I can't tell her that I'm busy with filming recently...

"Hehehe... Auntie is just kidding, after all, Xiaoshu has grown up, and it's normal to be busy with many things of your own. In the future, it's fine to come and sit for a while when you have time. I believe my Zuo Yizi will be happy too. of."

"Well, I will come to sit more in the future."

Hiroki put on his slippers, walked into the house, and looked around at the familiar layout and decoration.

Different from her own home, the decoration style of Liangzi Duoshi's home is more log-style, with light-colored wood as the mainstay, giving people a warm and natural atmosphere.

When I was a child, I spent almost one-fifth of my time here, so I miss it very much.

And when Yu Shu was looking around, Ryoko Taishi behind him was also watching him with eyes full of spring.

Because prey.


Chapter 86 Aunt Ryoko's House

Huh?Isn't this a photo of myself when I was a child?I miss it so much.

Yu Shu found a wooden photo frame on the cabinet in the living room, and inside the photo frame was a group photo of three people.

A sunny and cheerful little boy, a little girl hiding behind the boy with a runny nose, and a beautiful big sister holding Hiroki's palm.

They are Hiroki himself, Zoeko, and Aunt Ryoko. The warm scene is like a family of three taking a group photo.

This photo looks like it was taken ten years ago, right?

Yu Shu looked at the photo and couldn't help falling into memories.

At that time, Zuo Yizi was not as lively as she is now, and her personality was more shy. She often followed behind her, and she would go wherever she went, just like a piece of brown candy, throwing it away not drop.

And the big sister who held her hand was Zoeko's mother, Ryoko Taishi, who was at the prime of her life at that time, she had the beauty of a young girl and the charm of a mature woman, and she basically turned heads when she walked on the road Can reach 99%.

Even if she has two children in her hands, there will still be a steady stream of men who will take the initiative to ask Ryoko Duoshi for her contact information. Even if she is married, it is not recommended to bring a oil bottle.

Another infatuated entrepreneur once boasted that if Ryoko Duoshi could marry him, then all the properties and companies under his name would belong to Zoe in the future, and he would not be recruiting three wives and four concubines. Ryoko Taishi is good alone.

You must know that in his circle, there are some women who are known as socialites, flocking to him and posting crazily.

He believed that with his attitude and conditions, Ryoko Duashi would not refuse. After all, isn't it every woman's dream to marry into a wealthy family?

But who would have thought that Ryoko Duoshi really refused, causing countless celebrities who were jealous of her to ridicule her wildly, saying that she didn't know what to do, that she was a fake and noble bitch, and she was just trying to use hard-to-get methods to elevate her. It's just my worth.

And Ryoko Duoshi was not angry, and didn't even care about it, but politely told everyone that she had someone she liked.

Then he dragged Hiroki and Zuo Yizi and disappeared into the street illuminated by the setting sun, and also disappeared from everyone's sight.

Everyone thought that the person Ryoko Duoshi mentioned was her deceased husband, but only Ryoko Duoshi knew that the person she liked was being held by her at this very moment.


"Time flies so fast. At that time, the little tree seemed to be only as tall as my aunt's waist. I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, the little tree was so much taller than my aunt."

Ryoko Taishi interrupted Hiroki's memory with a loud voice, and walked up to Yuki's side, raising her toes to compare with Hiroki's height. That childish behavior was not at all like a woman in her 30s, but like a woman in her thirties. Like a little girl.

"Yeah, I miss it so much. At that time, Aunt Liangzi would often take Zuoyiko and I out to play, and we would play all day long. I still remember that Aunt Liangzi gave me two decayed teeth because the cakes made by Aunt Liangzi were so delicious. Woolen cloth."

"Hahaha, yes, because of this incident, I was criticized by your mother Reiko, who told me to take you less sweets in the future."

Yushu and Ryoko Taishi fell into memories one after another, and the atmosphere in the living room suddenly became warm, and the laughter of the two of them would be heard from time to time.

"By the way, where is Zuo Yizi? Why haven't I seen her figure?"

Yu Shu looked around, logically speaking, if he came to her house, she would have rushed over like a baby swallow, why is it so quiet today?Did you go out?

"The child is sleeping in the house. I don't know what happened during this time. I feel that she is more sleepy than before. Basically, she sleeps when she has time. It would be great if she could have half of Xiaoshu's self-motivation."

Ryoko Duoshi sighed helplessly, as if there was nothing she could do about her precious daughter.

"Uh, let's not bother her for now, let's go to the bedroom and change the light bulb, or it won't be easy to operate after it gets dark."

"Okay, then Auntie will get you a new light bulb."

