"Is that cat yours?"


Wen Ruyu's answer seemed to explain the question he asked Leng Yubing just now.

It is not Wen Ruyu's cat.

As it should be, in the semi-wild state, it will not be willing to accept Wen Ruyu's overly intimate pampering. Although it will run over to touch her a few times because of a bite, if she does too much, the cat will leave her , and will bite her when blocked.

"Do you want to keep it?"

Leng Yubing pointed to the wall at the edge of the garden. The black cat didn't run very far once, but stood on the wall and stopped, staring at it.

"I want to raise a better one."

Wen Ruyu raised the hand bitten by the cat. The wound was neither big nor deep, but it hurt, but she didn't cry.

Even so, the pain this time did leave a deep mark on her heart.

According to Leng Yubing's father's words, it is called "long memory".

"Hmph, what about you? Leng Yubing, do you want to raise that cat?"

Wen Ruyu asked with a smile, her words were full of evil taste.

"I don't keep cats."

Leng Yubing was still expressionless, she didn't like the girl in front of her.

Because she knew the cat would die soon.

In fact, the cat really died in the end. It was caught by a hound and swung to death within a few strokes.

This was not Wen Ruyu's request, or even if she asked her father to ignore the cat, it would be useless. Children's opinions would have no effect. In their eyes, once a beast hurts someone, it deserves to die.

What's more, the one who was bitten was the most beloved daughter of the father who was over fifty years old.

The familiar ringtone from the mobile phone interrupted Leng Yubing's not-so-good memories. She stood up and answered the call from Wen Ruyu.

Chapter 180 Knife

In fact, there is nothing complicated about what happened last night. It was a coincidence that Leng Yubing met Bai Yingying who planned to go to the hospital with Yang Luchan. Change.

It's just that once the matter is about Xia Xue, Wen Ruyu will not slack off in the slightest.

The people in Yang Luchan's hometown seem to have some connections with Leng Yubing's lineage, but that's all. It's not a relationship worth investigating, but unlike Leng Yubing's father, Yang Luchan's relatives seem to be very united , and protect the short.

But this is of little use. Even though he is very forthright on the issue of compensation, Dean Gu is obviously not someone who lacks the money for soup and medicine. Naturally, he refuses to accept mediation, and as the dean, the injury issued by him The results of the appraisal were also exaggerated, which made it no longer a trivial matter. The result he wanted was to send Yang Luchan to jail.

So this conversation broke up unhappy, and after a series of procedures were completed, even if this matter was finally settled, it would inevitably drag on for a long time.

This kind of thing is not Wen Ruyu's intention. Her original intention is to make Yang Luchan unable to get away temporarily. If she does it too obviously, she will be involved too much, and in order to deal with these troubles, it is easier to expose herself. .

Dean Gu himself chose to issue a fake injury appraisal, perhaps because of fear.

Because of this, after he regained a certain sense of security, the first thing he thought of was to take revenge through the law.

He didn't want to suffer this beating in vain.

And when Yang Luchan said that her motive was to save people, no one would believe it, after all, there was no evidence.

When confronted, Dean Gu naturally denied everything about Xia Xue, and even said that his hospital had never accepted such a patient.

And Yang Luchan, who didn't have any actual evidence, was so angry with him, but even if she recorded the audio when interrogating Dean Gu last night, it was useless, and said directly that she didn't know what Yang Luchan was talking about, just to avoid being beaten , just follow it down.

Information obtained through coercion can be used on its own, but it cannot be used as reliable evidence.

And Wen Ruyu's instructions were relatively simple, and she didn't express any opinion on the tricks played by Dean Gu. She just asked Leng Yubing to stare at him in the next few days to ensure his safety. Don't show up if necessary.

Leng Yubing naturally understood what Wen Ruyu meant.

It’s fine if Dean Gu doesn’t do these things. After all, it’s Yang Luchan’s own fault, and he will bear the consequences for what he did. But if he cheats on certain things, he wants to make the “consequences” more serious , then Yang Luchan is not the only one who feels indignant about this.

