
Senna swallowed uncontrollably, always feeling as if something happened inside.

"Boom boom boom——"

"Miss, I'm Senna, I have something to ask you, can I come in now?"


The voice inside seemed to be getting louder and louder, but there was no response from the eldest lady.

"Boom boom boom—click——"

"Excuse me, miss, I came in without permission..."

Senna's words were stuck in her throat, and she couldn't speak, as if she had lost her ability to organize language.


The scene in front of me...

It directly scared her soul out! !

The two people in the room did not study at the desk, and the expected picture of Yu Shu tutoring the young lady did not exist at all.


I saw that the eldest lady was not sitting in the custom-made wheelchair at this time, but was lying on the expensive carpet with her buttocks pouted like a mug dog, her body was shaking back and forth and trembling with the impact behind her, the expression on her face As if broken, the small mouth is wide open, the pupils are turned up, tears and saliva are everywhere, and all the places on the body that can flow out of liquid are like a trickling stream, gathering on the carpet under the body, beating Wet one piece after another.

The pair of expensive custom-made bronzing silk stockings on the young lady's legs had long been torn beyond recognition by Yushu, and her soft and slender waist was tightly held by a pair of big hands, supporting her body.

And looking back along the big hands, there are a pair of arms, and the arms go down, there is a special third arm, which also plays the role of fixing the young lady's body, and keeps moving back and forth.

"Miss...young boy Yushu...you...you...how is this possible...you actually... "

Senna had forgotten to breathe, and just stood at the door so stupidly, her language organization ability plummeted, and she didn't speak a complete sentence for a long time.

As a result, Yushu's wild roar pulled Senna's consciousness back, and after the eldest lady let out a long and mournful moan, the eldest lady seemed to lose consciousness, lying powerlessly on the ground motionless, And the direction that those eyes were looking at was the frightened Sai Na at the door.


Although Sena is usually careless, she is not mentally handicapped. She is very clear about the reason why the eldest lady became like this, and also understands what the two of them are doing at the moment.


Yushu's eyes were scarlet, and he let out a beast-like roar again. Although he still maintained a human appearance at the moment, his rationality had long been annihilated by the primitive animal nature, and he became a silver beast with a brain full of glue.

It seems that everything happened after he drank the drink that Asaba May brought.

I just remember that 3 minutes after drinking the drink, I felt hot and swollen all over my body, and a large amount of anger accumulated in my abdomen. I was impatient to find something to vent, but when I looked around, I happened to see that sitting in a wheelchair. slender figure.

This desire seemed to burst out from the depths of the soul, and no matter how I suppressed it, it could not be quelled.

Five minutes later, his consciousness had begun to blur, and his body began to move out of control, and the target of the action was May Asaba not far away.

At the last moment Yushu remembered, he was like a wild beast, pounced on the fearful Asaba Mayu on the wheelchair, and then his body began to act instinctively.

"Handsome Yushu...you, can you still understand what I'm saying?"

Now that the eldest lady has passed out, the only person left who can communicate is Yuki with scarlet eyes.


After Yuki saw that Asaba Wuyue had passed out under him, he shifted his target to Senna, the maid sister at the door.

Hiroki's whole body strength seemed to be strengthened, and after pulling out the third arm from Asaba Mayzuki's body, he rushed towards Senna like lightning.


Senna, who was so frightened that her whole body became stiff, couldn't react at all, and was thrown to the ground by Yuki in an instant, tightly pressed under her, that thin figure.

At this moment, it seemed that there was an inexhaustible strength, and he directly closed the door with his feet, as if even under the instinct of a beast, he also valued his privacy.


The sound of something being torn apart.

If there was someone outside the door at this time, that person would see Senna stretching out her arms to ask for help at the moment the door closed, as if she wanted to grasp the last hope in her life.


The mahogany gate was completely closed, which also cut off the scenery of two different worlds. The inside of the house was scorching hot, while the outside was cold and clean.

The short-haired maid sister, the scene that had been imagined many times in her mind, completely became a reality, and it was fulfilled in her body.


Seeing the calm cows in front of her, Saila, the maidservant, breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was just diarrhea, and it would recover after a few days of feeding, and there was no major mistake.

Why is my sister so slow?

It seems that I have been gone for nearly four and ten minutes, why haven't I come back yet?

Moreover, the ominous sixth sense in my heart has not subsided, and there is a tendency to aggravate it.

"You guys are in charge of this place, I'll leave for a while."

"Alright, Sir Sara."

After explaining the matter to her subordinates, Saila went to the third floor of the castle and stopped in front of the mahogany gate of the eldest lady.

Because of the special reason of the eldest lady's temper, basically only four people lived in the huge castle.

Myself, sister, young lady, madam.

The rest of the servants lived in other buildings.

There were not many people in the first place, plus the size of the castle, so it would appear that the interior was extremely empty, and the basic words would echo.

This also caused the sound to be transmitted very clearly in the castle, just like the strange sound echoing in my ears now, and the sound is still so familiar, as if it is...

own sister.

Senna! !

Sara was not her idiot sister, she probably guessed what was going on from the moment she heard the voice.


The worst and most serious thing I expected, still happened!

Saila's hands trembled slightly. Although she had already put her white jade hand on the mahogany door, she still didn't have the courage to push it away.

She was afraid that after she pushed her away, she would not be able to return to a normal life.