After Liangzi Duoshi took out the light bulb for Yushu, the two came to her bedroom. The moment she opened the door, Yushu smelled a refreshing and mature fragrance, which was very similar to the smell of Aunt Liangzi, which would make people feel uncomfortable. unconsciously intoxicated.

"Little tree, be careful, the room is dark, be careful not to trip over."

Like a caring wife, Ryoko Taishi shined a flashlight on Hiroki, and at the same time expressed her concern gently.

"Well, don't worry, Aunt Liangzi, just help me hold the chair, and it will be replaced soon."

Yu Shu moved a swivel chair from the side, and then stepped on it and began to fiddle with it.

"Sure enough, there still needs to be a man in the family. If Auntie changes it by herself, I don't think it will be finished in one night."

Ryoko Duoshi looked at Yu Shu's serious face infatuatedly, teasing three parts, and speaking his heart out with seven parts sincerity, but he didn't know if Xiao Shu could understand.

"It's okay, Aunt Liangzi still has me. If you need me in the future, just call me anytime. Aunt Liangzi took care of me when I was a child. This time it's my turn to repay Aunt Liangzi."

"Heck... Auntie can rest assured that there is Xiaoshu. If Auntie was ten years younger, she might have taken the initiative to pursue Xiaoshu. Unfortunately, Auntie is old now. Xiaoshu probably won't Like it."

Ryoko Duoshi was still probing, but her tone was as relaxed as a joke.

"How could it be, Aunt Liangzi is not old at all, the neighbors all say that you and Zuoyiko stand together like a pair of sisters.

If Aunt Liangzi is seeking marriage now, there will be countless men lining up from the door to the subway station. "

Yushu thought to himself, Aunt Duoshi, not only do you not look old, but your skin is as delicate as milk, and your body is plump and fruitful. You are simply the best among women, and you can instantly kill the existence of young girls.

It's all because of that deceitful perspective ability, so that as long as one's sight falls on Aunt Liangzi, a seductive white body will involuntarily appear in his mind.

"Hehehe... Xiaoshu still has a sweet mouth, so what should I do if my aunt likes Xiaoshu instead of anyone?"

"Ah? This, that, ahem, I..."

Yushu began to fall into a loss of words again, although he knew that Aunt Liangzi was joking, after all, when she was a child, she often said to herself with a smile: "When Xiaoshu grows up, will Auntie marry you?" However, Hiroki still felt a burst of heat on his face, and even his heart rate increased by a gear.

"Ah, that's right! The light bulb has been replaced, Aunt Liangzi, you can turn on the switch and try."

Yu Shu thought about it, but finally chose to change the topic of Dafa, because he really didn't know how to answer this question.

"I didn't expect Xiaoshu to start playing sloppy, and she still dislikes Auntie for being too old. Auntie's heart is so sad——"

"I didn't...I, ah!!"

Because the chair Yu Shu was stepping on was a swivel chair, it would sway back and forth from side to side, and he was emotionally excited for a while, which caused the center of gravity of his body to shift, and he fell down from it all at once.

"Ah, be careful, little tree!"

Ryoko Duoshi hurriedly stepped forward to hug Yushu, and then heard a crackling sound in the room, and then the two hugged each other tightly, rolling several times on the bed.

It is also fortunate that there is a soft bed next to the chair, otherwise Yu Shu might have to confess to be here today.

outside the window...

The night in the sky was finally drawn, and the earth fell into endless darkness.


It was also pitch black, but there were two rapid fiery breathing sounds intertwined, constantly destroying the quiet and deep atmosphere.

Just like that, Yushu and Aunt Liangzi hugged each other tightly, with Yushu on top and Duoshi Liangzi on the bottom.

The eyes of the two are so close that even those who are close can see the trembling in each other's pupils, but one is because of panic and the other is because of excitement.

Aunt Liangzi smelled very fragrant, like the scent of violets when she opened the window in the spring morning.

The touch of Aunt Liangzi's body was very soft, and the heavy and broad chest was being pressed and squeezed by Yushu's whole body at this time, and two balls of white, greasy, soft flesh were constantly overflowing from around the chest.


The heartbeats of the two gradually synchronized, and both had a tendency to continue to speed up, and their body temperature gradually increased over time, especially where the two people's skin touched.

"Little tree—"

Ryoko Taishi's eyes full of autumn water were full of confusion, her plump lips like soft ripe cherry cherries parted slightly, and she called out Yuki's name.

"Aunt Ryoko..."

Wrapped in various elements of fragrance, white, softness, and elasticity, Yuki was fascinated for a while, and just stared at Ryoko Taishi blankly, as if forgetting the time and getting up.

