If it was changed to before, Yu Shu might have agreed. After all, women are naturally afraid of the dark, and he was also a little worried about the mother and daughter.

But now is a special period, and Yu Shu dare not stay overnight without knowing whether they are sluts or not. Maybe they will be attacked at night in the second half of the night, and there will be no bones left after being eaten.

"It might not work tonight. I have to go back to prepare lessons. I have tutoring work tomorrow morning. I checked the electric meter box just now. It should not be tripping, but I still suggest asking the staff to repair it tomorrow. There are no other major problems.

As for Zuo Yizi and Aunt Ryoko, I will go back first, and you guys should go to bed earlier. If there is any situation, just call me at any time. "

Yu Shu did not return to the dining table, but put on his shoes directly at the entrance, not giving the mother and daughter a chance to keep him.

"Well...well then, Yuki remembers to come and see more of them."

"Xiaoshu, are you full? If you're not full, you can pack some back home."

"I'm full, Aunt Liangzi, thank you for the hospitality, I'll leave first, and I will come back at another time."


The sound of the door being closed, Yu Shu leaned back against the door, looked at the dark night sky, and took a deep breath for the rest of his life.

It seems that the thing I was most worried about happened. The succubus and the slut have infiltrated into my life unknowingly, and they are getting closer.

If it develops at this pace, I believe it won't be long before my mother and sisters will also be affected by the succubus breath and become what I least want to see.

We can't continue to procrastinate. Although we haven't risen to the level of saving human beings all over the world, we must start to act for our family and ourselves.

Yushu has already thought about the first step of the action, which is to confirm whether the women who have been purified by him still have such memories?


The next morning's tutoring work was normal, and Yushu's red-faced recovery massage, as well as the close contact with the maids and sisters, were all the same as usual, nothing changed.

Although it may be too ambiguous for Yuki, it has not risen to the height of slutty behavior. It seems that the guess of the blonde goddess is not 100% completely correct.

For the rest of the time, Yu Shu went to the security checkpoint of the subway station and the newly opened barber shop to verify whether they still had memories.

But when I went there in the morning, I didn't meet the female security inspector from yesterday, so Yuki could only focus on the barber shop owner first.

"Hi handsome boy, welcome to come, do you want to cut your hair?"

The moment Yu Shu entered the store, a pleasant voice of Yujie came out of the room, and I saw the female shopkeeper with a big wavy hairstyle, who was stepping on a pair of red high-heeled shoes, dyeing a female customer's hair.

"Ah, sorry, I seem to have gone by the wrong way. I'm going to the supermarket next door."

Yushu scratched his head and said apologetically, but his eyes were as bright as torches, constantly observing the movements and expressions of the female shopkeeper.

It stands to reason that I just had my hair cut yesterday. If today is the second time we meet, then she shouldn't ask me if I need a haircut.

And her natural reception expression didn't seem to be pretending, after all, I had that kind of relationship with her, how could I be so calm.

In other words, the memory of that period has not been preserved?

"It's okay, I just opened here, you are welcome to come and experience it at any time, there is my business card in the box at the door, you can take one for the handsome guy, I will give you a discount next time—"

"Okay, thank you sister, by the way, have we met before, sister?"

After Yushu took the business card, he planned to leave, but he asked such a sentence in a strange way.

"Heck... Is the handsome guy teasing my sister? Although we don't seem to have met, my sister doesn't mind getting to know you again—"

The female shopkeeper giggled and teased Yushu jokingly, thinking that the handsome young man wanted to strike up a conversation with her.

After all, when she was in college, there were still many boys who pursued her. She has seen this kind of routine many times.

If it was normal, I might not even bother, but today, for some reason, it seems that if it is this handsome guy, then I really hope to get to know him.

"Uh...that seems like I really misidentified the person, goodbye, sister."

Yu Shu blushed when he was told, turned around and ran out of the barber shop in a hurry, and disappeared not far away not long after.

