"The address is xx street, xx number, xx intermediary company, just call me downstairs."

"Okay, sorry to bother you."

"Click, beep, beep—"

The two ended the call, and Yu Shu looked at the extinguished phone screen in a daze.

Do you want to go?

Although the man on the phone had a nice voice, he always felt that his speech was ambiguous and faltering.

Isn't that just recruiting tutors?What are the special circumstances that must be explained in person?

There are tricks...

There must be something tricky in this!

Yu Shu paced back and forth in the room, thinking about it, the time on the watch was pointing to twelve o'clock, and there was not much time left for him.

Yu Shu entered the name and address of this company in the search box of the browser, and then directly jumped out of the official website and related information.

Not to mention, it is still a large-scale intermediary company, and the online reviews are surprisingly good, and there are basically no black spots.

"Uh..." Isn't it really a scam company?

Yu Shu decided to take a gamble. After all, the company's address was on a crowded commercial street. Even if something happened to him, he could call for help from the crowd.

Just do it.

Yu Shu turned off the computer, tidied up his appearance, and then smiled confidently at himself in the mirror.

Well, not bad, should make a good first impression on others.


Four 10 minutes later.

Hiroki stood in front of a tall office building, looking up.

"so high......"

The address that the man left just now should be on the 27th floor.

Yu Shu asked the staff, and then took the elevator to the 27th floor.

"2703, 2703, ah! Found it!"

The 27th floor of the entire office building is crowded with people, and every job seeker dresses up in a sleek and elegant manner.

Hiroki's immature face at the age of a high school student is relatively rare, and standing there feels a little bit out of the crowd.

"Is that a high school student? Looking for a job at such a young age?"

"It looks like it, but his direction seems to be 2703."

"2703? Isn't that the manager's office? What does he do there?"

"You asked me, I want to ask you..."

"Uh..." The surrounding discussions continued to spread, and they all pointed at Yushu, as if they were curious about what a high school student is doing here if he doesn't study hard.

Yu Shu felt a little nervous, clenched his palms tightly, and arrived at the gate of 2703 after a while.


Hiroki took a deep breath, then raised his hand and knocked on the door of the office.

"Boom boom boom——"

"Hi, I'm here to apply for a tutor. We made an appointment on the phone at one o'clock in the afternoon."

"Uh..." No reply came from within.

Just when Yu Shu turned his head and was about to leave, a man's voice that was more magnetic than the phone sounded.

"come in......"

Chapter 76 Interview

"Hello, sorry to bother you."

Yu Shu pushed the door open and entered, in front of him was a spacious office surrounded by bright and stylish floor-to-ceiling windows, which immediately made the entrant feel comfortable and relaxed.

So stylish.

Yu Shu couldn't help sighing in his heart, it really is a normal large company, it seems that he came to the right place this time.

"Hi little brother, please sit down. My name is Hasegawabe. I am the manager of this company. I am the one who sent the recruitment information on the website."

This man named Hasegawabe, who looked to be in his 30s, didn't put on any big airs. From the moment Yushu entered the door, he stood up from his office chair and invited Yuki to sit on the leather sofa, and he also Sitting across from him, he made a cup of tea for Yu Shu.

"It's not a good tea. My little brother can use it to moisten your throat. It's hard work for you to come from a long way."

Although Yushu doesn't understand tea, judging from the aroma and color of the teacup, it will definitely not be cheap.

"Ah, it's not hard, and thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to receive me."

Hasegawabe has a magnetic voice, is polite, and behaves very kindly, which gives Hiroki an inexplicable affection, so Hiroki is also very polite to him.

"Hehe, little brother, don't be cautious. I was also entrusted to help her daughter find a tutor. It is also a good thing for me that you can make a phone call.

After all, this matter has been dragged on for a long time. If I haven't found it yet, it's hard for me to explain. "

Hasegawabe also poured himself a cup of tea, and after taking a sip, he sighed helplessly.

"Um... is it because the requirements are relatively strict, so there has been no suitable candidates? Because I saw that the salary we give can be said to be very high, so there should be no one to apply for?"

Yu Shu was puzzled, it was obviously a very attractive high-paying job, how could it be impossible to recruit people all the time?

But the helplessness that Hasegawabe gave him didn't seem like a faux pas.


Hasegawabe put down the teacup, frowned slightly, looking hesitant to speak.

"I won't hide it anymore, to tell you the truth, little brother, there are indeed many people who have applied for this job before.

And the conditions were basically met, but they were all dismissed without exception. Basically, no one could survive a day. "


"He was kicked out that day? Is it because the employer's daughter has a bad temper? Or did they do something wrong?"

After listening to Hasegawabe's description, Hiroki began to feel more and more uncertain. He always felt that this job was not as easy as he imagined.

"This...it's a long story. There are various factors. The employer's daughter is indeed special.

