Is this really okay...

"You don't have to worry about this at all, because whether it's Xiaoyu or the two unborn children, their bodies are far stronger than ordinary people. After all, they all carry the gene of the Holy Spear Brave!"

Just when Yu Shu was in trouble, the other self who had disappeared for a long time suddenly said this sentence out of nowhere.

Yu Shu raised his eyes and looked around, but he was nowhere to be seen. The voice should have come from his mind.

"You mean..."

"Well, you have to trust the Demon Slaughter Spear, it won't harm your own people, don't worry about it, just go and purify it boldly! Don't forget, many things are already predestined."

After finishing speaking, his voice gradually disappeared in the bottom of my heart, as if it had never appeared before.

"Uh..." How does it feel, every time before he does something bad, this guy will pop up and brainwash himself.

My own three views are almost distorted by him!

"I didn't mislead you, okay, you are such a person!! Don't lie!"

That voice suddenly appeared again, and he complained aggrievedly.

"Uh..." Yu Shu felt helpless for a while, but he took a reassurance, and refocused his attention on the three of them.

"Little tree..."



Three delicate voices appeared in my ears again, and their movements became bolder, becoming more and more like sluts and succubi.

"Hey...Mother, Ding Xiang, Xiao Yu, it was because I failed to protect you that you became what you are now."

"So let me take on the responsibility of saving you!"

Yu Shu held the three of them in his arms, kissed them on the forehead respectively, and then his eyes became firm.

"Devil-killing gun obeys orders!"

The Demon Killing Spear emits a white halo slightly, as if telling Yushu that it is ready.

"Purification ceremony, start!"

Chapter 116 Anger

After a while.

Calm was restored in the house.

There were only a few even breathing sounds, gently echoing in the surrounding air.


Yu Shu wiped the sweat from his forehead, sat down on the ground, panting heavily.

The reason why he was sweating on his forehead and gasping for breath was not because of excessive physical exertion.

Instead, during the purification process, I have to be careful every time, as if walking on eggshells, for fear of hurting them.

But fortunately, the process was not smooth, and the result is also very satisfactory.

Mother kissed the three of them, their skin has returned to normal color, and the succubus breath on their bodies has basically dissipated.

They were covered in fragrant sweat, and they were lying side by side on the ground at this moment, falling into a deep sleep.

I didn't expect the assimilation ability of the succubus to be so terrifying!

Not only the three of them were affected, but even the two fetuses in the body showed signs of being demonized.

Fortunately, my holy water is relatively strong, otherwise, two succubi would be born!

Yu Shu just sat on the ground, looked at the three mother and daughter in front of him, and was in a daze for a while.

and many more!

My self in this life seems to have a characteristic.

That is to say that there are no mistakes in every case, and every shot hits the target.

If so, Xiaoyu...

No way!

Yu Shu jumped up all of a sudden, wandering around the room a little at a loss.

How to do?

How could I forget about this!

Yu Shu scratched his ears and cheeks for a while, and then sat back on the ground as if accepting his fate.

"Uh..." Forget it, since the matter has already happened, even if you struggle with it, there is no way to change the fact, let's let nature take its course...

Yushu spent a long time doing ideological work for himself.

Then he got up and hugged the mother and daughter to the animal skin bed, and then gently wiped the sweat from their foreheads, looking at their sleeping cheeks with a gentle face.

"In the days to come, I will protect you well!"

Yuki secretly swears in his heart.

But before that, I still have one thing that needs to be resolved.

That is those succubus remnants in the tribe!

Hiroki turned around, looked ahead, and strode out of the room.

After walking out of the house, Yu Shu looked up at the southern sky, and sure enough, there were many black spots, big and small.

"Strange, how come the number hasn't decreased at all. Could it be that father and the others have reached a deadlock?"

Yu Shu had an ominous premonition in his heart, he didn't delay any longer, he directly bent his legs slightly, and then shot out like a cannonball, heading towards the south at full speed.

This awakened body exploded with amazing potential, and because the speed was too fast, there was an afterimage behind him.

Cobweb-shaped depressions appeared one after another on the ground he stepped on, showing how exaggerated the strength and speed were.

1 minute later.


Yushu finally arrived at the south of the tribe.

But the scene in front of him made his whole body stiff, like falling into an ice cellar, his face full of disbelief.


The words that followed were stuck in my throat, and I couldn't utter them.

