
Deathly quiet.

The rest of the succubi all froze their expressions in disbelief. Looking at the scene in front of them, they even forgot to wipe off the holy water on their bodies and cheeks.

You know, the mid-level succubus that popped like a balloon just now is a rare mid-level succubus, Kerrys!

Among the succubi present, besides Lord Hetty, she was the strongest.


But she was given by Jingye, a human teenager...

It's bursting! !

The succubi who reacted suddenly fell into a heated discussion like popcorn that exploded.

Actually, in the process of eating, I was stuffed to death by food...

If you say this to the succubus who is not at the scene, you will definitely be laughed out of your teeth.

Even the ancient books passed down from generation to generation in the Demon World seem to have no similar records.

"Master Hetty, what should we do now..."

A low-level succubus asked hesitantly the backbone of the team.

"What should I do? Give it to my old lady! Drain this brat for me!!"

Although it is not clear why this human teenager has such an exaggerated amount.

But his behavior just now undoubtedly angered Hetty.

So what if there is more quantity?

You can blow up one succubus, but could it be possible to blow up a hundred?

"Yes! Lord Hetty."

After receiving the order, the other hundred succubi flew towards Yu Shu like locusts crossing the border.

And they all opened their second mouths one after another, preparing to savor the next gluttonous feast.

Facing such a large number of succubi, Yu Shu just twitched his mouth and sneered in his heart.

"Very good, save me looking for one by one."

I saw Yushu spread his legs apart, and then took a solid horse stance, and the white light on the Demon Killing Spear lit up again.

"The four types of gun skills, open branches and leaves!"

The name of the move is called out.

The Demon Killing Spear was like a thick tree trunk, rising from the ground in an instant.

Then around the trunk, branches with the same shape as the trunk grew.

The branches of the branches continue to extend more branches.

in a while...

On the main body of the Demon Killing Spear, nearly a hundred clones split off.

The succubi who were swooping down all came to a sudden stop, as if they were frightened by Yushu's operation.

What the hell is this! ?

Is this still human? ?

How does it feel, even more outrageous than these succubus!

These succubi asked themselves, they had never seen such an exaggerated stick when they grew so big.

You, a small human boy, using the liquid you secreted to explode the succubus is already outrageous enough.

Now it has changed from one to a hundred?

Is it really possible to evenly cover the rain and dew, so that every succubus can be full?

Facing those dazed succubi, Yu Shu didn't just sit still, and directly shot out more than 100 branches!

Fast as a phantom, swift as thunder.

Before the succubi could react, the demon-killing spears pierced into their source of power one after another.




Comfortable groans can be heard endlessly.

After these succubi were pierced by Yushu, not only did they not feel pain, but their bodies twitched wave after wave.

It seems that the soul and body are floating comfortably in the sky.

It was the first time in their life that they experienced such a tight and full feeling.

When Yu Shu saw that the timing was almost right, he directly let a hundred demon-killing guns move at the same time, and began to bombard them indiscriminately.

Then large swaths of holy water spewed out, giving those succubi who were still in a state of euthanasia a comfortable euthanasia.




Several succubus figures turned into fine dust one after another, pouring towards the Demon Killing Spear until they were completely absorbed.

1 minute later.

In the sky, apart from the larger succubus, there was no shadow of any succubus.

Not even a single body hair was left.


Heidi, one of the ten ancient succubi, even though she was stupid and arrogant, gradually realized that something was wrong.

This is a human teenager with white hair and a huge spear.

Unexpectedly, in two rounds, all the subordinates he led were wiped out.

how can that be!

How could a mere human being do such a thing?

Even if those girls from the God Realm were there in person, they wouldn't be crushed so thoroughly.

Could it be that this young man caused the soaring white glow in the north just now? ?

Who is he?

Why is there such a powerful force?

"Old Ba, come back quickly."

At this time, a sexy voice of Yu Jie was slowly transmitted to Heidi's mind through the telepathy between the succubus.

"Third sister?"

"It's me, where you are now, you can't stay for long, return to the devil's lair immediately!"


Succubus Heidi was a little unconvinced.

One of his majestic leaders of the demon clan, now he wants to run away in front of a human?

If this spreads, won't it make the people of the same clan laugh out loud!

"Now is not the time for you to be willful, the prophecy of the Demon Race will soon be fulfilled."

"Prophecy? What prophecy?"

"The second type of gun skill."

After Yushu withdrew the effect of spreading branches and leaves, he changed his posture again, preparing to use the trick to instantly kill the succubus Cherie.

Looking at the powerful fluctuations constantly emanating from under Yu Shu.

In Jia's mind, the third sister kept urging.

Finally, Heidi was slightly shaken.

"Boy, I will let you go today, and next time, I will definitely get you back with interest!"

After the succubus Hetty finished speaking, she turned her body around, turned into a purple mist, and disappeared in place like a ghost.

"Don't run away!"

Yuki hastily increased the speed of charging the moves.




"Uh..." The fourth word was not shouted out.

Because Yu Shu's brain suddenly fell into a coma state, the exhaustion like a tide overwhelmed him all at once.

what happened?

Is it too much physical exertion?

Yu Shu supported his forehead with his hands, and after walking a few steps wobbly, he fell to the ground directly due to loss of strength.

Think about it too.

After all, I have just awakened to power.

As a result, the big move was used many times in a row.

It would be strange if it didn't collapse!

Fortunately, the large succubus withdrew in time, otherwise he might be the one who would be in danger next.

Ah, so sleepy, I really want to sleep.

Yu Shu felt that his eyelids seemed to be supported by two mountains, making him want to close his eyes all the time.


Yu Shu rolled his eyes and took another look at the emaciated father who had lost his vitality.

Then his eyes finally went dark, and he fell into a deep coma.

I can finally sleep...


I don't know if it's an illusion.

Just before Hiroki fainted.

He seemed to see two vague female figures suddenly appearing beside him.

Could it be someone else in the tribe?

These were the last words Yu Shu thought about before losing consciousness.

Chapter 118 Encounter

"Sister, is he really human?"

A female voice as crisp as a warbler's cry slowly drifted into Yu Shu's ears.

Let him wake up gradually from his coma.

But just to be on the safe side, Hiroki didn't open his eyelids.

"Well, judging from the breath on his body, he is no different from a human being."

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