Although she didn't understand it very well, Xia Xue didn't really want to ask for a manuscript, so she directly used her newly registered illustration website account to private message her.

Anyway, it means that I need to let her draw a picture of xp for me, the price is favorable, and then just ask for the contact information.

However, no reply was received immediately after the message was sent. After all, this software is basically not used for instant contact, and there is a high probability that Bai Yingying has not registered.

However, the social software account was registered, and Bai Yingying did not post her further contact information on the illustration website account.

So Xia Xue went to other websites to search for the account name of "Banzitou Lolita". Some of the more popular ones had posts about this user name, and there were many early posts. Xia Xue could easily tell which ones. It was Bai Yingying's account. After all, she used to surf the Internet all day long, and she could find a lot of information about her.

After searching for a while, Xia Xue found a group account in a post she posted. This is a relatively early post, so it seems to be a communication group about painting that she joined. Just a wave.

But it’s easy to have a group number. In short, I hope this group will not be blocked because of driving too much...

Xia Xue copied the group number familiarly, and then searched. Fortunately, she could still find that group.

And even though she sent an application to join the group, she didn't have to care whether people agreed or not, because she had already seen the profile picture of the ball-headed loli in the administrator information introduced by the group.

"Hmph, I found you!"

Although Xia Xue didn't remember the names of all of Bai Yingying's aliases, her avatar was still very recognizable. No matter what nickname she changed, her avatar would always be a loli with a pair of ball heads.

Isn't Xia Xue sending a friend request directly?

Considering how to increase the success rate of her friend application without being discovered by the God Organization, Xia Xue thought for a while, and filled in the additional message, "It's snowing here, is it the same here? "This kind of Riddler information.

Of course, I don't want Bai Yingying to be able to understand the homonym of Xia Xue, which belongs to her name, but as long as Bai Yingying doesn't block her, she can keep applying to be friends until she agrees.

Of course, even if she was blocked, Xia Xue remembered her account now, at worst, just create a new account and add her.

Speaking of which, it's really strange that I still have to find ways to find the sickly and delicate Bai Yingying to report her safety and so on...

But she is very weak, so it doesn't matter. It was purely Xia Xue's own carelessness that she was able to succeed before.

Of course, Xia Xue still believes that Bai Yingying is a good child in her heart. It's just that something went wrong in her mind for a while, so she thinks about doing those things. If she is properly enlightened, it should be fine.


Recalling the previous events, Xia Xue suddenly felt that her negotiation skills were still to be considered.

But maybe you can ask sister Wen around for help. Now she is not alone, and if it is sister Wen, she will definitely be able to give a very effective and reliable solution.

It would be great if Bai Yingying could return to normal.

But let's talk about this kind of thing tomorrow. The application for joining the group and the application for friends have not been approved. Bai Yingying may not be online at all, and Xia Xue can only put down her phone and go to sleep.

"Xiaoxue, are you sleepy now?"

Wen Ruyu's voice recalled from the side, and Xia Xue poked her head out from under the quilt.

"No, I'm still playing with my mobile phone. Does my sister need my help?"

"It's a little boring, can you come over and chat with my sister?"

"I can do it!"

Xia Xue immediately crawled out of the quilt, and walked to Wen Ruyu's bedside on her slippers.

Originally, it was only a few steps away, but as soon as Xia Xue sat down on the bed, she was greeted with a wave of head pats from Wen Ruyu.

"Is there anything you want to talk to me, sister?"

Xia Xue actually doesn’t know how to chat, but she is very good at listening, she will definitely only agree with “ummm” along the way, and she will never suddenly express her opinion on the way when others have something to say. cut off the conversation.

It can be said that she has an absolute advantage in passive dialogue.

After all, as a top representative in after-sales customer service, he is not a vegetarian in terms of "listening".

Just kidding, do you think customers can only type and swear?

Of course, the gentle and considerate sister Wen will definitely not treat herself like that.

Xia Xue was originally sitting on the edge of the bed ready to listen, but Wen Ruyu just touched her head after calling Xia Xue over. The long-awaited conversation seemed to have no sign of starting at all. Instead, Xia Xue's head was being touched more and more. The lower it was, the lower it was like a cat, lying on Wen Ruyu's lap who was sitting on the head of the bed.

