If I, who was still under surveillance, wanted to find Xia Xue again after learning of her hiding place, it would be tantamount to exposing her to danger again.

Their so-called rescue operation may have failed in the first place.

Xia Xue no longer needs their rescue.

She came to contact Bai Yingying, maybe she just wanted to report her safety and let her friends not worry about her.

It was obviously good news, but for some reason, such "good news" hit Bai Yingying harder than ever before.

"Why didn't you speak?"

Yang Luchan asked.

"I...I don't know, what to do next... Xiaoxue is already, I don't want to..."

Bai Yingying held her head and began to speak incoherently.

"Your good friend is out of danger, shouldn't you be happy?"

Yang Luchan asked again, she wasn't as distressed as Bai Yingying, but she didn't feel happy either.

"That's right, it's great that Xiaoxue is gone. For her safety, people like me shouldn't bother her anymore, but..."

"But I still, still want to meet her..."

"Don't cry, I said, don't cry first!"

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Yang Luchan immediately yelled out.

"Is there a possibility, I mean, is there a possibility that this 'Xia Xue' is actually a fake over there?"


Bai Yingying raised her head again.

"This is indeed a memory that only belongs to the two of you. It cannot be faked, but now, I also know that it is a precious memory of the two of you. Now, how many people know about this memory that only belongs to you two? ?”

"Is it just three? Since you can tell me this kind of thing, if you are tortured and interrogated, in order to get rid of the pain for a while, will you tell me that this seems to be nothing to me?" How about the information of value revealed?"

Bai Yingying couldn't help being taken aback by what Yang Luchan said.

She seemed to be making a lot of sense.

It can be said that it is almost impossible for Xia Xue to escape from those people again. From their current situation, it can be seen that even the two of them cannot escape the surveillance over there. What about Xia Xue?Is her ability to act, observe, and counter-reconnaissance better than Yang Luchan?

Obviously not, and the luck against the sky can hardly be used as a reference for the actual situation.

Then, the "Xia Xue" who is chatting with Bai Yingying now may not be real.

"However, the possibility that the other party is Xia Xue is not completely impossible, but we must treat it with caution."

Yang Luchan said earnestly.

The "good news" this time almost completely destroyed their ability to act.

Yang Luchan didn't doubt it at first, but after thinking that Xia Xue was taken in by other people and lived a peaceful life, she lost her reason to look for Xia Xue, and after she could break up with Bai Yingying, she suddenly woke up.

This may be the real intention over there.

Kill the fighting spirit.

Even though he has not been able to meet the enemy until now, Yang Luchan has been constantly alerting himself in his heart that this time the opponent is really too difficult.

"So what do we do next?"

Bai Yingying asked in a daze.

"Proceed according to the original plan, and it will be fine!"

What they are doing now is to find a way to find out who is watching them secretly.

Although there has been no progress yet, this kind of behavior has already caused the other party to adopt some means to make them hesitate in their actions and make them give up.

"The other party doesn't want us to do anything, so we just do it."

Yang Luchan gritted her teeth and said.

"And regardless of whether the Xia Xue chatting with you is real or not, finding the woman who watched us is the only way to break the situation."

"If it's true, then after breaking the surveillance situation, we can go to see Xia Xue without any scruples, and you can also talk to her about old times, and there will be no problem in chatting with her."

"If it's fake, then it's the same. We can also interrogate Xia Xue's location from the watcher, and then we can rescue her!"

"What we have to do has not changed, Bai Yingying, you are in charge of chatting with this "Xia Xue" for the time being, but this time you must not reveal our plan to her, and you have to think carefully about what she said before doing it." Reply, don't be stereotyped, can it be done?"


Bai Yingying nodded cautiously.

"I'm trying to find a way to find the monitor during this time. When I'm not around, you have to ensure your own safety. If you feel something is wrong, contact me immediately. Don't worry about misjudgments. I won't be angry with you. I won't blame you, as long as you feel even the slightest bit of weirdness, you should contact me immediately, and I will come right away."


After confirming the matter, Yang Luchan let out a long breath.

If that "Xia Xue" is real, then who is the kind person who helped her?After such a long time, what kind of feelings will Xia Xue have for the person who helped her?

What kind of identity will they use to get along with Xia Xue after they have settled the matter?

This was something she and Bai Yingying knew from the bottom of their hearts, but they didn't express it because of their surprisingly tacit understanding.

"At that time, why didn't you choose me?"

Yang Luchan walked slowly towards the school, feeling a little depressed.

Not only because of such doubts, but also because of the vague feeling of being watched all the time.

It was because she was ashamed of the despicable and selfish thoughts in her heart, but she was ashamed of the behavior of speaking out to justify such thoughts without repentance.

Her suspicion of Xia Xue's identity was not because she saw the conspiracy behind it, but because of her inner jealousy.

That's it.


In this way, maybe there is nothing wrong.

At the very least, such a reason, such an inference, no matter what kind of thought and emotion it was originally based on, but on the surface, at least it is not wrong.

What she did was, without a doubt, the right thing to do.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yang Luchan returned to the classroom she was in before, the class was over, and now there was no one there, she put away the things on her seat.

For a long time, she would not notice the discomfort of being stared at, but once she relaxed a little, this discomfort would suddenly make her heart tremble again.

This is not the way to go.

However, what is the need for the other party to stare at him?In fact, Yang Luchan had no other means except to learn the details of the other party through being cold.

