After the woman let out a victorious laugh, she slowly extended her claws to Yushu's belt.


"Hi, welcome! What do you need?"

A front desk worker of a convenience store greeted Yu Shu warmly when he just walked in.

The staff member's combination of black skin and white hair formed a strong visual contrast.

Due to the heavy hot girl makeup on the face, it is impossible to tell the approximate age, but judging by the voice, it should be a young girl.

"Ah! It's Hiroki-senpai, it's so rare, Hiroki-senpai will be late or something?"

Under Ogawa Yui's gaze, Yuki walked in with one hand on his waist and the other on his crotch.

Although Ogawa Yui's dress and makeup are more mature, but he is actually one year younger than his childhood sweetheart Zoeko, and belongs to Hiroki's work junior.

I learned through chatting before that Ogawa Yui's parents died in an accident when she was very young, and she has been living with her grandma ever since.

Due to the lack of parental discipline, Ogawa Yui dropped out of school early before finishing junior high school and ventured into the society alone, so her personality looks more mature compared to her peers.

It has been rumored in the store that besides working in the 667 convenience store, someone has seen her on the Flower Street. As for what she did there, Yushu has no idea.

But Yu Shu gets along well with her, after all, he is the younger generation brought out by himself.

"Senior Hiroki, what's the matter with you? Are you feeling unwell? And what about your clothes..."

Ogawa Yui hurriedly stepped forward to support Yuki, whose face was a little pale, and asked with concern.

"It's okay Xiaowei, I'll be fine in the lounge for a while, and I have to trouble you to do it for me, I'm really sorry."

"Senior, what are you talking about, you can rest assured, I am here!"

Xiao Chuanwei patted his chest very loyally. Although the scale was small, it was still standing upright delicately.

"Speaking of seniors, you look like you have been robbed by someone."

Ogawa only teased Yushu's downcast appearance with a coquettish smile, while helping Yushu tidy up his clothes with his hands.

Yu Shu sighed repeatedly in his heart, he was indeed robbed, but it was not money that was robbed.

Recalling the woman in low-waisted jeans just now, like a female knight, pressing herself under her body and galloping wildly, Hiroki felt a dull pain in her waist just thinking about it.

What's wrong with girls these days?Yu Shu felt that the few things he experienced today almost reshaped his three views.

The one who blatantly touched the buttocks of male high school students in the subway, the one who only wore stockings to school and did not wear pantyhose, the one who massaged his feet during lunch, and the most egregious one who rode Yushu under him halfway and robbed him!

After some brainstorming, Hiroki finally thought of a word.


And the following is the general information displayed after Yu Shu entered slut in the Internet search box.

"Slut" means: women who are not happy, who harass and violate others, who have a slightly heavier taste, and who can even accept the behavior of multiple people in order to be satisfied.

It also refers to a certain woman's love for a certain man, which has reached the level of obscenity or badness, and is very persistent.

Indulging in sexual impulses all day long, severe cases become sexual maniacs, endlessly demanding sex, if the request is not satisfied, emotional instability, anxiety, irritability, handicap, often accompanied by disordered sex relationship, sex frequency Too high, even selling silver, forced frying, etc.

Chapter 10 Has Really Been Longer?

Yuki entered another set of keywords in the search box.

"Sexual hyperactivity" refers to excessive sexual desire, exceeding normal sexual desire, frequent sexual excitement, urgent demand for sexual behavior, increased frequency of sexual desire, and prolonged sexual desire.

According to unauthoritative statistics, many women will be in a trance due to unsatisfied, and they can't control themselves when they have sexual desires. This kind of sexual excitement occurs too frequently, too fast, and over the drama, which is hypersexuality;


Wouldn't the one I met today be a slut?

Unexpectedly, sluts that only appear in comics or games actually exist in real life, and they happened to be met by him.

Sure enough, art comes from life. It seems that next time you should be more careful when walking down that alley, in case you encounter some kind of female pervert.

【ding dong——】

And when Yu Shu was digesting the information about sluts, a somewhat familiar prompt sounded in his mind.

[It is detected that the current conditions have been met, and the slut's physique has been upgraded. 】

[Current Level: LV2]

[Number of reinforcement points obtained: 20 (remaining points: 20)]

[Unlocked option: Unknown. 】

[Currently the options that can be strengthened are: length, thickness. 】

【Initial length: 20cm】

【Initial thickness: 4.6cm】



"What is this? Auditory hallucinations??"

Yu Shu looked bewildered, and quickly stretched out his fingers to pick his ears, and then shook his head.

