Sick and Delicate Magnet Author: Dig Jue Ji


Xia Xue never imagined that the cyber violence from the irascible brother could also become a reality, and the curse of leaving only one page in the household registration book is too much.

But I've never heard of it becoming a little loli along with it.

exist?How can I escape from being targeted by my sick and charming elder sister?

Waiting online, very anxious.

Volume One

Chapter 1 Words Come True

Why do people live?

Xia Xue had never thought about this question before today.

In other words, I have never seriously thought about this issue.

The energy-saving lamps hanging on the ceiling were not turned on, and the door curtains were closed tightly, so the room looked extremely dark.

She was lying on the bed, staring blankly at a corner of the room. The room was too dark, and what she saw was only a blur.

She may have thought about this question before, but after all, she didn't pay much attention to it, and she couldn't come up with a really convincing answer, so she quickly forgot about it.

There are actually many answers that can be thought of, but this time, she still failed to draw any good conclusions.

And then again, why, why did she have to encounter such a thing?

This made her even more confused.

The name Xia Xue sounds like a woman's name. Although it is indeed her real name, she was not originally a woman. The reason why she was called Xia Xue was that it happened to snow on the day he was born.

What a random name.

But contrary to this casual-sounding name, the parents who brought her up actually cherish their children very much.


This happened to her.

So much so that she lost everything she had.

"wanna die."

Xia Xue turned over from the bed, muttered something, and was about to get up and cook.

It's almost evening since I woke up in the morning, and thinking about it, I haven't figured out anything, and it's meaningless to grind any further.

Besides, she hasn't eaten anything until now, and she is already very hungry.

Although she said unlucky words, she was just talking.

Although she didn't know how to survive in the future, at least for now, she didn't have the guts to seek death.

She was originally just an ordinary male, even if he wanted to break his head, he didn't know why, after waking up, he turned into a little girl who looked only about 12 years old.

As of yesterday, she was still working as a Taobao customer service in an online store. If it is further subdivided, she is the most difficult after-sales customer service in the customer service.

This job is nothing special, no matter how you think about it, it has nothing to do with becoming a little lolita.

Speaking of which, why is the job of after-sales customer service so difficult?

Because you have to be scolded.

Although the pre-sales customer service has to deal with multiple customers at the same time, those buyers usually don’t have much to say when they buy your things. At most, they just ask some questions. The stupid bionic person who sent the shortcut phrase, he just left, there is nothing to say, the big deal is that no order was generated.

And after-sales service refers to the group of customers who come to trouble you after something goes wrong after buying something.

Of course not everyone has such a bad temper, but when the number of customers increases, scolding is definitely inevitable.

Generally speaking, there are relatively few male customer service on the surface, but in fact there are many male customer service, but most of them will pretend to be little sisters when chatting with customers, which is always inevitable.

Xia Xue considers herself to be an incompetent idiot, and her ability to withstand pressure is also very good, so she can continue to do this job.

certainly.If she was really capable, she would not be willing to be an after-sales customer service who was scolded every day.

Sometimes she also thinks, is she really good at nothing?

There are actually many things she wants to do, and there are many jobs and things she yearns for.

But she felt that she didn't have the talent to do those things well.

So it's just a matter of thinking.

I don't have the talent...

"What a waste."

Every time after fantasizing, Xia Xue would draw such a conclusion for herself.

So she became more inferior and more reticent.

The female colleague of after-sales customer service is sometimes harassed by the irascible brother, and when she cries and transfers the customer to Xia Xue, she will not complain.

So she was scolded more often.

"It doesn't hurt to scold me anyway, so it doesn't matter."

She always thinks so.

But being scolded is not a happy thing after all, even if you bear it, there will always be some unhappiness smoldering in your heart.

Other customer service staff are always reluctant to deal with the difficult and irritable elder brother, but Xia Xue's side is an excellent trash can without any complaints.Therefore, it was a matter of course to push these people to Xiaoxue to deal with.

Xia Xue was actually unwilling, she just didn't refuse...

If you don't do some things, there's nothing you can do about it. If you're willing to do it, you'll have to give it a try.

By the way, the nickname of Xia Xue's customer service sub-account is 'Xiaoxue', which is to pretend to be a little sister.

Because of her performance, it is impossible for Xia Xue to accept all the troublesome customers, but she is often responsible for the most difficult group of players.


After all, she is just a wage earner, and she doesn't have the power to solve many customers' requests.

