next target of the succubi will be the god world, so we must kill them in the cradle now, before they are invincible! "

"This war has been going on for decades, and it didn't end well."

"The succubi are becoming stronger and stronger by means of absorbing the essence of human men. In the end, the goddesses have withered very little, and the battle situation has also appeared one-sided. There is basically no hope of a comeback, and the remaining humans have been fighting. It's in dire straits."

"It may be that the sky can't stand it anymore. When the gods and humans are about to perish, a glimmer of hope finally comes, because that day..."

"You were born!"


Chapter 71 The Truth


Yu Shu pointed at himself with a confused face.

"What does this have to do with me? I'm just a 17-year-old high school student... Did your incident happen xx years ago? At that time, my wife's grandfather's grandfather was not even born. How come of me..."

"To be precise, it should be your previous life."

"My previous life??"

"That's right, you are the chosen one among thousands of people in the human world. You are brave and good at fighting, and your IQ is superb. The most important thing is that you have been carrying a weapon that can completely restrain succubi since birth."

"Devil Killing Spear!"

When talking about the Demon Killing Spear, the blond goddess looked at Hiroki's strengths intentionally or unintentionally.

Yuki: "..."

"Your demon-killing spear is very powerful, so powerful that it can directly penetrate into the deepest weak spot of the succubus and defeat them."

"You led the remaining small group of humans, joined forces with our goddess, and wiped out most of the once invincible succubus group in a few years!"

"Uh... am I so powerful?"

Hiroki seemed to be listening to a fairy tale, completely unreal.

"Yes, but although your demon-killing spear is powerful, it still lacks a bit of power against their leader, the ancient ten succubi."

"As long as we don't get rid of them, the succubus group will never die."

"So at that time, I made a decision, that is, to abandon that godly body, and turn my soul into your weapon spirit, so as to improve your demon-killing spear ability again!"

"Kung fu pays off. With our strong cooperation, the insurmountable ancient ten succubi were finally defeated by your gun after many fierce battles, and you were overdrawn because of the transition. fell on the battlefield."

"The Three Realms War, which lasted for nearly a hundred years, also announced that it has finally come to an end."

"Does that mean we won?" Hiroki interrupted.

"It can also be said that in the final outcome, all the goddesses of the God Realm withered, the succubus of the Demon Realm disappeared, and there were very few humans left in the Human Realm."

"But the reason why you humans can become one of the three realms is not because of your strong strength, but because of your almost abnormal reproductive ability. Just like the world you are in now, the population has already exceeded 70 billion."

"So in the original Three Realms, only you humans survived."

Yuki: "..."

Hiroki was silent for a long time, as if he was digesting the story told by the blonde goddess in his mind.

Although Hiroki has been unwilling to believe it, the recent changes in himself, and the glowing goddess floating in the air in front of him, seem to tell him that all this does not seem to be completely fictional.

"Then if what you said is true, you are that goddess, and I was the human hero back then, shouldn't we have disappeared with the ancient ten succubi as early as XX years ago? Why did you appear here again? gone?"

Yu Shu was dubious and found the blind spot of the story.

"This is what I want to tell you next, a very serious matter."

"Something serious?"

"Aren't you always curious why there are so many so-called sluts suddenly appearing around you?"

The blond goddess immediately expressed the biggest question in Yu Shu's mind.

"Isn't it because of this idiot's physique??"

"The slut physique is just one aspect, it will only help you attract sluts, but haven't you noticed that the sluts you've come into contact with recently are a bit too much?"

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