"Hehehe...What a pure and handsome guy, I wanted to tease him more, but I ran away like this unexpectedly."

The female shopkeeper seemed to be talking to the female customer on the seat, while the female customer was full of surprise, with an expression of seeing a ghost.

"It's rare, Hongmei, I lived with you in college for four years, and I've never seen you interested in any boy, and I haven't found a boyfriend. My little boy?"

"Go, go, what are you talking about, what old cow eats young grass, I just see his flustered look is funny, so I can't help but want to tease him more, it's not the way men and women think!"

Being told what was on her mind, Hiromi Iwano knocked on the head of her best friend from college in a panic, defending herself without confidence.

She didn't know why this happened, it was obviously the first time she met that little boy, but it was indeed as he said, she seemed to have seen him before, but she just couldn't remember where.

What's even more strange is that when my body saw him, it actually produced a wonderful feeling of being attracted.

And between the clamped legs, there were faint signs of heat and humidity, just like the situation after waking up from a erotic dream, the underwear was wet a lot.

Why on earth is this happening...

Is it true that as my best friend said, I want a man?

The body that has been single for so many years finally can't bear it anymore?Are you a young man?Do you like boys younger than you?

Thinking about her own age, it seems that it is indeed time to find a boyfriend. Coupled with her mother's usual urging on the phone, she unconsciously had a little fantasy about Yu Shu.

"By the way, Hiromi, why did you put up a sign at the entrance of the store with the words (Only female customers) written on it?

How can a barber shop be gender-specific... Besides, didn't you also receive that little boy just now? "

"This... This is also an important reason why I called you here today. It didn't seem so obvious before, but since yesterday I seem to be suffering from a disease called "menophobia".

I feel that as long as I see a man now, I will feel resistance from my heart. I wonder if you majored in psychology in college, can you help me as a consultant? "

"Misogyny? Is it real or not? Why do you suddenly get this disease when you're so good-looking? Besides, isn't it normal for you to communicate with that little boy just now? It doesn't look like misogyny... ..."

"Um, he's different, he..."

Hiromi Iwano did not continue to talk, because her heart and body not only did not contradict Hiroki.

On the contrary, he had that kind of embarrassing reaction to him. If his best friend knew about this, he would laugh at himself to death.

Could it be that there is too much pressure to open a store recently?It caused me to think wildly, but I'm not sick at all?

"How much does it cost for a boy to cut his hair?"

A man's voice came from the door, interrupting Hiromi Iwano's thoughts, and then that strange resistance, like a tide, flooded all parts of his body.

"Don't cut it, get out, didn't you see the sign at the door that only accepts female customers?"

College girlfriend: "..."

Male customer: "..."

Chapter 89 The First Subway Female Pervert

In the early morning, the warm sunlight casts a little bit of golden yellow on the windows, and everything starts to glow again.

Yushu puts on his schoolbag and embarks on a new week of school trip.

Zuo Yizi didn't know the reason, she seemed to have asked for sick leave from the school, so Hiroki was the only one on the way to school today.

When he came to the security check area of ​​the subway, Yu Shu kept scanning the surroundings with his eyes, trying to find the figure of the female security inspector.

Judging from the feedback from the barber shop owner yesterday, they should have erased that part of their memory after having sex with him.

But it is not enough to verify only one person, and it does not mean that everyone is like this, so we need to find the female security inspector and see her reaction.

Strange, isn't she doing it here?Why didn't I see her figure yesterday or today.

"Everyone line up, one for men and one for women, go through the security check in an orderly manner, and don't go in the wrong line."

Not far ahead, a male staff member was organizing the scene with a loudspeaker in his hand.

"What's the situation? Why are they divided into two teams after passing the security check? It wasn't like this before?"

"That's right, why are men and women tested separately? Ask the staff to give us an explanation."

"It's not bad. Everyone is in a hurry to go to work. You suddenly made a male and female group. Doesn't this waste everyone's time!"

Many passengers began to yell dissatisfied, and they seemed to be puzzled, why did they go through the security check yesterday, why did they have to be divided into two teams for men and women?

