Hashimoto Nana seemed to be busy preparing for Wednesday's concert, so she was picked up by the female manager at noon.

And her Demon Killing Spear slowly returned to its previous standby state after she left.

"Uh..." It's really paradoxical!

It's hard not to connect the abnormality of the Demon Killing Spear with Hashimoto Nana.

It seems that I can only wait for her next visit to confirm.

If the next time I had skin-to-skin contact with her, my Demon Killing Spear still reacted like this, then it meant that Hashimoto Nai, a popular idol, definitely had a problem!


Years go by, time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for Kaesong private high school to end.

The afternoon passed very peacefully, and I didn't make any troubles. It was my dream campus life.

How much Yushu hopes that the days to come can be so peaceful every day, that would be great.

[Ding dong, Huajie Station is here, passengers please get off...]

After walking out of the subway station, Yu Shu walked to the flower street and alley, looking at the dark and cramped space in front of him in a daze.

I still remember that I was here before, and I was raped by the woman in the low-waisted jeans, and then I got the attribute enhancement point for the first time, which changed the original 20 to 40 at once.

At that time, I was troubled by this matter for a long time, and even had the idea of ​​cutting it off.

Unexpectedly, the ugly thing that I detested at the beginning turned into a magic weapon to understand and save the common people.

Really off the mark!

It is estimated that even novels dare not write like this.

I don't know if the woman in low-waisted jeans was successfully purified by herself?

After all, I hadn't reached 40 at the time, so I could only reach the mouth of the uterus. According to the blonde goddess, it was necessary to spray holy water into the uterus, right?

Yuki walked through the narrow dark alley while thinking, and did not meet anyone coming and going during the period.


The door of the convenience store was pushed open.

"Hi, welcome to 667 Convenience Store, ah! It's Senior Yuki!!"

Yu Shu pushed the door open and entered, and a delicate female voice and a graceful and graceful figure greeted him.

Black skin, white hair, and hot girl makeup make up the difference of this girl.

It is Yui Ogawa, a clerk at the 667 convenience store, a junior at work, a 15-year-old precocious girl.

Some time ago, in order to collect money to help her grandmother treat her illness, she even made an exception to agree to the fat director to shoot the first male and female action movie in her life.

After transferring the money to her at that time, I didn't read the messages she sent.

Because the content of the message must be to ask herself where the money came from, or the money is too expensive, and she can't wait.

But judging from her current state, she should have come out of the haze, and her whole person has returned to the lively and cheerful appearance before.

"Senior Yuki, I sent you so many messages, why didn't you reply! I thought... I thought you were arrested for doing something illegal!!"

Before Yu Shu entered the store, Ogawa Yui rushed over like a gust of wind, hugged Yu Shu's body, and questioned him again and again, his little face was full of worry and grievance.

Of course, there is also a little bit of happiness mixed in with it.

Feeling the warm jade and fragrance in his arms, Yuki rubbed Yui's hair like a big brother.

"What are you talking about? It's breaking the law. Even if I have the heart, I don't have the guts."

"Really? But how did Senior Hiroki get such a large amount of money?"

Xiao Chuanwei raised his black skin and asked suspiciously.

"Uh... Anyway, it wasn't stolen or robbed. It's my hard-earned money. Don't ask me any more."


"Okay, okay, this matter is over. By the way, how is your grandma's condition now? Has it improved? Is the money enough?"

Yu Shu quickly changed the subject, he didn't want to say that he earned the money from filming, it would be a shame to die.

"Grandma has already started receiving treatment. The doctor said that she is recovering well now, but she still needs to be hospitalized for observation for a period of time. Overall, she is fine, thanks to the life-saving money from senior Yushu."

"I really don't know how to repay my seniors. Otherwise...or else I will promise you with my body! Be Senior Hiroki's lover, take care of Senior, help Senior with housework, and be a cannon to Senior No matter what posture, people will not refuse... I will definitely serve you comfortably."

Ogawa Yui was quite normal in the front, but in the end he uttered shocking words directly, and the speed of the car became faster and faster.

Hiroki was so scared that he quickly covered her small mouth and told her not to talk nonsense, after all, there were other customers and employees in the store!

"What nonsense are you talking about! Hurry up and get back to your post. I will come out after I go to the house and change my clothes. You are not allowed to talk nonsense in the future, you know?"

With a serious face, Yushu gave Xiao Chuan Wei Wei a note, and then rushed to the staff lounge, ready to change into work clothes and take over shifts with Xiao Chuan Yui.

On the other hand, Ogawa Yui stuck out his little tongue mischievously, and just looked at Yuki's back in a dazed manner, not knowing what was going on in his head.


"Xiao Wei, you can get off work, and leave it to me."

After changing his work clothes, Hiroki came to the cash register and began to formally enter the role of a clerk.

"Okay...then thank you, Senior Hiroki, I'll change clothes."

Xiao Chuan only smiled, but for some reason, Yu Shu always felt that there was a touch of emotion that he couldn't understand in her smile.

Alas... I have committed this suspicious problem again. Although Yui Xiaochuan is a little naughty, he is not a bad person and has no bad intentions. It is impossible to do anything to himself.

Yu Shu quickly shook off the random thoughts in his mind, adjusted his mood, and then put a mechanical professional smile on his face, and started today's work.

"Hello...please pay here."


The time when Yushu works is the peak time for customers to get off work, so the work at the front desk is very busy, and sometimes there is no time to drink saliva.

