"Probably not? Although I haven't encountered a succubus yet, I have encountered many sluts. Wuyue and the servants of Wuyue's family behave normally? Although sometimes they may Taking the initiative, but not like those crazy sluts."

Hiroki thought carefully about the images of Asaba Mayzuki and the maid sisters, none of which fit the characteristics of the so-called slut.

"You're thinking too simple, this kind of thing can't just look at the surface, as I said before, the succubus is a very smart race.

And the higher the level of succubi, the better they are at hiding themselves. They will pretend to be normal human beings and do normal human things to trick everyone.

And even if it is a human slut who is affected, it is divided into degrees of influence, that is, assimilation. Different degrees of assimilation have different behaviors. "

"Assimilation degree?"

"Yes, let me give you the simplest example. Didn't you imagine a kind of existence called "zombies" in your human world? By spreading viruses, ordinary people can become the same kind, and these infected zombies will be divided into several types. state. "

"One is to completely forget human memory, weak thinking ability, all body behaviors are driven by instinct, and only do some relatively fixed behaviors, such as jumping towards and biting humans when they see humans."

"The second is that the memory will be preserved, but the subconscious mind will be affected by the zombie's desire, and the personality will change drastically. For example, when seeing a living person, she will not be able to hold back and want to rush to bite the other person. Although she knows it is wrong to do so, but I just can't hold back the urge."

"The third is that the memory is preserved, and they still have a certain ability to control themselves. There are relatively few such people. While they gain the power of zombies, they also retain the willpower of human beings, and turn the power of zombies into their own use."

"And the degree of assimilation of succubi is similar to the above meaning. The sluts you met before all belong to the first or second type.

If it is the third type of slut, then you have to be careful, because they know how to suppress their desires and have a longer incubation period.

Maybe there are some women around you who look normal on the surface, but are actually sluts. "

"Uh..." Yuki fell into silence again after listening to it. Why does it always feel that things are getting more and more complicated? I didn't expect that there are so many kinds of idiots?

"Even if what you said is true, but..."

It's not without basis that Yushu denied the goddess' conjecture immediately, because he...

"Ahem, that's right, didn't you say that my demon-killing gun has the power to seal succubi and purify affected women."

"That's right..."

"Then May and Saila should be ruled out. After all... After all, before, because of an accident, I had a relationship with the three of them.

So... so if they were sluts, they should have returned to normal long ago?It's impossible for the succubus breath to exist, right? "

Yu Shu made a reasonable analysis, but the next words of the blonde goddess sounded the alarm for Yu Shu again.

"That was a year ago, right? Don't forget that your strength has just recovered. If it was a relationship with them a year ago, then you at that time did not have the ability to purify at all, so it would not affect them. .”

"Ah? Doesn't that mean..."

"Yes, so I suggest that you'd better do it with them again to make sure."

Chapter 84 Barber

"Doing it once? What are you kidding!!"

Yushu felt that the goddess' proposal was extremely absurd, and he couldn't just make that kind of request to others just because of her guess and intuition, right?Isn't this crazy! !

It is estimated that in the next second, he will be kicked out directly.

Moreover, the previous incident was completely accidental. To have him have sex with them while conscious was tantamount to wishful thinking.

"What are you afraid of? With their attitude towards you now, I think that as long as you dare to propose, the chance of them rejecting it is very small, and maybe they will happily agree to you."

"That's not the problem, okay! One of them is a lady with a prominent family background, and the other is a pair of beautiful maids and sisters. They both have a bright future and a bright future. Even if they are looking for a spouse, they must at least be of the same family. I have ruined someone's body once, and now you want me to do it again? Then how will they marry again?"

"It's not a scourge, it's a salvation."

The blond goddess corrected Hiroki's speech problems.


"In short, I can't do that kind of thing to them just because of your guess. If the guess fails, it will bring irreversible harm to them."

Yuki refused sternly. Although there was a certain chance that it would be like what the blonde goddess said, Yuki didn't dare to gamble with their chastity.

"Hey... I didn't expect that after reincarnation, you would become a big straight man. Such an obvious little girl can't see her thoughts, and I don't know how you captured me back then."

The blond goddess looks like she hates iron but criticizes Yu Shu and the man who made her fall in love in her previous life. It seems that she still needs to go a long, long way to enlighten her partner.


"Forget it, I'm going to continue to sleep, you just let nature take its course, I believe that the trajectory of fate will guide your way forward, good night—"

After saying this, the voice of the blond goddess disappeared completely, as if she had never appeared before, no matter how Hiroki called her, she didn't respond.