She was afraid that after she pushed away, she would see the scene she least wanted to see.

She is afraid...

"Sister... sister... where are you, Senna is dying... come and save Senna—"

The weak moans of the younger sister kept coming into their minds. This is the special ability shared by their sisters. They have been able to transmit some strong messages through the spirit since birth.

For example, if one of them is in danger of life, the other person will feel it clearly even if they are far away.

At this time, although the younger sister's voice was painful, there was also a hint of joy mixed in. The two completely opposite emotions kept impacting Sara's spiritual world.

Saila thinks that she is still a relatively calm and objective person, no matter how big the problem is, she will solve the problem without changing her face, and her mentality is extremely strong.

This is why I am only 20 years old this year, and my wife is very relieved to take care of everything in the family. She is the youngest and most beautiful head maid in history, and she is also the chief steward of this castle including the manor.

But after hearing her sister's voice, her heart was shaken, not because of fear, but because she was afraid that she would fall into the boundless abyss and get stuck in it.

Although the perception is not as strong as that of the sister's entity, the vague pleasure has already been transmitted through the special connection between the sisters. After all, the two are only separated by a mahogany door.

Certain places gradually warmed up uncontrollably, and one could even slightly feel the touch of Yushu's skin.


Sira took a deep breath.

The beating rhythm of the heart came through the plump fruit on the chest, like a wonderful movement, intertwined with the bursts of seductive voices coming from the room.

"Sister... sister—"

Senna in the room seemed to sense her sister's presence, and the cooing sound became clearer and audible, constantly stimulating Saila's heart.

"Sister, go away, don't come in...don't—"

This voice is not transmitted through a spiritual connection, but Senna's real voice, although she may be destroyed by Yu Shu until she faints.

But with the last sliver of clarity, she wanted to tell her sister not to come in, not to enter the tiger's mouth.

Otherwise, you will never go back, just like the shape of some parts of yourself, you will never go back.


How could Sara not know what her younger sister was thinking, she wanted to bear it alone, she wanted to keep her perfect body, so that she could give it to someone she liked in the future.

But my silly sister, you may have forgotten, didn't we promise when we were young that when we grow up, we will fall in love with someone at the same time?

Since you are already Mr. Hiroki's person, then as your twin sister, of course I will choose the same person as you.


It was unknown how many times the mahogany gate had been pushed open, and the beautiful scene in front of her clearly caught Sara's eyes.

Is it really so...

Missy, Senna, Mr. Yuki, you really broke through this taboo door.

But what can I do about it? After all, it was my sister who made a big mistake due to negligence. As her elder sister and the eldest lady's head maid, I should deal with the aftermath. Whoever made it my duty? .

Stepping forward with long white silk legs and closing the mahogany door, Saila's eyes were full of determination.

"Senna, sister is here—"

Chapter 81 The Great Change of Attitude

My thoughts were pulled back, has it been a year since that incident happened...

Time flies so fast.

Hiroki was a little bit emotional, he remembered that incident sporadically at that time, he only remembered that he lost consciousness after drinking Asaba May's drink, and when he regained consciousness again, he saw that the huge room was filled with There was a strange smell, and there were three snow-white figures lying beside him, all of them fell asleep one after another, their whole bodies were either blue or purple, and some places were even tinged with eye-catching red.

At that time, I only felt that I had a splitting headache, coupled with the impact of the exaggerated picture, so I passed out again within a few seconds.

When I woke up for the second time, it was already evening, and the three figures in the room had long since disappeared, while I was sitting on the sofa fully dressed, as if what happened before was just a dream.

After waking up that day, he didn't see the small employer and the maids and sisters, but an elderly man came to inform him.

"Congratulations, Mr. Hiroki, you have been hired. From now on, every Saturday and Sunday at 09:30 in the morning, if you have time, you can come here. The eldest lady said that she likes your tutoring very much."

Then he stuffed himself an envelope with 30 bills inside.

"Uh..." Huh?Why can't I remember having tutored Asaba May for such a long time?

3K is not a bit too much!

Did your money come from the wind? !

Of course, it was impossible for Yushu to say that, so he chose to happily accept the envelope, and then thanked the old man slightly.

Then he left the majestic and magnificent castle, and the male driver who came saw him out, but the white-haired maid sitting beside him did not follow.

That's right, after all, people also have their own jobs, so it's impossible to focus on themselves.


When I went there for the second time, the attitude of the three of them, the little employer Asaba Mayue and the maid sister Saila Sena, completely changed by 720 degrees, just like what they are now.

"Mr. Yushu, I have been waiting for you for a long time, is there any delay today?"

The one who made the voice was a long-haired, big-haired, plump and beautiful maid. Although she didn't show it on her face, she could still feel her expectation for Hiroki's arrival from her words.

And she felt that there were still some water stains on the maid outfit on her body, which was wet with dew, as if she had just started to stand at the door and wait for Hiroki just after dawn.

"I'm sorry, I encountered some delays on the road today, so I asked Miss Sara to wait."

Yu Shu scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment, he blamed the female subway security inspector he met in the morning for wasting too much of his time.

"It's okay, I believe the eldest lady will not blame you, please come in quickly."

Although the maid sister Saila has a cold expression, her words and actions are unexpectedly enthusiastic, giving people a very strange sense of contrast.

Yuki felt that he was more comfortable with the former taciturn Miss Sara.

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