As soon as Leng Yubing leaves here, Yang Luchan will be like Bai Yingying before, clueless about what to do next.

Maybe Xia Xue is really safe, and the Xia Xue who talked with Bai Yingying is actually real?

Maybe it was true, otherwise, it would be pointless to monitor my own side, it would just be a waste of time.

But as long as Xia Xue didn't fall into their hands, it would be necessary to track down Xia Xue by monitoring Bai Yingying.

But in this way, what they are doing now does not make much sense. In fact, the probability of success if they try their best to find a Leng Yubing who is obviously prepared and hiding in the dark is really too small.

She just briefly gave her a signal through the previous means, maybe she did it on purpose when Yang Luchan noticed her on the way to the hospital at first.

During these few days of searching, Yang Luchan realized this point even more deeply.

But she instinctively felt that things were not as simple as she thought.

All the information seems to be passively accepted by herself, and she makes an analysis to determine the next plan, but in fact she obtains very little information through herself.

Just like now, her series of behaviors seem to be her own judgments, but this judgment is actually more like the result of being guided by others without a trace.

What is the purpose of monitoring them?Neither she nor Bai Yingying had anything valuable to Wen Ruyu.

Yang Luchan did not naively think that Xia Xue's luck would be so good like Bai Yingying.

She also had bad fantasies occasionally. Although it was hard to say it, even if she locked Xia Xue up, it would never allow her to escape, let alone an organization.

Just from the current Leng Yubing who was following her, she could already see that it was impossible for her to lose Xia Xue even more if she was proficient in this way.

Not just where Xia Xue went after she escaped.

After Yang Luchan's resumption, she had already begun to have some doubts about Xia Xue's initial escape.

So, could it be that those people let Xia Xue go on purpose?But what's the point?

Yang Luchan has never thought through this doubtful point, so she is not so sure about this kind of escape suspicion.

And on her side, too, Leng Yubing's surveillance was not so strict, she didn't give the slightest chance, it was no doubt a pastime for herself.

Isn't this a waste of time.

Knowing the reliable news is too little, although Yang Luchan can make various guesses, but can't confirm these guesses one by one, on the contrary, it makes her doubts more and more.

She didn't tell Bai Yingying what she meant about these deeper matters. It's useless to talk about such things.

She invited Bai Yingying back to her place only out of a sense of responsibility to better protect her safety. She didn't have that kind of thought about what help she could bring to her side after that. of.

To be honest, Bai Yingying had already told her everything about Xia Xue that she could tell her during this period of time.

But now that she was found by "Xia Xue", she was a little surprised. Anyway, this was a new way out.

After putting away her things, there was no class today, so she returned to her residence.

The landlord seemed to have arrived, and what she found was Bai Yingying, who was hanging her head down and not caring about worldly affairs. Although she could speak well, she obviously had nothing to do with the autistic contestants. In the end, she had to wait for Yang Luchan to come back to discuss the issue of compensation.

Yang Luchan was also quite easy to talk about. She was really in a bad mood and didn't want to bother with others, so she apologized very directly. After the money was in place, the landlord's auntie naturally didn't need to bother, and left soon, saying that she would find her in two days. People come to fix it.

"Has this 'Xia Xue' continued to chat with you after this?"

Leaving the broken door open, Yang Luchan sat opposite Bai Yingying and asked.

"Yes, I can now be absolutely sure that the person chatting with me is Xiaoxue!"

It was only at this time that Bai Yingying showed an uncontrollable smile. Yang Luchan's previous suspicion seemed to have been shattered by the chat records just now.

"Why do you say that? Did she talk to you about any memories afterwards?"

Yang Luchan was obviously skeptical about this.

To put it another way, after she caught and interrogated Bai Yingying, she could almost make Xia Xue mistakenly believe that she was Bai Yingying in the online chat.


Bai Yingying seemed to be very serious in what she said, but this kind of answer didn't seem so reliable.

"After explaining the situation, Xiaoxue will also call me by my name directly, but I am also afraid that the phone will be taken away, so I still ask Xiaoxue not to reveal her location for the time being. After we drive the monitor away, See her again."

"Just based on this, you can be sure that the other party is Xia Xue?"

Yang Luchan's doubts obviously deepened.

"You don't understand, Xiaoxue and I were already old netizens before we actually met. There is no need to say things that only we know. As long as we can chat normally, we can confirm each other's identities!"

"This is the tacit understanding between us! It's that... well, we have a good understanding!"

Bai Yingying's triumphant words had already silenced Yang Luchan, and made her unwilling to answer Bai Yingying's words.

"Why don't you talk? Really, I can be absolutely sure that the person chatting with me is undoubtedly Xiaoxue, you have to believe me!"

Although Bai Yingying's words were unbelievable, but she said so, maybe there is a possibility?

During the time she spent with her, it was difficult for Yang Luchan to see Bai Yingying speak with such a certain tone and confidence. Before, even when she said some definite facts, she always sounded like Lack of confidence in the tone.

"Let me see your chat history with her."

Yang Luchan didn't think too much anymore, and planned to go directly to find out.

After all, judging from the description in Bai Yingying's mouth, it is still not enough to convince her completely. It is better to directly look at the basis for her to say such a thing.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


When Yang Luchan took Bai Yingying's phone away, she felt a little resistance, but this level of resistance was basically negligible. When she got the phone in her hand, she found that Bai Yingying shrank and stared at the table with her head down. .

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