Fortunately, her stupidity is just right, so those irascible brothers really can't do anything to her.

Even so, the turnover rate of customer service work is quite high. After all, this is not a pleasant job, and the salary is not high. Most of the people who come to do it are young students who have just graduated, so they can do it for a long time. Not many.

She actually doesn't like pretending to be a girl on the Internet, although it will save her a lot of scolding.

Unexpectedly, she actually became a little sister. Could this be retribution?

That's not the case, and she hasn't used this method to deceive anyone before.

This change without warning can only be regarded as bad news for him now.

After all, yesterday's autistic colleague suddenly turned into a cute loli, which is unacceptable to anyone.

Of course, the cute loli can accept it, but the autistic contestant is no longer there.

No one would associate her with the former Xia Xue.

Moreover, the original Xia Xue had also truly disappeared.

Her parents' contact numbers, friends on social software, and even everyone who knew his original identity had forgotten the original Xia Xue.

But the current Xia Xue was also unknown.

It's like appearing out of nowhere.

The avatar on the ID card has changed into a cute loli with a straight face, but the ridiculous thing is that the age has not changed.

Don't say it's a legal loli, this body doesn't look like 23 years old, right?

It is barely acceptable to say that it is 13 years old.

For Xia Xue, this kind of thing happened, after all, it was just a fact of waking up.

She even thought for a while that she was still in a dream.

She wouldn't have gotten up to cook if she wasn't so hungry.

You have to wait until you wake up from the dream.

But, when will such a dream wake up?

She doesn't know anymore.

Parents have already forgotten Xia Xue's original identity, and even they don't know anything about her now.

Xia Xue hesitated for a long time, gritted her teeth looking at the few words in the chat history, but still did not delete her parents' social accounts.

"How are you doing recently?"

"Excuse me, who are you?"

It's a good thing she didn't add the word mother in front, otherwise, how would it end?

The same goes for other friends and even classmates. Although they are friends on social software, they can't find any chat records, as if all traces of the former Xia Xue in this world have been erased.

"Why, don't you delete these remaining things as well?"

If she deletes it thoroughly, she will still feel that she has become the kind of protagonist who travels to another world. Maybe, like those people, she can leave everything behind and call people she doesn't know. Mom and Dad, forget about your old self and start a new life.

Too bad she isn't.

The evidence of her previous existence is still kept one by one, and it reminds her all the time that this is where she has always lived.

Xia Xue held the phone in a daze, watching the screen gradually turn off, and her strange face was reflected on the screen.

A very cute face, she had never seen such a cute face before, even on the mobile phone screen that was scratched by nails, the eyes reflected were as clear as water.

If it was the original him, seeing such a lovely girl pursing her lips and smiling at him on the subway home from get off work, his gloomy mood would definitely be much better.

If only the little girl wasn't herself.

Speaking of which, yesterday there was a irascible old man who was angry at her, asking whether her household registration book only had one page. I didn't expect that person to make his words come true. It's really funny.

It's a pity that Xia Xue can't laugh now.

She has no place to go back to.

She will definitely not be able to go back to the original home, and there is no one who knows her anymore.

Whether it's the original him or the current her.

And how long can she live in the rented house now?

Although half a year's rent was paid in advance, there are only two months left, and she has no savings to continue living.

Because of what happened today, she didn't go to work. Could it be that she will go to work as usual tomorrow?But if you look for a job again like this, no one will want it...

Employing child labor is illegal.

No, the age on her current ID card is at least the original 23 years old, so maybe she has a chance.

What if someone wants it?

She has been very good as a customer service (anti-stress).

It can also type 98 new characters per minute on average, and can handle questions raised by multiple customers at the same time.

Wait, why is she still working as a customer service?

It might be good to do other things, anyway, she doesn't want to be a customer service anymore, she really isn't shaking M, besides, would anyone really like being a customer service?

Although she couldn't understand Shaking M's way of thinking, she felt from the bottom of her heart that even Shaking M would not like this job.

But she is afraid to do the work that needs to show her face. She doesn't know how to speak when she sees strangers, so she has to find ways to find things that can be done without showing her face.

By the way, she doesn't think about work related to her body.

Although Xia Xue also felt that she was a stupid waste, no matter what she did, she would never do anything reckless.

Since she is a waste, there is a reason for a waste.

After something like this happened, if she could really solve it, she wouldn't call herself a waste.

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