The name signed after that also caught her eyes.

"Colder than ice."

Break them down one by one?

No, this kind of behavior doesn't make any sense, Bai Yingying can't even be called combat power.

However, Yang Luchan did not receive a reply to the question about where the location was, and it is estimated that she will not be notified until the same day.

Maybe this is just Leng Yubing's trap. In this case, the possibility of Yang Luchan coming over is very high. After all, if I really want to say it, even though I haven't actually lived with Xia Xue, she is still half an insider. up.

There was a great possibility that an ambush would be set up for the agreement at an unknown location, but Yang Luchan had no choice but to go.

No matter what, she had to go and see what those people looked like.

Even if it is death, she will not regret it.

This is also her last chance.

Of course, if Leng Yubing was very confident in his own strength and felt that he could be dealt with by himself, that would be more in Yang Luchan's liking, but unfortunately, Leng Yubing was not that kind of person at all.

Otherwise, she wouldn't not show up until now. She doesn't have a strong interest in upright duels, and she prefers the feeling of playing with opponents in the dark.

Originally, Yang Luchan thought that she would not chat with Leng Yubing through text messages today, but at night, she received a reply from Leng Yubing again.

"It's fine in your room, I'll come over tomorrow."

This way of playing in an away game surprised Yang Luchan, but she didn't get a reply at all when she asked again. Instead, the message failed to be sent. Yang Luchan guessed that what she said later was cold and disgusting, so she directly blocked herself.

In this case, it is estimated that it will not be ready to fight at that time.

The same is true of the attitude shown by Leng Yubing's chosen location. Yang Luchan can assert that she did not come here to conflict with herself, but to show the sincerity of the peace talks.

but why?Why would she do this?

Lying on her own bed for a long time, Yang Luchan still tossed and turned, and finally came to two conclusions.

One is that it is basically impossible to give herself a check to shut herself up, and the second is that there are some conflicts among them, and it is not convenient for her to show up.

But no matter what the actual situation is, Yang Luchan has to make preparations tomorrow to receive this new guest.

She has been trying her best to fail to meet the mysterious person above, but now she came to him by herself. This contrast really made Yang Luchan feel a little emotional.

On one side was Bai Yingying who ran away, and on the other side was Leng Yubing who came looking for her. Yang Luchan also deeply felt that the conspiracy behind this was not as simple as she imagined.

And the matter she came to talk to herself must be the key to finding out the truth and breaking the situation.

No matter whether Leng Yubing has the mentality of taking advantage of her or not, she absolutely must accept this invitation.

Chapter 210 The Bad Woman


There was no extra emotion in Leng Yubing's voice, and after she finished saying this, she stopped the car.

Sitting in the back seat, Bai Yingying was holding her cell phone, her face turned pale. After hearing this sentence, she almost jumped out of the car as if fleeing.

The surrounding area was empty and desolate, and there was only an abandoned hotel in front of her. Occasionally, there were passing vehicles on the surrounding roads, driving very fast, and no one noticed her.

The moment she got into the car, Bai Yingying knew she had been fooled.

But it was too late to think about getting off at this time.

The original itinerary and plans were like a joke. After the vehicle arrived at the destination, Bai Yingying was still in a state of ignorance.

Leng Yubing didn't get out of the car to urge her, but she could also understand where she should go next.

Will he be driven to that abandoned hotel to be disposed of later?

But Xia Xue...

That was undoubtedly the real Xia Xue, but why?

Could it be that the chat leaked out?

It happened so suddenly that even now she has not been able to fully understand the situation.

But there is no doubt that she has no way to escape from here, and the only option in front of her is to walk into the hotel in front of her.

The door is ajar. Although it can be seen that it has been around for some years, there is no obvious dirt on the surface, and it has obviously been simply cleaned recently.

Bai Yingying walked to the door, looked back at the vehicle Leng Yubing was driving behind her, and pushed the door open with great reluctance, and just at this moment, the vehicle behind her suddenly started and left.


Before Bai Yingying could react, she was almost thrown to the ground, but although the person hugging her was very excited, she also controlled her strength very well, and when Bai Yingying lost her center of gravity by surprise, she was stabilized and let her Not to fall down.

The familiar voice and touch, the fragrance that once haunted me, the person who hugged me was undoubtedly Xia Xue.

but why......

Bai Yingying had given up thinking at this time, instead she hugged Xia Xue in her arms, closed her eyes and leaned against her, rubbing her soft little face vigorously.

"Woooooh, Xiaoxue, I miss you so much."

"Me too! But it doesn't matter now, and there is no one following along the way, so it's very safe. Have you left anything to prepare? Then we'll go back together!"

After a brief act of intimacy, Xia Xue smiled and said to Bai Yingying.

"All this is thanks to Sister Wen, you probably haven't actually met each other yet, look!"

Bai Yingying's heart tightened when she heard this surname, but when she opened her eyes again, she found that Wen Ruyu was standing behind Xia Xue at some point.

She is staring at herself.

The calm and cold eyes made Bai Yingying take a few steps back, and Xia Xue who was holding her was also pulled forward.

"what happened?"

Xia Xue gently broke away from her embrace, stood next to Bai Yingying, and faced Wen Ruyu with her.

"Sister, this is Bai Yingying, my best friend. She will live with us in the future. She is very obedient and cute. How do you feel, sister?"

"Very good, as long as you are satisfied."

Wen Ruyu's evaluation was also very pertinent. She smiled back at Xia Xue who was still in a mood, and then continued to look at Bai Yingying.

"Yingying, why don't you speak?"

Xia Xue also noticed Bai Yingying's abnormality at this time, and asked with some doubts.

"Xiaoxue, she... she belongs to the Wen family, and she made you like this..."