Although she couldn't feel the touch from Sister Wen's thigh through a layer of quilt, Xia Xue was about to fall asleep after going on like this.

"Xiaoxue's hair is really nice."


This is true.

"Xiaoxue's face is also very soft."

When Wen Ruyu said this, she suddenly paused, and there seemed to be something else that she planned to say later, but she still didn't seem to say it in the end.

"Indeed it is."

Xia Xue is also a little helpless here. Why did the agreed chat turn into a feeling of touching the head?

As the one being touched, Xia Xue is completely unable to have an effective dialogue with Wen Ruyu, just like when you go to pet a cat and a dog, it can only be said to be an exchange of ideas with the companion who pets the pet together, but for cats and dogs. In other words, the feeling is completely different.

Although Xia Xue is not just a pet, the meaning is still the same.

"Xiaoxue, do you remember when we first met?"

Wen Ruyu finally entered the formal topic after the unusual pause just now.


It might be better to say that Xia Xue at that time was quite impressed by this.

After all, that experience in the hospital was the source of all her disillusionment in normal life.

Chapter 180 Seven Conversation

At the very least, the moment her unique physique was exposed to the world, she could no longer live a normal life.

certainly.Xia Xue's current life is indeed rare, and it is also very beautiful and fulfilling, but it is not normal after all. The premise of maintaining this kind of life is still that she has not been exposed for the time being, and she is still under the protection of Wen Ruyu.

If that organization feels that Xia Xue cannot be found at all, and then resells the news of this matter to others before giving up, or directly announces it to the public, I am afraid that Xia Xue will really have no way to hide anymore.

As for Jiang Xin who accidentally sent her to the hospital, Xia Xue actually didn't mean to blame her. Injuries that were not subjectively voluntary were not worth resenting, and before that incident, Xia Xue herself didn't know that her body The recovery ability is so abnormal.

However, the matter had already happened, so there was no need to continue discussing it. What Xia Xue wanted to concentrate on listening to was naturally Wen Ruyu's memories.

"I actually escaped that time. Sister Wen, you also saw it at that time. Nurses were looking for me everywhere. At that time, I was seriously injured and fell to the ground, and then I was resurrected with full blood that night..."

Regarding the not-so-good but painful memory, Xia Xue still tried her best to describe it cheerfully in front of Wen Ruyu.

"Well, Xiaoxue has such a strong physique and heart, and she is also very powerful."

Wen Ruyu's timely praise made Xia Xue a little embarrassed.

"No, and I got caught when I went out afterwards."

If she was really powerful, she wouldn't be reduced to the level she was after...

Speaking of which, Xia Xue remembered that Sister Wen was accompanying her father in the ward last time, and not long after that, her father...

Ah, it seems that the way of speaking just now is not very suitable for the atmosphere.

Fortunately, Wen Ruyu didn't care, she still had a faint smile on her face, as if she was still remembering the past.

"Things that are doomed to disappear cannot be redeemed. If you have already understood this matter, the waiting from now on is just to meet the final outcome...So, Xiaoxue, you too, don't feel guilty about it at all."

Wen Ruyu obviously added this sentence after seeing Xia Xue's expression.

Her father's death was already a doomed ending, and had nothing to do with Xia Xue's arrival and disturbance.


Xia Xue could only nod at this moment.

"In my opinion, the things that people can have are constant, but as individuals, they will measure the value and likes and dislikes of the things they own, but throwing away these artificially added values, the total amount of these things is It will not change, just like a box that is already full, if you want to put something new in it, you will need to discard another thing that already exists to make room.”

"When you gain something, you lose the opposite thing, and vice versa."

After Wen Ruyu finished speaking, she looked at Xia Xue who was lying on her lap again.

When she lost her dear one, she also found the most precious thing that could fill the vacancy again.

And Xia Xue obviously didn't understand Wen Ruyu's implication, she just nodded in agreement, she was still a little sleepy when she said it, if sister Wen hadn't invited her to come over for a chat, she might have fallen asleep long ago.

Of course, it's actually quite good here, Wen Ruyu's hands stroked her head and cheeks very gently, and it was quite comfortable to say the least.

The more she got in touch with, the more she felt that Sister Wen hadn't put any airs on her. Although she was employed by her on the surface, it was only because of her own thoughts that Xia Xue would take the initiative to emphasize it. This kind of relative relationship, in fact, the way they get along seems to be similar to normal cohabitation life.

