Why did the notification sound suddenly sound at this time?And also issued a confusing order.

Yu Shu suddenly had question marks all over his head, did not make any resistance, did he mean to continue to let the perverted woman be obscene?

And what does this severe punishment mean?

How to punish?

How harsh?

While Yu Shu was brainstorming, the owner of that hand saw that Yu Shu didn't make any reaction, but intensified and moved slowly towards Yu Shu's legs.

The private part was touched, which made Yushu wake up all of a sudden, and instead of caring about the content of the prompt, he turned around and grabbed the hand of the female idiot.

A beautiful face with exquisite makeup, and a work outfit with black silk, she really is the young and beautiful female OL from yesterday.

After seeing the person clearly, Yuki was about to shout out the phrase "You can't run away this time!!"

As a result, the system prompt sounded again suddenly.

【ding dong——】

Chapter 15

Punishment? ?


However, the reality did not give Yu Shu a chance to react.

I saw that Yushu's pants suddenly seemed to be oiled, and they slid smoothly from the waist to the feet.

Because the weather is very hot in the current season, most people wear single pants, and one can imagine what is under the single pants.

In this way, Yu Shu was completely exposed to the air, and also to the eyes of the passengers in the third carriage of the subway line 7.

"Wow, Hiroki, you're tired of it...you actually play hooligans with others in this kind of occasion, but they like it very much."

After the pants fell, it was not Hiroki who exclaimed first but Zoeko.

I saw her reflexively covered the beautiful face with her small hands, and then opened the gap between her fingers with a flushed face, revealing the shining star eyes behind her, just staring at Yu Shu directly, without any hesitation Wink means.

"Mom, what is that?"

"That's a pervert, Xiaozhi must never become that kind of person when he grows up, you know?"

Not far away, a mother covered her daughter's eyes with her hand and taught carefully to prevent the scene in front of her from causing an indelible psychological shadow on her daughter.

"Hey, I didn't expect young people nowadays to be so open. Am I getting old?"

"I'm going, this buddy is so talented, he actually did something I never dared to do, I admire Jun Ito's real name!"

"Hey, is that the police uncle? I want to call the police. I met a perverted idiot in the car!"

"I didn't expect this little brother to look immature, but his face is so mature, I really want to taste it—"

For a while, it was like a pot exploded in the subway car, and all kinds of onlookers began to discuss, some accused, some called the police, some videotaped, and some liked it...

But our Yu Shu's brain was completely blank at this time, and he froze in place like a dead machine, and he didn't even notice when that OL slut disappeared.

How can this be!I obviously fastened my belt very tightly, and the buttons were still stuck, why did it suddenly slip off strangely?This is not scientific!

Could this be the severe punishment that the system prompt said just now?Let yourself die on the spot in front of hundreds of people in the subway?

This is indeed very harsh for Yu Shu, under the gaze of the crowd round after round, Yu Shu almost buckled out of a villa with his toes in embarrassment.

[Ding dong——Xuanyuan Road Station is here, please get off the passengers in order...]

After hearing the sound of the stop announcement, Yushu pulled up his trousers and covered his face as if he was amnesty, and dragged Zuo Yizi out of the crowd, leaving only a fleeing figure behind, and the ongoing discussion in the carriage Voice.


Yu Shu really wanted to die now, but he didn't expect that the subway slut in the morning didn't catch him and didn't say anything, instead he made himself look like a perverted idiot.

And after being uploaded by enthusiastic netizens, Yu Shu also brushed himself on the short video platform of his mobile phone.

Although his face was blocked by many onlookers, Hiroki recognized himself from the outline at a glance.

"Hey, watch this video quickly. I heard that this morning on Metro Line 7, a perverted idiot blatantly took off his pants, and then exposed them to everyone's sight, in order to satisfy his perverted hobby , and I heard that he is a male high school student who is about our age."

"Wow, how can there be such a disgusting person? I didn't expect to have such a perverted hobby at a young age. It seems that you should be careful when you go to school and take the subway after school. I don't want to be unlucky to encounter such a pervert."

The comments of two female classmates in the same class floated into Yushu's ears, which raised his level of social life to another level, and directly buried his face on the table in embarrassment and anger, as if he wanted to get into it all .