Bai Yingying began to speak incoherently under extreme panic, especially when she was eager to tell Xia Xue the truth.

"Bad woman!"

"Yingying, how can you say that about my sister? Although you misunderstood my sister before, you should be able to recognize the truth now under such circumstances. If you say that again, I will be angry."

Xia Xue pinched Bai Yingying's face, signaling her not to talk nonsense.

"Anyway, let's go back first. It's not good to stay here all the time. I'll talk to you slowly when I get home. How about it?"

"No...Xiaoxue, you have to believe me, she is really a bad woman, she, this Wen Ruyu, must be lying to you, absolutely don't trust her, hurry, run with me."

Bai Yingying was still eager to explain. Up to now, although the details are still unclear, she has been able to understand the general situation.

"No, I will try my best to keep her, you run and find Yang Luchan, she..."

"Xiaoxue, your friend seems to have some misunderstandings with me."

Wen Ruyu's tone was flat, but just like that, it already interrupted Bai Yingying's words, making her no longer have the courage to speak.

And her pale explanation obviously has no possibility of convincing Xia Xue, and the source of her courage is completely lost.

"No, Yingying is just... If I tell her about the matter later, she will definitely not be like this, I promise!"

At this time, Xia Xue was also afraid that Bai Yingying's words would make Wen Ruyu unhappy. If she changed her mind, Bai Yingying might have to go back.

Although she was assigned the status of "fiancée", it was useless in fact. Wen Ruyu still made the real decision.

"Don't worry, Xiaoxue, let me chat with your friend alone, I believe we can clear up the 'misunderstanding'."

Wen Ruyu obviously knew what Xia Xue was worried about, and said that she didn't care.

"Okay...Yingying, you must not do anything stupid this time!"

After Xia Xue told Bai Yingying a few words, she walked out of the hotel and closed the door.

Alas, originally it was just a matter of saying hello obediently, and then I could pick her up and go home together, but now this situation is too much, even if it is self-willed, it shouldn't be at this time.

Bai Yingying originally planned to hold Xia Xue's hand, but she stopped halfway through. Xia Xue was going out, and she remembered that Leng Yubing drove away. Although she was not sure whether she had gone far, but As long as you can escape here, there is always a chance.

"Xiaoxue, get out of here quickly, don't look back!"

Bai Yingying yelled outside, trying to make Xia Xue run away quickly.

"Stop talking, really..."

Xia Xue was also a little helpless, and finally had no choice but to pretend that she didn't hear, squatting in front of the door and looking at the empty and wide road ahead.

As for whether Wen Ruyu can persuade Bai Yingying, Xia Xue still has a lot of confidence. It was just a misunderstanding at first, and after the misunderstanding is resolved, Xia Xue must make Bai Yingying apologize properly.

"Have you finished shouting?"

Wen Ruyu's face no longer had that gentle and watery expression. She looked at Bai Yingying in front of her with indifferent and cold eyes, as if she was looking at an object rather than a person.

"You bloody bad bitch."

Bai Yingying cursed in a crying voice, as if she had exhausted her last courage, Xia Xue outside had been completely deceived by Wen Ruyu, and she no longer knew what to do.

Chapter 210 Choice

"Now that we've finished talking, let's get straight to the point."

Wen Ruyu obviously didn't want to waste time anymore, Xia Xue was still waiting outside, she was only willing to let Bai Yingying come over because of Xia Xue, otherwise, she wouldn't even let her have an extra pet.

"Xia Xue wants you to live in my house with her. Regarding this point, you can also refuse directly. Someone will send you back at that time. After that, Xiaoxue and I will not bother you again."

"What the hell are you..."

Bai Yingying gritted her teeth, but did not say the following words.

Now that Wen Ruyu has put the complete facts before her eyes, combined with what Xia Xue said to herself before, the moment she knew that the person who "saved" Xia Xue was Wen Ruyu, she no longer These things need to be said again.

"Tell me your choice."

Wen Ruyu obviously didn't give her any more time to think. She did this to make Xia Xue happy. If Bai Yingying was not happy, it would suit her.

But it wouldn't be like that, and it turned out that it was doomed from the moment the preparations started, even if she deliberately behaved worse, she wouldn't scare Bai Yingying back obediently.

"I want to stay!"

What Bai Yingying blurted out was obviously within Wen Ruyu's expectation.

"No matter what despicable means you plan to deceive Xiaoxue, it is only false after all. Even if she will thank you for it now and have a good impression of you, the feelings born from falsehood are also illusory. !"

Wen Ruyu raised her eyebrows, but said nothing.

"I will definitely take Xiaoxue back!"

Wen Ruyu laughed softly, and then waited for Bai Yingying to continue talking with great interest.

But the two looked at each other for a moment, and Bai Yingying immediately shrank back, avoiding her gaze.

"Are you finished?"


After Bai Yingying finished speaking harshly, she used up all her momentum, and was led out by Wen Ruyu.

Because after that, she really realized that, like Xia Xue, she was completely under Wen Ruyu's control the moment she chose to come here.

If she wanted to take coercive measures, she didn't even have any means of calling for help from the beginning. If she really wanted to do it, it would be impossible for her to return to her home successfully the moment she and Xia Xue just left the hospital.

Just because she didn't use it, it doesn't mean she won't use it. The reason why she circled such a big circle is not just for unilateral possession.

But for my own words...

In the staring just now, even though Wen Ruyu didn't speak, Bai Yingying could clearly understand that if she really talked nonsense in front of Xia Xue afterwards, she might never have the chance to speak to Xia Xue again.

What they went to was Wen Ruyu's house, and she was the owner of the house, so she naturally had the right to decide whether Bai Yingying would stay or not.

Maybe she would just show displeasure in front of Xia Xue and let Bai Yingying go back, but what happened after that was uncertain.

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