Why? ?

"Don't crowd and make loud noises. This is the new regulation of the subway company. Starting today, all people who take the subway will be divided into male and female groups to pass the security check. Please cooperate with the work and line up to avoid causing disturbance."

The male staff member was sweating a little on his forehead. Although he said this, in fact, like everyone else, he was full of various question marks in his heart. When he first received the order, he also looked confused.

Later, I learned from the chats of some colleagues that the reason why the higher authorities issued this regulation was mainly because of a woman, a woman with medium-length hair who was in charge of security checks for the female team not far away.

Originally, this was a company secret, but there were gossip that the new young female security inspector was actually the baby daughter of the boss of the subway company, and she came to work here just to experience life.

I don't know what these young ladies are thinking about all day long... And there is such a confusing new rule.

The eldest lady has also become a security officer who is only in charge of the female team, and other colleagues are in charge of the male side.


Yu Shu stood in the long line for a long time, and when he was about to get discouraged, he found the female security inspector in the female line next door.

Her mid-length hair hung on her shoulders, and a dark blue work uniform skirt perfectly set off her enchanting figure, and added a sense of seriousness and sass.

I don't know if she wore underwear and panties properly under her uniform this time, after all, when I was alone with her in the staff lounge last time, she went into battle in a vacuum...

Now the person has been found, but the distance between the two is nearly five meters. Yushu is in the men's team, and she is in the women's team.

It is definitely unrealistic to rush over hastily. It is easy to be arrested by the staff, even if you shout loudly, it will cause riots among the surrounding people.

In the end how to do!

How can I communicate with her!

Now I am about to pass the security check!

Hiroki Kamishima, think of a way! !



I almost forgot that I still have that ability!

Although the final effect may not be as accurate as direct communication, this is the only way to use it now.

"Let me be healthy, what's in the clothes of the female security inspector?"

That's right!The way Yu Shu thinks is to use his perspective ability to see if there is a vacuum inside the female security inspector.

If she still has the memories of the slut, then there is a probability that the inside of the clothes will be vacuum like before.

If she is completely purified by herself, she will become a normal woman. Normal human women will not go out without wearing underwear!

Yu Shu's eyes twisted for a while, and then the clothes of the female security inspector not far away gradually became transparent, revealing the white scenery under the clothes.

The neck and shoulders, waist and abdomen, thighs, calves, which are as white as snow, are all the same as what I have seen before.

But there are also two different places, that is, the soft chest and the mysterious forest, which are wrapped in a layer of lace underwear.

Actually wearing it! !

In other words, she turned back into a normal human female?Did he save her?

Yu Shu just watched the female security inspector with satisfaction at a distance of five meters, feeling an inexplicable sense of accomplishment in his heart.

If these sluts hadn't met themselves, then they would definitely continue to harm other people, right?

This will not only cause harm to others, but also ruin their own bodies, and finally wait for their ending, which is to lose their humanity and become monsters that can only mate.

The female barber shop owner and the female security inspector have all returned to normal, and there is no memory of the time when they became sluts.

And the slut in low-waisted jeans that I met in the flower streets and alleys at the beginning, I don’t know how she is now?

When she raped herself that time, her own holy water should have been sprayed into the depths of her origin.

Later, when I passed by the alley several times, I never met her again. Does it mean that she was purified by myself?

In any case, this is good news for Yuki. If he encounters a slut and finds him in the future, and he will inevitably have sex with the other party, at least he will feel less guilty, because the other party will forget about it later. thing.

Recalling what Zuo Yizi and Aunt Ryoko did to her yesterday.

If they are really sluts, then is it necessary for me to help them purify?

Because compared to the mountain named "Ethics", I am still more worried that they will become succubi, monsters, and strangers I don't know at all.

What's more, there is also the feature of losing memory.

After confirming, Yushu turned off his perspective ability, followed the team through the security check, and then stepped on the subway car leading to the school.


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