Yuki didn't even notice when Yui Ogawa left, because he was too busy.

The number of people waiting for the payment line has been lined up from the cash register to the dining area.

"Hello, the total is 109 yuan. Is it cash or QR code?"

"You have a lot of things, do you need plastic bags?"

"Yes, plastic bags cost thirty cents each."

"It's not expensive. Now plastic bags are charged as a single fee. It's the same when you ask anyone."

"Hey, big sister, why are you still scolding Master? Can you talk about some civility?"

An aunt in front of Yushu, because of the charge for plastic bags, went online with Yushu in civilized words, as if she must get a plastic bag for free today.

"If you are scolding, I tell you, hiss!!"

Yu Shu's words stopped abruptly, and then he gasped inexplicably, which shocked the aunt in front of him.

Since he was completely immersed in the line-up with the aunt just now, Yu Shu didn't notice the abnormality under the cash register.

It wasn't until the lower part of his waist suddenly became chilly that Yu Shu realized that something was wrong.

what's the situation?This strange strange feeling seems to be...

Yu Shu was skeptical, took a small step back slightly, and then lowered his head, only then did he see clearly what happened below.

I saw that the zipper on my trousers had been unzipped, and there was a pair of tender and smooth hands picking up my underwear. Part of the tip of the Demon Slaughter Spear had been exposed, and it was about to see the light of day again!

Seeing Yu Shu's gaze looking down, the owner of the little hand gave Yu Shu an enchanting smile, not only did not stop the movement of his hands, but became more and more presumptuous.

Yu Shu's expression froze, and he was stunned, as if he had been struck dumb by a thunderbolt.

Because the one who did this to me was none other than the working junior who should have left the store after work.

Black-skinned babe Yui Ogawa! !

Chapter 97

? ?

what's the situation?

Shouldn't Xiaowei be off work?

Why does it appear under the cash register?

Yu Shu's brain froze directly, as if he couldn't process the scene in front of him at all.

I saw that Yui Ogawa had already changed back into her hot girl costume, and there were some metal rings hanging on her neck, earlobes, and wrists.

The upper body is wearing an open-chest shirt, and the hem of the clothes is only long enough to wrap the breasts, while the lower abdomen, navel, and waist are exposed to the outside.

On the lower body, she wore a plaid skirt, also of a style with sparse fabric, which could barely cover the thighs.

A thin coat was tied around the waist and crotch.

It seems that tying clothes around the waist is a unique obsession of hot girls in this country.

Ogawa Yui's skin color, not only does not make her look black, but on the contrary, after matching with makeup and white hair, it will make the whole person exude a strange sense of temptation.

Black skin and white hair yyds!

Of course, Hiroki will obviously not lament these things, because he is more concerned about why things turned out like this!When did Xiao Wei sneak down below? ?

"Hey boy, why are you in a daze? I will ask you today, can you give me this plastic bag? If you push me into a hurry, I will lie on the ground!"

The aunt who was paying the bill in front of her was unrelenting. It seemed that as long as Yu Shu dared not agree to her, she would just lie down and let her go. Anyway, she had plenty of time.

"Huh? Er..."

But it was precisely because of her interruption that Yu Shu was awakened from that dementia state.

Although I really want to stop Ogawa Yui's confusing behavior, but in this situation, I can't show any strangeness at all, otherwise I will definitely be discovered by these customers who check out.

You must know that the behavior of the two of them now is no different from that of a pervert!

At that time, whether it is Yui Ogawa or himself, they will suffer from the public opinion of the society, the eyes of the onlookers and even colleagues.

So Yushu could only force himself to put on a somewhat stiff professional smile again, so that outsiders would not notice anything unusual, and his body did not dare to act rashly at all, allowing Xiaochuan Yui to play tricks on the bottom.

"Well, I paid for this plastic bag at my own expense and sent it to you. Please pay and check out. There are still many customers waiting behind you, hiss!!"

Just when Yu Shu was halfway through his words, he felt that Yui Ogawa was intensifying, making his body tremble uncontrollably.

This is......

This feeling is...

"Hehe, it's already like this. It seems that I can't fit these things in one bag. You can get me another one. Anyway, one is only 3 cents, and you are not bad for this one."

The aunt obviously didn't notice Yu Shu's strangeness, and she was still immersed in the joy of taking advantage of herself to win.

"Uh..." Nima!

You still have the face to say it!

You are not willing to spend only 3 cents a piece!I know I'm taking advantage of others here!

Yu Shu was very angry at the aunt, but the current situation is special, so he didn't know her as well, and directly took three plastic bags for her, telling her to leave quickly.

After seeing this scene, the aunt immediately smiled, and left the convenience store happily holding her things.

When he left, he still murmured: "Huh, the little kid who hasn't even grown hair wants to fight his old lady, it's 100 years too early!"

"Uh..." I was shaking and cold!

Yuki felt his blood pressure soared, which shocked Yui Ogawa who was squatting below.

She raised her small face slightly, and the shadow cast from above was almost as big as half of her face.

"Hello, these items are 402 yuan in total. Is it cash or QR code..."

Yu Shu handed a large bag of adult products to the female customer in front of him. Judging from the payment information just now, it seems that there are lubricants, plastic eggs, magic sticks, and some weird props inside.

From her appearance, she is about the same age as me, she should be a high school student from another school, but I didn't expect her to be so wild...

And if you don't look at the items she bought, just look at her appearance, she will give people the impression of a good girl overall.

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