And he has a weird temper, even the employer himself can't do anything about it, and he hasn't gone to school since the third grade of elementary school. Later, the employer had no choice but to help his daughter drop out of school.

That's why she wanted to find some tutors to help her daughter with her homework. After all, she didn't want her daughter to just go on like this. "

Hasegawabe gave a brief overview of the situation, and kept looking at Hiroki's expression.

"So you are saying that the daughter of the employer's family is actually very difficult to get along with, and has always been dissatisfied with the previous tutoring, and there is still a feeling of resistance to learning?"

"That's right...that's why this job pays so much per hour."

Sure enough, what Yu Shu thought was fulfilled, there is no good thing in the sky, if this salary is really easy to get, then it will not be my turn, the previous tutors have already cut off the beard.

Until today, he has not found a suitable candidate, which means that the daughter of the employer's family, that is, the small employer, must be a very difficult person to serve!

"So little brother, do you still consider this job now?"

Hasegawabe saw that Yuki was in a dilemma, he didn't take the initiative to force Yuki, and he didn't show any dissatisfaction.

Because he knew that even if Hiroki agreed, he would basically be no different from those before, and he was used to it.

Although it was commissioned by that woman, Hasegawabe thought to himself that he had done his best, and basically worried about this matter back and forth for a whole year.

If it wasn't because of the other party's special status, he wouldn't be able to refuse, and he probably would have quit long ago.

"I want to try."

"It's okay, you..."

"What? You said you wanted to try?"

"Yes, I have confidence in myself, please let me try."

Hasegawabe thought Yuki would refuse, but he did not expect him to agree.

"Little brother, you have to think about it. If you are kicked out within a day, then your salary will not count."

"It doesn't matter, if you try it, there may still be a 50% success rate, if you just give up, it will be 0%, so please give me a chance."

Yushu was really reluctant to lose such a high-paying job, thinking, anyway, I have nothing to lose, so why not try it, maybe the employer's daughter likes my teaching style.

At this time, Yushu still doesn't know that his idea that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers will really be verified in the future.

"Well, since you've said that, I'll help you contact the employer, and I'll reply to you as soon as possible. Just go home and wait for my notice."

To be honest, Hasegawabe didn't have much hope for Yuki, although he appreciated the courage and attitude of this young man.

But after experiencing previous failures, his heart has long been dead, and there are no big waves.

But this young man said so, so he decided to make one last gamble, no matter whether he succeeds or not, he will not participate in this matter in the future.

"Then I will trouble you, and I would like to ask, how do we charge the agency fee..."

"Hahaha, don't worry little brother, we don't charge agency fees."

Hasegawabe was amused by Hiroki's innocence, and he couldn't help but recall his youthful years. At that time, he, like this little brother, dared to venture and fight hard, full of hope for the future.

I didn't expect that I was over 30 in a blink of an eye, and I didn't have a girlfriend yet...

In fact, according to my own conditions, it is very easy to find if I want to, but I have always been unable to let go of my sister's illness, so I have no intention of thinking about this aspect at all.

"Uh, I made you laugh, then I'll go back and wait for your news."

"Okay, then I won't send it off, pay attention to safety on the road."


"By the way, little brother Yushu, I think it's better to tell you something."

As soon as Hiroki put his hand on the doorknob, Hasegawabe stopped him again.


"Before you, the total number of failed tutors seems to be 117..."

Yuki: "..."


After leaving Hasegawabe's office, Hiroki returned home and began to wait for news.

At this time, Yu Shu was lying face down on the bed, and would turn on his mobile phone every minute to see if anyone had sent him a message.

It is more active than those licking dogs on the Internet and waiting for the goddess to reply to the message.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the sun was gradually setting.

After a while, the sky dimmed, and the sun and the moon also completed the handover of work.

Just when Yu Shu had no hope, the long-awaited phone finally rang.

"Hi, hello, is this Senior Zhang Gu?"

"It's my little brother Yushu. I have already reported your situation to the employer. She means to ask you to go to try a job tomorrow at 09:30 in the morning. The address is XXXXXXX. Someone will take the initiative to receive you there. You Check the time, is it convenient?"

"Ah? It's convenient!! Tomorrow morning at 09:30, right? I'll definitely be there on time. Thank you, Senior Zhang Gu!"

Yu Shu, who got the good news, cheered for a while, and almost jumped up excitedly.

"Hehe, I wish you all the best. This is my private number. You can save it. You can contact me at any time if you have anything to do in the future. Even if there is no result this time, I have many other tutoring jobs here, and there will definitely be someone suitable for you. Yes, in short, don’t put too much pressure on it, just do your best.”

"Yeah, don't worry Senior Zhang Gu, I won't force myself."

"Okay, then I'll hang up first, bye."


After hanging up the phone, Yu Shu threw the phone aside, cheered, turned around and threw himself on the bed, rolling happily all over the bed.

This is a job with an hourly salary of 1K-2K. I will definitely seize this opportunity!

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