People who are good at martial arts will naturally have certain attainments in medicine, but most of them are unique in places such as bruises, and the injuries suffered by Dean Gu are caused by Yang Luchan's elders. It seems to be a false one.

For such an obvious framing, they will definitely not swallow their anger, and this matter cannot end like this.

Dean Gu is not as safe as he thought.

After tidying up the knives strapped to her body one by one, Leng Yubing got up from the sofa in the room, ready to go out.

Speaking of which, she has only been on vacation for a few days. She originally thought she would be on permanent paid vacation. If it takes a few more months, maybe she plans to find another job in her spare time to relieve boredom. It seems that taking double salary Not bad.

But even so, it is very boring. Her heart has been trained to be numb and cold a long time ago, and the training aimed at "killing the enemy" since she was a child will never be of any use. Everything I paid seemed to be a joke.

After this matter is over, Wen Ruyu no longer needs her, and it will be time for her to take a vacation again.

Come and go as you call.

When she was free, Leng Yubing planned to offer incense to her father.

It seems that it has been a while since I have seen this unsmiling and strict old father in the cemetery.

Leng Yubing's father is about the same age as Wen Ruyu's father, but unlike Wen Zheng's "old son", the Leng family usually does not pass on bloodlines as an excuse, but only chooses talents and personalities that are very suitable It was just child adoption. Compared with Leng Yubing's father's position, the adoption procedures on Leng Yubing's side were unexpectedly formal, so Leng Yubing's age was more than 40 years younger than this adoptive father.

Children born to people with outstanding talents may not necessarily be able to inherit this talent, but the times have changed, and there is no need to devote themselves to passing on this skill.

Maybe she will live quietly in the dark like her own father, and then die quietly like her own existence.

"It's boring."

Leng Yubing pulled out the flying knife from his waist, and with a slight shake of his wrist, the flying knife flashed past and was firmly nailed to the wooden door.

She pulled out the flying knife and put it back at her waist.

What is interesting?

She walked out of the door and came to the street. It was dusk at this time, and the street was very crowded during off-duty hours. The car horns kept ringing one after another, but it didn't disturb Leng Yubing's thoughts.


She suddenly remembered something.

Speaking of which, some time ago, someone stole a knife from me.

She touched the leather sheath that was still vacant at her waist, and pursed her lips slightly. The vacancy in this place was still unfilled, not that she didn't have a spare throwing knife. Her throwing knives have already filled a warehouse, but for some reason, she always forgets to mend this place.

In fact, she will not forget.

Then why?

What is it that binds her?

What is suppressing my heart?

In fact, since her strength surpassed that harsh and gloomy old man a few years ago, no one and no reason has been able to restrict her.

Of course, she knew where the lost knife was. After Wen Ruyu picked up the knife Xia Xue was holding, she didn't notify Leng Yubing to get it, and she didn't even mention it.

She naturally had reasons for not wanting Leng Yubing to approach again, but it was her own knife after all, and she still wanted to take it back if possible.

She was somewhat different from that father after all.

Once you're done with that, just "resign."

Although I didn't sign any labor contract related to my job originally.

Maybe this would make it easier to resign. Of course, the same goes for getting fired, but Leng Yubing prefers to take the initiative.

Chapter 180 Traveling

Today may also be an important day for Xia Xue, after all, it is also her first time to go out after being rescued by Sister Wen!

But even in the car, for the sake of safety, Xia Xue still didn't put down the "old three clothes" she was wearing.

These few things were delivered together with the mobile phone in the afternoon. It didn't take much time to prepare things like coats, masks and eyes.

After the things were delivered, it seemed that she saw Xia Xue's excited face, and Wen Ruyu didn't intend to delay, so she planned to take Xia Xue for a stroll outside.

And today is sister Wen's rest day, isn't it the right time, place and people?

Xia Xue was fiddling with the mobile phone that had just arrived at this time, thinking happily in her heart.

And and.

It's not that she's stupid. If she had thought of this a few days earlier, it would be useless. Anyway, sister Wen has her own job, so it's impossible to take her out, so even if she thought about it, she would just wait a few more days.