"Hey, don't sleep yet! I haven't asked your name yet? I can't keep calling you hello, can I?"

Still no response...

"Uh..." It seemed that he was really asleep.

Yu Shu rubbed his hair, feeling that his heart began to be messed up again after being disturbed by her.

"Succubi are very smart. The higher the level of succubus, the better at hiding. They know how to use their human identity to cover themselves, and they basically behave like ordinary people."

"Sluts who are assimilated by succubi can also be divided into three states. Most of the ones you have encountered before are the first or second."

These are the two most useful sentences that the blonde goddess said just now.

If this is the case, it will undoubtedly expand the scope of the search several times, because maybe some "normal people" around me are sluts or succubuses in disguise.

Thinking of this, Hiroki started to go bald. Originally, he only needed to rely on the slut's physique to wait for a rabbit, but now there is another undercover who is added. Looking for sluts from "normal people" is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. You know The population of this city is nearly 3000 million!

Yu Shu messed up his hair, looking like he was about to go crazy, felt the glaring bangs in front of him, looked at the time again, Yu Shu decided to find a barber shop first, and cut his hair a little shorter, so that Change yourself to a new mental outlook.

No perm, no dye, no card, just get a haircut.

Hiroki had already thought up his words before he entered the door. To be honest, what he feared most was the kind of difficult barber, who chatted with him, asked his age, occupation, where he lived, what he did. Do not do nursing care, recharge or not, whether you need a perm, etc.

Hiroki's solution before was to pretend to be asleep, as long as I pretended not to hear, then you would be playing the piano against a cow, which has been tried and tested.

But the downside is that you can’t give advice to the barber throughout the whole process. He can do whatever he cuts. After several cuts, Yu Shu looked at himself in the mirror and wanted to give the barber two big mouths. It’s really ugly. Let it explode!What I said clearly is a simple repair!

Don't you know how to fix it? !

So this time, Yushu decided to muster up his courage, and refused straight to the point after entering the door, without giving the barber a chance to respond at all.

After walking for two streets, Yu Shu didn't look carefully at the name on the plaque, and just found a random one. Anyway, he always felt that boys cut their hair, and it didn't make any difference.

"Hello, I want to have my hair cut. I don't need to perm, dye or apply for a card. Just get a haircut."

Great!I actually said it!

As soon as Yushu stepped into the store, before he even saw the hairdresser being cleaned up, he threw out all the words in one breath, thinking that it would be better to strike first!

"Hehehe...Okay, please come to the little handsome guy."

The speaker is a woman with huge breasts, fat buttocks, and big white legs. She is very fashionable and wears tight clothes. The pair of red high-heeled shoes is particularly eye-catching. The overall style does not look like a barber, but a bit like a flower street The gang of women in the store.

She is the only one in the whole room, it should be her own store, right?

Uh...Yu Shu's face is a little hot, he is the worst at dealing with female barbers, he usually only finds male barbers in other shops, but now he has come in, if he quits, he always It felt very rude.

Forget it, let's be a girl, anyway, it won't take long to get a haircut.

"Here, handsome boy, let's wash our hair first."

"Ah, okay..."

The female shop owner painted Yujie's makeup, and she couldn't tell her age at all from her appearance, but she looked a bit like 27 or [-] from her voice.

"Is the water temperature okay now? If you feel uncomfortable, you can raise it—"

Yu Shu lay on the shampoo chair, the warm water flowed over his scalp, which made him relax a lot from the tense state just now.

"It's okay, it's just right now."

After wetting the hair completely, the female shopkeeper began to apply the shampoo. The smooth and long fingers gently rubbed on Yushu's head, and a lot of foam formed after a while.

A pleasant scent kept penetrating into the tip of the nose. I don't know if it is the smell of shampoo or the perfume of the female shopkeeper.

The action of the female shopkeeper was very professional and careful, and there was no extra water stains flowing on her face or ears. Compared with the male barbers I met before, they were instantly killed.

Since Hiroki's eyes were closed tightly, he couldn't see the expression on the female shopkeeper's face.

At this moment, she was washing Yu Shu's hair, while carefully looking at Yu Shu's cheek and body with her beautiful eyes.

Then a meaningful expression appeared on her face, and she didn't know what she was thinking at this moment.

"Okay, handsome boy, you can sit on your seat now, how do we want to cut it?"