"Yo Yushu, why did you sleep on the table early in the morning, did you not rest last night?"

The hedgehog-haired Rintaro sat down on the empty seat in front of Hiroki and asked curiously.

"Um, no, I'm thinking about some philosophical issues..." Yu Shu absent-mindedly cast a sloppy eye.

"Yu Shu, let me tell you, I saw a super explosive news just now, after listening to it, I guarantee you will not be sleepy.

Just in the morning, a buddy took off his pants in front of everyone on the subway, and then chased the female passengers in the car around, like a male dog in heat.

Moreover, there are eyewitness reports that this person is a student in our school. It is too ruthless for me to go. There is such a ruthless person in our school. I will really see the true face of this old man and worship him. "

"Uh..." whip corpse x2.

Hiroki wanted to cry for a moment but had no tears.

Who can come to save the child? I said that I didn't chase the female passengers everywhere, okay, why did it become like this! !


Yu Shu buried his face on the table again, wishing he could smash the table into a big hole so that he could get in. Now he just wants to be alone and quiet.


The first class in the morning is still mathematics. I still remember that at this time yesterday, because I was picking up a pen, I accidentally bumped into the beautiful garden under Chizuru's pantyhose.

Hiroki quietly glanced at the direction of the back table from the corner of his eye. Chizuru Fuyumoto was writing something at his desk at this moment. She was wearing jet-black and beautiful waterfall long hair draped over her shoulders and jade back. Under the light, the whole person exudes a quiet girlish temperament.

I don't know if she found out when she returned home yesterday. If she found out, then the fact that she was seen by him will also be exposed...

But judging from Fuyumoto Chizuru's state at this time, didn't he notice it?Otherwise, how could it be as if nothing happened?

No matter how confused the girls are, they will notice it, and besides, won't they feel chilly when walking on the road?

After all, the pantyhose worn by Chizuru Fuyumoto is only 10D thick, which does not provide any warmth at all.

Or has she always been like this?So get used to it...

Thinking of this, Yu Shu hurriedly threw out the thoughts in his head.

Hiroki Kamishima, why are your thoughts so dirty!

You actually look at your classmates with this kind of eyes, you were not like this before!

Yushu sighed helplessly. After all, what happened in the past two days really made him a little confused, and he would subconsciously think of his classmates in that way.

Hiroki Kamishima, you must cheer up!How can there be so many sluts in the world, everything will gradually get better!

Yu Shu cheered himself up in his heart, so he resisted the urge to knock off the pen, and prevented himself from doing that perverted behavior of spying.

However, just as Hiroki shifted his thoughts away from Chizuru Fuyumoto, he happened to catch a glimpse of a cool figure on his right.

A head of beautiful ice-blue long hair, an elegant and slim white long dress, and a pair of blue high-heeled shoes decorated with snowflakes, all set off Tianchuan Huayi's dusty temperament, as beautiful as the rumored big monster Yuki.

Yushu looked back and forth at the cold Tianchuan Huayi, comparing her with the female customer who bought the little porn book last night in his mind.

Although she is dressed differently, her unique cool temperament and a pair of light blue eyes that people will never forget after seeing it make it difficult for Hiroki not to connect the two of them together, unless she has a similar appearance and temperament A sister very similar to her.

Chapter 16 Facial Cleanser

But after thinking about it, after all, no one is perfect, although Tianchuan Huayi gives people a cold feeling.

But whether it is a man or a woman, it is normal to have some physical or mental needs at this age of youth hormone explosion...

Although the books Tianchuan Huayi bought were all about campus goddesses being raped or raped, Yuki still decided to respect her XP. After all, human XP is free.

In short, no matter what the reason is, it's better not to meddle in other people's business. Now the relationship between the two is quite delicate, and he doesn't want to make this relationship worse.

Just when Yushu was thinking this way, Tianchuan Huai's beautiful light blue eyes suddenly met her own.

Oops, found out!

Yuki hurriedly looked away from Tianchuan Huai, pretending to be listening to the class seriously, and taking notes decently.