Because the situation at the scene was not what I expected, the two sides were stalemate.


All humans are defeated!

I saw that the number of succubi in the sky remained unchanged, but the human beings were in a state of collapse, with sunken eyes, foaming at the mouth and lying on the ground, as if they had been drained of their lives.

And in front of these humans, there was a skinny old man in his dying years who was holding a big axe.

That thin body seemed like a gust of wind could knock him down.

After hearing Yu Shu's voice, he slowly turned his stiff neck, and then revealed a pale and old face.

Yu Shu could clearly feel that there was a burst of surprise in his eyes at first, but within two seconds, he was overwhelmed by an emotion called fear, and in the folds of his face like dead bark, there was also Anxiety and panic emerged.

"Son, run away."

The old man's voice was very hoarse, like the sound made when two pieces of sandpaper rubbed against each other.

It's just these four simple words, but it seems to have exhausted all his life's strength.

That's right...

This skinny old man who looks like he might die at any time is actually Yu Shu's tall and stalwart leader's father!

"Hahaha! Remember to save a piece of venison for me, I will eat it after I return from triumph!"

That thunderous voice seemed to be still echoing in Yu Shu's ears.

But the scene in front of him completely shattered Yu Shu's fantasy.

"Father... Father!!"

Yu Shu seemed to be crazy, and staggered to his father's side.

Then carefully, he gently hugged his thin body in his arms.

With a trembling look, it seemed that what he was holding in his arms was not his father, but a fragile vase.

"Father, father, why did you become like this!!"

Although he has really hugged his father in his arms, Yu Shu still can't believe that his father, who was originally big and round, has turned into a thin old man with half of his body buried in the ground at this moment.

The contrast was so great that Yu Shu almost fell into madness for a while.


Yu Shu's father stretched out his skinny palm and stroked Yu Shu's face gently.

The originally thunderous voice was only a little louder than a mosquito at the moment, as if it might die at any time, Yu Shu needed to put his ear very close to hear what he was saying clearly.

"Son... run... take your mother and kiss them... hurry!"

For the last word, Yushu's father basically used all his strength, and then his eyes went dark, and he fell into Yushu's arms without any movement.

The faint breathing sound from the nose became weaker and weaker until it disappeared completely.

The skinny palm caressing Yu Shu's face also seemed to have lost its support. Under Yu Shu's gaze, it slowly fell down and hit the ground weakly.

It seemed to be an official announcement that Yushu's father, the leader of the Yushi tribe, the man who laughed all day and liked to brag, finally lost his breath of life at this moment.

However, the corners of his mouth curled up a bit.

Because at the last moment before he died, he saw his son, and his son was still alive, so the entire Yu clan still had hope.

He believed that the incense of his Yu clan would definitely continue to be passed on!

"Uh..." Yu Shu felt as if the sky had collapsed in his heart, and there was no more sound in his throat.

He grabbed his father's skinny palm again and placed it on his cheek.

I hope that my father can continue to touch me and call me my name like just now, even if the sound is like sandpaper.

But in reality, Hiroki's father would not respond to him at all, because he had lost all anger.


Can't speak.

"Hahaha, kid, don't bother, your father's spirit has been taken away by my mother long ago, he is dead now, do you understand when he is dead? Hahaha!"

In the sky, a coquettish laugh full of magic power broke the tranquility of grief and Yushu's last illusion.

"You guys did all of this?"

Yu Shu's eyes were scarlet, he raised his head slightly, and squeezed out his voice word by word through the gap between his teeth.

The force was so great that he almost crushed his teeth.

"Hahaha, that's right! It's my mother who did it. Your stupid father is obviously weak like a dog, but he dared to overestimate his capabilities and sent it to our door, and even provoked us.

So of course I have to teach him a lesson.But I didn't expect that he was able to persist, and he survived for so long before he died.

Sure enough, you humans, like those humble cockroaches, like to do some fearless struggles, it's ridiculous! "

In the sky at this moment, there are nearly a hundred succubi, large and small.

But the one who spoke was different from other succubi.

With a huge figure of 3.5 meters high, her skin is blue-purple, and the goat horns on her head are very huge, and her attire should be more gorgeous.

If Yuki is awake at this time, then he must be able to recognize that this succubus is actually very similar to the one that Hashimoto Nana turned into!

But Yu Shu's mind was already filled with the flames of anger.

He didn't want to think about anything else at all, because he only wanted to do one thing now.

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