The female shopkeeper took out a clean towel and wiped Yu Shu's hair carefully, then guided him to the seat, and handed the haircut cloth to Yu Shu's neatly.

"It's just a little bit shorter, and then the overall shape is thinned, and the general shape does not need to be changed."

Hiroki's request is very simple, but such a simple request has never been really realized.

After all, your understanding is slightly different from that of the barber, which may not mean the same thing at all.

"No problem, you are satisfied with my sister's technique—"

After confirming Yushu's opinion, the female shopkeeper cut it neatly, and didn't have an awkward chat with Yushu during the period, which made Yushu heave a sigh of relief.

The shop was very quiet, except for the breathing of the two people, there was only the sound of scissors rubbing against each other, and the sound of red high-heeled shoes stepping on the ground.

"Can you see the thickness of the sides?"

In front of Yushu is a large floor-to-ceiling mirror, in which she and the barber's enchanting figures are installed. At this moment, she is asking herself through the mirror.

"Okay, just keep it like this!"

Yu Shu shook his head slightly, and looked at himself in the mirror with satisfaction, not to mention that the female shopkeeper's craftsmanship is really good.

"Giggle... that's good, let's start cutting the front."

The female shopkeeper stepped on her high-heeled shoes and came to Yu Shu with a "click click", then dragged her breasts with her arms, and looked up and down Yu Shu's face.

Yu Shu could even see the beautiful back of the female shopkeeper through the floor-to-ceiling mirror, because she was wearing high heels.

Therefore, it will appear that the buttocks are particularly raised, and the hip bones are relatively wide, which belongs to the kind that can give birth to a son at a glance.

"Uh... what's wrong?"

Yu Shu felt hairy all over when she looked at him, and he always felt that that kind of look made him feel a little familiar.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking that the handsome guy is so handsome, there must be many girls chasing him? If my sister cuts the ugly face later, I hope I don't blame my sister—"

The shopkeeper smiled enchantingly, then walked towards Yu Shu, and made a gesture that made Yu Shu stunned.

I saw that she suddenly raised a long snow-white leg, stepped over Yu Shu, and then sat on Yu Shu's thigh in a straddling position, pressing her waist and abdomen against Yu Shu's waist and abdomen. Together, the center of gravity of the whole body was pressed against Yu Shu, and the two soft balls directly covered Yu Shu's face, wrapping the bridge of his nose in it.

"Uh, uh... Puff, what are you doing??"

Yu Shu squeezed his face out of the giant rabbit, asked her in a panic, and kept pushing her with his palms, trying to get her off his body.

"What? Haircut, of course."

The female shopkeeper took it for granted, and wrapped her arms around Hiroki's neck again, bringing their bodies closer again.

"How can you cut your hair like this!? Come down quickly, can't I stop cutting it!"

Yuki began to struggle, his body was shaking dishonestly, but he just couldn't get rid of the female shopkeeper who was riding on him.

"Hehe, that's not acceptable. There's no reason to let the customer go halfway through the service."

"But what does your posture have to do with cutting your hair!!"

"This is my sister's personal habit, handsome boy, I advise you not to move around, otherwise the scissors in my sister's hand will easily scratch your face—"

The female shopkeeper was full of threats, and clipped the haircut on Yushu's face, and suddenly a cold metal feeling came from the skin.


【ding dong——】

【The host please don't resist, and cooperate with the female shopkeeper to complete the haircut, otherwise you will be severely punished. 】

"Uh..." The system actually issued a mission at such a time, that is to say, the female shopkeeper in front of her, could it be...

"That's good, my sister promises to cut it for you—"

Seeing that Yu Shu was not resisting violently, the female shop owner immediately smiled charmingly, she put Yu Shu's palm on her big white leg, and let him stroke it back and forth.

Yu Shu was surprised. It turned out that the female shopkeeper didn't have bare thighs, but put a very thin layer of bare legs on top. The texture is dense and delicate, and the touch is as smooth as silk. It is the same color as her skin. If you don't pay attention Touching, can't feel it at all.

It can be said that it is the first time in Yu Shu's life to experience such a fragrant haircut posture!

And because she was sitting astride her legs, the gap between her buttocks happened to be stuck on her Demon Slayer Spear, and they were tightly attached to each other through her trousers. With her movement range, there would be a small area body friction.

"Hehehe... Could it be that the handsome guy is reacting? You've already made your sister go crazy, do you need me to help you soften it?"

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