It's like a "sister" relationship...

But now Xia Xue also feels that she is thinking too much. Although she is called "sister", it does not mean that she is really "sister".

Xia Xue, a wage earner, recognize your identity!

Of course, if you say you were adopted by Wen Ruyu...

No, that Xia Xue would never admit it even if she died.

The conversation was still going on, but after getting on the right track, Wen Ruyu was mainly talking about it, and Xia Xue just listened patiently.

Not long after Xia Xue left, Wen Ruyu's father, Wen Zheng, also stopped breathing, and finally came to the end of his life, and then Wen Ruyu and Xia Xue met for the second time. Say a few words.

"I just finished the discharge procedure that time, and Yingying was also very strange at that time, so I ran out to get some fresh air."

In fact, Bai Yingying's psychological changes also began at that time.

"Well, I was planning to chat with you for a while at that time, but I was interrupted by that phone call."

What Wen Ruyu was referring to was naturally the "boyfriend" who hadn't shown up yet.

"However, that was also the last conversation. Originally, we only met a few times because of the entrustment of the elders, and after that, there is no need to see each other again."

Wen Ruyu said the amazingly informative words in a flat tone.

"Hey, could it be that the blind date was arranged by the elders..."

Xia Xue forcibly concealed her surprise and asked softly.

"Well, I met twice with the company of their elders, but they both thought it was inappropriate. It was only because of the face of the parents of both parties that they exchanged contact information. The names of each other are also the same. It can be delayed for a while. After all, my I'm not too young, but I don't even have a boyfriend."

Wen Ruyu didn't seem to care that much about her age, and wouldn't deliberately make it younger. Although Xia Xue didn't ask, she was still the little maid who took care of her life, so her age could still be known.

Unmarried at the age of 28, as the parents of the older generation, it seems that they will indeed be a little anxious.

"There's no need to go any further into that kind of thing, Xiaoxue, what's the motive for the person who hurt you?"

Wen Ruyu didn't seem to care about those things, so she asked Xia Xue instead, and Xia Xue naturally answered truthfully.

It's just that if she was asking more deeply, Xia Xue herself wouldn't know how to answer.

The oldest memory she can recall clearly now is probably really only the fuzzy ceiling when she woke up from the room that day.

Ah, speaking of which, she can still clearly remember the online violence of those irascible brothers against her.


Xia Xue naturally knew that this had something to do with whether she knew her true identity, but this was too ruthless.

There are actually no decent memories that can be used as talking points.

But after that, Wen Ruyu didn't ask about Xia Xue's more distant events, but started talking about her own memories as usual.

And those things are actually not as happy to Xia Xue as the plain conversation before.

In this way, it means that Sister Wen doesn't actually have a boyfriend...

Chapter 180 Eight Trance

Resisting the joy in her heart and not showing it, Xia Xue still lay in Wen Ruyu's arms well, half-hiding her face on her soft thighs, carefully concealing her expression.

In fact, it's not because I have unreasonable thoughts about Sister Wen that I'm so happy, I just think that the previous thing is just my misunderstanding, and I don't have to face the man who might appear in front of me in the future, so I just feel very light in my heart.

That's right, even though Xia Xue herself had a strange liking for Wen Ruyu because she saved her from despair, it didn't mean that she had unreasonable thoughts!

What's more, although Sister Wen hasn't found a boyfriend now, it doesn't mean that she won't find a boyfriend in the future...

Ah, this kind of affection made Xia Xue inevitably feel a little bit possessive of Wen Ruyu, that's why she felt so uncomfortable when she thought of her finding a partner of her own in the future.

It would be fine if she didn't think about it at all, but Wen Ruyu was too gentle with her, so it was impossible for her not to have that kind of thought.

Of course, it is impossible for her to express this deeply suppressed thought on her own initiative. On the contrary, it is because she has such a thought that she is extremely cowardly in front of Wen Ruyu, so that she dare not look at her for a long time. , fearing that her thoughts would be noticed by her.

In Xia Xue's mind, the option of whether Wen Ruyu also likes herself seems to have never appeared.

This is also the result of her previous preconceived notions, and she still thinks that Wen Ruyu's orientation is normal.

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