"Why is this voice so familiar? I seem to have heard it last night."

Yuki muttered to himself, carefully recalling the voice that appeared in his mind just now, as well as the content of the message.

It seems to have said some words such as upgrade, strengthening, etc., and what speed and so on.

The notification sound appeared too suddenly just now, so Hiroki didn't remember much about the content, but it is certain that there is no sound equipment in the lounge, and the sound insulation effect of the windows is very good.

So could this strange voice be coming from the head?

how can that be......

In addition to being a firm believer in Plato's love, Hiroki is also an out-and-out atheist.

Talk about superstition, break science...


Talk about science, break superstition.

Yu Shu believes that everything in this world can be explained by science. Although there are still many unsolved mysteries, with the advancement of technology, Yu Shu believes that one day the answer will surface.

However, the imagination is beautiful, but the reality gave Yushu a heavy slap at this time.

Yu Shu only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then something like a translucent panel appeared in front of him, floating in the air like this, and could move with Yu Shu's perspective.

"Uh..." Yuki rubbed his eyes vigorously, and when he opened it again, the panel was still floating in front of him.

Hiroki didn't believe in evil, and came up with a Thomas 360-degree rotation gorgeously, and saw that the panel also came with a Thomas 360-degree rotation.

Yuki: "(⊙o⊙)..."

Holographic projection?

This is the only word that Yuki can think of and can explain the strange phenomenon in front of him.

If it is a holographic projection, then Yu Shu knows how to interact.

Hiroki slowly raised his hand and approached the translucent panel in front of him.

Sure enough, as Yu Shu thought, when his fingers touched the panel, with a flash of light, there seemed to be some more words and information on the panel.

【Kamishima Hiroki】

[Slut Physique Level: LV2]

[Number of reinforcement points obtained: 20 (remaining points: 20)]

[Currently strengthenable options: length, thickness. 】

[Unlocked option: Unknown. 】

【Initial length: 20cm (increase 1cm each time, required points: 1)】

【Initial thickness: 4.6cm (increase 0.2cm each time, required points: 1)】

After Yu Shu read the information on the panel, he was completely dumbfounded.

If it is still difficult for Yuki to understand the first half of the text, then the last few pieces of information about "degree" make Yuki connect with something at once.

After all, he has been inseparable with him day and night for more than ten years, how could Yu Shu not know his size.

What's happening here?

Why is my own information displayed on the panel?

And what are these strange descriptions?

What the hell is the current level?

What the hell are reinforcement points?

What the hell is the enhancement option? ?

Can someone tell me what happened! !

Hiroki sat weakly on the chair and kept rubbing his temples with both hands.

After a short thought, he also gradually calmed down.

Then a very absurd conjecture gradually entrenched in Yu Shu's heart.


"Probably not?"

Yu Shu seemed to want to confirm his conjecture, although he kept telling himself that it was impossible, he still stretched out his finger tremblingly, and tapped on the panel slowly.

And the position where the finger points is exactly the + sign behind [Initial Length: 20cm].

It's just that Yu Shu accidentally clicked the + sign twice because he was too nervous.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

After Yu Shu reacted, he hurriedly stopped it, but it was too late, the plus sign had turned gray, no matter how much he clicked, it was useless.

But the subsequent changes in the body left Hiroki dumbfounded again.

First of all, there seemed to be a flame burning in the lower abdomen, which was very warm and comfortable, and then the warm current gradually spread to the lower abdomen.

And a strange sense of swelling also came slowly, and became more and more clear, as if something was about to break out of its shell.

"Ah..." Yuki gasped.

When this sense of strangeness reached its maximum, Hiroki could clearly feel the change in length.

It was like a plant that grew wildly, and it grew 20cm in an instant, and even the pants were obviously propped up by a large piece.

When the heat gradually dissipated, Yu Shu stared at his pants while wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Hiroki Kamishima.

An atheist who persisted for many years.

Today, the three views formed over the years have been completely overturned.

If the previous voice and panel can still be understood as a dream.

But the changes in his body did happen, and it was still under his own eyes. The feeling of being so real and terrifying, Yu Shu couldn't connect it with the dream anyway.

Yu Shu hurriedly took another look at the information on the panel, and sure enough there were some slight changes.

[Initial length: 20cm (increase 1cm each time, required points: 1 (remaining points: 20)]

This is the information before the change.

[Current length: 40cm (increase 1cm each time, required points: 1 (remaining points: 0)]

This is the information after the change.

Am I really getting longer?

It turns out that clicking the + sign once is to increase the attribute by 10 points...

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