And his thick and long demon-killing spear was slightly pressed against a hot, humid and muddy depression through a layer of thin trousers, as if as long as he exerted force, he would sink into it and couldn't extricate himself.

Feeling the strangeness coming from the sensitive parts, Ryoko Toishi's consciousness began to drift away, a primitive instinct that made her hot and hot gradually overwhelmed her brain, and her skin gradually changed from milky white to an alluring peach pink. Transparent powder, white in the powder.

She wrapped her slender arms tightly around Yushu's waist, and kept pressing herself, as if she wanted to completely melt Yushu into her body.

The hot air constantly spewed out from the bright red lips, hitting Yushu's ears itchy and crispy.

Her gaze also moved from Yushu's eyes to Yushu's nose, ears, cheeks, and didn't stop until her lips, because that was the area she was about to taste.

Yu Shu's brain was dizzy, and he didn't know why, but he kept shouting in his heart to get up quickly!

Come back to consciousness!Hurry up and end the absurd scene in front of you!But the body just doesn't listen to me, as if it wants to get out of my control.

How can this be?what is happening!Why can't my body move! !

Hiroki wanted to open his mouth to ask a question, but found that he couldn't control the muscles of his mouth at all. He could only look at Ryoko Taishi's cheeks and red lips, and moved them closer to her own lips. up.

Aunt Liangzi, wake up!We can't do this!We are...


A crisp switch sound came, and the originally dark bedroom instantly brightened like day.

"Mom, Hiroki, what are you two doing?"

Chapter 87 Power Outage


Zuo Yizi's eyes were full of disbelief. She was sleeping soundly in the next bedroom, but she was woken up by the sound of a collision coming from her mother's room.

Worried about her mother's accident, she took three steps and two steps, and hurried to her mother's bedroom.

As a result, the moment the light was turned on, the scene in front of her directly brought a lot of shock to her.

I saw two people on the mother's bed, and Yu Shu on the top was lying on the mother's body at this time, using his chest to crush the full breasts of the mother.

And on the trousers of the lower body, there is a huge raised tent, which is firmly stuck in the gully of the mother, about a centimeter in, and the tip part has already been wet by dew.

And the mother is like an octopus, tightly wrapping Yushu's waist with her fat and slender legs, and her two slender and white arms are tightly wrapped around Yushu's neck, hugging Yushu to death Damn, all the parts that can be touched are perfectly stitched together, and the two of them have a faint posture of kissing together.

Good guy, I didn't expect my mother to steal my house directly when I was sleeping!And it was stolen from my own home, separated from my bedroom by only one wall.

She has calculated everything, guarding against this and that, but she never thought that the one who would label herself in the end would be her own mother.

Zuo Yizi couldn't help sighing, it's hard to guard against a house thief!She has long seen that something is wrong with this woman!Sure enough, my intuition was right!

"Shut up! Don't kiss!!"

Hearing the delicate and crisp female voice from the door, Yushu's bewildered consciousness instantly woke up, and his body finally regained control. farce,

And Ryoko Duoshi was still lying on the bed, with blurred eyes, disheveled hair, a slight layer of peach pink on her face, and a lazy, fragrant and intoxicating charm exuded from all over her body.

It's dangerous, it's dangerous, fortunately Zuo Yizi is here, if it's a little later, it will probably lead to a big mistake!

You must know that the one who was crushed by me just now was Aunt Liangzi who watched her grow up!She can be counted as her own half mother!

If something happened to her, what would the neighbors think of her in the future?

What would Zoeko think of herself?What would my mother and sisters think of me?

Just thinking of this, cold sweat broke out on Yu Shu's back, and then he glanced at the wet part of the tip of the Demon Killing Spear with some fear.

If there is not a thin layer of cloth blocking it, it is estimated that it is not just the tip that is wet, but...

"Hmm... When did Yuki come here? Why didn't I know? And why did you hug this woman?

If Yuki, you are really lonely.Actually... actually I can too!I am no worse than my mother! "

Zuo Yizi moved to Yu Shu's side in aggrieved manner, and then showed off her delicate breasts. While asking Yu Shu dissatisfiedly, she pointed at the shameless woman on the bed, her pursed lips seemed to be able to Hang a small oil can.

"Uh... Zuo Yizi, please don't get excited, this matter is actually a misunderstanding."

Although Yuki also had doubts in his heart, the most urgent thing right now was to appease Zuo Yizi's emotions first.

"Misunderstanding? But you are all like that..."

"Ahem, it was an accident, an accident. I came to help Aunt Liangzi change the light bulb, but just now one of them lost his footing and fell down. Aunt Liangzi caught me in time, otherwise I might be in danger."

"Well...that's the case, but your posture just now was like asking for something, your mouths almost kissed each other!"

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