And think of the right method at the right time, without waiting, isn't that profitable?

Hmph, it's just being wise and stupid.

From then on, the title of "stupid" can be taken from her head.

Speaking of which, it's a pity that sister Wen can't touch her head if she wears a hood...

Wait, since when did I feel that it would be a "pity" not to be touched on the head?

Wasn't it still in the state of "not repelling" before?

What the hell...

While struggling with these strange things, Wen Ruyu's car had already left the urban area and came to the highway.

Naturally, the first time I went out was not to go shopping in the downtown area, not to mention that Xia Xue didn't have a hobby of shopping in the first place. The destination of this trip was a relatively remote place. Anyway, when Wen Ruyu asked where Xia Xue was going, she replied What's more, I didn't think about it well, after all, there is no way to see Bai Yingying now, so other than that, Wen Ruyu can only make the decision, so Wen Ruyu chose a safer place.

One is far away from the urban area, and the other is to go to a place with better scenery.

But speaking of it, the place where she originally lived was quite out of the way.

But it's getting dark now, is it really no problem to walk so far?

Xia Xue was a little worried about whether there would be insufficient time to prepare dinner today.

After all, no matter how long it took you to go, the time you will come back must be about the same. You only left in the afternoon, but now you have already driven for more than an hour on the road, and it seems that you haven't reached your destination yet. Xia Xue went to ask and got The name of the place is also very broad. It is said to go to a mountain in a certain place to see the scenery. Although the place name Wen Ruyu mentioned can be searched from the software on the mobile phone, generally speaking, there are few people naming the top of the mountain, unless it is a certain famous mountain. What Wen Ruyu didn't say, maybe that mountain didn't have any name in the first place.

But according to sister Wen, it seems that there will be nothing wrong tomorrow.

Of course, rather than saying that there is nothing to do, it is better to say that she can freely allocate her own time.

If that's the case, maybe I won't go back tonight?

The scenery outside the car window keeps receding, and Xia Xue has become boring to watch. Since she left the city, she has removed all the "old three things" from her body. The organization was discovered.

Of course, the main thing is still uncomfortable....

And the second after removing these things, Xia Xue felt a familiar touch on her head, the feeling of being touched!

But this feeling didn't last long, after all, Wen Ruyu still had to drive.

It was around five o'clock in the afternoon before finally arriving at the destination. Xia Xue was already a little motion sick, but fortunately, it was not serious, but the excitement at the beginning was gone, and the feeling of dizziness was also breathing fresh outside. After the cool tone, he relieved a lot.

Wen Ruyu's car was parked at the foot of a mountain, and Xia Xue didn't get a reminder before arriving at the destination, so she was still looking at her mobile phone in the car at that time, and didn't know the scenery of the mountain from a distance until the car stopped. Only then did she know that she had reached her destination.

By the way, maybe a large part of the reason for her motion sickness is looking at her mobile phone.

Although she couldn't know the scenery in the distance, Xia Xue was still so surprised by the scenery she saw from close up that her dizzy head suddenly woke up.

is a flower.

There are a lot of flowers blooming on the mountain.

This mountain is not high, compared to a real mountain, it can only be said to be a bag of earth, but this also happens to be able to make the amount of work to complete such a scenic spot within an acceptable range.

That is to open an upward ladder from it, and both sides of the ladder are full of planted flowers.

Looking up from the foot of the mountain, there are flowers competing to open on both sides of a long staircase.

Next to the first step at the foot of the mountain, there is a sign called "Hundred Flower Road".

It's quite interesting, it feels like the entrance to a certain sect in a martial arts novel.

The one that Xia Xue can still call is "Peach Blossom Island".

But this seems to be just a scenic spot, and it seems that a little further up, the road is cut off, and the surrounding facilities are not so perfect except for flowers.

"This area is still under construction, so it is not yet open to the public."

Wen Ruyu answered Xia Xue's doubts in a timely manner.


As long as there are flowers, it is enough.

Of course, it would be even better if there was a less tiring way to climb up.

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