As a result, Huayi Tianchuan couldn't stop looking at it, as if she wanted to see through Yushu from the inside to the outside, the temperature on the right side unconsciously dropped by two degrees.

"Uh..." Is it because I discovered her little secret that she is planning to kill me?

Yu Shu recalled some homicide news reported on the Internet recently. There are many female murderers whose methods are often more cruel and bloody than men, and generally have good looks.

Thinking of this, Yushu shuddered subconsciously, and then squeezed out a harmless smile on his face a little stiffly, conveying friendship to Tianchuan Huayi.

Basically, I didn't see anything yesterday, we are our own people, I will never say that out loud, don't worry!

Yushu used all the micro-expressions he learned on TV in the past two years, fearing that Tianchuan Huayi would cause some misunderstanding if he couldn't understand it.

As a result, Tian Chuan Huai didn't like this at all, just stared at Yu Shu with her beautiful eyes, and didn't respond or make any expression, her snow-white pretty face seemed to be frozen.

Yu Shu felt wronged, I didn't mean to bump into you buying a notebook, why did you keep looking at me with those cold eyes!

And I have always kept my mouth shut and didn't talk nonsense, what else do you want!


Fortunately, the bell for the end of get out of class rang very timely, and Yushu was able to escape from the cold sight, and then rushed out of the class door first without thinking.

One is that Tian Chuan Huai looks a little hairy all over, and the other is that he has been urinating since the beginning of class, so Hiroki is impatient and wants to go to the men's bathroom to let go.

"Whoa, whoa-"

After urinating, Yuki shivered comfortably, and then stuffed the 40 back.

Due to the increase of 20, Yu Shu didn't grasp the distance just now, and accidentally splashed a part of the edge of the urinal.

"It seems that next time we have to stand a little further back." Yushu sighed in his heart.

After washing his hands, Yu Shu was walking in the corridor, while lowering his head and meditating on things, because he was so engrossed in thinking that he didn't even notice the two mountains that were about to hit.


A mature and seductive voice of Yujie suddenly came from the front.

Hiroki, who hadn't reacted yet, suddenly bumped into some objects that girls only have but boys don't.

And due to inertia, Yu Shu's entire face was deeply stuck in the moat, being squeezed from left to right, and then a faint scent of fragrance came to his nostrils.


Under the package of body fragrance and plumpness, Yu Shu re-experienced the feeling of a facial cleanser after many years.

It's just that the strong sense of suffocation and the dizziness gradually hitting the brain tell Yu Shu that you should leave, otherwise you will faint due to lack of oxygen!

Under the instinct of self-help, Yushu unconsciously grabbed something that could overflow his palms, then pushed his arms forward and pulled his head back. Pulled out of the bottomless moat.

"Pfft, ha-ha-"

Yu Shu took a few mouthfuls of fresh air, which relieved the squeeze and suffocation a lot, and then moved his eyes to see the true identity of the woman in front of him.

A pair of exquisite thin-rimmed black-rimmed glasses, two plump and sexy fiery red lips.

A slim-fit teacher overalls with an open collar, and two attractive suspenders black stockings.

It is Hiroki's new homeroom teacher and biology teacher, Nakahira Akemi.

"Yu Shu-san, please remember to watch the road next time, you have been hurt by the teacher—"

Nakahiro Akimi's red lips curled up in a playful arc, and she said half-seriously and half-coquettishly.

"I'm really sorry, Teacher Mingmei, I was thinking about something just now and didn't notice you. I must pay attention next time!"

Yu Shu didn't expect that on the second day of school, he would have such an oolong with the female class teacher, and be buried in the face by the students, any woman would be angry!Yushu can already imagine the future of being put on small shoes by the head teacher.

"Forget it, the teacher also knows that you didn't do it on purpose, but as a condition, the teacher's biology class props in the next section, but you have to ask Yushu to help me move it together—"

After Yu Shu heard the word punishment, he thought it would be something serious, but he just helped move some props, which is not too easy!

"No problem, Teacher Mingmei, I will take care of this trivial matter!"

It seems that Teacher Mingmei is not only good-looking, but also kind-hearted, and she has no intention of embarrassing the students at all.

"Then Yuki-san will follow the teacher."

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